Something About Nothing ... #12

Oh no Lynne.......more sore throats is not what you want........hope everyone avoids it again......yep, flu is still everywhere here too.......and most I think are really bad colds if our doctors office today was anything to go by......saw the nurse today for yearly check and her and the doctors are fed up with folks with colds turning up claiming to be flu!! I wish I had a Michael Jackson mask on today........


Had nice afternoon doing a bit of shopping.......then came home to prepare for a visit from some firemen!! Who doesn’t love a nice fireman........

Our local service come out to do fire and safety checks and install new smoke and CO2 detectors for free........nice service they provide...........and yes, they were lovely.......except one of them was a she was so, hopefully fully back up and running with detectors again throughout the house.......

Tonight is glass of wine and a movie.......

Lazy day tomorrow waiting for wine delivery and maybe some housework.........maybe.......:D

Have a great Friday night........:wave2:
Errands are all completed. The car has been inspected, Girl Scout uniforms purchased and delivered, and miscellaneous items purchased from Walmart. I am now home coloring my gray hair.

B was feeling fine when she woke up this morning.I gues he coughing and sneezing was just allergies. I’ve noticed that I have become a little more sniffly lately too.

Schumi - Talking about ordering wine makes me think of the previous owner of my house. I think she had some sort of automatic shipment set up with a winery. They twice tried to deliver here after we moved in. I can’t imagine moving and not having your wine forwarded.

Lynne - Well wishes to you and prayers that it is not the flu.

Hmm...slow day today. I hope everyone is feeling okay.
I’m invisible today

Hey I saw ya.........and waved........::yes::

We are watching Sleepless in Seattle..........again! I do love this movie...........I think the wine helps Tom watch it, or so he says :rolleyes1

Although sitting and plotting where we fancy going in next years trips.........Orlando of course as we couldn’t imagine not going there a few times........but including a couple of new cities too.....loads of time to plan..........

Can’t imagine not noticing a wine delivery has gone amiss..........
See you back here for the 2:00 bottle

I’m sure he is back asleep by now

Is your other little doing better now?
Feeling better I hope
Has this been the longest week ever?
Major migraine at work today, dosed caffeine and made it home but felt awful-think it is the crummy front bringing in freezing rain tonight and tomorrow. Can feel meds wearing off, but I am bored...was supposed to go see amazing musician with friends (if you ever see Shaun Munday out in your area -GO see him. He could be a national treasure but he chooses to be low profile-does play in Nashville and Memphis a fair bit.) DH went but I decided to not risk worsening headache.

Started sneezing on way home but that stopped. So ready for spring. Chickens were so happy to dig in my garden and get dust baths-they had headed out early this am before I left work, nice warm day today.

Dog had dental surgery wednesday and had to stay overnight at vet. Bill is in "OUCH" territory. Cutting into my universal ticket money again...

Bed is calling. Not sure how sleep will go - may be up with Charlie :)
The weekend will be needed for that long week you have gone through

It’s your turn tonight to burp Charlie
He should be up soon

MonyK...hope you feel better again too.......migraines are truly awful!

mac........:wave2: Wasn't up early enough to see if you were around this morning........

We have a pretty mixed day so far.....early rain and wind followed by some sunshine but not a nice day at all.......perfect day to stay in.

Wine is being delivered around lunchtime.......won`t break into it that early though.......:D

Housework done........DH bought himself a new steam cleaning system........he is cleaning everything that doesn't move right now........not complaining though........

Making two different curries for dinner tonight and a few sides.........should be nice! DS is having pizza as he doesn't really like curry, especially how hot we like them.......

Have a great Saturday.
Oh no MonyK. I hope you are feeling better. Migraines are not good at all. Have not heard of that musician, if he is country, we are not big country music fans.

Hope wine was delivered and will be enjoyed tonight Schumi.

Guppy feeding is probably scheduled for his later morning bottle. Hope all are well in the Kfish home.

Mac, hope you are feeling good. Hope those cats are behaving.

Saturday, and lazy day for us. Yay! DH decided to telecommute, so he is home and will do some errands for me later today. Enjoying tea and some eggs and toast on the couch. It is raining. Nice amount, 2 to 3 inches of rain by Monday morning. Soggy weekend.

Have a fun weekend homies! Wake up, the day is ready for you.
Woke up and no headache so Yay! Coffee in hand. Chickens let out to scratch before freezing rain hits.
Oh no MonyK. I hope you are feeling better. Migraines are not good at all. Have not heard of that musician, if he is country, we are not big country music fans.
He's more jazz/blues genre. Acoustic and just great to listen to-he's also a sweet guy.

Lazy day here too. With the nasty weather forecasted won't be going anywhere. Thinking of making bolognese for dinner -since it takes hours to really cook and be good this will be a good day for it.
MonyK, I do like some of that kind of music. Nice he stays local.

Ah, prom dress shopping is starting. Oh my. At least she has shoes. Remark when looking at some dresses, oh some cost less than my shoes. Sigh. Even on clearance, those shoes were pricey, but at least I got them on clearance. Good buy though, as I have seen them at full price in other stores. Have set a limit on dress, as I know she will need alterations as she has that height challenge I do. Even with those sky high heels.

May have to get off the sofa. At least I am done my tea.
Good morning. It’s a gloomy, rainy day today. I just want to go back to bed. I almost overslept this morning, but thankfully woke up in time to get B to band rehearsal. I saw my auto mechanic when I dropped her off at school. he took one look at my new car and said, “Well, I guess I won’t be seeing you any time soon.”

Today I need to do some house cleaning and work on tax preparation. I have a stack of medical bills that I need to organize.
Prom....ugh! B doesn’t have a date yet. She actually asked a boy last night, but he is already going with someone else. She is much braver than I was at that age.
Rainy weekend for me

We need all the rain we can get as still have drought conditions

Hope the rain helps some.........the grass is so pretty when it’s full and lush........

We don’t get many droughts in the UK........1976 was the last really big drought over here ..........I was 8/9 and remember that summer as being so special.........innocent days where you could wander around to the beach on your own with a group of friends, being gone all day and no one worried about you.........they knew you were fine........anyone over a certain age remembers the summer of 1976. Gosh I sound old!

Both curries and sides were delicious and hot ::yes::........we are now like beached whales laying along both settees in the back sitting room..........bigger tv is in here and we plan to watch a movie.........when one of us can be bothered to get up and move..........

Wine is poured though.........:D
Pasta or pizza?
Little one is a pasta fan.

Older one is not feeling well, took a nap, more drugs, and at least he is civil. LoL. big baby when sick. Me, still sore throat, but drugs seem to be keeping it from getting worse.

I think I would rather have pizza. Not sure older one vote. I may be the veto.

Success, beautiful dress, and since it was the last one, was marked down 75 off. Score. Now, have to see if it can be shortened some and straps tightened. She really likes the color and I do too.

Off to figure out dinner. It will not be anywhere as lush or hot as Schumi had.

Then, which movie?
Pizza over pasta anyday.........

Glad you got dress sorted for your daughter Lynne........such a big thing. What colour is it?

Don’t bother watching the CHiPS 2017 movie......truly awful.........nothing like the much loved tv show of the 80’s.......ended up watching a hookie copy of The Greatest Showman........what a movie that was! I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did.......fabulous movie....although.......Hugh Jackman ::yes:: .....can’t go wrong........
Success, beautiful dress, and since it was the last one, was marked down 75 off. Score. Now, have to see if it can be shortened some and straps tightened. She really likes the color and I do too.
That is always a score when you can get a dress with lots money saved. My DD had to custom order her dress a couple years ago - the trials and tribulations of a super tall thin female.

Listened to Greatest Showman soundtrack again while I cleaned. Son said he wants to see it again...he decided to have friend over.
Pasta tonight for us as big pot of bolognese bubbling away-on its last round of being simmered back down to thick sauce.

Roads getting pretty bad with the buildup of ice coating. Glad we don't have anywhere to go now. DH helped a friend and his girlfriend move some stuff to storage, said roads are getting slick everywhere.


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