What ride do others love that you just don’t ‘get’?

I don’t get thrill rides. Why does anyone in their right mind want to be subjected to rides that drop or throw or toss or twirl until you’re ill or in pain or have your heart beating out of your chest? I go to the parks to be entertained, not tortured to within an inch of my life. I have never liked thrill rides, even as a kid or teen. Just not my cup of tea.

That's the thing though, it isn't torture for those of us that like more thrilling experiences. Some people are not comfortable with giving up control of their body and where it goes and that's ok. I will draw the line for myself at stuff that makes my physically uncomfortable so that's things that spin or get me drenched. Beyond that, I'll ride just about anything once just to see what it's like. I find shows to be boring, as they just rehash a movie I've seen a million times. But I can definitely see the benefit of it as a live performance can be more interesting than something replayed on tv.
There's not really anything at Disney that I personally would consider a thrill ride. But for me it's all about the adrenaline. The bigger, faster, loopier, the better! Then again, I'm never ill or in pain from any of them.
I completely agree with this. There isn’t one ride at Disney I think is thrilling. RnRC is the only one I think is even close.
I don’t get thrill rides. Why does anyone in their right mind want to be subjected to rides that drop or throw or toss or twirl until you’re ill or in pain or have your heart beating out of your chest? I go to the parks to be entertained, not tortured to within an inch of my life. I have never liked thrill rides, even as a kid or teen. Just not my cup of tea.
I can't wait till my girls are a little older so they meet the height requirements for bigger rids! We are a thrill ride loving family! My 6 year old Loves Mission space, Space Mtn and RnR coaster and my 4 year old couldn't get enough of ToT! I know they will love all the big rides at our local Six Flags and really like Universal when we go in 2019. What's not to like about thrill rides? The out of control part IS the thrill!
Flight of Passage!
I agree that FOP is over rated. I think it is an ok attraction but heartily disagree that it is the best or one of the best attractions and if I only get to do it once a trip with a FP, that is enough. I don't really care for the land of Pandora either. That movie was bad and a land based on it doesn't do much for me no matter how detailed it is.
There's not really anything at Disney that I personally would consider a thrill ride. But for me it's all about the adrenaline. The bigger, faster, loopier, the better! Then again, I'm never ill or in pain from any of them.

I agree. I was just thinking there aren’t really thrill rides at Disney like there are at places like Six Flags (where there are some downright evil ones....)
My answer to the question is Haunted Mansion. We weren’t crazy about it first time and tried it again on the second visit, and it was still just blah to us. It was actually kind of boring.

I remember riding it at Disneyland as a kid and enjoying it, so not sure what changed. :confused3
I don't know if I've ever directly asked him, but I think he thinks it's boring. We are really more into the thrilling rides. I like Haunted Mansion because I remember going on it as a kid. DH's first Disney trip wasn't until our honeymoon when he was 22.

:laughing: We're the same way, in reverse - DH went as a kid and I first went on our honeymoon.

I ride Haunted Mansion because it's nostalgia for him, but I just.don't.get the serious following it has.
Jungle cruise, Winnie the Pooh, fantasmic, and although I like FOP......it’s nowhere near as good as people make it out to be. To me it’s just avatar themed soarin. It was not the “life altering” experience I kept hearing about. I have to admit after all the hype, I walked off disappointed.
:laughing: We're the same way, in reverse - DH went as a kid and I first went on our honeymoon.

I ride Haunted Mansion because it's nostalgia for him, but I just.don't.get the serious following it has.
I’m definitely not one of the serious followers but I like anything that has a spooky theme
Jungle cruise, Winnie the Pooh, fantasmic, and although I like FOP......it’s nowhere near as good as people make it out to be. To me it’s just avatar themed soarin. It was not the “life altering” experience I kept hearing about. I have to admit after all the hype, I walked off disappointed.
I agree with you about fop. We got a FP and were super excited and even our 9 yo niece was just kind of meh about it. But we don’t like soarin so maybe that’s why.
Well it's gone and thank god it is but The Great Movie Ride. Speedway makes no sense the cars have to follow a track and all you do is put the foot to the gas pedal.


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