The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

Loved this update! So many great HP facts. The shops look so detailed. Makes me want to go even more.
But then you would've just sauntered away and we can't have that.

No, we can't. Kinda like my little TR diversionary go-to right now. :)

If the banks all go belly up and money is valueless... we're going to have far more to worry about than whether or not we have pretty rocks.
What will be of value? Skills. Are you a Dr.? Plumber? Carpenter? You'll have value. How to books will be valuable. Pepper was once worth its weight in gold.

But... that's apocalypse speculation. We're far from that, still.

How ya gonna pay for that plumber, carpenter or dr. you need if cash is valueless? Sigh.... Maybe I should buys some salt, nutmeg, or more TP (if I can find any) for currency/bartering power.

I know. I posted the photo. ;)

And thank you again!! I think I'll print it out for posterity.

Oh, sure. But I didn't want to bother you, what with all your adoring fans hoisting you on their shoulders and all.

LOL!! Always time for tea.


So glad it's over.

Thinking of buying a new car now.


(And no. Not really.)

:scared1: You wouldn't. Although my parents have never paid one off. So I do know people like that.

I believe so?


You should give potty lessons! YouTube it!

I'd be (more) (in)famous!!

Oh? Got a visit to California in the planning stages?

No, but sure wanna. I need a getaway. Super badly.

Oh, really? I thought they were big money makers?

I only read the headline and didn't really look into it further. I don't play either so it's not a big deal to me. Am starting to buy stocks up though and tbh, I'm thinking that's a bigger gamble. I mean, I hope I'm doing proper vetting and research, but in the end... who really knows.
How ya gonna pay for that plumber, carpenter or dr. you need if cash is valueless? Sigh.... Maybe I should buys some salt, nutmeg, or more TP (if I can find any) for currency/bartering power.
The plumber will be paid in food and shelter, just like anyone else who can contribute value to the collective.
And thank you again!! I think I'll print it out for posterity.
You're welcome.
:scared1: You wouldn't. Although my parents have never paid one off. So I do know people like that.
No, I wouldn't. Not now. Car is in really good shape, so why would I get rid of it?
aka. I forget.
I'd be (more) (in)famous!!
:laughing: That you would!
No, but sure wanna. I need a getaway. Super badly.
You and me and everyone else!
I only read the headline and didn't really look into it further. I don't play either so it's not a big deal to me. Am starting to buy stocks up though and tbh, I'm thinking that's a bigger gamble. I mean, I hope I'm doing proper vetting and research, but in the end... who really knows.
I've been buying some stocks too. Prices are good. I do believe that eventually this will be over and life will get back to semi-normal.
The plumber will be paid in food and shelter, just like anyone else who can contribute value to the collective.

And how will he pay for that?
No, I wouldn't. Not now. Car is in really good shape, so why would I get rid of it?

No reason! Keep it til it costs more to fix than it's worth.

:laughing: That you would!

I've been buying some stocks too. Prices are good. I do believe that eventually this will be over and life will get back to semi-normal.
That sure is my hope. But time will tell how "normal" it will be.
Interesting take on the update, I read it all and enjoyed the quotes in combination with the pictures. I too will pass on the jellied eels, although I do like eel sushi, so there's that.....anyways....

I confess, I only made it through book 4 and then petered out. They started to be repetitive to me but I would also say that since visiting Uni, I kinda have an urge to give the last 3 another try.

They become increasingly darker as they go along. We listened to them on CD (before Audible) and I highly recommend listing to them and become much more entertaining.
Interesting take on the update, I read it all and enjoyed the quotes in combination with the pictures. I too will pass on the jellied eels, although I do like eel sushi, so there's that.....anyways....

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I try to be just a little different with my chapters to keep mostly myself entertained. LOL! I like Unagi a lot, but not nearly as much as nigiri. Or maguro. Now I've got a craving!

They become increasingly darker as they go along. We listened to them on CD (before Audible) and I highly recommend listing to them and become much more entertaining.
That would be a good way to enjoy them for sure. :) Voice actors often have very different takes on how I "picture" it in my mind on how things sounds. My youngest and I watched the first one yeseterday (we'll finish it today) and it was even more enjoyable the 2nd time around after having been to Uni.
Now... it's YOUR turn!

I hope we don't lose sight of our human hunger for touch, physical closeness, not I'm not talking about that only, or true face-to-face connection in all of this. But meantime, let's play in the best way we can, which is a very poor substitute until we can hug our loved ones again:

Just to provide a means of discussion and to add what small measure of human interaction we can during these days of distance, here's a question:

If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!

Now... it's YOUR turn!

I hope we don't lose sight of our human hunger for touch, physical closeness, not I'm not talking about that only, or true face-to-face connection in all of this. But meantime, let's play in the best way we can, which is a very poor substitute until we can hug our loved ones again:

Just to provide a means of discussion and to add what small measure of human interaction we can during these days of distance, here's a question:

If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!

Hmmm... have to give that some thought. If you'd asked me that when I was a teen, it would've been easy. But now?... Hmmm...
Hi Liesa - sorry for being MIA, but I wanted to wait to comment to make sure I wasn't going to be in a Debbie Downer mood. Of course, I share some of your current frustrations with our beloved global pandemic. Had a few adjustments around here myself, such as no longer being able to see my granddaughter except for occasional distant walks outside when the weather has cooperated, to DD22's convocation being cancelled, her substitute teacher position being cancelled, and her wedding being cancelled, to name the top three. Ugh. On the upside, everyone is still healthy, and we are hoping that we can start planning a much smaller intimate wedding for July, fingers crossed.

Totally okay!! This whole crazy mess of a world right now has also crept into our DISWorld and I get that folks will come and go as they need to. :hug:

There are so many life events cancelled including my daughter's graduation, and I also am missing my grandbaby for sure. I get to talk on the phone with my oldest daugthers and my youngest 2 are still coming over as they split their time between me and their dad.

It totally sucks to have our lives turned upside down with no one proposing any metric whatsoever on when we'll be let out. Fingers crossed here too for that July wedding.

Answering some of the questions that I remember: I don't mind the clean look of the newer Disney rooms. I love getting rid of the carpet, and I don't mind getting rid of the tubs; I hope that they could think about tweaking the other decor elements to give a slight more theme to each resort. I never have enough resort time, and I never have enough park time either. I am hoping that my next trip will be two full weeks, as I have one more 10 day pass burning a hole in my storage. I really enjoyed my non-park days the last trip and want to repeat that luxury one more time. That being said, depending on budget I am hoping next time to stay either at All Stars Music (my favourite as it was my first stay), POP, or if I can splurge a few nights at least at POFQ. We'll see what my favourite TA can arrange for me in 2021!

The only thing on your list that I SEVERELY miss are the tubs. I LOVE a bath with a Basin Bath Bomb at the end of a long day in the parks. It helps me wind down and eases those sore muscles that have built up.

I think as far as things go with time in either the parks OR the resorts, we all have that feeling like it's not enough!! Wouldn't it be nice to just move in and be at home there? LOL!

Oohnh, a nice, long 10 day pass!! FUN!!! I would definitely splurge on the POFQ! It's such a lovely, intimate resort with fun things to do. LOVE that boat to The Springs! Cheers on your planning!
Thank you for keeping up your report, it has been great fun peeking at much loved sights. Well done on the Uni chapter as well; I look longingly at my souvenir Butter Beer cup and would love another mug full.

My pleasure! It's been fun to see my photos all over again after all this time. Some I'm just now seeing for the first time as I edit them and it sure brings back some amazing, wonderful memories. I had such a lovely time this trip!

My chosen spell tonight: Scourgify!

HAHA!! Awesome pick!! LOVE IT!!

That would be my plan - scourgify my house so I could give that baby a good squish. It also wouldn't hurt to be rid of the dust bunnies from two neurotic Shelties.

I dont' have a pet and really don't think I"m a good candidate to have one. I'm often gone for 24-48 hours at a time for work (I just use the sleeper room and "move in") so it just wouldn't be right. I don't like hair and dust and since it rains here all the time I loathe the thought of having to take them out on walks in the cold and wet. But, I know lots of people give their dogs awesome lives full of love and snuggles. Keep up the good work with those Shetlties!
Is it fair to say that Disney was out-Disney’ed?! Sorry if that offends your Disney diehard little heart, but I was justifiably blown away. Diagon Alley in one word, is mind-blowing.

I agree. It's one of the best themed lands in all the parks. It's even more impressive than the Diagon Alley at the Warner Brothers Studio in London. (The sets stopped three fourths of the way up.)

The track, props, special effects, music… it’s a perfect package. My unsolicited opinion? The ride itself is not worth the price of a park ticket, but combined with the overall themed area, the butterbeer, the Hogwarts Express… yeah, all that makes a trip to UniWorld totally worth it. Would I go again? A resounding YES!

Again, I think this is spot on. The immersive experience of walking through Gringotts, drinking a butterbeer, perusing shops is worth the entry price.

Beautiful photos from Diagon Alley. Made me feel like I was back there, only better, because it seemed like your early morning paid off and it wasn't unbearably crowded yet.

If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!

Does knowing how to Apparate count? Because if so, I would definitely pick that one. Only, without the fear of splinching. I hate driving and living overseas that trick would be really convenient. ::yes::


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