Marathon Weekend 2021

We are on week 4 of not going anywhere except to get groceries or say hi to grandparents from their driveways. DH has been home since then and he usually worked from home one day a week so this is new. He's a food salesman to restaurants and schools.... so you could say we've had some stress from that.

I already homeschool my three kids so we are staying on track but having a hard time not seeing friends, taking field trips, visiting the library, and hugging their cousins and grandparents. And we are really missing church. Honestly, the worst for us is not getting to love on ''our people".

We are still running. My community center track has become too busy so now I go on an unopened bypass road. Fingers crossed that it stays closed for a lot longer!
We are hanging in there. DH works for a company that makes hospital equipment, so he is still going to work everyday. I am "working from home", but they didn't exactly set me up properly to do my job at home, so I've basically been just responding to emails, making a few calls, and forwarding anything important to the boss. They are still paying me...for now.

I am still running. It's the only thing keeping me sane! I'm trying to use this time to maintain my running fitness, increase my strength training routine, and to do more yoga. I had 3 races on the schedule for this spring, one was changed to a virtual event and two were rescheduled for later this year.

I think this has been hardest on my kids. They have been out of school for a month now and will not be going back this year. They miss hanging with their friends, especially my 16 year old. They have all admitted they would rather be in school. They are all mourning the loss of their sports seasons. I never thought I would say this, but I am actually glad they have their video games, so that they can still interact with their friends that way.

We are all sad we had to cancel our spring break trip. We spent months planning this trip to see some national parks in Arizona & Utah. I have rebooked everything for August, but I am not sure we will even be able to go then. I did get a $200 credit from Southwest, so I'm hoping that will help my cause for Marathon Weekend. :-)

On the bright side, we have had lots of good family time, walking the dog, baking goodies, and playing board games every night. And my house has never been this clean. :teeth:
I'm thankful that I have been able to continue to work. In my area at work we have individual or double offices with plenty of space. Last week my department started with half working at home and half at work. This is my week at home. It's a little harder for some than others, because depending on where we are in a project, we may have more hands on work (not on a computer) than at other times. Right now I'm pretty good with just computer stuff, so I think this week should be okay, except my dog keeps trying to get me to throw her ball or frisbee...
Here, I'm doing ok.

When I was working in the office, I was checking the news a lot and the updates and felt lots of dread. A week and a half ago, I was allowed to work from home so I set up my home office when that happened and it made me feel a lot better. I don't even really check the news anymore. I'm thankful that both my husband and I are part of 'essential' businesses and thus we are good on the income front. We're saving money with not eating out as much or going to do things which is nice. I'll probably be sad this weekend since we should have been at Disney for Star Wars.

The ridgebacks are enjoying free access to the yard almost all day with my being home. Our hiking spot has been fickle lately as we've gone and it is over crowded which we don't like. We've been working on AKC Trick Titles since you can submit those virtually. Qi'ra has gotten her Intermediate Title. I'm working on her Advanced now. Gantu has been working on his Performer level title. I think I have the routine set - just need him to need less treats while doing the work. The old man is very happy to have me home all day as he's the best coworker wanting to keep my feet warm.

The house is cleaner than it has been in a while. I suspect that is normal for most people.

Working on a puzzles and such and baking.
Good morning, runDisney all-stars!
SAFD: Thanks for asking! Things are mostly okay here, so long as I stick with the daily routine and don't let my brain get bogged down thinking about the future. I'm working from home, which really isn't much different from working in my office except that I'm a whole lot more productive at home, not to mention comfortable. Things have simmered down some, so my social media work isn't so intense as it was a couple weeks ago. Social distancing is only different than my normal life in that I wear a mask to get groceries and I cross the street while running if another person is on the same sidewalk as I. My normal life isn't very social to start lol!

I worry about the things that I can't control, but are looming nonetheless. My son turns 18 in a few weeks and graduates HS soon: he has no photo ID because his appointment to get one had to be canceled due to COVID-19 closures, he can't open a bank account because he has no photo ID, and IDK how he'll manage anything else requiring ID until he's able to get one. He was planning to take time after graduating to find a job and work a while before tackling college, but IDK how he can do that for the foreseeable future. Will he take some college classes instead? Will telling him he has to because he can't just live off my dime and do nothing result in a big argument?! Ugh, it's just... a lot. I'm feeling reasonably secure in my job, but I worry a lot about the local economy and my friends who are out of work. :(

Running isn't as helpful in managing stress as it once was; I find it stressful to constantly be switching sides of the road, running in the road itself, running in the grass, etc. to maintain distance from other pedestrians and cyclists. MUCH less mental load on the treadmill at home, but it's 25+ years old and takes a toll on my body, so I can't use it more than once or twice a week. "Luckily," it's freakishly hot here in FL, where we're setting record highs, so that's driving more people indoors, leaving us die-hards a bit more space to move outside!
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Thanks for asking. I'm doing okay. Life hasn't changed TOO drastically for us. DH already worked from home and I'm "essential" so still going in. I do have some flexibility to work from home if I do not need to be onsite. Being in animal food production, our business has seen an increase in demand. We are hiring and working overtime now. I manage our health and safety dept so I'm leading the charge on the COVID Task Force. We have to keep our population healthy or we dont run. Simple as that.

Home life, we are not social butterflies so we're doing just fine. We do miss going out to eat on the weekends and to the movies but know it could be worse.

Emotionally, things could be better. I missed the birth of my best friends' baby last week. Great news is that he is happy and healthy. Bad news is that I have no idea when I will get to meet him. One of our family dogs passed away unexpectedly on Thursday. A travel agent co-worker of mine passed away from COVID on Saturday. Now a tornado ripped through my old stomping grounds and my hometown is flooded as of last night. I'm just over here wondering when the crazy will let up and let me breathe. I'm tough and will be fine but man, I'm ready for life to be normal. Whatever the new normal looks like...
SAFD: Thanks for asking! Things are mostly okay here, so long as I stick with the daily routine and don't let me brain gt bogged down thinking about the future. I'm working from home, which really isn't much different from working in my office except that I'm a whole lot more productive at home, not to mention comfortable. Things have simmered down some, so my social media work isn't so intense as it was a couple weeks ago. Social distancing is only different than my normal life in that I wear a mask to get groceries and I cross the street while running if another person is on the same sidewalk as I. My normal life isn't very social to start lol!

I worry about the things that I can't control, but are looming nonetheless. My son turns 18 in a few weeks and graduates HS soon: he has no photo ID because his appointment to get one had to be canceled due to COVID-19 closures, he cant open a bank account because he has no photo ID, and IDK how he'll manage anything else requiring ID until he's able to get one. He was planning to take time after graduating to find a job and work a while before tackling college, but IDK how he can do that for the foreseeable future. Will he take some college classes instead? Will telling him he has to because he can't just live off my dime and do nothing result in a big argument?! Ugh, it's just... a lot. I'm feeling reasonably secure in my job, but I worry a lot about the local economy and my friends who are out of work. :(

Running isn't as helpful in managing stress as it once was; I find it stressful to constantly be switching sides of the road, running in the road itself, running in the grass, etc. to maintain distance from other pedestrians and cyclists. MUCH less mental load on the treadmill at home, but it's 25+ years old and takes a toll on my body, so I can't use it more than once or twice a week. "Luckily," it's freakishly hot here in FL, where we're setting record highs, so that's driving more people indoors, leaving us die-hards a bit more space to move outside!
Can he apply for a passport by mail or at the post office? Very sorry if this has already been ruled out.

I hear you about running outside. My neighborhood normally has very few people out, but this pandemic has altered behavior in the wrong direction and people are still oblivious. I bought a quarantine treadmill, but it was 45 degrees and sunny in Central TX this morning, so I decided to treat myself to an outdoor run. Within ten minutes of leaving my house, I stepped into the street to steer a wide berth around a man waiting at a bus stop, and when I was about 15 feet away, he spit a HUGE amount into the street, such that I could see the aerosols vividly. It was windy this morning and it immediately made me feel like garbage for putting myself in that situation. Someone has gotten too close to me or done something disgusting near me every time I’ve gone for a run since February. From now on, I’m treadmill only.
SAFD: I’m doing alright. Working from home. I’ve worked from home on Tuesdays for a couple of years now, I had a setup & routine down so it wasn’t to difficult to make a once a week thing into 4 days a week (4 10 hour days). So Monday-Thursday are still pretty busy. Friday-Sunday can drag a bit though.

My running has been down a little bit. Some days I just have low energy. But even on those days I still get out and walk. I’ve done a virtual half-marathon the last weekend of March & a virtual 15K the first weekend of April. One...nice thing about the stay at home is that there are a lot less cars on the roads. So I’ve been able to easily cross over some busy roads by me and get runs in around neighborhoods I generally don’t run in.

One interesting thing I did last weekend was “attend” a virtual wedding. Friends of mine were supposed to get married in July. But most people around me thing social distancing, if not the stay at home order itself, will still be in effect. So they decided to get married this previous Friday. The had a YouTube channel setup for the ceremony and the groom also had it on his IG live. That was actually a nice thing and gave me an excuse to actually get dressed up. Wore the suit and everything. Haha.
Life hasn’t changed too much for my household. The only thing that has really changed is that DH is working from home and both my kids are taking their classes online.

We have been so busy getting our horse farm up and running. We have 4 horses now, but two belong to us. We are getting two more horses on Saturday and another two in May/June. We have a trainer who will be on site so we are looking for two lesson horses and are hoping to breed an Appaloosa every couple of years.

I am thankful I live where I live. I never see another person when I run during the week. Saturday is long run day and the amount of bikers in my rural farming area has really picked up due to a long straight road with very little traffic. Some have masks, some don’t and I don’t wear a mask when I run. I ran once through town a couple weeks ago and it was a lot busier than it usually is. My route was congested with more walkers, runners and bikers than pre-Covid life so I’ll probably avoid doing that again.
And my house has never been this clean

You know, even COVID hasn't motivated me to clean more. Some things will never change! And I have decided it just doesn't matter.

Emotionally, things could be better. I missed the birth of my best friends' baby last week. Great news is that he is happy and healthy. Bad news is that I have no idea when I will get to meet him. One of our family dogs passed away unexpectedly on Thursday. A travel agent co-worker of mine passed away from COVID on Saturday. Now a tornado ripped through my old stomping grounds and my hometown is flooded as of last night. I'm just over here wondering when the crazy will let up and let me breathe. I'm tough and will be fine but man, I'm ready for life to be normal. Whatever the new normal looks like...

So sorry to hear. That is a lot to deal with, and wish you continued emotional strength.
You know, even COVID hasn't motivated me to clean more. Some things will never change! And I have decided it just doesn't matter.

The only reason my house is as clean as it is is due to us telling our boys that they can earn extra time on the Nintendo Switch if they do extra chores. Extra time that most likely I would have given them anyway just to get out of my hair for a bit!
SAFD: Thanks for asking! Things are mostly okay here, so long as I stick with the daily routine and don't let my brain get bogged down thinking about the future. I'm working from home, which really isn't much different from working in my office except that I'm a whole lot more productive at home, not to mention comfortable. Things have simmered down some, so my social media work isn't so intense as it was a couple weeks ago. Social distancing is only different than my normal life in that I wear a mask to get groceries and I cross the street while running if another person is on the same sidewalk as I. My normal life isn't very social to start lol!

I worry about the things that I can't control, but are looming nonetheless. My son turns 18 in a few weeks and graduates HS soon: he has no photo ID because his appointment to get one had to be canceled due to COVID-19 closures, he can't open a bank account because he has no photo ID, and IDK how he'll manage anything else requiring ID until he's able to get one. He was planning to take time after graduating to find a job and work a while before tackling college, but IDK how he can do that for the foreseeable future. Will he take some college classes instead? Will telling him he has to because he can't just live off my dime and do nothing result in a big argument?! Ugh, it's just... a lot. I'm feeling reasonably secure in my job, but I worry a lot about the local economy and my friends who are out of work. :(

Running isn't as helpful in managing stress as it once was; I find it stressful to constantly be switching sides of the road, running in the road itself, running in the grass, etc. to maintain distance from other pedestrians and cyclists. MUCH less mental load on the treadmill at home, but it's 25+ years old and takes a toll on my body, so I can't use it more than once or twice a week. "Luckily," it's freakishly hot here in FL, where we're setting record highs, so that's driving more people indoors, leaving us die-hards a bit more space to move outside!
I sympathize with your stress about your son. My son turned 18 recently and doesn't have an ID yet. He wants to apply for an online college program, but some applications ask for a copy of an ID. Ugh.
Although technically classified as essential, we have closed our office and I am going in 1-2 times a week for a couple hours with the doors locked to keep up with payroll, payables, mail, etc. or if a farmer sells grain (markets have tanked, so this hasn't been much of an issue). I can take calls and do all of the pricing and hedging from home.
I feel like we have very similar jobs! Not too many times I can say that.
Thanks for asking. I'm doing okay. Life hasn't changed TOO drastically for us. DH already worked from home and I'm "essential" so still going in. I do have some flexibility to work from home if I do not need to be onsite. Being in animal food production, our business has seen an increase in demand. We are hiring and working overtime now. I manage our health and safety dept so I'm leading the charge on the COVID Task Force. We have to keep our population healthy or we dont run. Simple as that.

Home life, we are not social butterflies so we're doing just fine. We do miss going out to eat on the weekends and to the movies but know it could be worse.

Emotionally, things could be better. I missed the birth of my best friends' baby last week. Great news is that he is happy and healthy. Bad news is that I have no idea when I will get to meet him. One of our family dogs passed away unexpectedly on Thursday. A travel agent co-worker of mine passed away from COVID on Saturday. Now a tornado ripped through my old stomping grounds and my hometown is flooded as of last night. I'm just over here wondering when the crazy will let up and let me breathe. I'm tough and will be fine but man, I'm ready for life to be normal. Whatever the new normal looks like...
Where is your hometown?? Im in N ga and we had tornadoes and flooding 😢
I am “essential” so I am still working. We recently started a new plan that has half our team at home working remotely one week while the other half go into the office. Then the next week we switch. I could not ask for more. I get job security and I still get the opportunity to work from home every other week. This has made my wife feel a little better. Honestly though I have learned I very much prefer to work at the office and not from home! I think I really prefer to have those two parts of my life kept separate. Running is going well and I am happy about that as well. Mostly I am grateful that my friends and family are all healthy and doing well so far. Have a good week!
Where is your hometown?? Im in N ga and we had tornadoes and flooding 😢
Hey! I grew up west of Chattanooga. Marion County flooded pretty bad with a number of water rescues needed. I’m assuming you’re near the Ft. O area? I hope you are safe and well.
I'm not sure what date POT was through earlier (in the past years it was usually the first or second weekend of October - near Chicago, but maybe right before), but now it is October 20th. So maybe they are giving a little extra time in the fall for POT races.

ETA: Someone may have already mentioned this. I can't remember at the moment.


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