D.O.C.'s = Dis'ers of Color (Disney Fans of Color)

Would you like a dedicated/featured Forum for D.O.C.'s Dis'ers Of Color & Allies

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I just had a random thought. I've always said that I would never EVER stay at Port Orleans Riverside because, quite naturally, as a DOC, the "plantation mansion" theming has never sat well with me.

If they do decide to do a more thorough re-theming of that resort in the future as a way to further distance it from those connotations, I'm wondering if a Garden District theme would work. So while POFQ will remain themed after the French Quarter, POR will become POGD: Port Orleans Garden District. Think St. Charles Avenue and Streetcars. And in the process, they can finally transform Boatwrights into Tiana's Place.
I haven't been to either POR or POFQ, but this sounds like a great idea. Sitting here in my house in Uptown New Orleans, I can think of all sorts of things outside the French Quarter that could be used in a re-theme. In addition to Tiana's Place, a diner reminiscent of Camellia Grill or the Trolley Stop Cafe (or license one of those concepts for authenticity) would be awesome, some Magazine Street style boutiques, etc.
Well said. My heart was heavy this weekend.
I knew he had pancreatic cancer and wasn't well, but the news he passed was crushing. 2020 has been such a crappy year for so many reasons. The more I read about him, the more I hope my children exhibit even a fraction of his bravery and fortitude and I hope they all make "good trouble." I had no idea he cosplayed himself at the SDCC, recreating his march from Selma to Montgomery. I ordered "March" on Amazon (it's currently out of stock, but I'm hoping it's back in stock soon). My 8-year-old read a book for school about Ruby Bridges but I don't know how much the district teaches about the civil rights movement (she picked that particular book because she wanted to read about "that cute little girl" - the story itself was pretty eye-opening for her).
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Call me late to dinner. Haven't read all of the previous posts here but wanted to try to learn.

I'm a white male in my early 70's who grew up in a very white environment. I lived in what could be described as a mill town in MA for the first 65 years of my life. All our neighbors were white. Almost all the kids attending schools in my town were white. I'd guess the number of POC to in my community be under 2%, at least during my formative years. Even in my college years (4 year bean counting degree) that continued. When I was in the army the ratio significantly ratcheted upwards. Even more so when I was sent to Nam. Currently retired and living in central FL in what appears to be a significantly white neighborhood, albeit with a fairly large hispanic component as well. In my immediate circle of friends I can count the number of POC on the index finger of one hand. So, yes I'm probably part of the problem.

In my defense, I really can't say I've ever judged a person by their color. Because of that, I guess I really don't have an understanding of what POC face in today's world. Hence my joining this thread.
Everyone loves a Main Street Cavalcade
or just hum the tune “everyone loves a parade.”
Hello D.O.C.’s

I am here at the Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando FL.
Everyone loves a parade or do they? Where is everyone?
Would you ever think you would see the day, Main Street, USA at the Magic Kingdom could be practically empty on a Sunday afternoon at 2:38 PM?
look at how empty the sidewalks on both sides of Main Street.



If you were curious what the Disney parks crowd levels felt like during the mid 1970’s. During the Oil embargo 1974 the parks felt partially empty, as families were not driving due to fuel costs.
I will post a few more items during this visit. Wishing everyone Peace, Love and Light.
Hello D.O.C.’s
Please share with me ideas for content you would like to see and read here in our D.O.C.’s thread. For the next two days, I will try to dig up some interesting items while I am here on the Disney Resort.
I am sure there are hundreds of content ideas and news items that are of interest to D.O.C.’s and our Allies. Hopefully the post on the late Honorable Rep John Lewis was informative. As promised, I will always find a Disney item that links to a post of interest to People of Color.
I noticed the flags around the resort were flying at half mast except for the American flag. Disney Lowered the American flag marking the passing of Rep John Lewis, after Sunday the American flag was flown at full staff while all other flags flew at half mast.
I thought it was a touching gesture of respect. Something many guests here on resort did mot notice.

You will notice I did not abbreviate “People of Color” as “poc”, more on that in a future diversity & inclusion “Now you know.”

I will be in Epcot today (Friday 7/24/20) and Disney’s Hollywood Studios on Saturday.
Looking for Good trouble.

By the way keep sending the Dis Boards Admins follow up emails regarding when this thread will be converted to an official forum.

Wishing you all Peace , Love & Light.
AKL Ranger

“Be Bold, Be Brave Get in Good trouble”
Hon Rep John Lewis
Speaking of John Lewis, just saw a school in Virginia will change their name from Robert E. Lee High School to John R. Lewis High School


Also the NFL team that plays in Washington has officially dropped their name "Redskins" after years of pushback. They haven't selected a new name yet so for now will simply be known as the Washington Football Team
I am a licensed social worker and participated in a training last night regarding racism and injustice in systems. The language they used that I thought was very interesting was "cultural humility" instead of "cultural competency." The language is to help with the idea that you can never be "competent" in another person's experience and culture - you can learn and that learning and growing is constant. It requires humility and self reflection to do this.

We also talked about being an "ally" and how allyship can't be a noun - being an ally requires action. To call oneself an ally is not enough. A person must DO. They must act. The speakers also used the word "accomplice" and called on white people to be "accomplices" in the fight against white supremacy. We discussed white supremacy as an enemy - a great perspective.

I am thinking that some of my white colleagues may start an affinity group at work so that we can, together, work through our own internalized white supremacy and be able to identify it in ourselves and the systems we work in so that we may begin to dismantle it.

Something else we talked about was the idea that it is not worth expending precious energy trying to convert "all lives matter" people to the cause as this can cause immense burnout. Instead, they suggested focusing on people who are already on the journey and uplifting Black voices.

This is a lot of rambling. Just thought I'd come here and ramble to other folks who might find it interesting. Maybe it'll spark more conversation.
I have to admit; I'm not sure if we can post leaked material on these forums, so I wont.

But if you look around, you can find the first, HQ look of Raya.

Does anyone think Cinderella’s castle looks a bit like old watered down grape juice instead of “Rose gold”?
The color looks a bit off. This looks like team Disney needs to make another trip to Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams paint store. :rotfl2:

“When someone says they don’t see color, we wind up with an odd paint color on Cinderella’s castle. LOL.” :wizard:

Peace, Love & Light
AKL Ranger
Today is my last day visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, here in Orlando Florida.
I will post a detailed trip report after returning home Monday. Here are a few quick observations.
The Cast Members are amazing. Disney staff are making the effort to bring a sense of health and safety the enjoyment of the parks.
it is the guests that seem to think the health guidelines do apply to them.
Guests who ignore the the clearly marked “Please wait here” markers and rush up behind you, while queuing for attractions. If you call out to them they are standing less then three (3) feet behind you, you may be subjected to their personal view of virology and government conspiracy theories. The other minor issue is large groups ahead of you that expand and contract the amount of space they take up and social distance. Everyone needs to be patient, with most attraction lines 20 minutes or less, we will all eventually will experience the attraction.

Peace, Love & Light
AKL Ranger
If you call out to them they are standing less then three (3) feet behind you, you may be subjected to their personal view of virology and government conspiracy theories.
This is a big reason I have no desire to be there, among many other reasons.

If you don't believe in science, that's your problem, but that doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules. If you don't want to do that, then stay home.

As for the castle, I haven't seen it in person but I've seen so many photos and it really seems to look completely different depending on time of day, position of the sun in the sky, color of the sky, cloudiness, etc. The only thing that seems to be consistently glaring is the shade of blue they went with. Hopefully that will fade in the Florida sun soon enough, which a lot of people are thinking is why they went with such a bold color to begin with.
Just remembering one of my first visits to WDW. I was attending a seminar in Orlando at a hotel on I-Drive back in the late 70's (yes, I'm that old) and one of the days only had events in the morning. So, I rented a car and together with a woman that was also in the class we headed to WDW for the afternoon. The woman, who's name I don't remember, was (and presumably still is) black. As we were walking around the parks I started to notice several double takes by people who probably thought we were a couple. I do remember commenting on it to her at the time but unfortunately don't recall her reaction.

Hopefully we've come aways from the 70's. Yes, still more to go though.
Is anyone watching ‘I May Destroy You’ on BBC iplayer? Not for the faint hearted but some really strong performances and important topics. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/m000jyxy/i-may-destroy-you
I haven’t seen it, but it’s promoted a lot on HBO right now. I’ll probably give it a look tonight. My son and I have been rewatching Band of Brothers and one of my kids asked me last night if any Black people fought in WWI. I said yes, but couldn’t think of a good movie to pull up. My son is on a WWII kick right now. Does anyone have any recommendations for a movie that shows the experiences of people of color in the military, particularly during that time frame? I‘m trying to avoid something like Glory (obviously wrong time frame). Denzel Washington was amazing in it, but I still feel like the whole story was filtered through the experience of the white officer in charge of the regiment.
Does a
Redtails is about the Tuskegee airmen in WW2.
Did you know the Movie “Red Tails” was completely private funded 100% by the amazing Mr George Lucas?
George shopped the story around to every movie production studio, and not a single Studio was willing to produce this film.

At a premiere of his film, and again on "The Daily Show," Lucas has said he financed the movie himself because Hollywood doesn't want to finance expensive movies with all-black casts. "They don't believe there's any foreign market for it, and that's 60 percent of their profit," he told "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart. "I showed it to all of them, and they said, 'No. We don't know how to market a movie like this.' " He also made an oblique reference to the aerial combat footage: "This is as close as you'll get to ["Star Wars"] Episode VII."

True enough, no doubt. But Lucas begs the question: Did this have to be an expensive movie? Was the purpose to make a blockbuster, or to make a statement? I imagined a film that contained more history and drama — and that was angrier.

Another World War II story, featuring a storyline driven by a Black cast is Mr Spike Lee’s “Miracle at Santa Anna”

Peace, Love and Light,
AKL Ranger
Redtails is about the Tuskegee airmen in WW2.

Redtails is also one of the names under consideration as the new name for the Washington Football Team

"They don't believe there's any foreign market for it, and that's 60 percent of their profit,"

That part of his quote jumped out at me - sometimes we get so focused on the challenges and negative attitudes in America and we are told we are so backwards here compared to the rest of the word that is more cultured and progressive - but in reality progress is needed pretty much everywhere
Hello everyone,
I hope sharing lessons about the subtleties of race will not cause everyone here to experience A case of “ABS” Ally Burnout syndrome.
I am sharing a link to an article on CNN, regarding the
The words and phrases permeate nearly every aspect of our society.
"Master bedrooms" in our homes. "Blacklists" and "whitelists" in computing. The idiom "sold down the river" in our everyday speech.

Really late to this thread. Just wanted to let you know I want to consider myself as an ally. As a white Christian male, I can see only some of the injustices you've pointed out. But, I'm willing to listen and learn. Hopefully, I can use the info to better understand others of color. I have two adopted hispanic kids. I want them to grow up in a color neutral society. Thanks for this thread.


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