Our Very Merry USO, DCL, and WDW Christmas Break!

Best trip report ever . I wish I could remove all the comments and keep for reference and to excite my family planning Holiday Week first trip to Universal! I love the Grinch and I love Universal more than Disney for the holidays. Altho’ I have never experienced NYE at Uni!
Aren’t you so glad you accomplished all this last year Forever Memories!
Jimmy was still looking pretty snoozy, but was excited to wear his Carnotaurus shirt today!
Good choice!
Where is everyone???
Beautiful shot!
I hadn't remembered seeing these guys before, but they are tucked along the path right across from the Up! bird show adventure (totally not what it's called, but you know what I'm talking about...hopefully!)
I do know what you're talking about and... I seem to have a fuzzy memory of those two statues being closer to the entrance. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they got moved.
Rob re-proposed to me in this spot on our vow renewal trip back in 2006.
Awww... :)
we had a FP for NRJ
Had to think about that one. I'm so used to calling it "It's a Small Moon" :laughing:
Jimmy's backwards hat just cracked me up, apparently so much that I had to take a picture to document it while we made our way through the line.
Cool shot!
@buzzrelly 's tree!
::yes:: :thumbsup2
I had Animal Kingdom's best breakfast offering, a Simba pretzel with plastic cheese. MMMM, it really hit the spot right at that moment!
I'd go for the pretzel, but let you have the plastic cheese. I love the Kusafiri giant cinnamon roll for breakfast.
We continued on our way through the Tree of Life to ITTBAB! I always find myself enamored by the incredible animals on the tree, and seem to spot animals I've never seen before. As you wind your way down the path to the theater, it's so easy to forget you are in a theme park. I absolutely love that about AK.
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After our bug adventure, we were headed for brunch (our favorite time to eat at Tusker House, around 10:35-10:45, the meal starts out as breakfast and starts being shifted over to lunch, so you get the best of both worlds at the price of breakfast! As I told @pkondz, beating the system never tasted so good!

On our way to eat, we strolled past a photographer in a spot I had never even noticed. It looked like a fun picture spot, so even though there were a few parties ahead of us, we hopped in line to wait. I snapped a picture of Jimmy while we waited, and it struck me just how long his legs are getting, and what a big boy he is starting to be!!


The photographer really took his time with each group and did a few poses and even some magic shots without being asked. It was fun to watch him while we waited! And when it was our turn, here's what we got:
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At least Jimmy's was cute!

As soon as we arrived at Tusker House, we checked in. Like most times, we had a short wait before our table was ready, but before long, we were led inside where a party was already going on! The characters were parading through the dining rooms, and before we got our plates, we waited to say hello to Daisy. Between getting plates, we had visits from all our favorite friends on safari!
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Our last plans for AK had us headed to Dinoland, U.S.A., walking right past my favorite hidden mickey!

We checked in with everyone's favorite chipmunk-o-sauruses (say that 5x fast!) and even grabbed a high five from Launchpad McQuack on our way!
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Last stop on our AK trip was a ride on DINOSAUR. Someone was feeling especially brave on the way in...

and questioning said bravery soon after...

There happened to be an Art of Animation bus pulling in as we were walking to our Pop Century bus stop, so we hopped on rather than wait. We were back at the resort before long and strolled through AoA over to our hotel, stopping to take a picture of my Squirt with the original :)

We had a nice break by the pool! Jimmy joined in his favorite poolside games, and I finally turned in my hot chocolate cup for my much-preferred poolside beverage!
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Best trip report ever . I wish I could remove all the comments and keep for reference and to excite my family planning Holiday Week first trip to Universal! I love the Grinch and I love Universal more than Disney for the holidays. Altho’ I have never experienced NYE at Uni!
Aren’t you so glad you accomplished all this last year Forever Memories!
Well, thanks!! :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading the Universal part of our trip! We had a wonderful time, and honestly wish we had another couple of days to soak in the Christmas-y fun! The Grinch breakfast is definitely something I would do again. SO much fun! We've never done NYE at Universal either, but this was the fourth time we celebrated it at WDW. That update is coming up soon! :)

Had to think about that one. I'm so used to calling it "It's a Small Moon" :laughing:
That is hilarious. I think I'll go with that from now on!

I'd go for the pretzel, but let you have the plastic cheese. I love the Kusafiri giant cinnamon roll for breakfast.
Mmmm, yes, cinnamon rolls are one of my favorites, and I have yet to give that one a try! There's always next time!
I love the Timon interaction with Jimmy. You'd never know y'all were running on fumes at that point. I also love the photo with Jimmy at your vow renewal.

Poor Jimmy on DINOSAUR. I still don't know how I managed to keep looking my first time on that ride even though it was very overwhelming.

Manifesting you being able to get him on Rockin' and Hulk one day.
I love the Timon interaction with Jimmy. You'd never know y'all were running on fumes at that point. I also love the photo with Jimmy at your vow renewal.
The Timon interaction was SO much fun! I felt bad monopolizing so much of his time when there were people waiting, but not gonna lie, I loved seeing my kid having so much fun :)

Poor Jimmy on DINOSAUR. I still don't know how I managed to keep looking my first time on that ride even though it was very overwhelming.
The sad thing is, this is how he reacted the first time he rode in 2016, and we were totally not about making him ride again. It was ALL his idea! He had the shirt, he was totally amped up to go, and then just totally lost it. Poor guy. After we got off, he did say, "well, that wasn't so scary." I had to laugh when I saw the pic!

Manifesting you being able to get him on Rockin' and Hulk one day.
Oh, yes, please!!! I clearly need some company :rotfl2:
Hi Jackie!! I’m glad I found your updates. I really enjoyed reading about your park days after the cruise.
We did the Fantasmic VIP dessert party and really like it.
I miss Tusker house and Crystal palace breakfasts, love both of those. We try to do the later time to enjoy a few lunch treats. Good idea!
Great pictures! I’m glad you were feeling better after a couple days.
I always find myself enamored by the incredible animals on the tree,
::yes:: It's so well done.
As you wind your way down the path to the theater, it's so easy to forget you are in a theme park. I absolutely love that about AK.
I think AK does that better than any other park in WDW.
we were headed for brunch (our favorite time to eat at Tusker House, around 10:35-10:45, the meal starts out as breakfast and starts being shifted over to lunch, so you get the best of both worlds at the price of breakfast! As I told @pkondz, beating the system never tasted so good!
it struck me just how long his legs are getting, and what a big boy he is starting to be!!
He's growing up. Soon....
Great shot. :)
Our last plans for AK had us headed to Dinoland, U.S.A., walking right past my favorite hidden mickey!
Oh! I never would've seen that! I like it!
chipmunk-o-sauruses (say that 5x fast!)
pfffttt... no problem. But I can't type it fast five times.
Last stop on our AK trip was a ride on DINOSAUR. Someone was feeling especially brave on the way in...

and questioning said bravery soon after...
:rotfl: :rotfl2:
That is hilarious. I think I'll go with that from now on!
I can't take credit for it, though. :)
Mmmm, yes, cinnamon rolls are one of my favorites, and I have yet to give that one a try! There's always next time!
You've gotta try it! Sooo good!
Hi Jackie!! I’m glad I found your updates. I really enjoyed reading about your park days after the cruise.
We did the Fantasmic VIP dessert party and really like it.
I miss Tusker house and Crystal palace breakfasts, love both of those. We try to do the later time to enjoy a few lunch treats. Good idea!
Great pictures! I’m glad you were feeling better after a couple days.
Hi, Caroline!!
It was so fun doing WDW following our cruise; it cushioned the blow of having to leave that awesome ship!!! I was really glad that I started to feel better after just a few days. My Mom and Dad had gone home following the cruise, and she ended up being sick for almost 3 weeks! She is now convinced that she had Coronavirus back then.
We had a really fun evening planned, and we were excited to be traveling by boat! But first we had to head to MK to catch it! We had dinner reservations for Storybook Dining at Artist Point. Knowing we'd be using the boat transportation, I had allowed a lot of extra time for travel, but we'd been really lucky and hopped on a waiting bus from our hotel to MK, and a waiting boat to Wilderness Lodge, and ended up being over 30 minutes early. I figured it couldn't hurt to check in anyway, and to my surprise, they had a table to seat us right away!

The introduction of the characters began almost immediately after we were seated; talk about perfect timing!

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We ordered our drinks: I got the enchanted apple (so delicious, but such a small portion!!), I have no clue what Rob ordered, but Jimmy was very pleased that he got to mix his own drink, the Transformation Potion. It just tastes like lemonade, but they give you a little sugary mix to stir in. It was $5 extra, but look how happy it made him!

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This is not a dining report, as I'm sure you've been able to tell by the # of tator tots eaten from kids buffets by our crew so far, so I can't tell you what these are without googling, but I do know that Jimmy didn't eat any of the appetizers. Rob and I enjoyed everything well enough, but clearly the presentation is the star of the show!
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Very shortly after, Snow White, Dopey and Grumpy made their way through to say hello. None of them spent very much time at our table, but Dopey is my very favorite guy, so I was incredibly happy to spend a quick moment with him :) The pictures are some of my favorites from the trip, so it's hard to be disappointed!
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Jimmy and I were excited to meet a new to us character at this dinner, the Evil Queen. To avoid a huge line forming, there were CMs assisting and letting each table know when to get in line for their turn. The photo spot was just on the other side of the little wall next to our table, so I had a good view of other families meeting her. She was very serious and demanding respect of her visitors. More than one child left the meet in tears!! When we finished eating our dinners (Lord knows what they were at this point!), it was our turn to take a picture before dessert!

Jimmy mostly just stood there smiling and completely ignoring her. I think he was hoping they'd snap the pic and he'd be able to get the heck out of there quickly! She scoffed at him. It was hilarious.
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Clearly, Jimmy and I did not get the memo that THIS was the moment Rob would decide to get into character for a meet and greet!

When we arrived back at our table, the desserts were delivered! Again, presentation was more impressive than the actual desserts themselves, but it was a nice assortment. Miner's Treasure, Fairy Tale Gooseberry Pie, Poison apple tart, and the best presentation of all, The Hunter's Gift to the Queen.
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I wouldn't rush right back to do this meal again, but it was definitely a fun experience and unique presentation of our meals. And you can't beat meeting a couple of dwarfs and the Evil Queen without waiting in line for hours!

Following dinner, we planned to head back to MK for some late night fun and a dessert party with some of my favorite DIS friends, @Lesley Wake and @MusicLife4Me. I was really looking forward to hearing all about Lesley's awesome Asia trip and seeing Zach again, and having gotten in for dinner early, thought it would allow us some extra park time, too.

When we headed out to the dock, a boat was just leaving, but we were next in line and could see another headed toward us, so we figured our boat luck was with us once again! The boat docked, let out their passengers, and the CM walked over to open the rope for us to board. The captain called him back to the boat and they had a quick heated exchange. He ran back to us, put the rope back up, ran back to the boat and they left. We were confused and thought it was strange, but figured another boat would be along shortly. Well, we waited and waited. I texted Lesley to let her know we were waiting on a boat, but would hopefully see her soon. That's when she mentioned that she had heard boat traffic was stopped because someone had fallen off the ferry into the Lagoon.

We had been waiting almost an hour at this point, and were trying to figure out what our plan should be. We thought about trying to find the bus transportation at the hotel or just calling for an Uber. Jimmy was crying because he was hitting a wall, and because we seemed worried, he was scared. Suddenly, we saw a larger boat than the one we had ridden earlier, making it's way toward the dock. We figured we'd wait and see what they had to say. It turned out they were resuming boat service back to MK, so we got on. Almost as soon as we were seated, Jimmy was out.

The long day had caught up with all of us, and despite my earlier excitement, it felt like the right thing to do was get Jimmy back to hotel and into bed. BUT, we would be docking at MK anyway, and I wanted to see my friends, so when we arrived, Rob and Jimmy headed toward the bathroom by the bus stop, and I headed straight for the turnstiles! I made my way quickly down Main Street to the spot where Lesley and co. were watching the stage show (she had sent me a quick little map with a circle on it where to find them!), so we could say hello and visit for a few minutes!

The park looks SO beautifully Christmasy, my most favorite way to see it, all lit up and decorated with snow falling!! I tried to snap a few speedy pictures as I made my way back out of the park to meet the boys. (In retrospect, I should have just stayed and enjoyed the park with my friends instead of responsibly taking Jimmy to bed! I'd have felt bad making Rob go back while I stayed, but I think if I had known the way the next several months would unfold, I would've treated myself FOR SURE!!!)
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I snapped one last pic of the Train Station as I left MK and made my way toward the buses. Jimmy had fallen asleep again, this time on a bench, so Rob hoisted him up (not so grown up now, are we?!) and we made our way to a waiting Pop Century bus.

No more pictures this day, so I'm sure we all got ready for bed and turned in right when we got back! We had A BIG DAY coming up, and we needed to be rested to make it to midnight. Up next, NYE Disney/Pixar style!
we were excited to be traveling by boat!
Of course! Disney boats are a magical experience onto themselves!
hopped on a waiting bus from our hotel to MK, and a waiting boat to Wilderness Lodge, and ended up being over 30 minutes early. I figured it couldn't hurt to check in anyway, and to my surprise, they had a table to seat us right away!
Wow! That all worked out really great!
(Too bad you used up your travel luck for the night! :scared: )
Jimmy was very pleased that he got to mix his own drink, the Transformation Potion. It just tastes like lemonade, but they give you a little sugary mix to stir in. It was $5 extra, but look how happy it made him!
Totally worth it. ::yes::
This is not a dining report, as I'm sure you've been able to tell by the # of tator tots eaten from kids buffets by our crew so far
Rob and I enjoyed everything well enough, but clearly the presentation is the star of the show!
It all looks very pretty and very creative. ::yes::
Dopey is my very favorite guy, so I was incredibly happy to spend a quick moment with him :)
Glad that worked out for you. :)
Perfect shirt! Love it!
She was very serious and demanding respect of her visitors.
Well... sure. She is the Evil Queen after all.
More than one child left the meet in tears!!
Oh dear! :eek:
Jimmy mostly just stood there smiling and completely ignoring her. I think he was hoping they'd snap the pic and he'd be able to get the heck out of there quickly! She scoffed at him. It was hilarious.
:laughing: Way to not be intimidated, Jimmy!
The boat docked, let out their passengers, and the CM walked over to open the rope for us to board. The captain called him back to the boat and they had a quick heated exchange. He ran back to us, put the rope back up, ran back to the boat and they left. We were confused and thought it was strange
That's... so weird. You'd think someone would've said something to you. Like "I'm sorry, but we can't take on passengers right now."
That's when she mentioned that she had heard boat traffic was stopped because someone had fallen off the ferry into the Lagoon.
How does that happen?

Oh... :drinking1
Jimmy was crying because he was hitting a wall
Poor little guy.
Almost as soon as we were seated, Jimmy was out.
I headed straight for the turnstiles! I made my way quickly down Main Street to the spot where Lesley and co. were watching the stage show (she had sent me a quick little map with a circle on it where to find them!), so we could say hello and visit for a few minutes!
Glad you got your meet in. :)
(In retrospect, I should have just stayed and enjoyed the park with my friends instead of responsibly taking Jimmy to bed! I'd have felt bad making Rob go back while I stayed, but I think if I had known the way the next several months would unfold, I would've treated myself FOR SURE!!!)
I think just about all of us can relate to that!
As you wind your way down the path to the theater, it's so easy to forget you are in a theme park. I absolutely love that about AK.


After our bug adventure, we were headed for brunch (our favorite time to eat at Tusker House, around 10:35-10:45, the meal starts out as breakfast and starts being shifted over to lunch, so you get the best of both worlds at the price of breakfast!

Tusker House is one of my favorites! Mike and I did the breakfast/lunch thing one year and could barely move after, we were so stuffed!

and questioning said bravery soon after...

:rotfl: It's a scary ride!!

We had a nice break by the pool! Jimmy joined in his favorite poolside games, and I finally turned in my hot chocolate cup for my much-preferred poolside beverage!

That looks so perfect. I love pool breaks ::yes::

I wouldn't rush right back to do this meal again, but it was definitely a fun experience and unique presentation of our meals. And you can't beat meeting a couple of dwarfs and the Evil Queen without waiting in line for hours!

I had plans to do this with my mom and niece, but the menu doesn't appeal to any of us so I was really torn up about whether or not to go and I think I had decided it just wasn't worth it.

That's when she mentioned that she had heard boat traffic was stopped because someone had fallen off the ferry into the Lagoon.

Yikes! :scared1: I think I heard about that…I think she jumped on purpose :sad1:

Almost as soon as we were seated, Jimmy was out.

Aw, long day!

I made my way quickly down Main Street to the spot where Lesley and co. were watching the stage show (she had sent me a quick little map with a circle on it where to find them!), so we could say hello and visit for a few minutes!

Great pic!

(In retrospect, I should have just stayed and enjoyed the park with my friends instead of responsibly taking Jimmy to bed! I'd have felt bad making Rob go back while I stayed, but I think if I had known the way the next several months would unfold, I would've treated myself FOR SURE!!!)

I was thinking, why doesn't she just stay? Haha! Next time!
I love your last picture! Just so pretty! Can’t wait to hear about your New Year’s Eve!
How does that happen?
Yikes! :scared1: I think I heard about that…I think she jumped on purpose :sad1:
Yea :( I meant to mention in the report, but should have clarified. By later that night, the news sites were all saying that the woman actually jumped and hadn't fallen from the ferry as originally reported. Just so sad.

That looks so perfect. I love pool breaks ::yes::
I was always a go til you drop kind of Disney traveler, until we went on our Babymoon before Jimmy was born. The only way Rob would agree to go on the trip was if I agreed to slow down and take it easier, which meant midday breaks every day. I hadn't realized what I was missing!!!! Now, we take a pool break every day if possible :) and it makes everyone so much more pleasant!

I love your last picture! Just so pretty! Can’t wait to hear about your New Year’s Eve!
Hi!! Thanks for reading along :) I LOVE taking pictures of Disney balloons, but this one is a favorite for sure! I can't wait to tell all about NYE! It will be a hard one to top!
Hey Jackie! OK I am almost caught up here and will be back to add comments, just wanted you to know I'm still reading :hug: It's so nice reading a TR from the "before" times and seeing hugs with characters, as much as I love how they're doing things now! I'll be back :car:
Hi Jackie! Finally, all caught up.
You, Rob and Jimmy, have so many great pics and how cool is it that you were able to meet up with Jimmy's friend's family!!!
We are staying at Pop in February and although I'm terrified of the Skyliner, I love the convenience.
Hi Jackie! Finally, all caught up.
You, Rob and Jimmy, have so many great pics and how cool is it that you were able to meet up with Jimmy's friend's family!!!
We are staying at Pop in February and although I'm terrified of the Skyliner, I love the convenience.
Hi, Jenny! :) It really was SO much fun!

I agree, it's a little scary, especially when you fly into the station. I am always bracing myself in case we're going to whack into the car in front of us! But the convenience can't be beat!
OK, I love all your pictures from Storybook Dining :goodvibes My super unpopular take on this meal is that I refuse to do it because I loved the original Artist Point so much and am very bitter about it being changed lol. I like the idea of the Queen and Dopey being there a lot and have never met Dopey! Maybe some day if it returns especially if they keep the amazing MUSHROOM BISQUE app from the original restaurant, I'll give it a try! Oh or if my granddaughter wants to go of course lol


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