Every Adventure Requires a First Step.

Still in da Between

I was at the picture limit!

We brought some of those amazing sunsets home with us--



Keeping with less carbs-

Theme is red here.. LOL.. or my kids only like red peppers

But then Zack made his Mac and cheese (Bob Evans) and Matt wanted fries.

And I caved and had it all

And i don't regret it. Nope! No Regerts

While watching Adam the Woo and his adventure of finding White castle.
Well dang it!!! I needed White castle

Oh they were the best.. BEST! SO SO good. I can't wait to go and visit the world's largest white Castle in Florida! It is their 100th Birthday! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmm

Hey! I haven't told you!
If we are good throughout the year we sometimes have a St Patrick's visitor- The Little Man of Disneyland! Patrick Begorra!

Do you see him there amongst the coffee?


Ah he's such a wonderful visitor!!
He loves to play with these guys-

Now that my home was leprechaun protected
I can leave it with a peaceful mind LOL

It was time to go to Amy's
We already knew how to make the Cheeseburger rolls, and we needed to make the steam buns too!
They wanted a cute picture--

I love them together!!

Amy and I needed to ingredients!
Off we went.
Costco/ I think target /and then there was a store just BEGGING for us to visit-

Ohh Boy this was our toy store!
We got some more shoffoffoheffergrapefruitbeer -Yep it's pronounced just like that and ingredients for chocolate martini's
This was about to get real.

I was making the Egg rolls while-
Amy was drinking.
Bryan comes in as we are--- Discussing? The situation-- which he says he should video the antics we would be rich..
He was right. I'm still mad he didn't

See-- Amy and I talk to each other how no other persons talks to each other. We are the same. we swear a lot, laugh MORE and really insult each other.. In Jewel we had a few people stare at us acting like morons..
Shopping alone- I think we had to walk away from each other 5 times from laughing too hard.
https://photos.smugmug.com/Other-stuff/i-b4Fk4MS/0/35a81e06/M/20210228_193756-M.jpgShe kept throwing the cookbook saying she can't read it then she couldn't understand what the directions said.
This is apparently hard:

While I am insulting her intelligence. This is so hard to describe in a disney fashion...
All the kids were now enjoying the show.
Poor Peanut was hailed by Amy to make the steam buns. Umm No Drunkard you are making these things. I saved Meg and she rejoined the others- No audience participation here
let's remember what they are supposed to be

See them up there?
All Purdy and swirly

No too too bad right?
They continually get worse

But she started to steam them..

In the microwave--

For 15 minutes

the steamer was destroyed

I couldn't tell you how they tasted.. I wouldn't allow anyone to try them.
We all cleaned up otherwise Bryan would have lost his MIND if he saw what it looked like.
Cleaned and proper once again..
Us in Disney is going to be fun...

I was chatting with Kathy and it wasn't the best time to come out. so we postponed the trip.
Thankfully Southwest is allowing the change without fines.
So we did. March 3-7th a nice little get away
Talking with Kathy she mentioned how a day or two they had some plans of their own.. Which made me start looking at stuff.
I gave the decision to the boys- Universal? Legoland? Sea World? or Disney
I didn't care just as long as we did something - They Picked Disney!
I booked.
We were staying with Kathy for 2 night then moving over to Caribbean Beach for two nights!

This is when i started pumping out the posts on Peanut and I
I need your all advice on what to do!

This is when I learned I was a newbie once again.

Explanation of MIA
or skip to
Ma'ma and the Boyz
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You will have to let me know how that cage works! I have been contemplating getting one. I am also hopeful that soon masks will be obsolete and my life will be whole again. Sorry, I need to see faces. We will be having a big bon fire in my back yard and burning the masks for kindling. It will be epic!

Those buns look exactly how I would make them. I saw that book at BJ's the other day and promptly put it back remembering I suck at cooking. Although I did make cafe du monde beignets last year and they came out great. Beginners luck.

Looking forward to hearing about the boys trip!
OMGoodness, the cheeseburger pods! :oops: Thank goodness you have those eggrolls perfected!

Your 3 am planning antics are legendary, friend!

Pssst...I slid a post in right before you finished this latest one...at the bottom of page 10. ::yes::
You will have to let me know how that cage works! I have been contemplating getting one. I am also hopeful that soon masks will be obsolete and my life will be whole again. Sorry, I need to see faces. We will be having a big bon fire in my back yard and burning the masks for kindling. It will be epic!

Those buns look exactly how I would make them. I saw that book at BJ's the other day and promptly put it back remembering I suck at cooking. Although I did make cafe du monde beignets last year and they came out great. Beginners luck.

Looking forward to hearing about the boys trip!

It works so well!!! I will get into more when i actually do an update.. But life saver for sure.
I agree i wish it would just go back to normal I hate all of this!! Indiana may remove the mask ban soon.. Going to be weird... Ohh I like that Idea the burning of the masks. and i hate to think about the money i have spent on them..
I would think the Beignets would be harder??? Amy is just a goof.. These are NOT that hard.. she just couldn't see straight! HA HA

OMGoodness, the cheeseburger pods! :oops: Thank goodness you have those eggrolls perfected!

Your 3 am planning antics are legendary, friend!

Pssst...I slid a post in right before you finished this latest one...at the bottom of page 10. ::yes::

Yes the Eggrolls are awesome but a little too oily?? need to dry out a bit first! LOL

geez.. 3am... its ridicules---

Look what i found! Not just yours! LOL

Great idea!
Have you tried the Pomegranate version yet?

We did and i liked it-- But not as much as the grapefruit!

It looks really nice. :)
Is that the chair you use for dibs? I think that the most annoying thing about the mounds of snow was that you couldn't open the car door on the curb side of the car. The snow was in the way.

Yes we have to do the dibs.. i have jerk neighbors who do not shovel but will take everyone else spots..

That looks like it will help to keep your face cooler, too. The mask can feel very claustrophobic, which is why I don't like the flat masks like the one you have in the picture.

I agree 100% I will get into the cage thing more i don't know if it was cooler? But i can tell you it didn't touch my mouth.. that's exactly what i needed!

Okay, I may NEED one of those jock straps for the face mask!!! I detest wearing a mask. I am officially perimenopausal, and I go into hyperventilating in that thing when I get a hot flash. It is HORRIBLE!

Me too.. masks are bad. i hate them. Yep hot flashes are not helpful whatsoever! ewww just hate it all
I hyperventilate just sitting wearing it.. LOL Yep the cage is better...

Those egg rolls look DELISH!!! I am trying to do the low carb thing now. :sad: My A1C came back high on my annual bloodwork. UGH! I know you have been doing low carb for a few years now. Well, I'm on the wagon with you. Feel free to share any of your fave low-carb recipes. I went ahead and re-subscribed to E-Meals to get some help with the meal planning for this. Hey, I'm from the south. We do not know how to plan a meal that does not include rice, pasta, or taters. :rotfl2:

When we ever do the disney night we are making them.. SO SO GOOD!
I have i go on and off it so much my body thinks its a yo yo. but i am back on it again.
Chicken is life along with the low carb tortillas I am not a fan of the bread. I buy it all the time and end up throwing it away it tastes like cardboard.
never heard of E-Meals??? Do tell
I am southside irish potato is a necessity not a choice. like air and beer.. So this was not easy.. Nticed if i am not super strict i do better.. i am currently down from when i started back in October? including the quit for the holidays I am down 20 as of this past weekend... Salad are my #1 the things you can put in there!

I may or may not have recently chopped my own hair off, too. I LOVE it! Hubby.....not so much. But, I put up with him growing a long-ish beard, so he can just deal. :rolleyes1

I need to see the picture! How much did you get cut off?
yeah Tom looks like Santa clause with the beard and the weight he gained!

I promise an update tomorrow i have too much junk to get through!
It was time to go to Amy's
We already knew how to make the Cheeseburger rolls, and we needed to make the steam buns too!
A rolling pin might have helped - anything might have helped. ;)
But she started to steam them..
In the microwave--
For 15 minutes
Those buns were a disaster. ;)
Okay - why didn't she steam them on the stove? It looks like she had a steamer.
March 3-7th a nice little get away
Four days is a nice get away. We've done a lot of four days trips. I can't wait to hear about the boys trip. :)
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Okay, so first my haircut....

And next....I sent you a FB message with the link for Emeals. It is a meal plan subscription. Each week they will send you a menu with recipes and a detailed grocery list. There are lots of different plans to choose from: portion control, budget friendly, low carb, keto, etc. It is fairly inexpensive ($4.99 per month) if you subscribe for a year. We did the budget friendly one years ago and LOVED it. It helps keep variety in your menu. Since I am just now figuring out how to control my blood sugar, I decided I could use the extra help of a planned low-carb menu week after week.

And finally.... "I promise an update tomorrow i have too much junk to get through! "........... popcorn:::surfweb::wave2::coffee::rolleyes1:surfweb:popcorn::
Good Morning!
Yes i am here we had a bit of turmoil which i will get to..

A rolling pin might have helped - anything might have helped. ;)

I truly don't think anything could have helped..

Those buns were a disaster. ;)
Okay - why didn't she steam them on the stove? It looks like she had a steamer.

She had a bit of the ol libation
She couldn't even read directions let alone use a streamer.
Needless to say she threw that piece out. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Four days is a nice get away. We've done a lot of four days trips. I can't wait to hear about the boys trip. :)

I can't wait to finally tell you

Okay, so first my haircut....

You look adorable! I love this on you!!!

And next....I sent you a FB message with the link for Emeals. It is a meal plan subscription. Each week they will send you a menu with recipes and a detailed grocery list. There are lots of different plans to choose from: portion control, budget friendly, low carb, keto, etc. It is fairly inexpensive ($4.99 per month) if you subscribe for a year. We did the budget friendly one years ago and LOVED it. It helps keep variety in your menu. Since I am just now figuring out how to control my blood sugar, I decided I could use the extra help of a planned low-carb menu week after week.

And finally.... "I promise an update tomorrow i have too much junk to get through! "........... popcorn:::surfweb::wave2::coffee::rolleyes1:surfweb:popcorn::

I couldn't think properly.. I ended up joining --- well you'll wait.. Some more!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HAA

Yeah yeah yeah..

LOOK!!! Enough Choco Tacos for the WHOLE FAMILY!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Holy cow
that's a lot of chocolate. HA HA H AHA

We miss you, Mo. Are you coming back????

Of course! I just had a lot going on--

I swear the drama just keeps going-
My nephew was shot in 2017 and his trial was going on.
Sadly he was found not guilty on all charges - apparently my niece lied about the possibility of being another person. Which discredited her whole story.
so i am worried about my sister and family. If he retaliates-
this was a tough pill to swallow.

Then my darling daughter started talking to a boy. at first i was like umm ok.
then mommy spidy sense started kicking in and i told her he wasn't right for her. she kept talking to him then finally i told her i do NOT APPROVE.
while the boys and i were in Disney Zack got a message from a friend of his with a video showing another girl screaming at 'the boy' talking about how he needs to stop groping other girls how he is cheating on Meghan but not Meghan another girl BLAH BLAH i was like oh boy- Teenage drama let me step to the right and dodge this.
AS i told the boys what do you expect when you want to get involved with trash?
Zack and Matt confronted 'the boy' when they got back to school telling him he is not to be near their sister and if they hear if he mistreats ANY girl he will have to answer to them.
'the boy' was visibly shaken.

Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago?
I was told 'the boy' was suspended for 10 days. along with a girl for 4 days for sending pictures to each other..
the girls comes from.. well.. Let's put it not my way of living..

the weekend passes and for whatever reason something was nagging me.
Monday night in the shower it just kept creeping in my mind.
So i found her on the couch flipping threw her phone as teenagers do. the boys where doing teenage boys stuff
so i asked.
Meghan- is there something you are not telling me about "the boy'
she says no

Meghan is there something you are not telling me

she puts her head down and starts crying.
oh S&!^

I was NOT prepared for the story that just unfolded
It was my nightmare come to fruition.
long story shortened-
A student went to the principal because she was worried about how her friend was being treated by 'the boy'
which apparently needed further investigation-
knowing Meghan was "talking" to 'the boy' she was called into the office and was questioned about 'the boy' and his actions.
she did NOT tell them what truly happened to her at the time because she was being questioned/interviewed by the principal (female) and Vice (male)
that was it- about sexual content
Some one sent Meghan some text messages between ANOTHER girl and 'the boy' which should have been an expulsion right there.
But no.
let's just say the big ol F word was used and the girl said NO the only way F would happen is it was rape since she was NOT going to give consent- he said oh i'm going to F you.
he received 10 days for this.
In a catholic school.

I ask why wasn't i called if you were called into the office?
she didn't know.

'the boy' is scared of my boys so when we left for Disney
he struck.
She told my daughter she needed to send him pictures if not then he was going to hurt her and touch her in places she did not want to be.
this went on and on he send her pictures of--- i am angry...
very angry.
i am not going to go into more then this at this point.
She was scared to death. she was by herself we were gone. and he found his opportunity.

well now is our opportunity. The school is utterly useless- police can only do so much cannot put on a restraining order for a minor apparently So now i am going another route this week.

So this is what i have been dealing with for the past couple of weeks- We need prayers.
Meghan is doing SO much better. He had kept her away from her BFFS that we all didn't know about the girls thought she was grounded and i thought it was they were busy.
really went under my radar... I am mad at myself too.

Like i said we are all healing now
Boys feel like failures for not keep their sister safe
their Football brothers (team) feel like they failed Matt and Zack for not keeping Meghan safe while they were gone.
Tom and i for not seeing the signs.
for as active i am in my kids life!
anyway. this did bridge the gap between Meg and I. She now feels a lot more comfortable coming to me with anything knowing i have her back. always. this proved it to her.

I have noticed her eye makeup is a lot lighter now. i know it's a small thing but i feel as if she was hiding behind those "wings" she had on her eyes.. and often would tell her its too much and hides her natural beauty instead of accentuate her natural beauty..

See Cleopatra?


Showing off really cute sandals

really awesome with Don socks..

You can even see the difference in her smile...

Going to pick up my salad.. Ill be back..
famous last words... HA H AH HAA

Ma'Ma and da Boyz-
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I'm so sorry to hear about Meghan and how she was hurt by the boy. It is a good thing you listened to your inner voice and was able to get her to talk to you. She is lucky to have a mom who has her back. I hope she never has anything like that happen to her again.
I'm so sorry to hear about Meghan and how she was hurt by the boy. It is a good thing you listened to your inner voice and was able to get her to talk to you. She is lucky to have a mom who has her back. I hope she never has anything like that happen to her again.

Thank you She is still healing mentally.. I just continue to support her in whatever she needs.
and fighting back everyway i can..
Disney trip #2:​

Since I have NO idea how- what- or where I was going with the posts-

I may as well just jump right into the Mama boys trip!

I really was trying to pump out the posts to ask for your opinions-- before I knew it I was buying the boys luggage, travel stuff packing making reservations and off we were going!

The dates were- March 3rd to March 7th Staying with Friends then moving over to Caribbean Beach!
Trial run!!!

Packing was difficult. I had no idea how to pack. In January with Peanut it was hot and cold.
Checking the weather it was looking about the same which is weird. So I brought what i thought would be good.

Off we went for our 915 flight out of Midway.

it was a bit more packed then January but still nothing compared to "normal" midway Security check was a breeze - Surprised the security with them being Triplets missing the LET only having the trip. it was funny for 7am ish

found our gate without a problem

we were some of the first there

but then--

it got busy- the announcement was made that the plane had in fact been at capacity

and everyone was going to Disney.

Well we needed coffee so I sent the boys to Dunkin while I people watched. Little did I know we would be traveling with the entire cast from jersey shore.
ok not really- but this family was the epitome of mobster tv version you think of Chicago. One two Tree
go get your f shine box don't forget the cannoli you get the idea.. and there was about 15 of them, yelling across the entire airport since our gate was next to the bar.
It was total entertainment

then our chariot arrived-

ya know i am the early bird so we were boarding pretty quick

Matt was terrified. Yep he is afraid of flying and heights- he was fun and Zack wanted the window seat since he has never gotten it any time we have flown!!

Unfortunately the front seat was occupied so we took the next best thing-
Emergency exit- Loads of leg room for my monsters

the attendants were pretty funny making sure everyone knew how to use the emergency exits and did the whole spiel and quizzed the boys after.

Sitting with Meg on a plane is a whole different experience my new pooh size self was not as comfortable with the boys!!

We all watched movies and listened to music Matt was a bit nervous on take off and landing but did FINE!
Fear of flying conquered!

Flight was fine nothing to report normal couple of hours and we landed perfectly!
so excited we were off-

this time i KNEW were to go instead of running ALL over the ding dang airport

they had forgotten how lovely Florida is with all it's bright happy PALM TREES and GREENERY!


Still very empty!


we waited and waited a little for our luggage

Haley called she was on her way~ so we headed out to enjoy some Florida air!!

Coming up next a very chill evening!

Next up-
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Well we needed coffee so I sent the boys to Dunkin while I people watched. Little did I know we would be traveling with the entire cast from jersey shore.
I love people watching at Midway. What I would really like to know is how a family group of 12 people get to pre-board along with one person in a wheel-chair, when only one attendant is allowed. They all had pre-boarding passes, too. They were a group ranging from kids to grandparents. I see this happening a lot at Midway.
Unfortunately the front seat was occupied so we took the next best thing-
Emergency exit- Loads of leg room for my monsters
I sat in the front row once and you can't have anything with you during take off and landing, which is annoying. The fire exit row is better. :)
I love people watching at Midway. What I would really like to know is how a family group of 12 people get to pre-board along with one person in a wheel-chair, when only one attendant is allowed. They all had pre-boarding passes, too. They were a group ranging from kids to grandparents. I see this happening a lot at Midway.

it drives me nuts!!!
this doesn't happen at O'Hare?

I sat in the front row once and you can't have anything with you during take off and landing, which is annoying. The fire exit row is better. :)

I loved the front row!! yes you can't have your stuff for the landings... But that's ok.. and first off is the best ever!
Get me out of there! HA
Mo, as a mom of two girls, I just CANNOT with how that pi$$-ant boy treated Meg. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: And that is all I will say about that.

Ooooh, you have arrived in Paradise... the fun is about to begin.... popcorn:🍿🍿:
Mo, as a mom of two girls, I just CANNOT with how that pi$$-ant boy treated Meg. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: And that is all I will say about that.

Ooooh, you have arrived in Paradise... the fun is about to begin.... popcorn:🍿🍿:

I am still dealing with it. The dip principal emails me and asks how's it going cuz she really wants to close this up.. Made me not like her even more,.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's day!
Been busy round here still dealing with the Peanut situation Baseball and softball.
Rain or shine!

best invention EVER

Or watching a friends game.

Going to school is like packing for a weeks vacation

My goodness everyday we were the field for one or the other.

Peanut made this weird thing-

it was SO GROSS. but we made everyone try it. LOL

we had a Florida sunrise!

Someone had a birthday- 3!


I am getting a GOLDEN PUPPY!!!! They are born May15th! Murphy is the 18th!
**I'm going to let you guess the name....**​
I love him and I haven't met him. When their eyes and ears open we can go and see them. I cannot wait.

I had a flat tired and three chuckleheads changed it out to the smallest tired ever! LOL

For Mothers day i got this-

It grosses me out so much

I bought myself my most favorite kitchen tool!!!

OMGOODNESS this thing is AH-MAZ-ING I cannot grill. We don't have gas because we love the taste of real BBQ - so we have charcoal - i cannot cook on it for NOTHING
But this thing gives the best next best thing!!!! I've been a grilling machine!

Did i mention I started WW? well i need different ways to cook chicken! OMG this is perfect!
FYI in two weeks I am down 8.2! Easy clean up? YES please!
it will look amazing on my Florida home counter top...

Seriously want a spa day. These kids are going to put me in a early grave or the looney bin.
I threatened Matt that he better stay on the right path...
Baseball is the dangerous sport Not football..
Fight me on this i dare you-

Saturday was the Boys JV tourney at a different school and last game of the season. I was on my way and running late.
because -- Matt

On my way I got a call from their coach (and Theology teacher)
at first I thought they wanted me to pick up something like a case of water
I was told Zack was hit in the face with a ball and probably broke his nose probably bad enough to go to the hospital.. When I got there is was worse then I expected.

It's broken in three spots

But he is OK

Sleeps a lot

It badly swollen but no real pain

this is what i got this morning.

So- During warm ups Which is the 90% of sports injuries-

Zack was catching for the Coach while he was hitting the balls out to the field. Once the kids would catch them they would throw them to Zack who would toss them to the coach.. easy peasy right? Unless your a freshman acting like a tool and clearly needed to prove himself-not paying attention to the other kids throwing in. And threw it hard.

Need to call the bone doc for a appointment nothing they could/can do with the amount of swelling he has.
During this whole thing he kept saying
we are still going to BBQ right?
Had to BBQ with our good friends Remember the kid that killed his knee? My other family?
So what the kid wanted the kid got!
that exactly what we did!

Peanut TELLING Nick because that's what she does.

If you ever need the worst picture of yourself that can be taken just ask Mel-
Look at this--

OMG! what is that?!!? WHO is that!!!
I lost 8.2 pounds
I lost 8.2 pounds
I lost 8.2 pounds
I must repeat
I lost 8.2 pounds
i am on the road to healthy.
I lost 8.2 pounds
I will not look like that person up there!
I cannot even think that person is me?!?!
This is me right now Wondering who the heck that person is

I have so much to catch up with travel stuff crafty stuff.
But ding dang this family has other plans for me! thankfully on the field i can do a lot for the travel stuff. :thumbsup2

Since i am back for work for 4 days a week i have a lot more time to write here!

Boys trip Day 1 FLORIDA!
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Poor Zack! That looked like it was really painful. I hope it heals nicely for him.

A new puppy - how exciting. They are always so cute. :)

The kids really keep you busy. I can see why you don't have time to post an update. But we still want to see one. ::yes::
Poor Zack! That looked like it was really painful. I hope it heals nicely for him.

A new puppy - how exciting. They are always so cute. :)

The kids really keep you busy. I can see why you don't have time to post an update. But we still want to see one. ::yes::

Thanks! apparently it looks way worse then it feels.. I keep telling him what we see hurts.. bad. ugh! I wanna cry! my poor baby!

YES! a new BABY!! I cannot wait to start to show again!!

These kids want to put me in a early retirement home I swear to you.

and im going to give you one!
I was going to go tot he gym at lunch but this seems more fun.


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