Wine & Dine 1/2 marathon weekend 2021

Does anyone know if they generally release photos of the products you can preorder? I'm trying to decide what I should preorder.
Thanks... I am an over thinker so the prospect of having to work around my third jab has been just as stressful as deciding if we want to prioritize the expo or getting a remy boarding group on Thursday and just how we want to let Genie + flow with our present touring plan (local APs so)
If it helps, you are not alone in this 3rd jab stress. I had a MAJOR response to dose 1: I was out of commission for 4 days, unable to do much for another 2, and still had massive fatigue and inflammation for another week. Dose 2 only knocked me out for 2 days, but had some unpleasant issues of the female persuasion for another 6 weeks. On top of it, I also broke out in hives an hour after each, despite being on 24-hour antihistamine I take daily. So last I heard from my doctor was "no boosters for you," but if I'd like to continue earning a living and leaving my house, I'm going to have to take a chance on dose 3... and 8 months would be awfully close to Dopey, so yeah - I'm hoping to aim for 6 months, though that puts me really close to W&D. But I figure I can probably tough it out for "only" W&D, lol! Oy.
5K opened up again. My sister and I were trying to get 2 registrations done and it kept saying "sold out" so we tried 1 at a time and I got in, she was trying at the same time, and got the sold out. So we keep stalking for it to open up again. I signed up for the virtual challenge, so don't want to do that. It will be nice to only do the 5K.
66 days until race weekend! How is training going for everyone?
I am using a modified Galloway HM plan, using the plan mileage but running instead of walking/intervals. I am also practicing walking aid stations, so a 20-30 sec walk every 1.5-2 miles where I try to take in my water/fuel with no drinking in between. I would like to be able to not carry water for this race since November temps should at least be better than August in Houston, there are so many aid stations for this race, and it’s one less thing for me to mess with. 8 mile long run today went well. I did my aid station walk breaks and felt pretty good at the end despite the august heat and humidity. I was able to only drink at “aid stations” until the last mile or so. At that point, the sun was fully out and I was just hot and needed the liquid.
I am also trying new nutrition options on my long runs since the fuel I was using seemed to be upsetting my stomach last race season. I stopped by my local fleet feet and bought one or 2 of almost everything they carry so I can try out different brands, flavors, etc. Today was honey stinger gel in vanilla flavor. I timed it to take my gel at my water refill point, so I ate the gel and drank a few ounces of water before refilling and heading out. Total time about 2 mins. No stomach upset, the flavor was mild enough, and the consistency was fine. I didn’t feel the sugar hitting my system but rather just didn’t feel like I was fading and the last few miles felt similar in effort to the first few. Overall, a win for the honey stinger gel.
Life has definitely getting in the way of training. I need to get back into it. I also need to order some fuel, since I’m noticing I’m running out of energy by the end of my longer runs (only 5 miles so far).

Plan is to run 6 miles today after putting my kids to bed, so we’ll see how that goes.
Training is good, on pace for two marathons in October followed by wine and dine. Excited to be back to run Disney!
I will give another vote to Honey Stinger, my go to gel in berry flavor. I usually down one every 3-4 miles and can even take it a couple miles before a water stop if I need something and not have issues (knock on wood) I do feel an almost insant kick, not sure if its the sugar or caffeine but its quick and doesn't bother me, and I definitely prefer the taste and consistency over other gels.
Life has definitely getting in the way of training. I need to get back into it. I also need to order some fuel, since I’m noticing I’m running out of energy by the end of my longer runs (only 5 miles so far).

Plan is to run 6 miles today after putting my kids to bed, so we’ll see how that goes.

I hope you were able to get your run in! Life certainly has a way of making the days seem too short!

Training is good, on pace for two marathons in October followed by wine and dine. Excited to be back to run Disney!
I will give another vote to Honey Stinger, my go to gel in berry flavor. I usually down one every 3-4 miles and can even take it a couple miles before a water stop if I need something and not have issues (knock on wood) I do feel an almost insant kick, not sure if its the sugar or caffeine but its quick and doesn't bother me, and I definitely prefer the taste and consistency over other gels.

Sounds like a busy fall for you! I am also very excited to be back running at Disney! I’ll have to give the berry flavor a try.
+1 for Honey Stinger gels. I can tolerate pretty much any gel, but I like the consistency of Honey Stinger: they fold and mold really easily to stuff into pockets, fuel belt loops, etc.

Technically I'm training now for Dopey and W&D is actually a cut-back along the way, which is always weird. Just did a 3/11 b2b this weekend.
+1 for Honey Stinger gels. I can tolerate pretty much any gel, but I like the consistency of Honey Stinger: they fold and mold really easily to stuff into pockets, fuel belt loops, etc.

Technically I'm training now for Dopey and W&D is actually a cut-back along the way, which is always weird. Just did a 3/11 b2b this weekend.

I also liked the consistency. Gels have always seemd a little weird for me because of the texture, but the stinger one wasn’t bad and didn’t coat my mouth.
You should be in fantastic shape for W&D then!
66 days until race weekend! How is training going for everyone?
I am using a modified Galloway HM plan, using the plan mileage but running instead of walking/intervals. I am also practicing walking aid stations, so a 20-30 sec walk every 1.5-2 miles where I try to take in my water/fuel with no drinking in between. I would like to be able to not carry water for this race since November temps should at least be better than August in Houston, there are so many aid stations for this race, and it’s one less thing for me to mess with. 8 mile long run today went well. I did my aid station walk breaks and felt pretty good at the end despite the august heat and humidity. I was able to only drink at “aid stations” until the last mile or so. At that point, the sun was fully out and I was just hot and needed the liquid.
I am also trying new nutrition options on my long runs since the fuel I was using seemed to be upsetting my stomach last race season. I stopped by my local fleet feet and bought one or 2 of almost everything they carry so I can try out different brands, flavors, etc. Today was honey stinger gel in vanilla flavor. I timed it to take my gel at my water refill point, so I ate the gel and drank a few ounces of water before refilling and heading out. Total time about 2 mins. No stomach upset, the flavor was mild enough, and the consistency was fine. I didn’t feel the sugar hitting my system but rather just didn’t feel like I was fading and the last few miles felt similar in effort to the first few. Overall, a win for the honey stinger gel.

Training is going well over here too. I do two 3 milers during the week with a long run on the weekend-each week I add 5 minutes to the long run time. I stick with the Galloway intervals and run for 5 walk for 1 minute. Although the heat has been brutal here in the midwest, I suppose it's good to run in this weather so I can prepare for the conditions in Florida. I haven't been using any fuel just yet since I'm only running 7 ish miles right now but usually go through about 20 ounces of gatorade which is much needed.
Training is going well over here too. I do two 3 milers during the week with a long run on the weekend-each week I add 5 minutes to the long run time. I stick with the Galloway intervals and run for 5 walk for 1 minute. Although the heat has been brutal here in the midwest, I suppose it's good to run in this weather so I can prepare for the conditions in Florida. I haven't been using any fuel just yet since I'm only running 7 ish miles right now but usually go through about 20 ounces of gatorade which is much needed.
Good work! Sounds like you are well on your way. The heat is definitely a factor and as brutal as running in the heat is I keep reminding myself that the fall glow-up will be glorious!
Does anyone know what, If any accommodations are made if you’re physically injured just before an event and physically CAN’T participate? I broke a toe last Friday and am not sure I’m going to be recovered to the point I’ll be cleared to run by the time of the Wine and Dine (let’s not discuss what has happened to my training plan 🥵)
Does anyone know what, If any accommodations are made if you’re physically injured just before an event and physically CAN’T participate? I broke a toe last Friday and am not sure I’m going to be recovered to the point I’ll be cleared to run by the time of the Wine and Dine (let’s not discuss what has happened to my training plan 🥵)

The official answer is “none”. Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferrrable. There have been isolated instances of individuals contacting RunDisney directly with their situations and getting answers running the gamut from “sorry, you’re out of luck” to partial or full refunds, usually in the form of Disney gift cards, though. There doesn’t really seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. Your best bet is to reach out to them and see if they’re willing to do anything for you.
Keeping myself honest here- my motivation has been SUB STANDARD. I have got to get crack a lackin if I’m going to finish the wine and dine. Anyone else struggling to break out of a covid fitness slump?


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