12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2 Part 10

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This had most of the state of Michigan laughing for 2 days and a very embarrassed female news anchor who will, in the future, likely think before
she speaks. What happens when you predict snow but don't get any....a true
story...We had a female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked: "So Bob, here's that 8 inches you promised me last night?" Not only did HE have to leave the set, but half the crew did too they were laughing so hard!
BuzzBoyMom said:

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them
at funerals.

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2:
slindamood said:
You have good reason to be frustrated, depressed, etc.

Think anyone would notice if I slip something into a bill giving your district the money you need?


Why not, Suzanne....especially if you are going to turn in your notice. :rolleyes1
Karen, I have tears rolling down my face, lol. And there was no suppressing the laughter.

BuzzBoyMom said:
Wow - while cleaning out that box, I ran across an old email from Christina Page...she was the mother of Nathan Page....a little boy who passed away after going on a Disney cruise...anyone remember the story? Andy - Verandah Man - became very close to the family?

For anyone who does remember - my son's Kindergarten class adopted Nathan as their classmate and sent him pictures and cards. It was such a touching and emotional learning experience.

Isn't it amazing how life comes around...I haven't read that email in a long time.

Of course I remember Nathan. How wonderful that the class helped to brighten his life. I hope his family is doing well. I think of him when we go to CC...knowing he is there too.
MrsMork said:
So the price of the burgers and groceries goes up and everyone is right back where they started. :sad2: I think there should be some break for employeers that hire HS kids (thank you John1) and give them the opportunity to learn to work. There is a large investment of time and training that goes into helping these kids learn how to show up when/where they are supposed to and be productive for hours at a time. There is a huge difference in my DGS's financial needs and those of folks who are trying to survive on MW and just don't have the where with all to do something more with their lives. DGS is doing a great job and his bosses absolutely LOVE him, he looks for work to do, offers extra help, etc., but that cannot be said of all his friends. Some of them require a bit of "management time" to become good employees.

My ranting for the day. :rolleyes:

John asked me to step back and read this...just a few comments...

Yes it is a vicious circle.....

Employers already do get breaks for hiring lower income workers and people who have been on assistance and such. (I've worked retail in the past....and on almost all of my jobs they had you make that confidential call to the government verifying your income and such) Not sure if that's a state thing or a federal thing...I was in PA at the time.... I never seen that at my jobs in MD though....

While I do agree that "some" teenagers need extra help...Any new employee needs and should get that assistance as well....Maybe I'm in the minority but i was a good worker from the beginning...knew that breaks were breaks...not to fool around...etc.... When i was promoted not even 6 months after starting my first teen job, i really was embarrassed by some of the workers that were hired.... They didn't need the money like i did and it showed... (Stuff like not showing up...taking long lunches, disappering, not cleaning up, friends hanging out in the store, stuff like that)

Guess it all depends on how you were raised...but over the years I've ran into an equal amount of adults too that act like they really don't need the job either.

My DD works for her riding lessons right now.... The stable owner has told me on several occasions that she just loves my DD because she knows that the work will get done if she asks her to do it. Many of the students are just there to "horse around" (ha,ha) and do very little but hang out during their shifts.

I'm hoping this work ethic continues with dd into her first paying job too... I sure know that i can't get her to clean her room for me. :rolleyes1
slindamood said:
You have good reason to be frustrated, depressed, etc.

Think anyone would notice if I slip something into a bill giving your district the money you need?


Talk about connections, lol.

lbgraves said:
Of course I remember Nathan. How wonderful that the class helped to brighten his life. I hope his family is doing well. I think of him when we go to CC...knowing he is there too.

I just sent Christina an email telling her I would stop and remember their family and say a little prayer for alll of them while on CC.
goofyforlife said:
What is really sad is that in some communities (like northern central PA). Finding a job paying $7-8 an hour is rare...Even office jobs... Gosh my yearly salary there working full time mind you was only $16-17K a year....Pocket change in this economy.........

That's how it is around here...which is why I am a SAHM. I moved down here and took a pay cut from the VA area where we lived before. I left my job after four years making under $8 per hour. I had been hired as a CSR for a furniture company supporting the west coast sales rep. I handled every aspect of the orders...(after cleaning up the mess left by the person who was fired before me) answering questions from stores, entering orders from the rep & revising them when necessary, ordering and shipping parts, billing the stores, tracking the shipments from the plant in Mexico across the border and to the delivery point...along with many more things. I moved up to head the AR department (they had grown & split up some of the responsibilities) and cleaned up a huge mess that was left by the previous person who was fired (notice the pattern?). I set up new proceedures, wrote out a handbook explaining how I set it up (I was 2 months pregnant at the time I started there & they knew that I was leaving at 8 months), and turned it all around. That was considered good pay here. Most locals don't go beyond high school and the military base means military wives who will work for anything and don't need benefits.
BuzzBoyMom said:
8. Only in America......do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.

I bought 12 pack of Hot Dogs and a 12 pack of buns this weekend, see we are more advanced up here, lol. ;) :woohoo:

goofyforlife said:
No surprise here...Why should it be any different? Are they working any less than older folks... NO Sure they can't work beyond certain weekday hours but have the same job requirements.

From 16 on...I worked 30-35 hours a week to pay for my own expenses...my car...my car insurance.....my clothes...my spending money...my hairspray (it was the 80's ya know).

Sorry didn't come from a family with cash... or an allowance fairy... If i wanted something...I had to earn it on my own...

I have to say that I agree with this. Nothing was given to me as far as regular HS expenses and forget about college tuition, books, etc. If I hadn't been able to work for two years before college at higher that minimum wage jobs...I probably wouldn't have been able to start college when I did.
A mother is driving a little girl to her friend's house for a play date.
"Mommy," the little girl asks, "how old are you?"
"Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age," the mother replied.
"It's not polite."
"OK", the little girl says, "How much do you weigh?"
"Now really," the mother says, "those are personal questions and are really none of your business."
Undaunted, the little girl asks, "Why did you and Daddy get a divorce?"
"That is enough questions, young lady, honestly!"
The exasperated mother walks away as the two friends begin to play.
"My Mom won't tell me anything about her," the little girl says to her friend.
"Well," says the friend, "all you need to do is look at her drivers' license It is like a report card, it has everything on it."

Later that night the little girl says to her mother, "I know how old you are, you are 32."
The mother is surprised and asks, "How did you find that out?
"I also know that you weigh 140 pounds."
The mother is past surprised and shocked now. "How in heaven's name did you find that out?"
"And," the little girl says triumphantly, "I know why you and daddy got a divorce."
"Oh really?" the mother asks. "Why?"
"Because you got an F in sex."
BuzzBoyMom said:
Wow - while cleaning out that box, I ran across an old email from Christina Page...she was the mother of Nathan Page....a little boy who passed away after going on a Disney cruise...anyone remember the story? Andy - Verandah Man - became very close to the family?

For anyone who does remember - my son's Kindergarten class adopted Nathan as their classmate and sent him pictures and cards. It was such a touching and emotional learning experience.

Isn't it amazing how life comes around...I haven't read that email in a long time.

I have pics of Nat still on my computer, he was a great kid.

Roses & Hanging Baskets

A teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with this

see-through blouse on and no bra. Her grandmother just pitched a fit,

telling her not to dare go out like that!

The teenager tells her "Loosen up Grams. These are modern times. You

gotta let your rose buds show!" and out she goes.

The next day the teenager comes down stairs, and the grandmother is

sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die. She explains

to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is

just not appropriate...

The grandmother says, "Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your

rose buds, then I can display my hanging baskets.
For all you moms out there with little girls...especiallly those who like crafts...be warned...

NOTE: This is not my story, but one sent to me...
I was due for an appointment with the gynecologist later in the week. but early on Monday morning, I received a call from his office to tell me that my appointment had been rescheduled for that morning at 9:30AM.

I had just packed everyone off to work and school, and it was already around 8:45 AM. Since the trip to his office would take about 35 minutes, I didn't have any time to spare. As most women do, I like to take a little extra effort over hygiene when making such visits, but this time I wasn't going to be able to make the full effort. So, I rushed upstairs, threw off my pajamas, wet the washcloth that was sitting next to the sink, and gave myself a quick wash in "that area" to make sure I was at least presentable.

I then threw the washcloth in the hamper, donned some clothes, hopped in the car and raced to my appointment. I was in the waiting room for only a few minutes when I was called in. Knowing the procedure, as I'm sure you do, I hopped up on the table, looked over at the other side of the room and pretended that I was in Paris or some other place a million miles away.

I was a little surprised when the doctor said, "My, we've made an extra effort this morning, haven't we?" I didn't respond.

After the exam, I heaved a sigh of relief and went home. The rest of the day was normal... some shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc.

After school when my six year old daughter was playing, she called out from the bathroom, "Mommy, where's my washcloth?" I told her to get another one from the cupboard.

She replied, "No, I need the one that was here by the sink, it had all my glitter and sparkles saved inside it."
Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking........and one blonde says to the other, "Which do you think is farther away..........Florida or the moon?" The other blonde turns and says "Helloooooooooo!!! can you see Florida.......?????"

A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. She says, "What's the story?" He replies, "Just crap in the carburetor"
She asks, "How often do I have to do that?"

A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license. She replied in a huff, "I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you!"

There's this blonde out for a walk. She comes to a river and sees another blonde on the opposite bank. "Yoo-hoo!" she shouts, "How can I get to the other side?" The second blonde looks up the river then down the river and shouts back, "You ARE on the other side."

A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway.
Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting! Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled , "PULL OVER!" "NO!" the blonde yelled back, "IT'S A SCARF!"

A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day. The Russian said, "We were the first in space!" The American said, "We were the first on the moon!" The Blonde said, "So what? We're going to be the first on the sun!" The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads. "You can't land on the sun, you idiot!
You'll burn up!" said the Russian. To which the Blonde replied, "We're not stupid, you know. We're going at night!"

A blonde was playing Trivial Pursuit one night. It was her turn. She rolled the dice and she landed on Science & Nature. Her question was, "If you are in a vacuum and someone calls your name, can you hear it?"
She thought for a time and then asked, "Is it on or off?"

A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?" "HELLLOOOOOOO......,"
answered the blond. "They're watch dogs"
i'm thinking we could alter this for John and come up with a pretty good proposal for his school answering machine....


This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High School (California) Staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine. This came about because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children's absences and missing homework.

The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children's failing grades changed to passing grades even though those children were absent 15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough school work to pass their classes.

This is the actual answering machine message for the school:

"Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting the right staff member, please listen to all your options before making a selection:

"To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1

"To make excuses for why your child did not do his work- Press 2

"To complain about what we do - Press 3

"To swear at staff members - Press 4

"To ask why you didn't get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5

"If you want us to raise your child - Press 6

"If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7

"To request another teacher for the third time this year- Press 8

"To complain about bus transportation - Press 9

"To complain about school lunches - Press 0
"If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behavior, class work, homework, and that it's not the teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day!"

If you can read this thank a teacher.

If you are reading it in English thank a veteran.
Well, Girl Potato and Boy Potato


> had eyes for each other,


> and finally they got married,


> and had a little sweet potato,


> which they called 'Yam.'


> Of course, they wanted the best for Yam.


> When it was time,


> they told her about the facts of life.


> They warned her about going out


> and getting half-baked,


> so she wouldn't get accidentally mashed,


> and get a bad name for herself like


> 'Hot Potato,'


> and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots.


> Yam said not to worry,


> no Spud would get her into


> the sack and make a rotten potato out of her!


> But on the other hand


> she wouldn't stay home


> and become a Couch Potato either.


> She would get plenty of exercise


> so as not to be skinny


> like her Shoestring cousins.


> When she went off to Europe,


> Mr. and Mrs. Po! tato told Yam


> to watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland.


> And the greasy guys from France


> called the French Fries.


> And when she went out west,


> to watch out for the Indians


> so she wouldn't get scalloped.


> Yam said she would stay on


> the straight and narrow and w! ouldn't associate


> with those high class Yukon Golds,


> or the ones from the other side of the tracks


> who advertise their trade


> on all the trucks that say,


> 'Frito Lay.'


> Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U.


> (that's Potato University)


> so that when she graduated


> she'd really be in the Chips.


> But in spite of all they did for her,


> one-day Yam came home and announced


> she was going to marry Tom Brokaw.


> Tom Brokaw!


> Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset.


> They told Yam she couldn't


> possibly marry Tom Brokaw


> because he's just.......


> Are you ready for this?



> Are you sure?


> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *


> OK! Here it is!


> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *


Wanted to share my happy news... :goodvibes

Today I weighed in at my weight loss goal weight!!! :woohoo: That's 97 pounds lost since last september! Of course I plan to try to lose a few more pounds before the cruise so that I can indulge a little on the desserts and not have to feel guilty gaining a few pounds. ;)
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