150 Club....Care to join??? Continued.

So far this whole budging thing is not working for me. I think i might have a weight loss lag. Last week I was so-so and went up .4, but I think the .4 might have been from the week before. I am dealing with last weeks choices on the scale this week. Does that make sense? So if I am perfect this week I will see the result in two weeks. I don't know. It is a thought at least. I still have three whole days to my official weigh in so maybe I will get somewhere!

It's funny, I was just typing this out on another thread. I believe that efforts have a delayed reaction too, that it shows up a week later.

Maria, work has slowed some. We have a few "mini-releases" the next few weeks but our major upgrade isn't until the middle of May, so that gains some breathing room.
Hey, Ladies!

Good morning! The snow is steadily falling, and I should be concentrating, but it's just not happening. So, I'll do a short post...

Yesterday I did an hour on the TM. My pace was not the best, but it was better than staying on the couch. I did 10 miles on the bike the day before. I plan to do another 10 miles on the bike today, plus strength training.

DS is having his first sleepover tonight, so our house is filled with junk food. On the bright side, I'm sure the boys will eat all of it. I can't believe the appetites on these kids! :confused3 I think it's a growing boy thing.

Sarah -- So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Let yourself rest and get better. You have a great trip in just a few days!:woohoo:

Raen -- .4 is not something to worry about. It really could be anything at all. Wait and see how you are doing this week. Sometimes our bodies do their own thing ::yes::

Jennie -- How did the cookies work out? I am a terrible portioner, so I really have to only have access to what I intend to eat. Otherwise an ounce quickly becomes a bag...it's not pretty.:sad2:

Kelsey -- It sounds like you are doing great! 4 lbs. is something to :cheer2: about!

Kat -- Are you crazy at work again? I know it goes in cycles for you!;)

Liz -- Is the team challenge motivating you? It's making me workout when I'd rather not, so that's always a good thing!:cool1:

Pam and Candis -- How are you? :upsidedow

Ok, this could be a rough weekend, but we can get through it. A new week is just around the corner. Let's hit the ground running!


Maria awesome job on your miles!!! :dance3: :cheer2:
Raen, I agree with you the week before definitely affects your current weight. My WW leader would say that as well. She would say don't get over confident after a good week because you could lose it the next. And then if you are good one week but don't lose, stick to it because sometimes it takes 2 weeks for it to show up on the scale. Good luck!

Congratulations Sarah on your new weight!! I like to look at my weight in 10 lb or 5lb increments. That way I'm not focusing too much on the little ups and downs. Hope you are feeling better

Wow, Maria you do a lot of miles! Good for you. I only had two cookies yesterday. I had 3 today. The bummer is I purposely made sugar cookies that i don't really like. So I would've hoped to have not eaten any! How much snow did you get by you? I'm on the Cape and we only got about 4inches.

Aside from my 3 cookies today I did good. I did some strength training and the elliptical. But only 30 mins. I should've down an hour. Oh well. I need to get back into the everyday groove!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
I saw the title 150's club and would love to come alongside all of you. I have been dieting for over two weeks now and am so bored and restless. I love to cook and entertain and plan meals and watch cooking shows, but while I am dieting it just isn't the same. I have lost 7.5 lbs so far, which makes me 168.5. I would love to be in the 150's by Easter.
I absolutely agree, Raenstoirm, that the scale shows our choices from the week before, not yesterday or a few days ago. That is why the numbers often don't make a lot of sense. Although I do weigh myself daily, I only record it weekly.
So I would love to stop by here now and then and share progress. Weekends are tough, aren't they? But I am determined to feel better by Spring! :)
Welcome Saphire!!

I love to eat and cook and plan menus too. I have started to find it fun to see how healthy I can make recipes, and find substitutions for the fatty parts of the meals... like light butter, 2% milk cheese, reduced fat or fat free products.

What I do is try to take recipes and food shows and make them into healthier versions but still tasty ones. I am actually watching a show called "Healthy Appetite" and she has a lot of good tips.

Warning: The following assumes you aren't vegetarian!! :laughing:

For example, I made stuffed pork chops last night. Took a thick-cut boneless pork loin chop (8 oz = ~250 cals) and cut a pocket in it for the stuffing. I used 1/2 serving of stove top (60 cals) but you could make your own. Then I sprayed it and a pan with butter-flavored cooking spray, and seasoned with salt, pepper, parsley, oregano, basil, and some garlic powder. I cut up 2 small red potatoes (~100 cals) and 1 small onion (20) and sprayed and seasoned in the same way as the chop. Baked the whole mess for 45 min at 350, and served w/ 1 cup steamed broccoli (30) w/ butter spray, salt,pepper. The whole thing came to under 500 calories and was really yummy.

The keys are to use lean meats like pork, chicken, fish, or lean steak (4 oz trimmed NY strip = 180 cals), some fat substitute (cooking spray or parkay spray or light butter), and TONS of seasoning. And bulk up with veggies so you still feel full, but I have to season and make those taste good too or they are tough to choke down.

Hope that helps!!
Welcome Saphire! We are right about at the same weight. But I don't dare hope for it to be gone by easter!! I am such a slowwww loser!

Kat I really like that pork chop recipe. I'm always looking for new ways to serve pork and chicken. Sometimes I make the pork chops and pour gravy in the pan then just put the stove top on top of that. My DH really likes that one. But my kids won't eat the stuffing! I just saw something in the prevention magazine that recommends filling your plate up with 1/2 vegetables and 1/4 meat and 1/4 carbs. I've been doing this for a couple years but glad to know I'm doing the right things!

Jennie, I bet you could stuff the chop with rice instead of stove top? Like one of those Lipton rice&sauce things.

You also don't have to stuff it, you could just season and bake w/out the stuffing.
Thanks for the welcome! Your recipe for stuffed pork roast sounds delicious, HockeyKat. I have a really good recipe for a pork roast in the crock pot if anyone is interested. We are having turkey burgers tonight, made with ground turkey, barbecue sauce, green onions and poultry seasoning. They are so delicious, but no roll for me. :( I need to stay away from my biggest weakness, bread (and most carbs). Like so many others have mentioned, I try and bulk up with vegetables and eat smaller portions of whatever I am cooking. And no bread. Boy, do I miss bread.
Yumm saphire, those sound great!! I also use 96/4 lean ground beef for burgers, only 140 cals on 4 oz.

I didn't think of doing it as a roast, but I bet that would work great... slice the roast in half lengthwise and stuff it. I would need butchers twine, though, to keep it in place...

I just use thick-cut boneless pork chops. There are only 2 of us, and I often am making just for myself since hubby and I have totally different schedules, so it is my trial to find recipes and portions that are for 2 or less.

Tonight is 8 oz strip steak (180 cals in 4 oz), asparagus, some sort of potato (roasted or baked), and a salad.
Hello everyone!

Maria - The team challenge is a huge motivator for me as well! Gotta contribute to the miles/hours.

Kat - Sounds like we plan/cook alike. Every Friday we do the menu and grocery list for the week and also make adjustments to recipes to make them healthier. So many of my cook books have writing in them. I use olive oil in an atomizer instead of cooking spray (it'll destroy the surface of my cookware).

Weather here was decent yesterday (38 and sunny) so actually managed to get 2 miles in outdoors. Good thing too as we have a winter storm warning up for tonight....again.... Ugh, so ready for winter to be over. Today is cross training so will be hitting the bike.

Hope everyone has a great day and stay positve! We can all do it!
Liz, just curious... how does cooking spray destroy the surface of your cookware? As far as I know it is just pressurized vegetable oil...

I just want to make sure I am not damaging my stuff. My parents live close to the All-Clad factory and between Christmas and birthdays have set me up with a full set of All-Clad (for 75-90% off or there is no way we could have afforded it).

I don't really write recipes down... I sort of wing it. If I am really stuck I will search the net for something similar, or check my trusty Betty Crocker cookbook on meat cooking times.

I made it to the gym today even though it was late (1:15) and I hadn't eaten anything but my 3 wee blueberry muffins (100-cal pack), but I managed to KICK BUTT in my workout. Did 2 miles on the elliptical in 21:05, 2.7 in my 30 min allotment. And that was after 40 min of weight training.

I have a feeling I will have trouble getting out of bed tomorrow... or out of my chair later this afternoon.... :laughing:
Liz, just curious... how does cooking spray destroy the surface of your cookware? As far as I know it is just pressurized vegetable oil...

I just want to make sure I am not damaging my stuff. My parents live close to the All-Clad factory and between Christmas and birthdays have set me up with a full set of All-Clad (for 75-90% off or there is no way we could have afforded it).

I don't really write recipes down... I sort of wing it. If I am really stuck I will search the net for something similar, or check my trusty Betty Crocker cookbook on meat cooking times.

I made it to the gym today even though it was late (1:15) and I hadn't eaten anything but my 3 wee blueberry muffins (100-cal pack), but I managed to KICK BUTT in my workout. Did 2 miles on the elliptical in 21:05, 2.7 in my 30 min allotment. And that was after 40 min of weight training.

I have a feeling I will have trouble getting out of bed tomorrow... or out of my chair later this afternoon.... :laughing:

Go Kat!! Grats on the mileage!!!! I am going back to the gym tonight for the first time since I got sick and since that little problem... LOL... Wish me luck.. LOL!!
Kat - way to go on the workout! Have to see how mine goes this eve.

As for the cooking spray, my Calphalon anodized cookware stated in the "care and feeding" not to use cooking sprays as they will gum up the surface. Not sure why but considering what they cost not willing to take any chances.

And nice deal on the All-Clad! I'd likely have 2 full sets if could get them at that kind of discount. I love cookware. :p
Go Sarah!!! I know you will kick butt.

Liz, that makes sense. Mine is stainless, not anodized. I love my All-Clad. I am not sure I would spend the money if it had been retail price (and my money, for that matter), but it definitely makes cooking easier.

I even have the big lobster-pot sized one which was a wedding present. It makes a great stockpot for a turkey carcass, or sometimes we do a big clam-bake style boil in it... clams, mussels, shrimp, red potatoes, corn.
Good Evening, Ladies!

Today I just had a half hour walk outside (and not too fast due to melting ice). Yesterday I did my long walk, 4.8 miles. That felt awesome. I'm walking again tomorrow, but just for an hour.

Let's not talk about my eating, let's just say there's plenty of room for improvement. TOM is also visiting me, and as usual, it's not pretty.

Kat -- Those giant pots are awesome. DH's stepdad sold his house and told all the kids to take whatever they wanted from the contents. We ended up with some useful cookware. It's just not something we think to buy for ourselves. I know that sounds weird, but there it is. :confused3 You are doing great mileage:woohoo:

Liz and Sarah -- Hope you have great workouts!:thumbsup2

Saphire --:welcome: Those carbs are yummy, aren't they? I really think I'm carb sensitive. When I have too many, I can't stop :sad:

Jennie -- I think I'm the slowest loser on the planet! Luckily today melted alot of our snow. We got about 10 inches, and I'm ridiculously close to Logan. I can see the ocean from my bedroom window :beach: , so we usually don't get much accumulation.

Ok, it's only Monday night, plenty of time to have a great week!
Saphire - please pass along the pork roast crock pot recipe. Always looking for new things to toss in there. Gotta love crock pot cooking. Yesterday I made a WW Mushroom, Leek & Wild Rice stew in it. So good...
I have been out of commission this weekend. Found out yesterday that I have a major infection in one of my teeth (apparently a recent root canal went bad), so I am on lots of drugs to fight it. I am up again this week. Just 0.6 but it is still disappointing.
I have been out of commission this weekend. Found out yesterday that I have a major infection in one of my teeth (apparently a recent root canal went bad), so I am on lots of drugs to fight it. I am up again this week. Just 0.6 but it is still disappointing.

I hope you feel better!
Feeling guilty about not checking in, and then feeling worse seeing all of the miles you are all racking up!
My middle son got married this weekend and guess who the cake got sent home with! I told everyone to eat what they want today as it is getting tossed.
We got 5 inches of snow and school was cancelled, so the kids and I are both home, I work at the school.
Well I am going right now to put on a workout video, no excuses! My families weigh in is Thursday and I am starting to get in a panic mode.
Keep up the good work.
Good Evening, Ladies!

Today I just had a half hour walk outside (and not too fast due to melting ice). Yesterday I did my long walk, 4.8 miles. That felt awesome. I'm walking again tomorrow, but just for an hour.

Let's not talk about my eating, let's just say there's plenty of room for improvement. TOM is also visiting me, and as usual, it's not pretty.

Kat -- Those giant pots are awesome. DH's stepdad sold his house and told all the kids to take whatever they wanted from the contents. We ended up with some useful cookware. It's just not something we think to buy for ourselves. I know that sounds weird, but there it is. :confused3 You are doing great mileage:woohoo:

Liz and Sarah -- Hope you have great workouts!:thumbsup2

Saphire --:welcome: Those carbs are yummy, aren't they? I really think I'm carb sensitive. When I have too many, I can't stop :sad:

Jennie -- I think I'm the slowest loser on the planet! Luckily today melted alot of our snow. We got about 10 inches, and I'm ridiculously close to Logan. I can see the ocean from my bedroom window :beach: , so we usually don't get much accumulation.

Ok, it's only Monday night, plenty of time to have a great week!

It was a good workout. Thanks!!

Feeling guilty about not checking in, and then feeling worse seeing all of the miles you are all racking up!
My middle son got married this weekend and guess who the cake got sent home with! I told everyone to eat what they want today as it is getting tossed.
We got 5 inches of snow and school was cancelled, so the kids and I are both home, I work at the school.
Well I am going right now to put on a workout video, no excuses! My families weigh in is Thursday and I am starting to get in a panic mode.
Keep up the good work.

Don't feel guilty.... Real life always comes first :) Grats on the wedding :) Have a good workout!


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