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Originally posted by justmestace
Dee47 is arranging the late night seaters. She asked us to pm her with our last names so that she can get them linked.

Can someone please clear this up so Cash and I don't crash the wrong mealtime?.....I've forgotten which is main...early or late? EEEK! :confused:
Hi Lynda!

Someone may need to correct me but I have always considered the early seating as being the main.

Originally posted by paulcrsb
Hi Lynda!

Someone may need to correct me but I have always considered the early seating as being the main.


Hi Paul Thanks for the info...

Is that good?
Is that the family dining time?
or the big kids dining time?


Cash and I have a different stateroom number...#6154 ....now, how many things did I sign up for with the old one? Palo Brunch?
Main dining....
Winning lottery ticket delivery...

Dog food delivery...
Poor Cash...:(
Originally posted by videogal1

Cash and I have a different stateroom number...#6154 ....now, how many things did I sign up for with the old one? Palo Brunch?
Main dining....
Winning lottery ticket delivery... :hyper:

Dog food delivery...
Poor Cash...:(

Which reminds me...Can anyone think of a hassle-free way of picking up and then getting about 15# of Purina kibble aboard? The only thing I can think of is either ordering one of the biggest surprise baskets ever assembled by The Perfect Gift.... Good Cash......or, and here it gets murky because so far I haven't figured out a way to stay at the Radisson the night before sailing without giving away half of the transport package (from the Orange Lake Country Club to the port) and cutting short (by one day) my stay there (OLCC)...Hmmm more planning needed....because if I could stay at the Radisson, I could scooter over to a nearby (?) grocery store (?) and buy it. Then, the next morning, pile it up on top of my wagon train and scooter it over to the dock with the rest of my stuff....

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Well, this is going to eake a LOT more planning. Good thing I have a cruise in May...Good time to get a good look at the port area....although, I'll have the same problem then, too.....Oh, Shirleyyyyyy...
But then I'd need another one for the week before the cruise at OLCC . Two 15# bags of dog food in a suitcase? Think of all the room for souveniers after it's gone.....
No opened containers allowed to board the ship (silly) and no open containers allowed off...Canned food too heavy.....

Getting just too late to figure this out now....
Originally posted by justmestace
I'm here, but not for long.

Let's get those numbers up there for Mary so that she doesn't have to stay up all night and keep her eye on me & jilljill.





Cash is here :wave2:
Good morning all! We'll definately hit 2900 today. Can 3000 be far behind! :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:

Barb - if you are checking in before heading out to the meetings have a great time. Can't wait to hear about Roy's meeting and the annual meeting. We got something from Disney yesterday reminding us of the wonderful things Disney has done and to vote FOR all directors. A little late as we voted online a couple of weeks ago!

When is David going to the DCL focus group? Can't wait to hear about that as well.

Oh well - off to read the rest of the boads. I'm bringing lunch today so will try and check in then.

Have a great day everyone!
Lynda & Cash

Dog food delivery...

:laughing: Here I was struggling with how to get the extra special things on the ship, like wine and goodies.:p But for poor Cash this is his substance. ::yes:: Let us know what happens on your cruise in May. We could always ask everyone on the board to bring a small bag of food in their suitcase. :teeth: I know we would be willing and we will bring treats if he can have them. So let us know what happens and I think with all the great minds we have on this thread we can work something out. You and Cash have a good day.

Good Morning Everyone!

Okay, with all the posting going on I have decided to drag the laptop along on our trip to WDW. I figured if I didn't I would have anywhere from 20-50 pages(at least) to read when I get back. We leave a week from Thursday and I can't wait! :bounce: :hyper:

Everyone have a good day.

Only 38 days :Pinkbounc till our cruise in a Cat 1. I can't wait. I will try to post while on board ship and let everyone know what it is like. I will at least have to read the boards because if I don't, it will be the same way and I will have tons of pages to read.

Trying for the top of the page can you tell.:p

I got the top YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:jumping3: :jumping3:

Okay, I am done now. Eveyone have a good day.

Originally posted by afff
Gail ...if you are .......we are early.

Happy Tuesday morning everyone.

Afff If you could e mail me all the first names and last name of who is traveling with you I will add it to my book for early dining. Please also include your cabin number. My e mail address is gail17@optonline.net Thanks

Off and running today. Lots to do toady and a school Aids project at Emily's school for the Children that are at a hospital near our home.
Talk to you all later. Have a great Tuesday. Gail
good morning everyone
quiet night at work. overtime too.
lost cruisers return GREAT GUYS post more often.
just think if we do this good now as cruise time gets closer
we are really going get the numbers up.
well I have to get things done today that I didnot do yesterday.
will post later I'll be in and out .

G'morning everyone. I'll only be on here for a bit this morning before heading to Philly for the afternoon and part of the evening. I think it's going to be an adventure. I hope we are able to get intot he meeting today. My friend has to work so we can't leave until early afternoon - work.....it just gets in the way of good plans.

Now I'm forgetting things.....who is taking the names to set up the late diners? Yes gaRry, I know we are supposed to sit together :earseek: ::yes:: :tongue: But we can at least sit near everyone else.

Lynda, Paul is correct, main seating is the early seating.
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