2006 DVC Member Cruise - SSMC06 - October 22, 2006 Part 6

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I finally got Walker to sleep. I haven't rocked him in a long-long time so I know he's really feeling bad. He's complaining that his eyes hurt -- sinus maybe? I don't have sinus problems so I don't know. I finally got him to take some tylenol, he kept telling me that he didn't need it, but the fever just spiked to 103.8 so I told him he really needed to take it.

I did call the surgeon this AM, they said see how he is on Sunday and they gave me their oncall number to call if I need to speak with the doctor to make a decision.

Cameron should be home shortly. If Gary can't head home to take Walker to the pediatrician, I'm going to haul him there with the daycare. Cameron's responsible enough to sit in the van with the kids so I don't have to expose everyone to the sick germs in the office. Being his fever is SO high, I'm thinking it's more infection than virus, as it seems that virus' have a low-grade fever. That's my Mom opinion, no medical school for me. ;)

I need to quarantine our house. Between Cameron with bronchitis last week, me with strep this week and now Walker, we sure have the sick germs around here.
cgcw said:
I finally got Walker to sleep. I haven't rocked him in a long-long time so I know he's really feeling bad. He's complaining that his eyes hurt -- sinus maybe? I don't have sinus problems so I don't know. I finally got him to take some tylenol, he kept telling me that he didn't need it, but the fever just spiked to 103.8 so I told him he really needed to take it.

I did call the surgeon this AM, they said see how he is on Sunday and they gave me their oncall number to call if I need to speak with the doctor to make a decision.

Cameron should be home shortly. If Gary can't head home to take Walker to the pediatrician, I'm going to haul him there with the daycare. Cameron's responsible enough to sit in the van with the kids so I don't have to expose everyone to the sick germs in the office. Being his fever is SO high, I'm thinking it's more infection than virus, as it seems that virus' have a low-grade fever. That's my Mom opinion, no medical school for me. ;)

I need to quarantine our house. Between Cameron with bronchitis last week, me with strep this week and now Walker, we sure have the sick germs around here.


I sure hope Walker is able to kick this illness quickly. When Nick gets a fever Rich turns into a raving lunatic. He can handle anything that can be "fixed" but not a fever. Feel better Walker.
chipscinderelly said:
Mary - sounds like you are having a blast! That is very strange that the tree was not up on Wednesday - were they moving it from the castle to central main street?

Here's a photo of Matt and I in early November with the tree all light up and the decorations already in place

Julie - our guess is that it was for the move. The taping was this past weekend. When we went to MVMCP last night the tree was right at the start of main street (by the Roy statue) and all the garland was back up. Just seemed strange on Wednesday not to see it.
Cindy , I hope Walker is feeling better real soon!

WDWLVR said:
Julie - our guess is that it was for the move. The taping was this past weekend. When we went to MVMCP last night the tree was right at the start of main street (by the Roy statue) and all the garland was back up. Just seemed strange on Wednesday not to see it.

Funny as all the garland was up for MVMCP on Monday night and the tree was by the castle which made for nice video of the fireworks.

It sounds like you're trip is going well. I'm glad to hear about the mixer, I'm going to try to make next week's and if not then the following week's as I haven't been to those yet. If you are up for meeting on Sunday it looks like I'll be able to make it. I told my test lead about meeting up with you and she wouldn't hear of me working both days so I'm working tomorrow and am free on Sunday. :)

I hope Walker feels better.

Happy everything to those I have missed.

The February weekend sounds like fun, enjoy without me. That's too cold a place for me and isn't that Super Bowl weekend?

As for Cedar Point, I think we would be more interested in the Hotel Breakers Express or the one just above that. My parents and Casey would be driving and I'd be flying if we did it.

rwhite, you should be very proud of your children as they have accomplished so much at such young ages.

For those booking tomorrow, best of luck tomorrow!
Good luck to all of those trying to book tomorrow. We have made other plans for 2007. March (Spring Break) a girls trip for myself and DD to WDW. DH has to work until tape out this summer. August we have decided on Maui. December 2007 we will be going on the DCL Christmas Cruise. YEAH!!!!

This Christmas we will be at BCV. We leave in less than 2 weeks. I have a question for all those parents out there. DD still believes in the bearded one and DH and I thought maybe we should ship her stocking stuffers ahead to BCV. Has anyone shipped to one of the DVC resorts? Was there any problems? I really would like her to believe for a little bit longer and I don't think packing stocking stuffers in our suitcases is going to keep that magic going. If I am shipping a box already should I ship toiletries and/or breakfast items? I would not normally ship anything but the christmas presents might take presidence this year.

Mark and Mary I am glad you are having a good time. We will miss the Merry Mixer because we fly in and out on a Thursday. Oh, well maybe another time. I hope the weather warms up in the next couple of weeks. We were hoping to go to a water park.
Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday!

Yesterday was another fun day here at WDW. We slept in as we had been up so late the night before. It is cold down here right now, but still much warmer than home! :) We treated ourselves to a room service breakfast and then headed out about 11 to go to Animal Kingdom. Didn't have to wait too long for the bus and we were on our way. Getting off the bus who do we run into but WebmasterRegina.

Our one and only goal at Animal Kingdom was to see the new Nemo show and it was well worth it. We had heard that the line fills up fast but we were lucky and got there early enough that we were near the front of the doors. When we got in and were walking to the far side we saw a center row with two seats right on the end so we grabbed them. Would you believe the couple next to us were from DVC members from the DIS! Talk about a small world. We didn't even have our lanyards on but I do have a small rubber DIS key chain on my purse. As Mark said the show is fantastic and worth the price.

After the show we headed out of the park and over to MGM. Our goal here was to get the AP passholder Ducky Williams litho. Very cute! Mission accomplished. We had also planned to do a late lunch but didn't have reservations. Lesson learned - December is not as quiet as it used to be especially with the dining plan. Tried to go to Brown Derby and they were booked solid for the day. So we ate at the ABC Commissary where we again ran into a DISer who saw my keychain.

Went back to the room for some down time and then headed back to the Epcot area for the Jellyrolls meet. Our longhouse location is great because it is an easy walk to the the T&T and the monorail. Our original plan was to take the ferry to the Magic Kingdom and then the Boardwalk bus. When we got on the ferry the fireworks were going off at Magic Kingdom and we realized by the time we docked the busses would be mobbed with people leaving. So we got off and took the Epcot monorail then walked over to Jellyrolls from there.

This was our first time at Jellyrolls. There is a cover charge there but Karen had made a deal with them that got those who signed up early 2 for 1 admission. We really didn't even stay for a lot of the show as we got there at 7 and the show starts at 8. We came more to see fellow DISers which we did. Karen gave out Jellyrolls meet buttons and cute glow in the dark wrist bands.

Headed out at 8:15 and back to Epcot. That's when we ran into Lisa (TKDLisa) who we had sailed with in December of 2004. Lisa had recently bought DVC and used our names as the referral so we've enjoyed a meal or two on her this trip - it was wonderful to be able to say thank you in person. It is amazing running into so many people we know on this trip. Proves to me how blessed we've been with the friends we've made from this board.

Illuminations starts at 9:30 for the holiday season due to the last performance of the CP. Plus there is an extra holiday section at the end with mega fireworks. Loved it and I'm so glad we got to see Illuminations since we had missed it in October. After we headed over to Mouse Gear and sat outside there to let the crowds thin out. We got a great view of the lights of winter and watched and listened to that for a while.

Then to the monorail where we got a car all to ourselves for the ride back. Cool!

Back in the room by 11 pm and to bed we went. Another great day.

We have a party to go to this afternoon and that is the only thing really planned so we will have to see how the rest of the day pans out.
Amy - sorry to hear you can't make it but totally understand. It was great getting to see you, Chris and the girls last weekend. Was it only last weekend? Seems so long ago now!

Jeff - great news about Sunday. I'll drop you a pm.

Mary - if you are checking in I'll give you a call after we get back from the party.

As for the tree and decorations - just shows you all the elves WDW has in place to get these things moved around so quickly!
Good morning all!!! Today's a busy day around our house today. We're leaving in about an hour to go to Sears for family pictures and pictures with Santa. Chris is playing Santa at the portrait studio again this year, so he'll be there today and tomorrow. But, we always set up our pictures about an hour before the studio opens so there's no wait for the girls and "Santa".

Then, Emily has a dress rehearsal for her Christmas program at church at 1pm. That's normally Madison's nap time, so I talked to Emily's music teacher and she told me that it's going to be a couple of hours, so I can drop her off and her music teacher will call me when they are close to done.

Her program is tomorrow night at 5pm and it's sure to be adorable.

So, I'm off to the shower so I can get ready for pictures.
Cindy....I hope Walker is feeling better this morning. Please keep us up to date.

Amy....Smile pretty for the camera! Does this mean we may soon see a new photo in your siggie?

Mary...I'm enjoying your daily trip reports! Glad you're having such a good time! Sounds like I need to get one of those keychains for when I'm there at the end of this month!

Good luck to everyone who's trying to book the cruise today. We have decided not to go this time. We ARE looking forward to cruising with our friends in 2008! :cheer2:

We have 5 houseguests this morning. Our church has a program where you can "adopt" students who are here from out of town attending the local university. Our adoptive "daughter" came last night with 4 of her friends and spent the night. They are all big Disney fans too. We played 2 games of Disney Scene It, and then watched "The Little Mermaid." This morning I'm going to fix brunch for them, and we are going to decorate the tree and the rest of the house. Nothing like getting help!

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning everyone! I went over to Jelly Rolls too last night for Karen's meet and had a great time but made the mistake of sitting in the front row. And for some reason, the table I was sitting at became an easy target for the piano players. Seems they didn't hear much singing coming from us and I wanted to tell them that was because I can't carry a tune! Sat with Doc and his wife. and we chatted about the DVC meeting he went to and a few other concerns we both have.Anyways, I did get into the fun night and stayed a lot longer than I usually do.

Quite a few DISers showed up that I had never met and Mary - you missed Lisa (lb) came over. I heard someone mention "who's the one with the beautiful grandbaby pictures" and my head popped up and I said something like "I think that's me". We chatted for quite a while - felt like I already knew Lisa but that is the way I feel about most of the DISers - they are so excited about their upcoming cruise - sounds like another fun group.
Could you imagine if we pulled our group together with the group Lisa is with - how much fun it would be to take over the ship then???

I told her about the plan of getting together in 2008 and hopefully we could talk some of them into it - but she did say that this time of year is much cheaper - another thing to keep in mind because I would love to do a December cruise with all the decorations - I just love Christmas decorations!

Another fun day behind me and today I will spend some time with my ds and his gf. Not sure what the plan is but I like to just go and be surprised.
Good Morning All! :wave:

Cindy - I hope Walker is ok. Murphy's law that he would get sick now. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out .

Sounds like everyone is having a great time in WDW. So glad to hear that!

We had a long night hear last night. Jeff & I left work at 11:30am yesterday to go to his holiday party. After the main party we moved to a different section of the hotel for the "After Party". They had a couple of hospitality suites set up with bars and food and a dj.
I had to sneak away for a short spell to go to a scrapbook crop. I only stayed for an hour and a half and back to the after party I went. We didn't get home till 1:30 this morning. We had alot of fun.
Good morning all. Called for the Member Cruise right at 9 am and got in. Turns out all categories were available so it looks like they saved some of each one for the repeaters. We were even able to book our rooms before and after the cruise. We booked using cash so if we have to cruise for whatever reason we can do so easily.
rsschneck said:
Has anyone shipped to one of the DVC resorts? Was there any problems? I really would like her to believe for a little bit longer and I don't think packing stocking stuffers in our suitcases is going to keep that magic going. If I am shipping a box already should I ship toiletries and/or breakfast items? I would not normally ship anything but the christmas presents might take presidence this year.
We shipped a big (heavy) box to BCV filled with all the stuff we gave out on the cruise and had no problems at all. It was waiting for us when arrived and they gave it to us when we checked in. Julie had something for her wedding sent to us and it was delivered to our room when it arrived. So my suggestion is go ahead and ship the gifts. But this time of year you'll probably want to give some extra time for it to arrive, so ship early. Have a great time and tell Santa I said hi.
WDWLVR said:
Good morning all. Called for the Member Cruise right at 9 am and got in. Turns out all categories were available so it looks like they saved some of each one for the repeaters. We were even able to book our rooms before and after the cruise. We booked using cash so if we have to cruise for whatever reason we can do so easily.
Congrats on getting booked on the cruise so easily Mary. I'm sure y'all will have a great time. It's just not a practical thing for us to do next year. But maybe the year after???
MaryJ said:
Amy....Smile pretty for the camera! Does this mean we may soon see a new photo in your siggie?

Pictures all done, and I'm sure you'll be seeing a new picture soon on my siggie!!!:thumbsup2
Congratulations Mary - glad you could get the room you wanted. I was thinking about you this morning so I'm glad it all worked out for you.
iluvdisney said:
I told her about the plan of getting together in 2008 and hopefully we could talk some of them into it - but she did say that this time of year is much cheaper - another thing to keep in mind because I would love to do a December cruise with all the decorations - I just love Christmas decorations!
I'm with you, Mary!! After seeing some of the pictures of Christmas cruises, I really want to take a December DCL cruise.
alikat99 said:
I'm with you, Mary!! After seeing some of the pictures of Christmas cruises, I really want to take a December DCL cruise.

Sometimes you really do scare me Amy, because I was thinking the same EXACT thing this morning!!

Congrats to getting on the Member Cruise Mary! Sounds like the demand may not be as high this year if you got right through.
WDWLVR said:
Good morning all. Called for the Member Cruise right at 9 am and got in. Turns out all categories were available so it looks like they saved some of each one for the repeaters. We were even able to book our rooms before and after the cruise. We booked using cash so if we have to cruise for whatever reason we can do so easily.
Congrats Mary!! I'm glad that you were able to get what you wanted!!!
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