2020 Point Charts

Looks like they reallocated BWV studio points. I haven't looked at the others.

During Adventure Season, the rates stay the same at 10 pts/night Sun.- Thurs. for a Std. View and 15 pts./night for BW or G/P View. Fri. & Sat. increased to 14 pts./night for Std. View but stayed at 16/night for BW or G/P Views.

For Choice Season,the rates increased to 11/night Sun.- Thurs. for a Std. View and 16/night for BW or G/P View. Fri. & Sat. increased to 15pts./night for Std. View and to 18/night for BW or G/P Views.

Dream Season: the rates go up to 14/night Sun.- Thurs. for a Std. View and 18/night for BW or G/P View. Fri. & Sat. increased to 19/night for Std. View and 22/night for BW or G/P Views.

Magic Season: the rates increase to 16/night Sun.- Thurs. for a Std. View and 19/night for BW or G/P View. Fri. & Sat. increased to 20pts./night for Std. View and 22/night for BW or G/P Views.

Premier Season: the rates went up to 22 pts/night Sun.- Thurs. for a Std. View and 28/night for BW or G/P View. Fri. & Sat. increased to 27 pts./night for Std. View and 31/night for BW or G/P Views.

Pretty much a 1-2 pt. increase across the board for studios. It appears that the rates mostly went down by a point per night for the GVs. The increase in studio rates is mainly absorbed by a reduction in the rates for 2BR villas. This is going to make a number of people who purchased small contracts at BWV for studios during F&W pretty unhappy.
This is going to make a number of people who purchased small contracts at BWV for studios during F&W pretty unhappy.

Or just any people who purchased DVC for studio stays is probably going to be unhappy. BWV is interesting though since the 2BR's are 100% lockoffs so reducing them and increasing studios and 1BRs is not really computing in my mind.
Or just any people who purchased DVC for studio stays is probably going to be unhappy. BWV is interesting though since the 2BR's are 100% lockoffs so reducing them and increasing studios and 1BRs is not really computing in my mind.
We bought for 1bds and I'm equally unhappy. I really don't get the BCV chart even though it's right in front of me. I see a lot of increases and little decreases (that impact me anyway). It'd push us into a studio during Christmas break as 1bds went up 20 points / wk. We already have to bring bedding for a 5th and they pushed the points up???? WTH??? The only place we gain is our March spring break where it's a whole 8 points cheaper.... Yay...
Whoa! I don't own at PVB but just checked the points chart for it. Major changes to the bungalow point requirements!
Looks like all studios went up 1 or 2 points per night and the bungalows went down 6-20 points per night, depending on season.
I'm a bit confused as well. When you say you can only reallocate points, does that mean across all the seasons or just the points used in that season? I'm trying to figure out why the 2BR Standard at GF jumped 8 points for the week I want to book for 2020, but all I'm seeing is an increase in points not a lot of decreases, so I'm not sure how this is evening out?
Looks like the new SVP has been busy making changes. Increase the points required and make more sales. I expect the OTU points to increase next.

:earsboy: Bill

I'm a bit confused as well. When you say you can only reallocate points, does that mean across all the seasons or just the points used in that season? I'm trying to figure out why the 2BR Standard at GF jumped 8 points for the week I want to book for 2020, but all I'm seeing is an increase in points not a lot of decreases, so I'm not sure how this is evening out?

Basically they have to do the math so that the total number of points for the entire year remains the same. So they can decrease points needed for a given size unit in one season and use those to increase points in a different (or the same) size unit in a different (or the same) season. It all has to do with how many of each size unit there are and the number of nights in each season - could be very complicated math!

Ever since Poly points went on sale there has been speculation that after it was sold out, a reallocation would be done. Poly sold out in early 2018, after the 2019 points charts were out, so 2020 was the earliest they could reallocate as predicted. I don't know how it is in reality, but many have pointed out in the past that given the number of studios and the number of bungalows, they could increase studios one point per night and reduce bungalows 18 points per night across the board, and the points totals would balance.
I'm a bit confused as well. When you say you can only reallocate points, does that mean across all the seasons or just the points used in that season? I'm trying to figure out why the 2BR Standard at GF jumped 8 points for the week I want to book for 2020, but all I'm seeing is an increase in points not a lot of decreases, so I'm not sure how this is evening out?

It's over the entire year, not season.

There is a limit on the percentage that they can adjust the charts but it can shift between units and seasons. If they think they need more adjusting they can do more next year but when something goes up there must be an offset on a different accommodation.
I'm a bit confused as well. When you say you can only reallocate points, does that mean across all the seasons or just the points used in that season? I'm trying to figure out why the 2BR Standard at GF jumped 8 points for the week I want to book for 2020, but all I'm seeing is an increase in points not a lot of decreases, so I'm not sure how this is evening out?
If you were to take the total number of points needed to book every villa every night of the year, it has to remain constant when a reallocation occurs. So, points can go down for one season but go up in another, increase for one villa or view but go down for another, etc. Looking at VGF, the GVs went up during all seasons. That should translate into slight decreases in other villas at GF but they would be small decreases because there are only 6 GVs vs. 47 lock-offs and 47 dedicated 2BRs. From what I can tell, the decrease is in the 2BR villas but not the studios nor the 1BRs, which also appear to have gone up slightly. TBH, I have no idea what algorithm they use to calculate the new point totals but the overall number of yearly points at a resort has to remain the same.
They really went after BLT and VGF 1BR Standard rooms. At VGF, it now runs 21 more points for a week. A week in Magic rose 21 points for a BLT 1 BR. Not very happy!!!
Poly - studios up, bungalows down considerably.

<sarcasm mode one>
No one was expecting this. And just after the resort sold out, what a coincidence!

What I find strange is that every owner at the DVC meeting in December failed to hear the new VP talking about this change. Because it's a major shift in DVC approach to point cost per unit size, so he must have spoken about this during the meeting.
<sarcasm mode off>

I guess I'm going to rent less of my extra points going forward. But that's one of the reasons I bought them for, as a cushion against reallocations.
Looks like the new SVP has been busy making changes. Increase the points required and make more sales. I expect the OTU points to increase next.

:earsboy: Bill

They already increased the price this year. Do you mean the number? The one time use points came out when they did the last major reallocation to help members cover shortages.
From the looks of it they raised all studios and lowered the highest point room and everything else stayed around the same... this is the most studios have gone up at Bay Lake since Ive been a DVC since 2012... at least 2 points across the board.
Putting on my tinfoil hat here...Who thinks that increasing the number of points for studios and 1BR villas is Disney's way of discouraging the rental market? We all know that, for the most part, renters are focused on getting studios with some opting for 1BRs but only a few wanting 2BRs or GVs. Raising the number of points needed for a studio, coupled with owners' demand for more $/pt. to offset dues, makes the studios less attractive to bargain hunters who enter the rental market seeking to "stay deluxe for the price of a moderate".

Just throwing this out for discussion because, with the exception of PVB which needed a point reallocation, there seems to be no reason to raise the requirements for studios at other resorts.
From what I understand, there is a cap on how much they can change per year. What concerns me is when they did the last major reallocation 10 years ago is they spread it over 2 years. So we might be seeing it again for 2021.

I can only hope that next year they again raise the studios, but then also lower the 1 bedrooms. It boggles my mind as to why 1 brs were raised. Now a 2 bedroom in some cases are only 6 points more than a 1 bedroom (BWV standard view Adventure and Choice).



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