30 pounds by Oct, who's with me??

Jskbr said:
Awesome! So happy for you! I just finished week 4 of my program and down another 2 lbs so that 12lbs and 7.5" total lost! Whoop whoop!

That is so wonderful! I think it encouraged me more once I started to see results. Still a little ways to go! 12lbs and 7.5" is really great for a months time! I can't wait for your next update!
Gator Kate said:
Way to go scdufek!

Thanks Gator Kate! This thread has been such a help and encouragement. Hopefully everyone is hanging in there and doing well!
Congrats! What's your secret?
Thank you! I really don't have a secret. My medications for my thyroid were off for a long time, so I finally went to an internist and he put me on Armour thyroid. They synthetic thyroid meds don't always allow weight loss to happen. As soon as he switched me, it just started coming off. I feel so much healthier now. Of course I am working out harder now, and am back to training for my second degree black belt, so that helps, but for the most part it was my medication preventing it! These last three months helped me to want to do more to stay healthy than I already was doing. They gave me the time to adjust things a little at a time instead of going cold turkey and failing again. I don't eat as late as I used to (a martial arts lifestyle sometimes makes that hard because I am often at the studio teaching and training till late and am starving when I leave). If I have to eat late I try to eat light foods. I eat cereal or soup. If I eat at a restaurant I will eat only half of my food at that sitting and save the rest for later. Just tweaking small things all add up to help. Not doing everything all at once helped me to want to develop better habits for the long haul. I had let some things slide because I wasn't losing the weight before no matter how hard I worked. I feel great now, and I have a lot of work to do still, but I don't feel like I have to do it all at once anymore.

Awesome job!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!

Thank you!
Down 2.5lbs this week for a total of 19.5lbs in 14 weeks.

Finished week 1 of P90x. I like it and hope I can keep up with it :goodvibes
My latest update isn't quite what I was hoping for. I started on weight watchers 12 weeks ago and really wanted to lose 25 to 30 lbs before our trip this coming weekend. My first few weeks I was losing 2 and 3 lbs a week, so I was really hopeful. Beach trips, birthdays and life in general have gotten in the way (in addition to my lack of willpower) so now we are 99 hours from our trip (I just figured it up, i really haven't been counting like that :rotfl:) and I've only lost 15.5 lbs. On one hand I wore a pair of shorts yesterday that I couldn't even button 13 weeks ago :cool1: but on the other hand I've barely lost a pound a week:confused3 . I should be able to drop at least one more pound this week if I keep eating well and stick with the exercise (I have done the elliptical three times in the last 4 days). Maybe I should focus on trying to get as close to 30 lbs by October with everyone else, and not go too far off plan on our trip!
disprincessatheart said:
My latest update isn't quite what I was hoping for. I started on weight watchers 12 weeks ago and really wanted to lose 25 to 30 lbs before our trip this coming weekend. My first few weeks I was losing 2 and 3 lbs a week, so I was really hopeful. Beach trips, birthdays and life in general have gotten in the way (in addition to my lack of willpower) so now we are 99 hours from our trip (I just figured it up, i really haven't been counting like that :rotfl:) and I've only lost 15.5 lbs. On one hand I wore a pair of shorts yesterday that I couldn't even button 13 weeks ago :cool1: but on the other hand I've barely lost a pound a week:confused3 . I should be able to drop at least one more pound this week if I keep eating well and stick with the exercise (I have done the elliptical three times in the last 4 days). Maybe I should focus on trying to get as close to 30 lbs by October with everyone else, and not go too far off plan on our trip!

Have a wonderful trip! Look at what you have accomplished! 15.5 lbs, wow that's something to celebrate. That's about a pound a week, the right way to do it for success. Don't go overboard on your trip and get back to it when you get home. You will reach your goal.

This is my first time replying on my iPad so no smiley faces, etc. Not sure where they are ;)
My latest update isn't quite what I was hoping for. I started on weight watchers 12 weeks ago and really wanted to lose 25 to 30 lbs before our trip this coming weekend. My first few weeks I was losing 2 and 3 lbs a week, so I was really hopeful. Beach trips, birthdays and life in general have gotten in the way (in addition to my lack of willpower) so now we are 99 hours from our trip (I just figured it up, i really haven't been counting like that :rotfl:) and I've only lost 15.5 lbs. On one hand I wore a pair of shorts yesterday that I couldn't even button 13 weeks ago :cool1: but on the other hand I've barely lost a pound a week:confused3 . I should be able to drop at least one more pound this week if I keep eating well and stick with the exercise (I have done the elliptical three times in the last 4 days). Maybe I should focus on trying to get as close to 30 lbs by October with everyone else, and not go too far off plan on our trip!

Have a great trip!! 15.5 lbs is a great start!! I bet you don't regret losing that weight so don't get bummed out! I didn't hit my 2lb/week goal either but I'm going to keep going because, like you, I love fitting into those clothes that were too tight a few months ago :banana:
Hope all is well. I went to the dr and there is nothing wrong with my thyroid. almost disappointed because I was hoping for some answers on why the weight isnt coming off like it did when I was 25. I will not accept age as the reason (42)!!:snooty:
so I started back on atkins this week and I am done 1.5 pounds in 4 days. I am realistic when it comes to atkins, I know that I will gain some back as soon as I eat a regular meal but since June I have lost 7 pounds (10 really the first time I did atkins but gain 3 back). So I am hoping for the same results over the next 2 weeks. if I can get 14 pounds off that would be fantastic.

I measured this time hoping to not be discouraged if I dont lose weight but do lose inches:)

My co-workers keep telling me I am melting but I just dont see it. I may have dropped a size but I was hoping for big results so I have changed my goal to be a little more realistic. and if I can get down to 140 by October I will be happy. I have 11 pounds to lose...... here I go...... again:rotfl2:
Hello, just wanting to check in and see how everyone is doing? Hopefully healthy and having a wonderful weekend! :wave2:
Twoboysnmygirl said:
Hello! :wave2:

I'm down 16 as of this morning and I'm thrilled! Slow and steady! :thumbsup2

That is very awesome!!:0) I totally agree with you on the slow and steady! Have a fabulous week!
Day before yesterday I thought that I should do something for losing my weight but I dint wakeup as per my plan...where my motivation gone??? :(
I know it's difficult to find motivation
But somehow you need to start slow and gradually increase your activity. 10 minutes is better than nothing. If you do 10 minutes 3 times a day, you are ahead of a lot of people. Don't give up trying.
And to go along with Lovemikids, start with small steps in your nutrition as well. If your not already, make sure you're eating lots of fruits, veggies, protein and healthy fats! If it's hard to do, make one diet change everyday, few days etc. It does get easier as you go along!(for the most part).
Haven't posted in awhile because I've gotten off course and haven't lost anything more. I've had a run in with a bad flu and my energy for exercising has yet to return. Needless to say I didn't lose my appetite. Have a trip planned for 10/12 and would be thrilled to drop 5 by then. Wish me luck!
I'm down 2lbs since last Thursday, bringing my total over 15 weeks to 22lbs. I'm pretty happy to have hit 2lbs loss this week since weeks 2-13 pretty much only saw a 1lb avg loss.

I'm on track to hit my goal weight for our December trip. Only 13lbs to go! (but then I gotta keep going!)
Gator Kate said:
Haven't posted in awhile because I've gotten off course and haven't lost anything more. I've had a run in with a bad flu and my energy for exercising has yet to return. Needless to say I didn't lose my appetite. Have a trip planned for 10/12 and would be thrilled to drop 5 by then. Wish me luck!

Oh my! I hope you're feeling better! Get your strength back before doing any hardcore exercises! You definitely don't want a relapse on the flu!
molitva said:
I'm down 2lbs since last Thursday, bringing my total over 15 weeks to 22lbs. I'm pretty happy to have hit 2lbs loss this week since weeks 2-13 pretty much only saw a 1lb avg loss.

I'm on track to hit my goal weight for our December trip. Only 13lbs to go! (but then I gotta keep going!)

Way to go! 22lbs in 15 weeks is amazing!
I'm trying to lose 30lbs too before my visit in December! If i do i decided i would reward myself with tickets to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party!!! I've always wanted to and thinking about it really keeps me motivated, well, it's only been 6 days since I've started...but I'm not going to give up, I want to see it snow on main street!!!!


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