365 days of healthy choices... Year #3 starts with post 356, comments welcome!

I wondered if you were close to me, based on talking about the weather in your posts. Yes, my DS is up at Bear Paw. I am so excited for him to come home to hear how the week went!

I hope he has a good time! DS said they had a lot of rain, but otherwise had a nice time. Not sure if your son has been there before, but PLEASE check him for tics when he gets home. DS said he had them all week long, and even when he came home. Right away in the garage we do a "tic check" and sure enough he had one on his arm. Hate those things!!!! Did you ever do the Mom and Son campout with the cub scouts? Bear Paw will always have a sweet spot in my heart for that wonderful weekend.
so last night and today I really struggled. Can easily say I lost the battle. It is frustrating for certain. Today I couldn't get my walk in, and I think that was harder to deal with than the food. My left foot hurt SOOOO bad as I started walking today. We didn't get far, but I knew I needed to heed the pain and take it easy today. We watched the 2nd Harry Potter movie, and relaxed, so I hope that my foot does feel better tomorrow.

I read that line... "lost a battle, but not the war".... in the book that I am reading right now. I think it is so fitting to realize the day to day struggles are just that, a day at a time. I have been "on" plan more than I have been "off" and as long as I get back on I know I will be ready to win the war! And I plan on getting back "on", because I don't feel good... physically or emotionally when I am "off". That is incentive in itself.
Long day at work, I was there 10 1/2 hours, my feet were killing me by the time I was home, and we did not get our walk in.:guilty: I will feel better when I can get walking again.

I also ate way too much tonight, just junk. Did great with breakfast and lunch and dinner, but it was the snacking at night that did me in. I am going to bed super early, and hope that getting a good night's sleep will help me get back into the groove.
Went for a 3 mile walk again today. I feel so much better!:thumbsup2 It truly does amaze me how much better I feel getting in the exercise. My foot felt so much better today, so I know I needed the break and needed to rest my foot. I am just glad it feels better so I can get my walking in!
Good job getting back on track. Sometimes you just have to have a break. It is best to accept it and not beat yourself up. That just leads to eating and more exercise breaks when you don't really need them. Besides, if you injure your foot by pushing it, you'll get to the point that you can't walk. I've noticed that nighttimes are hard for you. Have you thought about planning a really good snack for your danger time? Something you look forward to? You would probably eat less in the long run. For instance I've read a couple times that you ate some chocolate chips. Those aren't usually the best chocolate. If you really love them and they're your favorite candy that is one thing...but if you're eating them because you just want something sweet, and they're available, that isn't so good. Buy yourself some small candy bars, really good chocolate, and plan to have one after dinner. I do a lot better when I don't eat substitutes...if you insist on only eating what is really, really good you will eat less and enjoy it more. I was out of town this week and all week I was really craving fried eggs. We went out for breakfast yesterday, and I did have fried eggs, but I didn't really enjoy them...at home I go out to a farm and buy my eggs fresh, and they're just so much better! I know this and I shouldn't have even bothered eating eggs in a restaurant. So now I will cook eggs this morning...my craving wasn't satisfied, it was just wasted calories.
Good job getting back on track. Sometimes you just have to have a break. It is best to accept it and not beat yourself up. That just leads to eating and more exercise breaks when you don't really need them. Besides, if you injure your foot by pushing it, you'll get to the point that you can't walk. I've noticed that nighttimes are hard for you. Have you thought about planning a really good snack for your danger time? Something you look forward to? You would probably eat less in the long run. For instance I've read a couple times that you ate some chocolate chips. Those aren't usually the best chocolate. If you really love them and they're your favorite candy that is one thing...but if you're eating them because you just want something sweet, and they're available, that isn't so good. Buy yourself some small candy bars, really good chocolate, and plan to have one after dinner. I do a lot better when I don't eat substitutes...if you insist on only eating what is really, really good you will eat less and enjoy it more. I was out of town this week and all week I was really craving fried eggs. We went out for breakfast yesterday, and I did have fried eggs, but I didn't really enjoy them...at home I go out to a farm and buy my eggs fresh, and they're just so much better! I know this and I shouldn't have even bothered eating eggs in a restaurant. So now I will cook eggs this morning...my craving wasn't satisfied, it was just wasted calories.

I think you are right about eating what I want. I have found that if I eat "around" what I really want, I still end up eating that and wasted all those calories before getting to what I really wanted.

I do like the idea of planning in a treat. I had been buying snack size bags of chips, but fell out of practice. It was working for me, and sounds like I need to go back to that.
It is really hot and humid here, and it is only going to get worse! YUCK! We will go for our walk tonight, I just wanted to wait till the sun goes down a bit more. I am doing pretty good for today. A few extra chips, but not bad. I had McDonalds a few days ago, 2 days in a row, and now I haven't and I can really tell a difference. I feel so much better. I am actually craving fresh fruits and water. I think my body is getting slowly adjusted to healthier foods and is wanting them. I like that, I like that alot!
I did 1/2 and 1/2 today. some good choices and some not so good. Got a chance to go see a local theater production of Hello Dolly. I have never seen the movie so I thought this was pretty good. Watched one more Harry Potter movie. We just have the Deathly Hallows part 1 to watch tomorrow and then we see part 2 on Tuesday! Can't wait!:banana: And I already know in advance I will have my popcorn, now I just have to cut back a bit to make up for the calories. And we got our walk in today. did it early, the weather is stifling in the afternoon. it will be interesting to see if the weather will cooperate for morning walks this week.
WOW! Is it humid here. It is like stepping into a sauna. I am so proud to say that I got up and went for my walk this morning. It wasn't too easy as it really was ugly already so early in the morning. But I held myself accountable and did it. My sister and Godson came to visit, that was nice. We had family night tonight and watched part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and so we are all set for tomorrow. Can't wait to see the new movie!!!
And happy to say that Good wins over evil! LOVED harry Potter! That was amazing. I just loved it all. I do wish the end battle might have been different, but they did a great job with it. So that was the struggle on screnn

And off screen... I had a hard time getting up this morning! I wanted to be up and walking by 6 am. Didn't get going until 8:20 am!:rolleyes1 And I really struggled with getting in the walk. I knew if I walked then I wouldn't have time for anything else before we left to go to the movie. In the end I told myself to just go for a little walk and see what happens. I got going and knew I would do it all, I felt like otherwise I would be cheating myself. so proud I made it through that struggle.

Had the popcorn at the movie and couldn't finish it... BECAUSE the movie was so darn good that I got too involved and didn't want to be distracted by popcorn!popcorn::

And tonight I felt so good that DH and I went for a walk too. We didn't do 3 miles, but it felt good to get out and walk some more.

All in all a great day!
Just wanted to let you know that I am following your journal and way to go! You should be proud of yourself.
Good job for braving the heat!! I couldn't do it, went to the Y to work out instead. I miss my outside walks!
Just wanted to let you know that I am following your journal and way to go! You should be proud of yourself.

Thank you so much! I appreciate that more than you know. And knowing that people are following my journal really helps me to be more accountable and to make good choices. I feel like I have a responsibility to everyone taking their time to read this. It makes so much of a difference!
Good job for braving the heat!! I couldn't do it, went to the Y to work out instead. I miss my outside walks!

Thanks! And hey, you still got your workout in! That is great!!! I am heading out early in the morning. So glad I am on vacation this week. I don't know how I could have gotten the walks in if I was working and had to get the walk in at night. It will cool down before we know it and you will get in your outside walks.
This is a long one today, but packed full!

A little bit longer...
I got up EARLY for my walk today! They warned us that heat indexes would be 109-115!!!:faint: so I made sure to get it in early. I was up and walking before 7 am. I even went a little further than my 3 miles. It was 3.42 miles. I am pretty happy with that.

Plotting and planning...
However during my walk I did realize something. This week I am on vacation and without my daily walking I do at work (on my feet all day), I really am not losing, in fact I am up a few pounds. I am not able to power walk right now because I do have a history of plantar fascitis. (this is soooo painful!) With proper treatment and shoes right now it doesn't hurt. All it takes is some stupid moves on my part and it hurts for months it seems. I can't take anti inflamatories like Ibuprofen because of my coumadin, so I have to be very careful with my feet. Knowing that I don't walk fast, or hard. But I do have to find a way to get true cardio in. So I am going to start adding back in 1/2 hour of cardio. Not sure how many days a week yet. That is in the planning stages. I have a stairmaster at home and lots of DVD's so I am going to add that in too. I think ideally I would like to do 4 days a week. It will take some planning... For now I will commit to adding that in starting on Friday. I guess it would be smart to add it in on Sat. and Sun. and then 2 days during the week.

Oh, It feels good to plan that out.

and then the pampering...
I went to the salon to get my hair done!:goodvibes LOVE the salon. You just feel so pampered and pretty when it is all done.

And doing more...
back on Day 10 I wrote somethings that I want to do "more" as I was inspired by a patient. I thought about that list today because my DS has been asking me quite frequently lately to watch a tv show that he DVR'd. I had been putting it off, because of time contraints, but I remembered my commitment to do "more" with my kids. So today I spent the time tonight to watch "the Art of War" with him (we are both history nuts) and it was really good. Really enjoyed watching that with him.

So, to revisit my list
1. spend more time with the kids, seek out what they want to do, and enjoy them for their special gifts.watched TV with DS and spent time cuddling with DD while watching part of America's got talent with her (her favorite show)
2. Spend more time with DH in ze bedrooom!working on it!:love:
3. Get outside and enjoy the outside more, even if it is just reading a book on the porch.the walks certainly are getting me outside
4. Call my parents moreCalled yesterday
5. Go to my parents lake cottage moreWent up on the 4th of July weekend
6. have some nights out with the girlfriends Haven't done this yet, but seeing my BF tomorrow, we live a distance away so usually only get together 1x a year
7. Go geocaching moreDid that 4th of July weekend with my family and my Mom
8. travel more, even if it is just within the county, just get out and experience new placesPlanning our crazy vacation out West for later this summer
9. Spend more time reading and less TV watchingnot so good on this one, need to work on it
10. Spend more time playing games with the familyHaven't done this, although I am planning games for our long car ride for our trip
11. Spend more time playing with our dog.Every day after my walk I come home and play with the dog. And at night sometimes I sit on the floor and cuddle with her

So, all in all, I am working on my "more" list. But I would like to actively plan to do more on the "more" list. And I want to add #12. Work on projects more... keep my hands busy so I am not snacking. (I have photos to scrapbook, etc)
Got up early and got in my walk! Out and walking BEFORE 7am!:woohoo: Actually closer to 6:30 am! Very proud of myself. Then we drove the distance to see my friend. It was a very nice visit, just too short. We will plan more time to get together soon. I sure do miss talking with her. I used to talk to her all the time, but when I switched jobs and started working full time during the week, that got all messed up. I really want to take the time to talk/see her more often. So glad I got to spend the day with her, and proud I got my walk in!
Today I enjoyed a nice thunderstorm in the morning!:goodvibes Unfortunately then I didn't get my walk in. By later in the day I didn't make it a priority and got errands and things done, but no walk. I feel like I missed out on something. Can it be that I am creating a body that is craving consistent exercise? also we ate out yesterday due to traveling from my friends house, and today I had no interest what so ever to eat out. that is maybe another clue to creaing a body that is interested in more healthy foods...? I like how these changes are happening, slowly and steadily. I am amazed at how much "fresher" water tastes... Sometimes I prefer water to soda... creating more healthy habbits.

Those are 3 things that I am finding that is changing slowly. What changes are in store for me in the future? I am really looking forward to just being healthier... I am finding this rather exciting!:hyper:
Ahhh, I feel the slippery slope beneath my feet. I didn't walk today either. this morning looked like rain, and this afternoon it was sooo hot, and I was busy researching for a new car. It is a slippery slope when you let one day go... and then another... and then another... I better dig in my heels and grab a hold of something sturdy as I DO NOT WANT to fall down.
We went for our walk this morning. Felt good to get up and moving! I missed the walking very much. Now all I have to do is get the food back under control. I am back to work tomorrow and that will be an ideal day to get back at it and plan in my extra aerobic days as well.

50 days! That is awesome. I forgot to weigh myself, but maybe subconsciosly I was avoiding it because I know it will be up there.

either way here are some accomplishments in 50 days...
1. walking 3 miles a day (almost consistently)
2. choosing better foods, drinking more water
3. avoiding fast food at times
4. working on that "more" list
5. consistently journaling daily
6. Talking DH into going to DLR on our vacation!;):banana::yay:::MickeyMo

For the next 50 days I would like to add to my healthy choices...

1. Keep walking
2. Add in 30 minutes of cardio 3 x week
3. Add in stretching and push ups/push up position 2 x week
4. Schedule the exercise
5. journal all foods I'm eating
6. work on curbing evening snacking

So for this week
Mon. 30 min. cardio
Tues. stretching & Push ups
Wed. 30 min. cardio
Thurs. stretching & push ups
Sat. 30 min. cardio

This gives me Fri and Sun as make up days, in case I don't get out of work on time. I like this and I am going to print it out so I don't forget my plan.

wish me luck!:goodvibes
Of course I have this grand plan in place... and what happens? I feel sick after work, oh yeah, that's ironic. I RARELY nap anymore because then I just can't sleep at night, and today I came home, hit the couch, watched my today show in about 1/2 hour, fell asleep on the couch, my headache was getting worse and worse, finally made it to my bed and slept an additional 1 1/2 hours. A bit frustrating as I had plans for tonight, oh well, the nap did feel good, just hope I can sleep tonight now. Took some tylenol PM and that should help I think.

Here's to a better day tomorrow.
Well today was a late day at work. I didn't even get home till after 8:30 pm, dinner at 9pm so needless to say I didn't get my walk in today.:mad: And it was BEAUTIFUL outside, cool, low humidity, the outdoors was calling my name!

On the upside, I did sleep ALL NIGHT LONG! Can't believe I did that after such a long nap the day before. I guess I really needed it. Now I am tired, but had to quick log in. At least I didn't snack after dinner!;):rotfl:


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