365 days of healthy choices... Year #3 starts with post 356, comments welcome!

I got out for my walk yesterday. The weather was AWESOME!! Not looking forward to the humidity coming back again. Hopefully you can dodge the raindrops and get out for your walk today!
I got out for my walk yesterday. The weather was AWESOME!! Not looking forward to the humidity coming back again. Hopefully you can dodge the raindrops and get out for your walk today!

OH, I am so jealous! It did look fantastic, so glad you got your walk in! We have rain, and lighning and thunder... not looking too positive for me tonight.
I am so tired right now. Eyes tired kind of tired! DID NOT SLEEP LAST NIGHT! It was aweful, when I did fall asleep had the craziest dreams, kept waking up. Frustrating. Hopefully my sleep will even out and I can get back to healthy habbits.

Good choices today:

Ate my apple at lunch. This is big because we had dessert brought in, and even though I had a piece of the cake, I WANTED my apple! that is a step in the right direction.:thumbsup2

Drank lots of water
Plan on going bed at a reasonable time to get my sleep!
mind if I follow along? You sound a lot like me but further along:). I also realized that now is the best time to get this party started!
Vija my good buddy! How exciting is this? Wish I had known of it sooner but I have been off wish for a while and not sure why :confused3

Its the most supportive group ever.

Don't have time to write now- I did send a private email.

Just know I am so proud of you for doing this and for sticking with it.:cheer2:

Count me in, I am with you for sure. We are going to Iceland August 17 - 30 and am doing a 10k on August 20. Scared, but exciting! :banana:

Anyway, I will be a daily visitor, my promise to you (except when in Iceland - we will be off the grid, but I will catch up when I get back)

More later.


mind if I follow along? You sound a lot like me but further along:). I also realized that now is the best time to get this party started!

Glad to have the company!:wave: I actually read your journal today at lunch time and thought to myself that I am alot like you! I was going to tag along on your journal as well. I will post there in a bit. I think we can learn alot from each other and help each other too. Your posts really inspired me today.

Vija my good buddy! How exciting is this? Wish I had known of it sooner but I have been off wish for a while and not sure why :confused3

Its the most supportive group ever.

Don't have time to write now- I did send a private email.

Just know I am so proud of you for doing this and for sticking with it.:cheer2:

Count me in, I am with you for sure. We are going to Iceland August 17 - 30 and am doing a 10k on August 20. Scared, but exciting! :banana:

Anyway, I will be a daily visitor, my promise to you (except when in Iceland - we will be off the grid, but I will catch up when I get back)

More later.



got your email my friend!!!:hug: Look forward to another one... a longer one!:thumbsup2 so glad that you are going to be reading this too. It means alot to me to be able to share this with you. Can't wait to hear about your 10K! You really are inspiring!:goodvibes
Lots of healthy choices today! AND I FEEL GREAT!!!!!

Woke up early this morning, I was supposed to exercise but didn't really feel like it, so I decided that I would exercise in the evening. I didn't go back to bed, but got up and did some stuff around the house. Realized didn't have anything for lunch and had to decide if I wanted to buy in the cafeteria or make a lunch. Sucked it up and made lunch! Had subway for dinner and even added in tomatoes! Didn't snack after dinner. Then I was pretty comfy on the couch and was debating about exercise... but got up and did an exercise DVD for 1/2 hour! THEN went for a 1/2 hour walk with DH. Drank lots of water and avoided soda after dinner.


It is amazing how just a little bit of exercise improved my mood and I physically feel so much better. I am so glad I got up and moved, it just felt right!
Vija -- never forget that you ROCK! :rockband: you are a strong woman and so very inspirational!
Congrats on how far you have come this summer. You rock

Have some fun mother/daughter time
Vija -- never forget that you ROCK! :rockband: you are a strong woman and so very inspirational!

THank you! I so very much appreciate your support!:goodvibes
Congrats on how far you have come this summer. You rock

Have some fun mother/daughter time

thank you too! I think I am going to reread some of the journal entries, because you are right, I have come a long way this summer! I am already accumulating ideas for our mother/daughter time. Can't wait!
LONG day today. My feet are tired! Didn't get any extra exercise in today at all. but I did make good choices at lunch. A friend brought in peanut butter covered dark chocolate spread. OH MY WORD was that amazing!:worship: I took only 1 teaspoon and spread it on one cracker, (yes, only 1). I knew if I had any more I might as well grab a spoon, dig into the bowl find a corner and hide, eat it all and go back after lunch and ask who ate it all...:rotfl: AND I ate my apple too. That is becoming habbit to eat an apple at lunch. Kind of like that.

Tomorrow hope to get alot of exercise in!

have a great weekend everyone.:flower3:
Oh boy, the title says it all! I had Red Robin today and hang my head in shame...:rolleyes1:sad2: It was yummy, but I need to make better choices when going out to eat. DD had a grilled chicken salad. It looked pretty good. I need to find the courage and strength within to stick with making healthier choices. I do great some days and then it's like the "fat and carb" monster comes out and wants to be fed carbs and creamy fats. There is some fear involved, but not sure what? Fear I won't be full? Even when I'm stuffed I don't always feel full... KWIM?

Obviously I am feeding some pain and hurts. There isn't some deep tragic past, I really did have a golden childhood. The only thing I can think of is there was a time in my life that I did work with some horrible people. They were verbally abusive. I wish I would have left that place much sooner. It was a trade off because the hours were pretty good. I did try to leave a few times, but didn't get the jobs I interviewed for. My self esteem plummeted. I wasn't even this horribly overweight when the nastiness started. But I did get depressed and ate, felt worse, ate some more and over the course of a year I gained at least 100#. I have been so overweight for at least 11 years. This happened when I was an adult. Looking back now, and knowing what I do know now I should have been alot more aggressive about leaving. I LOVE where I am now. I LOVE the people I work with and I LOVE my job! Thank heavens I am somewhere good now.

So that being said, why can't I get rid of that horrible monster? Why can't I let that go?

I would like to end today on a happy note... We did get our 3 mile walk in and I bought a book to maybe help me along this journey. It is called "Shaping the New You" it is a chicken soup for the soul book. It says "101 encouraging stories about dieting and fitness... and finding what works for you". I am looking forward to reading the inspiring stories from people who have been in the trenches and have succeeded.
Sounds like you've had some good days. We were on the 10 day Magic cruise in the Med, just got home a couple hours ago. A couple things reinforced on the trip...the Europeans, for the most part, are thin...and they eat great food...but they walk way more than we do, and their food is high quality and satisfying. We had dessert in Rome, it was 4 bites...but those bites were yummy and just enough to fill the sweet urge. I just ate a yummy pastry thing I got on an Iberia flight...all of a sudden I'm not eating stupid stuff, i.e. saltines, etc... So quality over quantity, and lots of walking.
Hey Vija - hope your weekend is going well.

Mine has been crazy! Down one pound (just 8 since January and I feel like a colossal failure - but another story) but the rest of the weekend has been bad, too much mindless eating!

Which is why, I think, a lot of the weight loss industry thinking is fundamentally flawed, because true bingers like me are not guided by hunger when they are on a "drug run".

Another story there.

Went down for the day to meet up with my sister who lives in New Brunswick. We were to meet up in Springhill, N.S. to go to the Anne Murray museum, which I had wanted to go to for some time.

It was raining, I get to Truro, my windshield wipers stop working. Big time drama, she picked me up, got to the centre but ended up driving more than 11k, in the pouring rain, with no windshield wipers - before I could get to an area where I could leave the car. My friend drove me home, but it was wild. Four way flashers, all I could see was a little bit out the side windows and a fuzzy white zigzag on the right.

Scariest 11k I ever drove!

Anyway, tonight the "drunk" is over, doing ok. Walking about 1.5 hours in the morning.

Looking forward to hearing from you again Vija - such a wonderful journey. Want to be part of it.


Sounds like you've had some good days. We were on the 10 day Magic cruise in the Med, just got home a couple hours ago. A couple things reinforced on the trip...the Europeans, for the most part, are thin...and they eat great food...but they walk way more than we do, and their food is high quality and satisfying. We had dessert in Rome, it was 4 bites...but those bites were yummy and just enough to fill the sweet urge. I just ate a yummy pastry thing I got on an Iberia flight...all of a sudden I'm not eating stupid stuff, i.e. saltines, etc... So quality over quantity, and lots of walking.

Oh wow, please tell me if you are doing a trip report. I would LOVE to read it! Hope all went well. Interesting observations. I like the idea of quality over quantity. I saw the same when we went to Europe in 1992. I guess I didn't really look too much at what everyone was eating. I wasn't horribly overweight then. Maybe about 30 pounds then. I was pretty fit. BUT we did walk EVERYWHERE! Remember those white little canvas shoes we used to wear? I wore out the bottom of a pair I had in one day. We walked nonstop. We hung out with a way distant young cousin and toured us all over the city.

Hey Vija - hope your weekend is going well.

Mine has been crazy! Down one pound (just 8 since January and I feel like a colossal failure - but another story) but the rest of the weekend has been bad, too much mindless eating!

Which is why, I think, a lot of the weight loss industry thinking is fundamentally flawed, because true bingers like me are not guided by hunger when they are on a "drug run".

Another story there.

Went down for the day to meet up with my sister who lives in New Brunswick. We were to meet up in Springhill, N.S. to go to the Anne Murray museum, which I had wanted to go to for some time.

It was raining, I get to Truro, my windshield wipers stop working. Big time drama, she picked me up, got to the centre but ended up driving more than 11k, in the pouring rain, with no windshield wipers - before I could get to an area where I could leave the car. My friend drove me home, but it was wild. Four way flashers, all I could see was a little bit out the side windows and a fuzzy white zigzag on the right.

Scariest 11k I ever drove!

Anyway, tonight the "drunk" is over, doing ok. Walking about 1.5 hours in the morning.

Looking forward to hearing from you again Vija - such a wonderful journey. Want to be part of it.



Oh My gosh, I am so glad you are OK! THat really must have been super scary. Was the museum worth it? AND PLEASE don't feel like a collosal failure! You are down 8 pounds!!!! 8 POUNDS! THat is a step in the right direction. You could have gone the other way, but you didn't you are down and you should celebrate that!:thumbsup2 ANd I am so glad you are on the journey with me! It means so much to me. You ARE a part of it and together we will work away our issues and get to a healthy place. Look at you... on the way to do an 10K!!!! That is AWESOME! Can't wait to hear all about it and support you in that.:flower3:
So on the CB someone posted a question... What can't you do that most people can. And my first thought was "portion control". What an odd thing. Really, how can it be so hard to just eat what you are supposed to? Look at the package... 3 cookies means 3 cookies. (Ok, I guess cookies wasn't the best example on trying to be healthy!:rotfl:)

So, as I work on myself, I would like to focus on portion control. Really look at what I am eating. no more eating right out of the bag, measure first. Put it on a plate, a bowl and measure it out. I had cottage cheese as a snack earlier today. Didn't measure it, just dumped a bunch out. Who knows how much it actually was. I think awareness will be very helpful. I am sure that I will naturally slow down on eating when I look at what an actualy portion is.

Walked this morning! felt great. And I started reading 2 books. "Heaven is for real" and the chicken soup book I mentioned. I just read the intro and the first story so far for the Chicken soup book, but so far so good! I'll keep you posted.

Off to buy a swimsuit on line, not exactly something I am looking forward to, but since we are going on vacation, I figure I should have something comfy to wear.
Ughhh, I had been doing soooo good today too. Ended up snacking on chips and cookies tonight. I should have just gone to bed, I would have been away from the food and temptation. Need to plan to make tomorrow better.

On the upside we played apples to apples tonight and we had a great time! I have never played that game and we laughed really hard. FUN game!
Came home late tonight. One good thing comes from that. At least I don't feel like snacking when I eat so late. THat's about it for tonight. Sorry so short. At least I made that good choice!:thumbsup2 I'm tired, and off to bed!
WOW did that time fly by!

During that time I think I made some great choices. Got alot of exercise in and improved my mood tremendously. I've lost a few pounds, not as many as I would like, but I lost!

tonight I had chips from a premeasured bag and a handful of almonds. practiced volleyball with DD and went for a quick walk with DH. After the walk I told him I wanted to go upstairs because if I stay down there I know I will eat and don't want to do that! So that was another good choice!

LOVE focussing on the positives.

Looking forward to the next 60 days.

Hopefully I can make more and more healthy choices.
Vija, congrats on getting through the first 60 days of your healthy lifestyle! :yay: You're doing great! :thumbsup2

Hello to you, too, Linda. :wave2:


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