365 days of healthy choices... Year #3 starts with post 356, comments welcome!

Wow, I've been at this for 2 weeks! I am doing pretty good, and I have to say these 2 weeks went by super fast. It wasn't a horrible struggle, and I am starting to feel physically better.

This morning I did a Biggest Loser DVD and my TKD forms for a total of 30 minutes, then DH and I went on a 3.2 mile walk. That felt great. The walk included intentional hill walking. Really trying to get ready for our trip out west and all the activity we will be doing.

I did pretty good with food throughout the day too, it was a little hard, but not too bad. I had some snacking in the evening, but I listened to my body and stopped when I felt satisfied. Even when DH and DD went out for ice cream, I went along, but didn't get any!

That is a big accomplishment!
so I started the day out GREAT! I lost 3.8#!!!!!:banana:

That is great! I had a hard time getting going this morning, I worked out on the stairmaster for 1/2 hour, that felt great. We ended up going to Red Robin (YUMMMM!;)) for lunch, it was very tasty, but so not diet food.

I'll have to get some good exercise in this week to make up for that, bummer is that it is supposed to rain all week, so I might not be able to go for my walks. I'll get it done though. I am on my way!
Ughhh, today stunk! I ate crappy pretty much all day. I woke up crabby, and couldn't shake that. I was depressed last night and concerned about some issues, woke up witht he same issues and stress. I set the alarm early to exercise, but I just kept hitting the snooze. So I didn't get up to work out, and I was tired because I kept getting woken up every 9 min. I should have just gotten up. Then I proceeded to have chips at lunch. Then I ate chips after dinner, then chocolate, then chips. Then I went to the store and got supplies to make bagel dip for work (we are all bringing appetizers to celebrate a coworker returning), so I made the dip and proceeded to have some bagel dip, then I had more chips.:sad2: AND in the process didn't work out.

2 things I see that are bothering me.
1. The issue that I have going on is stressing me out.
2. I also looked ahead a what I would ideally like to weigh by our upcoming vacation and it equals to like a 4# loss each week. I should never have looked because it stressed me out. I have to get out of the mind games of numbers. I was feeling so great, proud, and positive. When I get into the gameplay of the numbers in my head, then I get stressed, realize I couldn't possibly loose what I want and then end up throwing in the towel.

I have to shake this off before I get completely out of control. I need to get back on track tomorrow.

Think positive thoughts for me that I can pull it all back together again.
So today is slightly better than yesterday. Ate way too much at lunch. we all brought in hors de vours (sp?) to celebrate our coworker return. then I had some fries on the way home. I did go for a walk, couldn't go as far as I wanted to because of a big thunderstorm that came through. I was walking pretty fast to get home, and missed the downpour by about 8 minutes. It was fun watching the storm roll in. I just love storms.

Tonight for dinner we had tacos, I had a little bit of chocolate chips after dinner, and intend to be done eating for the night. I may head out to go for a walk. It looks too beautiful now not to get out there.

So, I am slowly getting back on track! Thank Heavens!
Slowly I am coming back around to doing this thing right. I had a few snacks, but definitely a lot less than what I would have had in the past. I will be happier when the rainy weather clears up. I love my walks in summer. Thinking too of getting NetFlix so that I can watch DVD's while exercising on the stairmaster. It keeps things fresh and time goes by so much quicker.
Go, Vija, go! :cheer2:

There are a lot of fun and interesting things on Netflix -- I think you would like it and anything that helps get through that exercise is a plus IMHO.

You're doing great! :flower3:
Go, Vija, go! :cheer2:

There are a lot of fun and interesting things on Netflix -- I think you would like it and anything that helps get through that exercise is a plus IMHO.

You're doing great! :flower3:

Thanks so much for reading my journal and kind words! I was excited to see another comment!:goodvibes I think you are so right about netflix. I am going to really have to check into that. I love using my stairmaster, but the time goes by so much easier when I am watching something. And DH took the time to put a TV up on the wall, I am so appreciative and want to continue to use it.

So today I got up and exercised! Finally out of the rut of not exercising. I had off of work, so I think that helped. I did my stairmaster for 30 minutes. and for 5 minutes in the middle I increased the intensity to level 2. Felt very good about that! I skipped on getting chips 2 times while we were out and about. DH took the day off too, so we had a nice day today. I picked up a Dancing with the stars exercise DVD and also the broadway Dance Wii game.

I think I want to set a short goal. For a week I want to excercise at least 30 minutes each day on my stairmaster. And since this journal is titled "healthy choices" I am going to add in flossing. I just don't floss like I should so for 1 week I will add that in, and hopefully keep it up after that!

Mini goal day 1
flossing done!
stairmaster done!
Not sure why, I woke up super tired. And work was pretty busy, my feet are tired, not as bad as they usually are though, so maybe my feet are getting used to the exercise?

It's late and I didn't get my exercise in yet today. I will have to start in on my mini goal again. :rolleyes1 I know I will make it work, but maybe I need to wait on the stairmaster goal till I have my vacation week in July? Working in time to exercise among all the other things going on sure can be tough. I like the idea of "sceduling" it in. I think I will have to look at that and maybe do that.

Just sitting here thinking, I realize that I am someone who likes to have variety in exercising, so for right now I will revamp the mini goal to make sure I do an aerobic type of activity for 1/2 hour every day. (not including walking, love to do that, but I need to do a more intense activity)

Tomorrow I am really looking forward to exercising to my new DVD. I hope it is a good one!

Happy weekend everyone!
Don't beat yourself up "just doing walking". Exercise doesn't work if you have to MAKE yourself do it. You're looking at changing your life, and your life should be enjoyable. If you really like to walk, than take a daily walk and call it good. Much better to make that a lifetime habit than forcing yourself to do something you don't enjoy. I'm a size four and walking is the backbone of my fitness program. After about 12 years I added yoga and a little bit of exercise bike, but 90% of my exercise time is spent walking. People are too hard on themselves, they try to diet w/ not enough food, they make themselves do exercises they hate...and it isn't successful. Read some of the WISH journals and you'll see. Think longterm, not short term. If you get into the mindset of being a certain weight for WDW or whatever, you will most likely not get there, or if you do it won't last. Concentrate on making good choices everyday that you can live w/, and the weight will come off and stay off. No it won't be fast, but each day you'll be a tiny bit thinner and more fit than you were the previous day.
Just as life has its ups and downs, like a roller coaster ride, your exercise regimen with your goal set in mind may at times falter. Our daily activities be at home or at work, is an exercise itself, if you have not exercised at home because you were tired from work, then don't. Do it at your own pace. Don't exercise if you are tired, for everyone has its own limits.
Have a nice weekend. Let's live life to the fullest, enjoying every moment of it.
Don't beat yourself up "just doing walking". Exercise doesn't work if you have to MAKE yourself do it. You're looking at changing your life, and your life should be enjoyable. If you really like to walk, than take a daily walk and call it good. Much better to make that a lifetime habit than forcing yourself to do something you don't enjoy. I'm a size four and walking is the backbone of my fitness program. After about 12 years I added yoga and a little bit of exercise bike, but 90% of my exercise time is spent walking. People are too hard on themselves, they try to diet w/ not enough food, they make themselves do exercises they hate...and it isn't successful. Read some of the WISH journals and you'll see. Think longterm, not short term. If you get into the mindset of being a certain weight for WDW or whatever, you will most likely not get there, or if you do it won't last. Concentrate on making good choices everyday that you can live w/, and the weight will come off and stay off. No it won't be fast, but each day you'll be a tiny bit thinner and more fit than you were the previous day.

Just as life has its ups and downs, like a roller coaster ride, your exercise regimen with your goal set in mind may at times falter. Our daily activities be at home or at work, is an exercise itself, if you have not exercised at home because you were tired from work, then don't. Do it at your own pace. Don't exercise if you are tired, for everyone has its own limits.
Have a nice weekend. Let's live life to the fullest, enjoying every moment of it.

Wow, you both are very intuitive. I get so involved with making a "plan" regarding how best to tackle the weight, I am an "all or nothing" kind of planner and you both made alot of sense why this is not OK.

I struggled with getting up and exercising. Spent the morning on the couch watching tv, had some chips and relaxing, but all the while struggling with "I should be's...". Then in the afternoon I took a walk with DH and DD. I LOVED it! So thank you to wide awake for telling me about your walking being such a strong part of your routine. I think since I enjoy it so much that it is OK for it to be a main part for my routine. Also, you are so right about the mindset of the numbers. Last week I thought to myself I should loose another 3# to get to the next 10's number. In the end I put pressure on myself to get it done, and then faltered this week from my own pressure. I should have done what I had been doing the first 2 weeks... just focusing on healthy... the weightloss will follow.

And thank you to glitterbags, you are so right, I need to cut myself some slack about enjoying life, take into account what is happening during the day, and not to beat myself up about it, but yet make it work around my own schedule. I am looking forward to our trip out west and I was watching some youtube videos about the hike to delicate arch. It scared me a bit, I want to do that hike so bad, I got into panic mode thinking I need to work out super hard to be able to do it. BUT, paying attention to what you wrote about living life to the fullest, I know I will be able to do that hike, I just will have to take more rest breaks than others. It is OK, because I am sure that there will be a lot of scenery in the mean time to really look at, perhaps people watch, and just enjoy the fact that I still can.

I mentioned it in the begining of the journal, and didn't really elaborate, I almost died last August. It is true, after emergency surgery for blood clots in my arm, and ending up on the ventilator because of massive blood clots in my lungs, I am truly lucky to be alive. I need to remember that a bit more clearly and to stop focusing on the "panic" mode of losing weight but rather enjoying this journey of self discover and losing weight, and more importantly to enjoy the journey of life. I am thankful for each and every day. Thank you to both of you wide awake and glitterbags for helping me to refocus on what is important... the journey, slow and steady to get healthy!
I have been really enjoying writing in this journal every day. I am so surprised to see how quickly the time is going. I did great for the first 2 weeks and then faltered a bit on the third. So I really want to focus on the next 3 weeks of healthy choices, and not to focus on the scale. So I will avoid the scale for 3 weeks and really focus on doing good things for my health.

Today we went to the Strawberry festival. It was a lot of fun, but VERY crowded. We had some treats, even tried the strawbery bratwurst! Who knew that bratwurst could have strawberries in it, they also had a strawberry sauce to go with it, that was just OK, but the brat was great! I had strawberry cheesecake rangoon... OMG that was yummy!:love: I was careful with my snacking today, and went for a long walk with DH this morning. Some pretty good choices for today. Glad to know that I can enjoy a festival, make good choices and not feel guilty.:thumbsup2

I would love to start reading other journals on WISH, what are some of your favorites?
:happytv: I find myself doing this way too much. I have to find the courage to just say "no" sometimes. Do you get that way too? While I was off of work, I became a Today show junkie. Now I DVR it every day and although I fast forward through alot of it, I find myself watching too much tv, then after I've watched the today show I see what else is on... and so on... and so on...

I think I should just stop recording it. and just avoid the couch after work. I've got a lot of projects to get done, it is summer, and I shouldn't be inside watching tv.

Perhaps it would be best to make a goal of not watching TV until after I've gotten my exercise in for the day.

Now if I could just stop DVR'ing the Today show.
I am home for the summer. I am trying to very hard to keep the tv off during the day. My sewing room is in the basement and there is no cable there but tv with a dvd player attatched to it. Yesterday I went down to sew and I kept it off and used my computer to play music.

Good luck. Exercise is the next thing I really have to get into.
Sounds like you are well on your way to a great year Vija! I'm enjoying your journal and look forward to sharing the rest of your journey with you. Keep up the good work! :woohoo:
Glad to see you are trying to start this and stick to it but it seems like you are definitely struggling. It may be time to start thinking of things differently.

You talked about how you looked at when your trip was and that you would have to lose 4 pounds a week to make your goal weight by your trip. You automatically found that number to be overbearing and let it stress you out. Take it as a challenge, something that can be accomplished (because it can be), but it will require work, hard work, and dedication.

You find time to DVR and watch the Today show everyday right? And that is definitely something you enjoy...don't deprive yourself of it, just make it beneficial. Take the time to watch the show but exercise during the commercials (instead of fast forwarding through them). Jumping jacks, jogging in place, push ups and sit ups could fill those 2 minute breaks.

Your biggest challenge (and what will ultimately yield you the biggest reward) is getting your snacking/binging under control. You have to ditch the chips, McDonalds, ice cream, etc. Give yourself 2 weeks and MAKE yourself go without them. Give yourself a reward for making it through those 2 weeks (don't make it food related). Your cravings will start to disappear if you can make that initial sacrifice. Find replacement snacks/foods to eat when you have a craving. Fruits, vegetables, yogurt, etc, would all fill in nicely.

You said you watched the Extreme Makeover Weight Loss show and it inspired you. That's great, now look at what those people do. They stop working, exercise 5 hours a day and completely change their diets. They have incredible will power and determination. You can have that as well. I can tell you have the desire.

You find comfort in your TV shows and eating. Wait until you find comfort in your health and how you feel every day. It's the best feeling in the world and something you can definitely have. You know you want this, now go get it
So, we are saving all of our pennies for our upcoming trips that are extravaganzas! A few weeks ago at a rummage sale we picked up weights, bar bells and dumbbells. We wanted to pick up a bench at a store to complete the set, but really don't have the money for it. Well, today I went for a walk, and went a way I haven't been in a while and came across a bench that was FREE!!!! Just sitting on the curb, with a sign saying "free"!:cool1: We brought it home and it is like a home gym, you can do leg exercises, lat pull downs, fly's and of course the bar for bench presses. I am so happy. Walking today was beneficial in more ways than one.

donac, disneykim68, mmacg78: Thanks for joining my journey!:goodvibes It makes the ride so much more fun.

I am home for the summer. I am trying to very hard to keep the tv off during the day. My sewing room is in the basement and there is no cable there but tv with a dvd player attatched to it. Yesterday I went down to sew and I kept it off and used my computer to play music.

Good luck. Exercise is the next thing I really have to get into.

I like the idea of you playing music, I think that is a great idea. Every so often when I clean I put on the old 80's tunes and it brightens my day. I think I will have to do that when scrapbooking, keep my hands away from the snacks and my mood in a happy place. I hope you have a great summer, I remember you had some struggles last year.:flower3:

Sounds like you are well on your way to a great year Vija! I'm enjoying your journal and look forward to sharing the rest of your journey with you. Keep up the good work! :woohoo:

Thanks! I see you just started your journal, and I'll be supporting you too! I haven't had time to look at the journals today, but I will do that tomorrow. have to run and am wanting to make sure I log in today.
Glad to see you are trying to start this and stick to it but it seems like you are definitely struggling. It may be time to start thinking of things differently.

You talked about how you looked at when your trip was and that you would have to lose 4 pounds a week to make your goal weight by your trip. You automatically found that number to be overbearing and let it stress you out. Take it as a challenge, something that can be accomplished (because it can be), but it will require work, hard work, and dedication.

You find time to DVR and watch the Today show everyday right? And that is definitely something you enjoy...don't deprive yourself of it, just make it beneficial. Take the time to watch the show but exercise during the commercials (instead of fast forwarding through them). Jumping jacks, jogging in place, push ups and sit ups could fill those 2 minute breaks.

Your biggest challenge (and what will ultimately yield you the biggest reward) is getting your snacking/binging under control. You have to ditch the chips, McDonalds, ice cream, etc. Give yourself 2 weeks and MAKE yourself go without them. Give yourself a reward for making it through those 2 weeks (don't make it food related). Your cravings will start to disappear if you can make that initial sacrifice. Find replacement snacks/foods to eat when you have a craving. Fruits, vegetables, yogurt, etc, would all fill in nicely.

You said you watched the Extreme Makeover Weight Loss show and it inspired you. That's great, now look at what those people do. They stop working, exercise 5 hours a day and completely change their diets. They have incredible will power and determination. You can have that as well. I can tell you have the desire.

You find comfort in your TV shows and eating. Wait until you find comfort in your health and how you feel every day. It's the best feeling in the world and something you can definitely have. You know you want this, now go get it

You are so right in everything you wrote. Some days I am doing great, others are challenging and my willpower (or there lack of) really struggles. You are so right about the Today show, I really do like it. I think you are on to something about the exercising while watching it. I have a few of the extreme makeovers DVR'd but haven't watched them yet, I think I will have to watch those to see again what can be done in a year with determination. I like how you ended your response. "It's the best feeling in the world and something you can definitely have. You know you want this, now go get it". I think I may just have to copy that and put in on the fridge, the mirror and anywhere else I want a little extra motivation.

So there was a post on the CB about someone who lost lots of weight by just walking 3 miles a day. I decided to add that to my exercise repetoire. So today DH and I went off on a walk that we had previously measured. Felt great. No Mcdonalds too! I did have 5 chips only. Which is an amazing feat, I know I can do better, but that was pretty good. After we came home I wasn't even really hungry, just thirsty, so I didn't snack after dinner either.

Love the waks with DH. We spend the time just talking. I LOVE that time together. solid uninterupted time to chat, catch up on things going on, and dream of future vacations! Walking together like this has so many benefits, not just health, but it brings us closer to each other too. LOVE THAT!:thumbsup2

I also went back and reread that post that I made after I got out of the hospital. It brought back lots of fears, anxieties, but mostly gratitude for having the opportunity to continue to experience life. I thank God for this second chance. I sat here in tears rereading everything. I am so lucky, and I really don't want to waste any more time being overweight and letting that rule my life. I am so glad I am finally getting this journey underway. 25 days! I am so proud and pleased.
I am glad that you are still here also.

I read that on the CB also and am thinking of trying it. I might also have to take the dog.


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