4/29/06 Eastern Magic...We're Going!!!!!

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Hello Roses glad to hear everyting is going well with you guys.I think the plan for the next cruise is for the first week in May.

Hello to everyone else and just wanted to say GO PATRIOTS:yay:

See ya....Now and always your leader SteveMed:rolleyes1
Good to hear from you guys! We STILL haven't gotten any snow yet this year, Tori is so disappointed! Was 73 here today!!!!!

Sue, we are just outside DC....about 5-6 hours south (driving) of NYC....BUT we're inbetween Dulles and Reagan airport!!!! Hop on an Express and come on down!

So good to hear from you guys.....we are starting to think about cruising again...I know, I know. Cruising with a 15 month old at that time is crazy but maybe we can afford to bring a nanny with us. Would solve alot of problems!!! We'll have to see what pans out in the next few months. Lots going on but nothing I can talk about at this time....if I tell you, I'd have to...well, you know the rest!!!

Give Jon a big hug for us! Can't stop thinking of The Pirate! We're taking Tori to the Pirate and Princess Party at WDW next week - suprise to her - but I converted one of my old costumes I forgot I had to a girl pirate outfit for her! I'll post pics when we get back!

Steve - 4 more days!!!! See you guys in a while, tell Shannon we said hi! Can't wait!!!
o.k o.k , I give in . I have been reading and keeping up with you all for awhile and did get a lovely e-mail from Suzie but what drag me in was Tom's link back to page 35 when I was just babbling away :)

I am so glad you are all doing well .

I had the Cruise withdrawal when we got home and just went about my chores trying to keep my nmind off of it. Yes I was teary-eyed on the last day. Barry has been as usual out of town so I have been volunteering at my daughters new school , yup we did send them this year. The house feels so lonely.

Oh' we did catch parts of the shows featuring Tom and the boys :rotfl2: but we got paged alot from the daycare because McKenna was crying for us. She definitely liked the cabin and Smuckers PB&J's more then anything it seemed.

Roses Thanks again for hosting the party, it was lovely.

I did go ahead and book a cruise for Halloween this year only because I miss it so. I gave up on the RCCL one , just couldn't come up with the funds so quickly.

Suzie once again your new baby is absolutely beautiful :angel: , yes Tori too :angel:

Have fun in Florida :cool1:
All that sun will just tire you out. You should come up here and check out what snow is really all about. :rolleyes1 I'd find room for everyone!
What the heck is going on, I go to Florida for a week of work (and play) and you guys go nuts. Jon and Sue, Trish, Maria, The one and only SteveMed, and then the standbys, Barb and Suzie, glad we still have this thing going.

Just came back from Florida yesterday it was 84 and sunny in Tampa when we left, and Detroit was freezing rain and 26 when we landed. We spent two days in the parks for the oldest princess it is her 11th bday today. Happy Birthday Lindsey!!!!!!!

The new dates are suppose to come out tomorrow and be able to book them late in the month. I think we are looking at the 1st full week of May which will be the 3rd of May I believe, it is a Western if that is alright with everyone, my hope is that Disneys special annoucement will be two trips to Cast A way Cay, but Steve that means that you have to bring twice as much beer!!!!

Hope everybody has a great time at WDW and check in when you get back, I have to get back to work and will check in with details again very shortly.

And Trish, how far are you from Spokane? I will be there in March.

So picture my state...we are in the upper left hand corner just over the border from Vancouver BC. Sadly, Spokane is the same distance from here as Portland is! I'm considering the Portland Marathon this year, though.

It was -50C with the windchill this morning. :scared1: :eek:

Barb, that is crazy! Once in Banff, I experienced -47F. We were on a trip with Kathy and we were walking outside...she felt like her contacts were going to freeze and pop out of her eyes! I checked the Farenheit equivalent to -50C is -58F!! :cold: (on a weird side note, Farenheit and Celsius cross over/are the same at -40 degrees.--Fact of the Day. :teacher: FOTD.)

Stevemed, Shannan, Suzie & Ed, you're probably doing last minute packing or already out the door, but you guys have a fantastic time and tell us all about the Pirate & Princess party. I'm excited to hear about how that goes.

Tom, welcome back! Happy Birthday to Princess Lindsey! princess: :cheer2: :cheer2:
7-day double dip western!??? Sounds PERFECT!!! Actually it sounds like a....okay nevermind. :scared1: Anyway, thanks for keeping us up on this. BTW, does this mean the infamous BTJ might join us??

Oh, pick me, pick me :yay: :yay:
:lmao: :lmao: I'm thinking of the Mrs. Doubtfire phone interviews: "I...job?" :happytv:

Maria, hi there. :wave2: You see we are all in post-cruise therapy together. The Halloween cruise is just what you need to help with that!
Barb, that is crazy! Once in Banff, I experienced -47F. We were on a trip with Kathy and we were walking outside...she felt like her contacts were going to freeze and pop out of her eyes! I checked the Farenheit equivalent to -50C is -58F!! :cold: (on a weird side note, Farenheit and Celsius cross over/are the same at -40 degrees.--Fact of the Day. :teacher: FOTD.)

We are supposed to have a balmy -4C today. :cool2: I just might have to dig out my shorts for weather like this after last week! :woohoo:

Len is doing great without his cane now. He is in physiotherapy twice a week and doing exercises at home. He is going nuts not being able to work though.
I'm considering the Portland Marathon this year, though.
Hey! Then stay with us the night before! We'll load you up on pasta and cheer away! We have a big 'ole guest room and and the kids can sleep downstairs in the cave.

Yes, I said "cave". The Pirate has decided that all manly men MUST have a cave. So he created one in the basement. He comes home with a beer fridge and tells me "Hey! This would make a great end table!". So down in the cave it goes. Now he's campaigning for a 60-inch HD. We *already* have a HD TV, but ooooohhhh nooooooooo it's not NEARLY big enough for a respectable cave.

The only good thing is that he sorts laundry while he's down there. He has to - the laundry shoot dumps out right above the couch. When I'm mad at him I drop laundry on his head.

Sue, thanks for the offer! The marathon is Oct 7th, so you have almost all year to come to your senses. :scared:

The Pirate has decided that all manly men MUST have a cave.
::yes:: I can see that Dave & Jon would get along famously. He's constantly bringing home stray building materials and suggesting that we somehow use them in our house. Our friends have a Man Room with theater seats installed stadium style & a retro 50s style fridge. I just want to know what is the female equivalent to such a place?? :confused3
Our friends have a Man Room with theater seats installed stadium style & a retro 50s style fridge...
Yes, our hubbys would get along fabulously. Your husband drags home lumbar. And I'm married to the man who dragged a 2X4 across the carpet so it looked like he vacuumed. We can't put them together. Please don't tell Jon about the Man Room!


Too late, now he wants one. I can feel the testosterone rising already. Pretty soon I'm gonna start spittin' and scratchin' just to keep up.

The Wench
So glad to see this is still going on! I thought we lost it after Christmas! I was locked out of the Yahoo site and thought I had lost touch with everyone forever, so I'm glad to see so many of you are still here!

BarbI can't even imagine what weather that cold must be like! You must go through a lot of Chapstick! People around here gripe when it goes below freezing!

Sue,we live about 1 1/2 hours west of NYC. I don't get into NYC too often - last time was two years ago to see "Live with Regis and Kelly." It's one of those places we always say we should go but never seem to get around to it! You definately need to have a game plan for that city. Another time a friend of mine and I went to see "The View" and had no game plan after that. They gave away free DVD players that day on the show, so afterwards my friend and I were wandering the streets of New York carrying around DVD players with no game plan in mind! Needless to say we just had lunch and took the next bus home! When are you going to be there? John's "cave" sounds hysterical - Phil would love it too!

Trish,I sent you a PM. You go girl with those marathons!

I guess Suzie and SteveMed and their families are soaking up the Florida sun by now! Hope they have a great time. We have to wait until August - a loooong time to wait! I guess we'll have to start eating beans and tuna fish sandwiches to save up for the next cruise! Hmmm, the Western is the only one we haven'tdone...
...on a weird side note, Farenheit and Celsius cross over/are the same at -40 degrees....
Trish! I am so impressed! You have exceptional gray matter in your noggin!

So we were whining about the cold and snow and I mentioned to the Pirate that it was -50C in Canada. He thinks for a minute and decides that's the Farenheit equivalent of 20 below. So, using my Cliff Clavan voice, I say, "No, dear. Farenheit and Celsius cross over at -40 degrees. Neg 50 is actually neg 58."

Wow, he thinks I'm really smart! Shhhh.... Let's not tell him that I actually stole that fact of the day from you!

LisaD! Good thought on NYC! We will definitely need a game plan! I hadn't thought about going to see a TV show; I wish Charlie Gibson was still on GMA. I admit I sort of have a crush on him. (Don't tell the Pirate that either!)

Wow - I am impressed to see this thread still on the first page -- you go guys! I'll check in occasionally for the fun of seeing how you are all doing in the future.
I'm glad you are all well and happy and that some of you have been to see Mickey in the last couple of months.
I went in April with 2 of my daughters but our Christmas trip got cancelled as DH has been ill and was diagnosed with late stage lyme. He's doing better now under iv antibiotic treatments, but it's been tough. I'm in the middle of major dental work so we are a pair.
We had planned on going on the Western Caribbean cruise at the end of April but since we saw the announcement of the West Coast cruises and I have always wanted to see the Panama Canal -- we are going to go on the repo cruise to LA in 2008 -- 15 nights - oh what glory :).
Anway, again....stay well - I'll always have great memories of meeting you all - even if only briefly - :love:
Got to keep this somewhere near the top.Suzie would be very disappointed in us if she came back from WDW and found us on Page 10!:scared1:
Got to keep this somewhere near the top.Suzie would be very disappointed in us if she came back from WDW and found us on Page 10!:scared1:

You're so right...but I have our forum bookmarked, so it goes straight to it instead of the cruise forums....

Anyway, just back a few hours. Good time for us but glad to be home. SteveMed and family were actually right next door to us (in the next bldg) the first night!!

Let me get unpacked, then we'll update all. Missed the snow here but it was getting chilly down in FL....in the 40's when we left!

Tom, was this a state of Michigan sick week? Saw lots of Michigan sweatshirts and hats down there!!!! Kept expecting you to pop out from behind a cart yelling "Suprise!!" LOL!!!
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