5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 11

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ohiominnie said:
Oh, don't tempt me.

Every time we've had one cat, and then have gotten another, the first cat has "changed." Either became more territorial, or more solitary, or more...shall we say 'unwilling to poop in the correct place.'

I told the kids if Mowana tragically and unexpectedly died before Monday morning, I'd get the cat. :lmao:

Awww...you never know.....maybe it would be different with Mowana. You have to at least go back and SEE if the other kitty is there. Maybe it was meant to be, maybe not.
justmestace said:
Awww...you never know.....maybe it would be different with Mowana. You have to at least go back and SEE if the other kitty is there. Maybe it was meant to be, maybe not.

After 42 emails back and forth to Mike (he's at work today) with neither one of wanting to make the decision (in case it went badly) we left it as "well, i'm not going to call.....YOU call!"

but he had to get back to work....so i called.
the kitty is gone.
so i emailed mike to tell him it was a moot point--that the cage was empty and the kitty was gone.
his response was "that's the same response i got when i called." :rolleyes:

which *I* took to mean that we should keep our eyes open for cute kitties! :lmao:

U TOP with Stacey, Mike and cute kitties! :)

ohiominnie said:
Oh, don't tempt me.

Every time we've had one cat, and then have gotten another, the first cat has "changed." Either became more territorial, or more solitary, or more...shall we say 'unwilling to poop in the correct place.'

I told the kids if Mowana tragically and unexpectedly died before Monday morning, I'd get the cat. :lmao:

It took awhile for Diz and Quigley to get accustomed to Tink.... but now that he's a little older - they tolerate him just fine.... and Frances loves having Tink here - he's the lap kitty - will just lay on our laps while we're surfing or watching TV just like her old cat Minx used to...... Kristin even thought about trying to take him back and Frances told her no.....

So, Mike's step mom calls today to tell me that the Christmas Eve shin-dig is at 6:00. I ask the required "what can I bring?" Which the answer is always "nothing."

Well, today the answer was "how about a vegie tray?" Ugh. Cutting up vegies all day Christmas eve? I think not!! That's the day we exchange gifts (Santa does Christmas day)

So I happened to be reading one of my blogs and found this (it's 3 1/2 minutes but pretty darn funny!)

Maybe they'll never ask me to bring a vegie tray again! :lmao:
ohiominnie said:
After 42 emails back and forth to Mike (he's at work today) with neither one of wanting to make the decision (in case it went badly) we left it as "well, i'm not going to call.....YOU call!"

but he had to get back to work....so i called.
the kitty is gone.
so i emailed mike to tell him it was a moot point--that the cage was empty and the kitty was gone.
his response was "that's the same response i got when i called." :rolleyes:

which *I* took to mean that we should keep our eyes open for cute kitties! :lmao:

U TOP with Stacey, Mike and cute kitties! :)


Sorry to hear that - maybe he's just out for a walk....

ohiominnie said:
So, Mike's step mom calls today to tell me that the Christmas Eve shin-dig is at 6:00. I ask the required "what can I bring?" Which the answer is always "nothing."

Well, today the answer was "how about a vegie tray?" Ugh. Cutting up vegies all day Christmas eve? I think not!! That's the day we exchange gifts (Santa does Christmas day)

So I happened to be reading one of my blogs and found this (it's 3 1/2 minutes but pretty darn funny!)

Maybe they'll never ask me to bring a vegie tray again! :lmao:

That's hysterical! If it takes too long to chop them up and toss them on a platter, I'm not about to stick them to styrofoam! :rotfl:
Jared watched it and said "Dude...get a life!"
Hi guys!

The mall thing must depend on geography somewhat. I had to go into work today, in doing so go past one of the busiest of the local malls, Old Orchard. This mall has a Bloomingdales, Nordstrom and a Macy's(used to be Marshall Fields) as anchor stores. They must have been expecting crowds as they had sherrifs police at intersections and the offramp from the highway, but both at 11am and again at 2, I never saw anything more than the crowd you'd see on a nice day Sunday, and definitely nothing that required police to direct traffic. I think at least locally the retailers are in for some disappointment. People I've talked to either did all their shopping earlier, a good number saying even before 'black friday', or they did online, or gift cards, or some combination.
Thanks for the pixiedust for KT!
She's in! :) Not the lead role she was hoping for, but hey, this is resume building!! :)
Yeah KT!

Some pixie dust for you Karen and all your driving!
ohiominnie said:
Thanks for the pixiedust for KT!
She's in! :) Not the lead role she was hoping for, but hey, this is resume building!! :)

I was supposed to pack today. I DID get the laundry done. And I have most of the "junk" organized...extensions cords, decorations, things like that. I *think* I know what clothes I'm taking....but I didn't get anything put in the bags yet.
As busy as this week is going to be, I don't know when I'll do it. Maybe I'll be one of those "Friday Night Packers"!

Maybe this has been a very cruel way to cure me of my OCD.....shove one hand into a brace. May as well just tie it behind my back....I can't get anything done with it on. And I am definitely not nearly as well organized as I usually am.
justmestace said:
I was supposed to pack today. I DID get the laundry done. And I have most of the "junk" organized...extensions cords, decorations, things like that. I *think* I know what clothes I'm taking....but I didn't get anything put in the bags yet.
As busy as this week is going to be, I don't know when I'll do it. Maybe I'll be one of those "Friday Night Packers"!

Maybe this has been a very cruel way to cure me of my OCD.....shove one hand into a brace. May as well just tie it behind my back....I can't get anything done with it on. And I am definitely not nearly as well organized as I usually am.

Good Morning Stacey - I like your ticker - it has 6 days to go - unlike mine......oh well, laundry this morning, nails and packing tonight - and in between time, work not included, everything else.....
justmestace said:
Who takes kitties for walks??????

um.....we do, we put ours on a leash and out he goes.....

well, when he has been at the Vet's and has stitches......

ok, long story, but we do take kitties for a walk.....
kikipug said:
Phew... finally sitting down after my most-of-the-day bake-a-thon. (And I HATE to bake...) Needed peanut butter cookies and brownies for tomorrow's church youth group Christmas party... needed 7 dozen other cookies for a cookie swap on Monday night. Once I got started, I figured seeing as the kitchen was already a mess, I'd bake the one thing that I make every Christmas, my cherry-chocolate fruit bread... 9 mini-loaves (3 batches) of it. I also needed to bake some goodies to send up to NC to the crew that's building my bosses boat (he's cooking them Christmas dinner this week)... so those guys will get a little bit of everything that I made today. Did I tell you that I hate to bake.

I was going to finally sit down and write Christmas cards tonight... but the kids got invited out with the neighbors ... so its a good night to get my shopping finished... I've never been so late. Ray is working a huge trade show in Orlando, so I've got a few hours to finish up... its just him that I have left to buy for anyway. Guess the Christmas cards will wait til tomorrow night... I'm running out of time!!!

:hourglass :hourglass :hourglass :hourglass --- Here you go...turn 'em upside down and you will have a wee bit more time....

The morning U-top with Kiki and al who need more time.....
WDWLVR said:
:tinker: :tinker:

Looks like another day of staying inside and in bed. I was up most of the night with a nasty cough. I really don't feel too bad except when I'm coughing. Yuck! Sounds like you guys had fun last night - can't wait to see the pictures.

Hope you feel better today!!!
mickeymo said:
So what was the end result of your prepared foods dilemma?

Thanks for asking - I ended up with a shrimp tray, veggie tray, tea sandwiches, chicken, egg and pimento, chips, cookies, and a tray of Honeybacked sandwich meat left from the office party, and pickles and olives. Neignbors brought home-made cookies.

The rain held off so we could have the patio fire, and a good time was had by all, esp. if you go by the clock, as the guests left around 1:00 am.....

Champagne, of course, for a toasting party, and then beer and grape juice or coke.

Saturday and Sunday we ate up the leftovers....
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