5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 11

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And speaking of food, we took Mother to Legal Seafood for her Christmas lunch yesterday after Church. We had a nice time and lovely food, soft shell steamers, seaweed salad, and I had a stwe of shirmp, scallops and scrod. Sam had the same except shrimp and scallops from the grill...Mother had salmon and chowder......

And home made ice cream for dessert.....started with a champange toast of course....

then over to her house to decorate for Christmas, a small tree, her nativity, and holly.....Carolers, and bells completed the decorations.
:tinker:Good morning cruisers :tinker:

Happy Monday!

Well the cough isn't going away so I'm staying home one more day and will call the doctor this morning. Hopefully he'll give me something to get rid of this because I'm sick of being sick. :)
Good Morning All!!

Hurray KT!!! :banana: Will mom ask for audio books for christmas to help pass the time with all the driving?

Mary, hope you are feeling better - it's no fun to be sick at the holidays!

Irene, Christmas dinner sounded yummy!

I'm so jealous - one of Maggie's Girl Scout friends is on her first cruise on the Wonder. Her mom's boss told her "here's X amount of $, plan a vacation for all your hard work, and send the bills to me" To quote my MIL - "I wish I could be a mouse in the corner - I hope they are enjoying it!"

Yesterday, John was our resident baker - he cranked out several batches of Irish Soda bread for teacher gifts plus, candy for the teacher appreciation cookie boxes. (Technically, it's my name on the committee - he's such a good guy!!!) Add 2 roasted chicken for gumbo on Friday night (we've invited ourselves with dinner in hand to a friend's house with cable to watch the Rice football bowl game :cheer2: )

I started the "mother" cleaning - family room, dining room, and living room is done - I even enlarged the table and put the table cloth on it. My parents are leaving Chicago on Wednesday afternoon - should arrive here on Friday. Annual Christmas Eve dinner with John's aunt, uncle and cousins will be Christmas Eve Eve this year - tough to work around church schedules and a cousin's girlfriend's family celebration. Finger foods for Christmas Eve and then the annual Christmas "Clean out the leftovers - they're leaving town" dinner with friends.
Good morning everyone. Sounds like everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays. My folks arrived Thursday, left Saturday morning for a quick drive over to Arizona and got back last night. My two brothers will be here this Saturday. Spent the weekend at the swim meet (3 days) and then came in last night and worked on the house (yuck). Ashley won 1st place in the 50 breast stroke. This is the first time she has outright won an event since she moved into this age group (lots of 2nds and 3rds). She placed in all of the other events she swam in except 1 and even in that she had her best time. This was a big swim meet and most of the events had between 36 - 40 swimmers in her age group in each event. We had teams from Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Mexico. I think overall in all age groups, we had about 525 individual swimmers

Still have lots to do, shopping, wrapping and finishing getting the house ready. Tomorrow is last day at work and I will probably not work the entire day as Ashley's concert is tomorrow night and then Dale has the Youth Symphony on Thursday night.

Safe travels to all of you lucky people getting ready to go on a cruise.

Stacey and Mary - hope you are feeling better soon.

Congrats to KT for landing the role!!
mickeymo said:
Good Morning All!!

Hurray KT!!! :banana: Will mom ask for audio books for christmas to help pass the time with all the driving?

Nope. KT's mom has a huge collection of podcasts downloaded (I'm behind 75 podcasts b/c of Disney and with as busy as I am right now, there is no way I'll catch up....I look forward to the driving and waiting for that reason) ;)
Just popping in to say HI!

I haven't been keeping up since last Wed. so I had quite a few posts to read though. I'm all caught up.

My shopping for the girls is done. We just have presents for our parents and once again have NO CLUE what to get them!

We're sort of in the market for a new digital camera. Bruce wants something smaller but I don't want to give up our 10x optical zoom. Our Olympus is now 6 years old so I'd like something to replace it. I'm very disappointed that Olympus has done away with it's optical image stabilization. So, now we're looking at Canon, Sony & Panasonic. Anyone have opinions?

I can join the crowd that is getting sick. I've been so dizzy today. I think/hope it's allergy related. We've been so warm here & have been spending time outdoors.

Hope everyone traveling has a great trip! We head out Fri. morning for a week with family & friends.

ohiominnie said:
Nope. KT's mom has a huge collection of podcasts downloaded (I'm behind 75 podcasts b/c of Disney and with as busy as I am right now, there is no way I'll catch up....I look forward to the driving and waiting for that reason) ;)

We bought the kids the refurbished iPods videos and I told John he could also upgrade his to video- which means I get his nano- browsing the quantity of podcasts - any recommendations?
CajunGirl2 said:
We're sort of in the market for a new digital camera. Bruce wants something smaller but I don't want to give up our 10x digital zoom. Our Olympus is now 6 years old so I'd like something to replace it. I'm very disappointed that Olympus has done away with it's optical image stabilization. So, now we're looking at Canon, Sony & Panasonic. Anyone have opinions?

Ray's new HP has a 10x digital zoom... takes great photos! I can't remember offhand which one it is... but I know it was really reasonable... I'll check later on tonight...

(He suddenly became 'in the market' for a new one when Elizabeth left his on the wall in front of Cindarella Castle at Night of Joy... she's still paying for that expensive lesson...)
CajunGirl2 said:
We're sort of in the market for a new digital camera. Bruce wants something smaller but I don't want to give up our 10x digital zoom. Our Olympus is now 6 years old so I'd like something to replace it. I'm very disappointed that Olympus has done away with it's optical image stabilization. So, now we're looking at Canon, Sony & Panasonic. Anyone have opinions?

We had the Canon Rebel XT but it was just too big and bukly to carry around Disney. So shortly before the trip we invested in a Canon G7. It's 10megapixels. Mike *thinks* it's 6x optical zoom, digital zoom takes it to 10x (but he's laying on the couch watching "The Suite Life of Zach and Cody" right now and can't get up to check)

It takes GREAT pictures. The only fault I see so far is that with our Canon Rebel we hardly had any red eye pictures and I see them more with this new one.

mickeymo said:
We bought the kids the refurbished iPods videos and I told John he could also upgrade his to video- which means I get his nano- browsing the quantity of podcasts - any recommendations?

Here we go....Here's my list of my regularly listened to podcasts. There are a few more, but if I'm really busy, they go by the wayside. These are the ones I definitely listen to without fail:

PEDIACAST--IMHO the #1 podcast on the internet
Israelisms--an interesting look at life in Israel
101 Uses for Baby Wipes--parenting from a dad's POV
Comedy4cast--a quick (usually 5 minutes) comedy skit
Fitness Attack--one minute on some sort of fitness topic (I don't follow through on the advice, but I LISTEN....that should count for something!)
Jawbone Radio--two ppl from Cleveland talk about life
KidsWifeWorkLife--a couple from Seattle---very down to earth
Manic Mommies--next to Pediacast my #1 favorite podcast. It's like I have these people over my house and chat with them.
Me and the Bean--another couple cast talking about their kids, their life, etc.
Tacoma Cat Hospital--self explanatory. :)
The Redboy Podcast--I have LAUGHED out loud in the Wal*mart check out line and drew major attention to myself. Their chemistry is so funny. Much like Mike and I when we let loose. :)
WDW Today--all about...Walt Disney World
Upon Further Review--they review everything from ebay to Sears to video games to other podcasts (they gave Mike a glowing review so I keep listening)

Ones that you MUST look up for the kids....
The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd--but you have to start from the very very beginning
Everyday News Network--short informational videos in a news-story-style done by kids--you must find the episode called "taking care of the ladies." if you can't find it, let me know and I'll try to find a link. TOO CUTE!

One I just learned of that looks interesting, but I haven't had a chance to listen to yet:
Cellar Dwellers--all about home winemaking

Personally, I think a good place to look is www.trypodnetwork.com It's a group of some of the best podcasts on the internet. :)

If you need help finding links or anything to get to any of these shows, let me know. I am a podcast junkie! :lmao:
ohiominnie said:
Here we go....Here's my list of my regularly listened to podcasts. There are a few more, but if I'm really busy, they go by the wayside. These are the ones I definitely listen to without fail:

PEDIACAST--IMHO the #1 podcast on the internet

:rotfl2: OK maybe I should have rephrased the question "Since Pediacast is the only Podcast with which I am familiar what others, etc, etc..."

I would have been a bit worried if it DIDN'T show up on the list...
:sad: :sad: Saw the orthopedic surgeon for my hand today. I have to wear the brace for 3 more weeks, and not use the hand at all. After the 3 weeks, if it isn't better, he's putting a cast on it.
Somehow, he got the crazy idea that I'm using it a little too much.:confused3 :angel:
My mom just called. They're staying in our apartment, not here at the house or guest house. Anyway, yes, it's midnight....she scared me half to death, I thought something had happened to her or Dad.
She called in a panic, because she forgot to pack their passports! My Dad was ready to book a flight back to Nebraska to get them. I told her to call my brother in the morning, have him go to the house to get them, and then have them sent overnight.

But now I'm wide awake.
CajunGirl2 said:
We're sort of in the market for a new digital camera. Bruce wants something smaller but I don't want to give up our 10x digital zoom. Our Olympus is now 6 years old so I'd like something to replace it. I'm very disappointed that Olympus has done away with it's optical image stabilization. So, now we're looking at Canon, Sony & Panasonic. Anyone have opinions?

Let me fix my quote ... I don't want to give up our 10x OPTICAL zoom.

justmestace said:
:sad: :sad: Saw the orthopedic surgeon for my hand today. I have to wear the brace for 3 more weeks, and not use the hand at all. After the 3 weeks, if it isn't better, he's putting a cast on it.
Somehow, he got the crazy idea that I'm using it a little too much.:confused3 :angel:

Poor Stace - maybe the cruise is just the ticket to rest the hand.....
justmestace said:
My mom just called. They're staying in our apartment, not here at the house or guest house. Anyway, yes, it's midnight....she scared me half to death, I thought something had happened to her or Dad.
She called in a panic, because she forgot to pack their passports! My Dad was ready to book a flight back to Nebraska to get them. I told her to call my brother in the morning, have him go to the house to get them, and then have them sent overnight.

But now I'm wide awake.

Could be worse - you could be at the Port.......

when she discovered no passport.....
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