51 Marathons, 50 States + DC ((71 Days til #4 NOLA)) -- Comments Welcome!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 48:45
Pace: 9:42/mi

Today was a much rougher day. It was 85 and sunny--much hotter than I anticipated! I ran at the dead of noon, so it was really, really warm and I was a sweaty mess when I was done. I had to walk a lot more than I wanted to, which was a little discouraging, but I felt so accomplished when it was over. I'm trying so hard to grow as a runner and I have to keep reminding myself that it's going to take time--it doesn't happen overnight.

On the other hand, I'm really concerned about the event I'm going to on Friday, because it's the first fourth "date" I've ever been on. I mean, I guess it's a date, I don't even know what it is. I'm scared because I'm falling into this trap again that I'm doing all this for someone else, not myself, but I want it to happen so bad that I'm willing to do anything.
Today, I'm unfortunately writing this journal from my bed, where I've been sidelined since Monday. It's frustrating and annoying and I've been spending a lot of the week fuming about it, so I decided I'd rather do something constructive and write about it.

Right after I ran the LA Marathon, I started having problems with going to the bathroom, as in it was very painful. Well, I got it checked out by a gastroenterologist, who referred me to a general surgeon, who told me that I had condyloma as a result of HPV. I was so embarrassed and upset and ashamed, I really didn't know how to react. It was because of some stupid, drunk decisions that I made when I was in New York two months ago (I think) and I've really been in a state of disbelief ever since.

While all this has been going on, I've been kind of seeing this guy who I really, really like. (It should be noted that 1) I fall for guys really fast and 2) I've never gone on a second date, there's always something that doesn't work out.) Our first date was great, he was really, really nice and he said some really sweet things. There was a lot of texting between dates 1 and 2, and then date 2 was a little more lackluster. Less texting between dates 2 and 3, but the conversation was definitely much deeper on date 3.

At this point, I still really like the guy, but I have a problem being vulnerable. I've never really had a lot of support in my life from anyone, so it's hard for me to open up. Now I find myself opening up to someone who I'm not even sure really likes me that much back. It's agonizing and part of me wants to pull the plug now. Meanwhile, I know this surgery is scheduled for May 2, so I don't want it to go too fast for obvious reasons.

Rewind to last Friday--his birthday party. I was the only one of his friends to make it to dinner, and the only one to get him a gift. We met up with a bunch of his friends afterward and I was trying hard not to be clingy because, after all, it was his birthday. At one of the clubs we went to, one of his friends comes up to me and starts asking questions about me and my love life. Long story short, he says there's interest and that I need to go for it.

Cut to us being shoved together on the dance floor by said friend later on in the night. It was a great time, but then this guy said he needed to go entertain his friends, which was totally understandable (there were at least 50+ people there). Fast forward to this afterparty at this guy's apartment near the club where, again, I'm trying not to be clingy. After an hour of not seeing him, I ask someone where he is. Their (drunken) response: he's in the bathroom getting his "birthday present." I was kind of heartbroken...like embarrassingly so. It's still unclear at this point whether or not he was actually doing that because everyone at that party was so drunk, but I was upset regardless.

Long story short, I drink until I pass out, wake up the next morning, still drunk, where I get dragged out to brunch with his friends (where, of course, I drink more). Then we go out, I get a lukewarm goodbye and I make it back home, where my friends and I go out to dinner and I get absolutely plastered. At this point, I don't even want to think about what had happened, I was just too scared and too upset to deal with the pain. We go from dinner, to apartment to party...to me vomiting on a corner, sobbing.

Two days later, I'm sitting in a hospital room at Santa Monica-UCLA alone, about to get this incredibly painful surgery, when I realized that this is what pushing everyone away has gotten me. I couldn't tell my family about the surgery, I didn't want to tell my friends, I couldn't tell this guy, so I was sitting in the hospital freaking out, alone.

Needless to say, it's been a rough couple days, especially since I can't run for any type of release. Right now, I'm just hoping that I'll be able to run in time for my training to start on Memorial Day, but I won't know until my post-op appointment next Friday.

I've been going through a lot of negative emotions this past week, and it's been finals, and I've been on painkillers, so it's been very hard to stay any kind of positive. I've been texting with the guy back and forth a little bit and we're meeting up for dinner tonight, so hopefully that goes better than the rest of the week that I've had. I just always thought that I could be one of those people with a tough skin who would work, work, work then come home and not care that there's no one there. But considering all I've wanted for the past 4 nights is for someone to cuddle with me...I'm starting to re-think all that.

More updates to come soon on my condition! Hope everyone had a good week :).

I'm happy to say that I'm in higher spirits and quickly recovering from my surgery. In fact, I'm able to run and be a little more active now, so as of Friday, I've been back at running. It's been a very, very hard transition after not having been able to run for 19 straight days, but I've been holding out and now I'm ready to get back on track.

But what I really wanted to discuss was recovery. I think I've learned a lot about that word over the past two weeks, in a couple different ways.

I've always been the one of my friends that's on the go all the time, always doing something, extremely motivated, etc., so being taken out by something like this was not only shattering to my esteem but, well, it was understandably humiliating. Not being able to sit down without wincing and getting shooting pains when I was at a meal was embarrassing and I didn't really want to show it at all. I didn't really tell anyone about what had happened, so this really was me going at it alone. It was incredibly difficult and, in a way, isolating.

Compound that with the stress of finals and the whole end to this weird guy situation and it was not fun at all. I bombed a lot of my finals which led to a little bit of a drop in my GPA (here's to hoping I can still graduate with honors...) because I just had no motivation to study. I really had no motivation to do anything. In a way, I hit a relative rock bottom--I haven't felt that way in a long time.

But what goes down, must come up, right? I did a lot of reflection in the last couple weeks and the healing process has been slow (both physically and mentally), but it's been happening, and I think I'm (hopefully) a better person for it.

I've always found it hard to accept the things that I cannot change, but I think that, now, I've started to understand that a little more. I wanted this relationship to happen so bad because I've never experienced being in a relationship before, but really, there's nothing I can do to control this guy's feelings for me (or how much of a d-bag he is :lol:), so I'm willing to move on.

And move on I have! Like I said, I've been running since Friday (not for time, just for distance), so here's what I've done:

Friday, May 20
Distance: 4.5 miles

Saturday, May 21
Distance: 5K

So, I'm getting there, right? My official training plan starts Memorial Day (almost a week--ack!!), so the goal this week is just to be active every day. I need to get back into some kind of shape before I start on this running regiment, no matter how small it is. The more I do now, the less painful (or hard) it will be later.
Ok, so Memorial Day was a bust, but only because I had an exciting offer come into my life that I really couldn't pass up. At the station where I interned my sophomore year, my boss is going on maternity leave. Guess who's replacing her??

Yes, I'm working 40 hours a week during the summer and, yes, I had to drop my summer school class, but I can always pick it up again in the fall. This is real time production experience and there was no way I was passing it up. I'm so pumped!

With that positive news, I decided to crank it tonight even though I've been exhausted (since I now get up at 4:30 am--did I mention this job is on the morning news?). Tonight's plan was 3 miles of intervals. I ended up only getting in 3.5 miles total, or 2 miles of intervals because a) I need to get to bed soon and b) I'm dragging. Ever since my surgery, it's been so hard to get back on the ball, but I'm determined to do it. This could be my last summer in Los Angeles, and I want a body that I'm proud of come July, August and September.

I may not be at a place in my life right now where I can handle a guy, or where a guy is in the cards for me, but I've realized that I still have to be positive or else life is just going to suck, and that's no fun. Now that I've moved into my own apartment, I've realized how lonely things can get. When I'm sitting at my table, eating dinner alone, it's 10 times worse when I'm upset or sad or angry or whatever about someone or something that I have no control over.

And today was a perfect example. When I first took this job, I thought I was going to be PAing from 4:30 am to 8:30 am. Go to class in the afternoon when I had to, work during the day on other stuff, go to bed early. Boom, easy, right?

Well, then things changed, and this thing opened up, 5:30 am to 1:30 pm. I wasn't going to pass it up and I know this is a huge opportunity, even if it's only for three months. But in order to do that, I needed to be flexible, I needed to be confident in my decision and I needed to have the ability to drop something if it was too much. Three years ago, there's no way in hell I would have been able to do that. I don't even think I could have made this decision a year and a half ago. So to sit here and see how I handled it, I'm proud of myself.

So now the summer is mine, it's mine to grab and mine to seize. I have 4 months and change until this race, and that 4:00:00 is mine. I want it!

Tomorrow: Yoga
Wednesday, June 2, 2011
Distance: 3 Miles
Pace: Easy jog w/ friend

So today was supposed to be 4 miles, but I'm easing back into training, so I thought this easy three was enough. I didn't want to go too hard because I've been waking up at the crack of dawn every morning, but I also still wanted a workout. I was sweating and breathing hard, so that was good enough for me.

On another note, this getting up super early is killing me--it's really rough and I definitely underestimated how hard it is! I've always wanted to work in morning news, but now that I do, it's tough. Maybe it's because all of my friends have social schedules that aren't conducive to mine since I'd like to go to bed at 8 pm? All I know is that I have to force myself to get to bed earlier, because I can't be functioning on 4 hours of sleep a night, that's just not possible.

Sorry for the short entry, but I'm starting to see stars...on a good note, I'll be in Disneyland at 4:45 am tomorrow to produce liveshots for the morning show. How fun is that??
Monday, June 6, 2011
Distance: 4 miles

Ok, so I'm going to try a new tempo this week: no pacing. Yes, I'm removing the clock from the equation and I'm going to focus on the distance. I want to focus on my stride, on how I run, how comfortable I am running, because I want this next 26.2 to be as comfortable as possible. Yes, I want to hit that 4-hour mark, but I don't think now is the time to worry about pacing.

The clock has been a huge motivator for me in the past, but I was reading in Runner's World today about needing to switch it up and move out of your comfort zone so, for the first time in a long time, I didn't put my watch on when I ran. It was just me and the road--and it felt great.

This weekend was super busy with my brother graduating high school and all, plus I think being around my family was enough of a stressor that I just had no motivation to run. None. It was like I hit a wall. So breaking that down today was a great feeling.

I also realized this weekend that I can't continue to have all these pre-concieved notions and I need to be a little (or a lot, in some cases) more open-minded about things. I've had this view that all the guys in LA suck, that they're so shallow, etc., but after going out in Chicago, too, I've just realized that I need to change my attitude about relationships. You can't control if people like you or not (no matter how much you try, sadly), so you just have to accept that. That's hard for me to understand, because I hate feeling out of control. I think a lot of runners do, which is why we run--it's totally under our control.

But now, I think I've started to relinquish some of the control and I feel really, really good about it. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, because I'm no longer concerned about minute things. Maybe it's because my confidence has been growing, or maybe it's because I just care less now. I work from 5:30 am-1:30 pm, so I really don't have that much time for a social life, but for some reason I feel more...normal? I think that's the right word, but I'm not 100% sure. All I know is that it feels positive.

Tomorrow: speed workout
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Workout: 2.25 miles of intervals

Ok...so like last time, this was supposed to 3 miles of intervals, but I crapped out at the tail end of my interval ladder. However, I was super tired, hadn't slept and I was getting a huge side stitch. Granted, I just read in Runner's World all about pushing through the pain, getting through a rough spot, pushing yourself harder, etc., but I figure I can start incorporating this now into my workout routine so that I can do the whole interval without walking.

As for today, well, it was a rest day. Actually though! Granted, we had a last minute change to our stuff during the show, but all in all, between the show, after the show and that night, there was little to no attention on it. I wanted to do yoga, but I never got around to signing up, you know?

Tomorrow: 4 miles
Update for the rest of the week...

Thursday, June 9
Distance: 4 miles

I can finally tell that my speed workouts and a more consistent running schedule are paying off. I'm feeling much less winded and more confident in my stride. I'm also finding it much easier to sink into a pace that I'm comfortable with, and I'm just trying to not push it too hard too fast. I know I want that 4 hour mark, but I can't start training for that now, I have to build up to it over the next few weeks.

Sunday, June 12
Distance: 10K

It felt so good to be back on the long run regimen! Granted, 10K isn't that long in the grand scheme of things, but it was longer than I ran all week, and I did it on the beach, so I felt even more accomplished. I've always been too embarrassed to step out in the summertime because I didn't really like how my body looked, so I think I've always taken for granted the sun being out so late. I went for a run at 8:00 pm and I was able to watch the sun set over the ocean as I ran...it was absolutely amazing. It's days like today that remind me how I need to get out more and explore new areas, because when you're running, you're able to notice things and enjoy parts of the outdoors much more than if you were just driving by.

Tomorrow: 3 miles + yoga
Ok, so...long story short, work has been incredibly hectic. Going from a "normal" schedule to waking up at 4:00 every morning has started to take its toll on my life. I don't really see my friends that much anymore, and I'm lucky if I have any energy to walk to my bed, let alone run 4 miles, lol.

However, I'm still pushing through. A brief highlight of the last two weeks:

Monday, June 20
Distance: 3 miles

Tuesday, June 21
Speed workout: 1.5 mi of intervals

Monday, June 27
Distance, 6 miles

I know, I know, I've been slacking off big time. But I'm finally back on the ball, because I've experienced how crappy I feel when I'm not working out. And I really don't want to go back to that. I'm sticking to it!

Tomorrow: speed workout
Wow is all I have to say. Wow, wow, wow. I haven't worked out for nearly two weeks and it was killing me.

I got incredibly sick over the 4th of July weekend, so even though I wasn't really gaining any weight, I could feel myself losing the athleticism. There was a part of me last week, as I was laying on my bed, exhausted from work, that thought that maybe I wasn't cut out to be a runner--that I wasn't an athlete. That maybe I was just a recreational runner at best, and that this goal was much, much too lofty.

But then I started to run yesterday (on the treadmill, but it was still running) and I felt a giant brick lifted off of my shoulders. Yes, it was painful and yes I totally wanted to quit. In fact, I was even tempted to see last night's workout as a failure because I only ran 2 miles instead of 8.

Then I realized how easy it is to see everything a failure when you're already beaten down. When you're down for the count, it's easier to stay down on the ground than pick yourself up--but once you actually do pick yourself up, it's one of the best feelings in the world. It's safe to say that I went to bed pretty satisfied last night, and looking forward to a new tomorrow.

Today: 4 mile run
Tuesday, July 12
Speed Workout
1.5 miles of intervals

Again, I'm only trying to think positively, so here it goes:

Emmy nominations are Thursday, so I've been pulling 12-14 hour days at work, thus when I get home I'm absolutely exhausted. So, even though I was supposed to do three miles of intervals today, I was only able to get through half of it.

Given how tired I am (maybe 6 hours of sleep in the last 2 nights) and how much I've been working, though, I'm proud of myself for even getting on the treadmill and doing it!

I'm a little frustrated because I know, at this rate, I'm not growing as a runner, but I guess I need to learn to take my own advice, too. I've always been the biggest advocate (on here and in real life) that unless you're training for the Olympics, runners have lives, too. Life gets in the way, especially if you have a job that doesn't necessarily have set hours (like mine).

So the lesson of the day: you do the best that you can. Sometimes it's best to cruise into maintenance mode if you know it's going to be busy or you're going to be tired. It's better to stay where you are than to take two steps backward and try to jump your way ahead. Maybe if I keep telling myself that, I'll finally believe it. :lol:

Tomorrow: yoga
Sunday, July 17
Distance: 7.5 miles

So Emmy nominations definitely got in the way of my running this week big time. But, my friend got my butt in gear and we did 7+ miles on the beach today. Not only was it beautiful and breezy, but I got to see some of the South Bay (Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach) that I'd never really seen before. It was so new that I almost wanted to just walk and look at all the houses! And, well, let's be honest: after not running for almost a week, I did walk a little bit and look at the houses :lol:.

Honestly though, I'm feeling good. I'm not completing my plan as much as I want to, but I'm getting back on track. I have a big conference coming up at the end of August that I want to look good at, and the Disneyland Half Marathon is coming up in September, which I'd like to run in under 1:30:00.

This summer is going by so fast! I remember yesterday thinking that I had three months until the Disneyland Half and that it was so much time...now it's a month and a half away and I'm freaking out a little more. Could time be going any faster??

Tomorrow: 6 miles
Monday, July 19, 2011
Distance: 3 miles, 0.5 mile intervals

Quick post since I'm headed to bed, but I'm trying to get back in the habit of posting every day! I figure if I post every day, then I'll get in the habit of having something to post about, too...which should, i all goes according to plan, be running. It's an attempt--I'll keep you all updated.

As for intervals today, this was the first speed workout that I actually fully completed, and I felt ten times better about it because I was on the track, not the treadmill. Granted, I couldn't pace myself out like I could on a treadmill, but even running in a circle was better than running stationary. I felt like I was moving and the half mile intervals flew by because I knew it was only two laps. Oh, the way you can trick your mind!

Tomorrow: 6 mile run (to make up for Monday)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Distance: 1.5 miles

So I really need to stop with this whole "take a week off" thing, because it's getting to the point where it's painful. I tried to run 5 miles today and I could only run a mile and a half because of the intense stitch in my side. I could barely breathe! I actually feel so lame right now because I couldn't even make it through two miles...I'm starting to enter that self-doubt phase that I really don't want to. So I'm not letting myself(!)--I'm just flirting on the edge with it.

I've gone through a lot of changes in this past week. I was dumped yet again (which, at this point, shouldn't be a surprise, but I was holding out hope...), I moved into a temporary space and work definitely picked up.

But now I have set goals and deadlines to meet them. I'm going to a really important convention next month, so I want to look good for that. I'm running the Disneyland Half Marathon, so I want to be in good shape for that. And, of course, I'm running Minneapolis in the fall, and I want to break 4:15. I've decided that 4:00 is a little ambitious this time around, so 4:15 is what I'm going to aim for. Any improvement will be welcomed, but if I could hit that 4:15 mark, I would be out of this world happy.

Tomorrow: 8 miles at marathon pace
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Distance: 3 miles

So, I discovered two things today.

One, that funny feeling that I've been having in my throat that kind of feels like burning that makes eating so unfortunately unpleasant is heartburn. I didn't know 21 year-olds could get heartburn, I always thought that was a coming-of-age thing. So I bought my first heartburn pills today. Milestone reached?

Two, running the day after you get alcohol poisoning falls under the category of "horrible ideas." Let me just put it to you this way: I don't remember anything that happened yesterday past noon, except that I had nothing left in my stomach when I woke up today. Lesson learned.

With all that said, I'm still pretty damn proud that I (barely) cranked out three miles. Tomorrow is a new month--I gotta start getting with it because that 60 day mark is quickly approaching!!

Tomorrow: 6 miles
Monday, August 1, 2011
Distance: 6 miles

So today I struggled through all six miles. All. Six. Miles. It was tough, I wanted to kill myself, I had to walk some of it, but I made it! And I feel super accomplished.

I also got to have a good long talk with a friend that I haven't really talked to in a while. You know that feeling of catching up that kind of keeps you grounded? I feel like I really needed that going into this new month. I have 22 days until I'm going to this journalism conference where I want to look really good, and I'm starting school, and I'm starting to look for a job--I just think a lot of things are coming to a head right now and the first thing I want to be focused on is my health, because if that's in line, then I feel like everything else can follow.

Tomorrow: Speed workout
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Distance: 6 miles

I'm having a severe issue following my own advice, haha! I believe it was just a few months ago that I told someone on this site that scheduling was the key, that no matter how much work gets in the way you always go for a run, etc...what was I thinking?

Getting up at 4:00 every day has been absolutely killer and has, for lack of a better term, wreaked havoc on my running schedule. It's frustrating that I've only been running here and there, but I don't think it really hit me until I was unexpectedly asked out and I all of a sudden felt in the worst shape of my life. Don't get me wrong--I know I'm always self-conscious. But this was more than self-conscious, this was like...sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I think I made sure I ran today because I was feeling like I paid the price. I had a great connection with this guy, but I'm concerned he wasn't physically attracted to me. I can tell when someone hugs me that there's no physical chemistry and, even though I hate to admit it, I don't think he was feeling it. Like I've talked about before, it sucks that there are so many factors of life that are out of our control, and love it one of them. I'm someone who likes to have control over everything, so knowing that there's a part of my life that I can't control...well, it's uncomfortable.

And with that discomfort comes emotion. Extreme, raw emotion. For some reason, this week has been really hard. I haven't been able to sleep and I've been trying very hard to work as hard as possible. Because of that, it's literally been work, work, work, sleep, work, work, work. I've been feeling down a lot lately and a little hopeless.

Part of it, I think, is the fact that I just moved into my new apartment. It's a studio and it's all mine--no one to live with, no one to see on a daily basis--and as much as I love being able to lay in bed and watch TV, I almost kind of want someone to be there with me. But that's what I also find confusing: I'm deathly afraid of entering into a relationship, and yet I want it anyway.

But that's why I ran on Thursday. I needed to clear my head. Running is simple and easy, it's one foot in front of the other. And even though I may have a million things to do when I go running, it's the idea of left, right, left, right for 6 or 7 miles that lets me release and forget about whatever emotions.

Tomorrow: 5 miles
Wow! I've taken quite the hiatus...I must say that life has gotten so crazy busy between school and work (worked 20 hours yesterday---!!!!) and everything else that I've had a hard enough time fitting in time to run, let alone to write about it.

Anyway, here's my chance to get back on the bandwagon. With only two weeks left until Minneapolis, I figure that now is the time to really hold myself accountable, or else I'm going to come out of Minneapolis with a bad taste in my mouth.

Rewinding a little bit, I recently ran the Disneyland Half Marathon and ran it in 1:59:41--a new personal best! How exciting is that? I was 65th in my age group (men 18-24) and I beat my goal of 2 hours! Now, I was incredibly sore and hurting after the race, and I had a few muscle spasms that almost took me down, but I did it and I was damn proud of myself that I could do it.

Now that I did that, however, I think it's time for me to set a realistic goal for Minneapolis. That goal is going to be 04:30:00--an improvement of 4:30 from my time in LA. I figured that 1) it was raining when I did LA, so that helped my time and 2) I can't push myself as hard as I've been pushing, because people have breaking points, and I'm going to reach it soon if I don't let up a little!!

Now, unfortunately, today I was not able to fit in a run. But I'll be back tomorrow with regular updates and a renewed sense of confidence! I think I can accomplish this goal in Minneapolis, because after that I'm going Goofy in Disney, and I want to be totally ready for that.
I'm back on the bandwagon, and it feels great!

Today I went running with a friend, and I think it's exactly what I needed. Yes it was late (I need to be up in three and a half hours...eek), but I think I get so caught up in my job and the news cycle that I forget that it's ok to have friends and surround yourself with people.

My problem is that my job is easier if I'm detached--the less distraction that I have, the easier it is to work the hours that I do, and the easier it is to convince myself that going into this crazy field isn't a mistake. But I've also learned recently that life isn't a 100 yard dash, it's a marathon, and I need to keep that in mind because that hits so close to home. I have no idea what lays ahead of me, so I need to enjoy what I can now.

That's part of the reason why I'm so driven to run, though. I feel like I missed out on a part of childhood because I was overweight and I was made fun of, and I went through a messy divorce with my parents when I was younger and I was forced to grow up fast. I feel like I've always been in an awkward position of wanting to be older but not quite having the maturity to do it. Now I find myself wishing I would have been less mature throughout college because maybe I would have enjoyed it more. *sigh* I don't know...I think I'm starting to find negatives in everything these days, which is hard to get out of my head.

With that said, though, I ran 7 miles today (7.21 to be exact). It was a little shy of the 8 I needed, yes, and I ran it at a round a 12:00/mi pace, but I'm glad I got it done. From this point on, there are no excuses. It's the middle of September and I want to finish out this year strong, because I'm tired of not being confident about my body, and I'm tired of hiding. I feel like I've finally deserved some kind of good relationship karma (although that could just be wishful thinking), but I need to start with feeling good from the inside out.

Tomorrow: 10 mile run
Congrats on setting a huge goal and working towards accomplishing it. Amazing!!


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