
Hi Michelle,

I know that you are super busy/tired with work. I just wanted you to kow that I am thinking about you.
Hi Michelle :)

I hope you are doing great. Here's some sunny's comin' your way===> :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Hey Michelle - Miss seeing your posts. I hope everything is going good for you and your taking care of yourself. I noticed that your ticker was down another pound!!! Good for you :cool1: You look like you have another trip planned to WDW? Tell us all about it and TAKE pictures :teeth:
Hi, Michelle! Just wanted to wish you a fantastic weekend! :sunny:
Princess Michelle said:

Well, I have big news to report! As of this morning I am the proud owner of a shiny new 25lb. clippie!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:


WAY TO GO!! Your new clippie looks great!!!

Your trip to WDW with your Mom sounds like fun!! :wizard: for the Toy Story building!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:
Hey Michelle - WEIGH TO GO!!! :banana: :banana: That is so awesome that you got that 25 pound clippie and your still working hard even though your so busy with work. Keep up the great work and you'll be claiming that 35 pound clippie before your vacation.

I hope you and your mom have a blast on your trip and make sure to post pictures when you get home.
:flower: :banana: :jumping3: CLIPPIE PARTY AT MICHELLE'S!! :jumping3: :banana: :flower:

Way to go, Michelle!! You're sticking to that workout schedule and it's working!!! YAY! Just watch those pounds melt away. :cheer2: Congrats on that very beautiful clippie!

All this success AND a Disney trip in a few short weeks?? You've got it made, Michelle! I'll cross my fingers that you get to be close to Buzz and Woody! :sunny:
Way to go Michelle!! That clippie looks so good on you...you'll be in ONEderland before you know it!!! So, are you still at the same job? Are you liking it more?

Glad you posted...I was getting worried..but figured you were busy since your ticker had moved!!

Keep it up!

michelle--congrats!!!!!!! that is awesome!!
im glad to see you around :)
i bet you cant wait till disney..have you stayed at AS music? im staying there in may--how is it?!
have a great week!
:cool1: :cool1: CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE!! cLIPPIE PARTY!!! :cool1: :cool1:

Hi Michelle,

I am so impressed with your committment. Getting up early to exercise shows your dedication to healthy living. I hope things are going a bit better at work. Keep up the great work, and you'll be looking HOT :earseek: at WDW.

Take care of yourself,
Hi Michelle!

Congratulations on the clippie! That is wonderful!!! :Pinkbounc

When we went to WDW in December, we stayed at ASMo and we were in the Woody building. MY DDs loved wakin' up and seeing Buzz and Woody every morning! :Pinkbounc Hope you have a great time!

Have a great Tuesday! :sunny:


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