75 employees laid off at Pixar, including the director of Lightyear

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Mario/Nintendo already has a decades long established fanbase though so it was always going to do well regardless. There was a small controversy over Chris Pratt voicing Mario at first but it wasn’t enough to put people off or the people that were on the fence about it went to hate watch it anyway and then enjoyed it. (Haven’t seen it myself yet so can’t comment on it).

And yes, you could argue that Pixar and Disney too both have decades long fanbase as well so it should be a piece of cake for them to get people in seats but I do think personally that Elemental wasn’t marketed properly and that people weren’t really sure what it was about and just decided to wait for it to be on Disney+ and I’m very much one of those people as well. As someone who puts the B in LGBT, some of the more recent takes on this thread have been very jarring for me to read and I personally don’t think it was a representation thing that put people off going to watch Elemental. Money’s tight in a lot of places right now and especially outside of the US. I very much fall into the current category of “why would I pay to go see Elemental/Indy 5/TLM remake/GOTG Vol. 3 at the cinema when they’ll be on Disney+ in a few months time and I’m already paying for that so I can happily just wait a little longer to see them?” I’m not sure about cinema costs in the US but in some parts of the U.K. (like the cities) it can easily cost way over £100 for a family of four (for example) to go see a film and that’s just ticket prices alone. It doesn’t even factor in snacks and parking so I really do think the pandemic and Disney+ especially changed people’s viewing/cinema going habits and I can say that for myself too. Why would I want to go to a dirty cinema filled with annoying people who don’t know how to behave and I end up missing chunks of the film to go to the restroom when I could just simply wait a little longer and enjoy a film from the comfort of my home?

Of course the big blockbusters that are best viewed on a bigger screen are going to pull more people in but unfortunately, I just don’t think people are prepared to cough up for films that they’re not sure about until word of mouth spreads about them. The Barbieheimer meme has been the best marketing tool for the cinema in years and maybe Disney and other studios need to lean more into that and support other films to start getting butts back in seats as a whole.
I just coincidentally came across this article that agrees with and backs up several of my own personal viewpoints on the matter about people just expecting things to be shortly on Disney+ and not being able to afford to go to the cinema atm It talks about Ant-Man 3 and Marvel at first but if you scroll down a bit it moves onto Elemental and Pixar.

If you can't back up your claim I'm going to assume it's made up and false.
It’s one thing to “back up” a claim; it’s another to “prove” it. This is a discussion board, and posters will often make a general statement based on lots of small and widely scattered observations. I’ve seen this many times. A poster puts forth a claim, another asks for ”back up” or “evidence”, the evidence is presented and then dismissed because it doesn’t “prove” the claim or isn’t from an acceptable source.
People say things like this but then don't actually post specifics, which leads me to believe everyone is getting their news from outrage sources.
Have you considered that this forum is bias and in order to not get the boot, members have to be careful what they say? This forum has a no politics rule, but it is allowed depending on what you support. They also have a no "religion" rule, but it is okay to say certain things, depending on what you are against. I have been around for a long time, although I do not post much, and I have seen a lot. The mods do a great job and I do not envy them, but still the bias exists. Fantastic forum for Disney-related topics.
And what about LGBTQIA+, disabled people and minorities who want to be entertained too by seeing themselves on screen and escaping from reality by losing themselves in fantasy worlds? Why is it such a problem to see someone different from you included in a piece of fiction? Having someone of a different sexuality or background in a piece of media doesn’t automatically make it political. It’s just representing a wider chunk of the global population that exists out there.
It is not about being different. It is about Disney's need to push it, as if it were an agenda, because by their own admission it is. That is what makes it political. Disney themselves made the announcement that it was a focus for them, so that makes it an agenda. It is about meeting DEI and ESG scores, so that makes it political. The average Joe is not making it about politics. Disney chose that road themselves and they do not hide it.

They remake all of their movies and write them for DEI. They are trying to erase the Disney history to make it more palatable for the easily offended and change it for a newer generation. Look at the joke they are doing with Snow White. FYI - I am Mexican and I find this ludicrous! Her name is Snow White, not Snow Brown. She is the fairest of them all, not the most golden (or whatever) of them all. She was not with magical creatures, but dwarves. People with dwarfism are openly speaking out against it.
It is not about being different. It is about Disney's need to push it, as if it were an agenda, because by their own admission it is. That is what makes it political. Disney themselves made the announcement that it was a focus for them, so that makes it an agenda. It is about meeting DEI and ESG scores, so that makes it political. The average Joe is not making it about politics. Disney chose that road themselves and they do not hide it.

They remake all of their movies and write them for DEI. They are trying to erase the Disney history to make it more palatable for the easily offended and change it for a newer generation. Look at the joke they are doing with Snow White. FYI - I am Mexican and I find this ludicrous! Her name is Snow White, not Snow Brown. She is the fairest of them all, not the most golden (or whatever) of them all. She was not with magical creatures, but dwarves. People with dwarfism are openly speaking out against it.
You can be both white and Latina.
It is not about being different. It is about Disney's need to push it, as if it were an agenda, because by their own admission it is. That is what makes it political. Disney themselves made the announcement that it was a focus for them, so that makes it an agenda. It is about meeting DEI and ESG scores, so that makes it political. The average Joe is not making it about politics. Disney chose that road themselves and they do not hide it.

They remake all of their movies and write them for DEI. They are trying to erase the Disney history to make it more palatable for the easily offended and change it for a newer generation. Look at the joke they are doing with Snow White. FYI - I am Mexican and I find this ludicrous! Her name is Snow White, not Snow Brown. She is the fairest of them all, not the most golden (or whatever) of them all. She was not with magical creatures, but dwarves. People with dwarfism are openly speaking out against it.
People on this forum are very biased. I agree with everything you wrote. They will also mock and belittle you while reporting you for hate speech.

The financials Disney is reporting are proof that this stuff they are pushing is failing. In my opinion they have pushed so far that almost of those consumers will never come back to Disney.
the future is multi colored and very diverse. No matter how much people attempt to stop it, it wont happen. Stay home if seeing people different from you bothers you. If YOU cannot handle it... that is not OUR problem.
People on this forum are very biased. I agree with everything you wrote. They will also mock and belittle you while reporting you for hate speech.

The financials Disney is reporting are proof that this stuff they are pushing is failing. In my opinion they have pushed so far that almost of those consumers will never come back to Disney.
sometimes people deserve to be held accountable for their actions. If you preach hate, that is what you will get back. It is not bias when people do not agree with your forced ideas of homogeneity... it is called character. If what you post is so offensive that people report you, then perhaps you should reevaluate what you are posting?

Getting bent out of shape because there are films or content that doesn't cater to just you...LOL
Stay home if seeing people different from you bothers you. If YOU cannot handle it... that is not OUR problem.
That’s exactly the problem, people are staying home, and it’s costing company’s money. If you’re an entertainment company and you start lecturing people that they aren’t open enough to diversity instead of entertaining them, they are just going to ignore your product.
That’s exactly the problem, people are staying home, and it’s costing company’s money. If you’re an entertainment company and you start lecturing people that they aren’t open enough to diversity instead of entertaining them, they are just going to ignore your product.
you cannot make everyone happy. Sadly some people's opinions are so extreme, there is no pleasing them and the rest of the civilized world...., and If being diverse means you lose racist and homophobic customers... then oh well you lose customers... and i would wager attract others. And lets be perfectly honest... it is NOT like WDW is even putting out extreme content. They do anything minor, like simply have a LGBQT+ person in a film and folks freak out. Just has to exist and folks get bent out of shape.

At the end of the day you have to decide with your wallet who or what you will support. There are PLENTY of entities that I do not feel comfortable spending my money at. If having a LGBQT+ person working at a store or being a character in a story makes you uncomfortable then the answer is not that that person has to hide their existence from your sensitive eyes.... you deal with it or don't go there.

Of course not suggesting YOU would do that... just the general person who boycotts a company because they hire diverse people or show diversity in their films.
They remake all of their movies and write them for DEI. They are trying to erase the Disney history to make it more palatable for the easily offended and change it for a newer generation. Look at the joke they are doing with Snow White. FYI - I am Mexican and I find this ludicrous! Her name is Snow White, not Snow Brown. She is the fairest of them all, not the most golden (or whatever) of them all. She was not with magical creatures, but dwarves. People with dwarfism are openly speaking out against it.
It sounds like you might be the one who is easily offended? Because I don’t think anyone would have cared if Snow White was Caucasian.
That’s exactly the problem, people are staying home, and it’s costing company’s money. If you’re an entertainment company and you start lecturing people that they aren’t open enough to diversity instead of entertaining them, they are just going to ignore your product.

But we don't know that this is WHY they are staying home? It could just be that these recent films were creative misses or were poorly marketed. The theater business has changed significantly. If people are so averse to seeing the diversity, then why do some movies that embrace it do very well? Why do some movies that don't really speak to it do poorly? I'm sure it impacts some people's decision making, but there isn't a major correllation.
But we don't know that this is WHY they are staying home? It could just be that these recent films were creative misses or were poorly marketed. The theater business has changed significantly. If people are so averse to seeing the diversity, then why do some movies that embrace it do very well? Why do some movies that don't really speak to it do poorly? I'm sure it impacts some people's decision making, but there isn't a major correllation.
People only read headlines and putting Disney in the headline gets views.

Elemental is slowly chugging along and looking to breakeven or close to it but the opening was so low that people will still just cling to the headlines of the bomb narrative it received after opening weekend. Ruby Gillman is a bigger bomb than Lightyear and possibly Strange World but no one is talking about that because Pixar and Disney animation failing gets views.

Paramount, Warner Brothers, and others are doing just a poorly, if not worse than Disney but Disney is the leader and creates more buzz headlines. I doubt their inclusivity is having much of an impact as movies like Mission Impossible are also not doing well and have zero negative press.
Yeah I was going to say the box office in general is doing horribly right now. Maybe Barbie will change that but MI7 isn't exactly blowing it out of the water when people thought the Top Gun effect would happen with it
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