8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 7

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How could you forget about this?


I am not scared of your bull horn unless J.R. steals it......then watch out.....
Randy is in da house!

Yea, someone goofed and forgot to sign him out of the desktop computer before adding the post in with the photo, who could that have been? :rotfl2:
I never heard back from your friend.....did they find a house.....details.....

Was it you who posted the weight watchers soup? Well whoever did it, Itried it and it was YUMMY!!!!!!! Everyone in the family liked it which is saying volumes....

Oh that was me...I'm glad you liked it!

Yes, Cheryl did find a house...and it's near Windemere...I can't remember the name of it. Is there a Catholic Church near you called Holy Name or Holy Family? I'm thinking that is the church they joined.
OK, Boy I have not been on this thread for 2 days and I am completely lost.
I know I am terribly late but I have to brag on DD.
Megan was born at 24 weeks at 1 pound 5 ozs. She had her intestines burst at a pound and a half. They had to pump so much medicine in her to keep her alive- it popped open a heart valve! We went into this horrible vortex of 11 Dr's trying to decide what to fix first.
Fast forwrd to 10 years and she is a A, every now B, student and has no lingering side effects of her birth. She is one strong little girl.

What an incredible little fighter she was! :grouphug:
But I doubt he married her for her rhino.

Rhinos are hard to come by in the United States however.........:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Aren't you guys glad you learned that new word on this thread? Now you sound so intelligent....:lmao:
I thought I would let him walk on with his pirate shirt with me:lmao: :lmao:
Oh that's a crackpot......

Well I am sure we could stir up a few good meals for our deck 7 parties.....just don't know if we would have enough to go around....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: OK so now we are preparing appetizers for the deck 7 parties? :thumbsup2
Back to work for me tomorrow (and to the gym) - see ya at somepoint on the flip side.

OK... now that my FAKE diversion failed to divert anyone from the Pirate sprint... I'll answer my original diversion queries...

1) I can't remember what I saw in the theater last which I really liked... so I'll just say STAR WARs episode 3.

2) Last date was the saturday before Valentines day... we joined our church for an organized date nite. It was just a dinner at Peppe Di-Bucos (totally misspelled) and we entertained ourselves with embarassing diversions... like singin' to our spouses in fron t of EVERYONE... well... we were in teams... and some other silly things.

3) Soap Box Racer...

4) It's Lobster for me ... and it was deliberately an either or challenge

5) 7 windows .... no hesitation ...

6) Dinner is about to be made... it will be left over chicken and stuffed salmon from Costco

7) Bare foot today... I never stepped outside. My kids were not well last nite and this morning so I forced an inside and sheltered day. Besides it was raining last nite and early this morning. I have NO IDEA what it was like outside. But my kids are NOT coughing anymore... no temperatures... and they had a somewhat restful sheltered time of it.

And now I'm off to cook supper. I'll maybe return to lurk and terrorize again ... and then again... maybe it's less Pirate terrorizing and really more drooling on the keyboard, eh?

potentially... g'nite folks! It's been a nice day spent here in the company of so many pleasant souls.... plus one psychotic one.

Okay if you insist then it has to be STEAK
Oh that was me...I'm glad you liked it!

Yes, Cheryl did find a house...and it's near Windemere...I can't remember the name of it. Is there a Catholic Church near you called Holy Name or Holy Family? I'm thinking that is the church they joined.

Yes Holy Family! Do you know what the name of the subdivision they are in is called? I know she was shocked by the prices down here.....
Can't stand it any longer. The weather is just scrumptious and I have to get out and ride!:moped: Maybe I'll go up to Target and see what I can find.

See ya'll later!


I'm feeling that way too Deb....Only my car is trapped in the ice....

UPDATE: good news...The ice melted enough by afternoon that my DH got my car out of it's ice prison..... Now i will be able to get out later this week when i'm cleared to drive....:yay:

BTW Deb.... You'll have to tell me the +/- of having a moped. I only live 4 miles from work and i'm dying to get one. Hoping for spring 08.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: OK so now we are preparing appetizers for the deck 7 parties? :thumbsup2

No, but we can take shifts raiding the buffet & keep it warm in the crockpot. (We'll tell the nonDISers it's bear to scare them off).

Of course we'll have to clear this with Enna - after all, she has the power.
Back to work for me tomorrow (and to the gym) - see ya at somepoint on the flip side.


I think that's Lorri's shtick......."on the flip side"....Lorri I think you should have your own show...."On the flip side with Lorri". What do you think? You could interview people and ask them if they've been assigned stateroom #'s yet.....
I think that's Lorri's shtick......."on the flip side"....Lorri I think you should have your own show...."On the flip side with Lorri". What do you think? You could interview people and ask them if they've been assigned stateroom #'s yet.....

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I am going to stock up on camcorder tapes for this cruise. I have a feeling this may be the most hilarious viewing in years to come......I may even splurge by then and get a new camcorder......
I think that's Lorri's shtick......."on the flip side"....Lorri I think you should have your own show...."On the flip side with Lorri". What do you think? You could interview people and ask them if they've been assigned stateroom #'s yet.....

Kind of like Chuck Woolery and his "be back in 2 and 2":lmao:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I am going to stock up on camcorder tapes for this cruise. I have a feeling this may be the most hilarious viewing in years to come......I may even splurge by then and get a new camcorder......

We got a new one just before this last trip - it is completely digital. We can download it to the laptop and then view it immediately. I think we might have to have some sessions in the movie theatre...
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