ABCs of Trip Reporting, Pt. 2-Life Can Be Crappy and Then You Move On (3/7)

Wow, shopping around the World, what a great idea! I know what I'm going to do next time I'm hanging out at World Showcase. :rotfl:

I can't wait to hear about the rest of your purchases. The tea plate looks very cute. And useful, too. :thumbsup2
Time once again to:


This time we’re going to have some fun en France’! We could play in the:


Or we could play in:


Or we could even play in the bushes:


But the best place to play, I think is in the place where you can find a whole bunch of useless French stuff, but fun nonetheless. But first, I was feeling like it was time to tackle one of those things on my bucket list for the trip- to watch all 4 movies around the WS: China, America, Canada, and France. So I started here. It was a perfect time to find some much needed A/C, and a place to rest my derrière.

I cannot say enough about this relaxing, soothing, simply beautiful film. I was absolutely mesmerized from the moment I entered. Remember I said I ‘m a sucker for British accents? French ones are another story…. As far as I could tell, our host for this showing didn’t speak one word of English. I understood, “FRONCE”, and that was the end of it. I took 2 years of French, and can read a bit, so was a bit surprised I couldn’t pick up more of it. So after bidding us a warm Bien Venue (the only other word I understood), I entered the Land of Cushie Tooshie Seats. Seriously, this is the place to be to pad things up. The music soared, as did we. Taking that aerial tour over vineyards, castles, little villages, and Paris, was exhilarating! I thoroughly enjoyed the familiar soundtrack that I had listened to while running during the summer before my trip, and all too soon our tour was over and it was time to go back out and find some more fun. And of course, I needed to find my souvenir (which coincidentally is a French word).

Naturally, I ended up in the dump shop after the film, and had to try on yet another hat. This photo, I think, is lightyears better that previous attempts. Finally, a keeper.


But I didn’t buy the beret- I’ll leave cute hat purchases to Marlene (Glennbo’s cutie patootie daughter). Nothing attracted me here, so I kept wandering, and saw a little nook here, and was finally getting closer to what I was after.


I had decided in my early planning months that first I’d look for a wine stopper, since I think of wine when I think of France. But the ones I thought were really pretty, and what I really wanted, were WAY too expensive. You know the ones with blown glass and all frilly with different colors…. Since time was seriously marching on (remember I only had 30 minutes per Pavilion) I needed to make the purchase and jet, so I ended up with the only souvie that is really “Disneyana”- a Mickey Head corker.


I use it, and I like it, but I was VERY disappointed to find out that they are sold at just about every shop on property. I even saw them in Everything Pop later on. UGH! Truly not French. In fact, I broke shopping rule # 2 also- “It has to be made in France”. But I didn’t have one at home, and nothing else really grabbed my attention, so I ended up with a cheap piece of Chinese crap.

But there is a rainbow at the end of this tunnel. About a month ago, I unpacked a box of stuff that my mom had saved from my recently dearly departed Grandmother (the one to whom this whole trip was partly dedicated) and there sitting neatly wrapped up was this:


I could hardly believe my eyes!!! She was 2nd generation French, and I was just astounded that I would get a pretty wine stopper from her things after being so disappointed with my own purchase at EPCOT. Definitely one of those “had I known” moments. So there ya have it: 2 wine stoppers for the price of one, both with a bit of sentimental meaning.

I made one more purchase in the wine store, but was again a bit disappointed with it as well:


I ate a couple of small bites, wrapped it up and threw it in the bag. I never saw it again until I got home and it was smashed and encrusted with small bits of sand and other unidentifiable goo. Sadly, it was $2.00 down the pooper. It wasn’t that it was bad caramel, in fact, it was rather good; just not what I was expecting. I thought it would be saltier and less sticky on my teeth. I guess I just wasn’t in the mood for it.

Let’s keep playing!! I found some new playmates waiting for me outside, and decided to join their fun and games. Well, actually, they chose me to have a seat on one of their chairs and watch the show. So I did. This was my prime vantage spot for almost the entire show- right up until the time they asked for their chair back.


Higher and higher he went, and the crowd seemed to enjoy it.



And I thought, hmmm… this might be a fun photo op. for my Peeps. So I hung around and asked if he’d take a picture with me. He said “sure” and seemed game.

As soon as he opened his mouth, I recognized his accent, and immediately knew this was NO Frenchman, but rather….

A Russian performer, likely right out of the very same circuses that came to our village every year, with acts VERY similar this one. Seriously, I don’t know too many French “Valentin”s. Even the way they encouraged the crowd with certain hand gestures and shouts were familiar to me. We gave a giant toast (I’ll bet he was wishing it were Vodka bottles):


And bidding him a hearty Das Vidanya, I headed out to my next destination.
Ok, two things here Mommy dear.

1)only if you're wearing dirty underwear.

2):lmao: You look like Sir Hiss from Robin Hood!! :lmao: Can I frame it??

#1 is true, and if you ever DO need to go to ER, you will be very glad they are clean and NEW!!! I was never so happy in my life to have new underwear as the day I was in a car accident! :rotfl2: Then they became the victim of a giant pair of scissors!:eek: But my mother would be proud.

#2 - I forgot to mention how adorable you look in the fur crown! I think it would make a great profile pic!:lmao:

Loving the update! The Mickey wine stopper is adorable! Sorry it isn't French, but I guess the find from your Grandma is compensation for that.
Great update. I cracked up at the " Chinese garbage. " We have MANY MANY MANY pieces of Chinese garbage at my house.:lmao: Also, to funny about the French performer not being French. Only in America.:sad2:
I saw two typos in there, but now that you've quoted, I'll never get them out. :laughing: When will I learn to proof read?!

:laughing:I definitely didn't set that one up intentionally. But it sure was funny!!!

Uh oh, Pat, I think I'd rather have hairy feet....:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Same here hon. Went to the eye doctor last week and he bumped up the script on the old eyes. Waiting for the glasses to be ready, obviously I need them. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I proof, but I don't see it.
Nice update, Liesa. Unfortunately, I think if half of us looked all around our houses, we'd all find that 99% of the stuff we have is crap "Made in China." :eek:

Love the beret shot.
#1 is true, and if you ever DO need to go to ER, you will be very glad they are clean and NEW!!! I was never so happy in my life to have new underwear as the day I was in a car accident! :rotfl2: Then they became the victim of a giant pair of scissors!:eek: But my mother would be proud.

#2 - I forgot to mention how adorable you look in the fur crown! I think it would make a great profile pic!:lmao:

Loving the update! The Mickey wine stopper is adorable! Sorry it isn't French, but I guess the find from your Grandma is compensation for that.

I guess clean is the factor there that matters most. ;)

I've been thinking of changing my avatar for a while now, but never seem to get around changing it. Ugh!

I'm sure that wine stopper will get plenty of use in a couple of weeks.... :dance3:

Great update. I cracked up at the " Chinese garbage. " We have MANY MANY MANY pieces of Chinese garbage at my house.:lmao: Also, to funny about the French performer not being French. Only in America.:sad2:

I think it's a sad fact of 21st century life that we have too much junk in general- and chinese at that.

By the way, are you first time poster here??? My mind must be going.... I want to make sure to give you a very hearty :welcome: if so!!! Make sure you come by often- we love mix of fun chatter!

Same here hon. Went to the eye doctor last week and he bumped up the script on the old eyes. Waiting for the glasses to be ready, obviously I need them. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I proof, but I don't see it.

Mine now have to come off for close work now. More changes of going over the far side of life.

Nice update, Liesa. Unfortunately, I think if half of us looked all around our houses, we'd all find that 99% of the stuff we have is crap "Made in China." :eek:

Love the beret shot.

Yeah, I htink you're right, Kathy. Too much stuff in general; too much Chinese junk for sure!

I like that picture too! Maybe I'll use it for my avatar.
Well, I like that Mickey cork very much! DH would make fun of me to no end if I put in a bottle of wine though (he's not quite as in to Disney as I am). But your mil's wine stopper is gorgeous! So lovely! The colors are beautiful Liesa.

Am I the only one who thinks that Ritalian guy is crazy?? That can't be safe to do! Stacking things and then climbing on top to balance yourself upside down? Nope, looks dangerous to me. How nice that he took a pic with you! You should've asked him if he was from Crapistan!

This is nice beret pic too!

Although I thought you were flipping off that France poster, you're middle finger looks a tad raised! Then I thought well, maybe it's yet another Liesa greeting that I'm not aware of?:confused3 At least you kept your shirt on!

Looking forward to your remaining purchases!:goodvibes
I missed the cabbage talk but I am not a fan of it.. I will eat it from time to time but I don't go looking for it. :sad2:

Great updates!!!

Love you took the time to see some characters!

I hope to go to Disney in September sometime... it seems like you can just do whatchalyke!

I know your wine stopper wasn't authentic but I do like it!!! (what a coincidence you found a wine stopper from your grandmother!)

OK... I think I'm good to go! WHEW! ;)
And of course, I needed to find my souvenir (which coincidentally is a French word).

Well there ya could have stopped right there.

Naturally, I ended up in the dump shop after the film, and had to try on yet another hat. This photo, I think, is lightyears better that previous attempts. Finally, a keeper.


It is a keeper! Nice photo. So....I guess were you frequently asking guests or CMs to take your picture for you on this solo portion of the trip? Seems like they've all done a nice job.

But I didn’t buy the beret- I’ll leave cute hat purchases to Marlene (Glennbo’s cutie patootie daughter).

Hey! Marlene got a shout-out in Liesa's TR! :yay: Thanks!

But there is a rainbow at the end of this tunnel. About a month ago, I unpacked a box of stuff that my mom had saved from my recently dearly departed Grandmother (the one to whom this whole trip was partly dedicated) and there sitting neatly wrapped up was this:


That's gorgeous!

I made one more purchase in the wine store, but was again a bit disappointed with it as well:


You got a manhole cover? :scared:
being a wine fan, i really like the stopper you got, both the disney one and the one from your grandmother. very good looking.
Great update , Liesa!! Did you intend to take a hat picture in every country as well, or was that just coincidence?

I like your wine stopper, even if it isn't French! I have the same one and think it is very cute. I guess the thing is that most Disney souvenirs aren't really authentic to the countries they are offered in... But I can assure you that even if you would be a souvenir in the real France, you might find out that it was "Made in China"

And just to add another Flossbolna history lesson:

The label "Made in ..." was originally introduced by the UK in order to mark the cheap, low quality stuff imported from the less industrialized Germany (the China of the 19th century). It kind of backfired and "Made in Germany" soon became a label for quality... :goodvibes
Well, I like that Mickey cork very much! DH would make fun of me to no end if I put in a bottle of wine though (he's not quite as in to Disney as I am). But your mil's wine stopper is gorgeous! So lovely! The colors are beautiful Liesa.

Mike hates it too, but his practical side overwhelms him, and he uses it anyway; until last month we didnt' have another one. Now I have both of them sitting side by side on my kitchen shelf above the sink where I can look at them everyday. The glass one is quite lovely- such a great find!

Am I the only one who thinks that Ritalian guy is crazy?? That can't be safe to do! Stacking things and then climbing on top to balance yourself upside down? Nope, looks dangerous to me. How nice that he took a pic with you! You should've asked him if he was from Crapistan!

He is crazy!! I can't believe there aren't more accidents! I totally should have asked if he had lived in one of the former CIS States. They all know our former city, no matter where they actually lived. It was right near the Russian equivalent of Cape Canaveral.

This is nice beret pic too!

Not bad, not bad.

Although I thought you were flipping off that France poster, you're middle finger looks a tad raised! Then I thought well, maybe it's yet another Liesa greeting that I'm not aware of?:confused3 At least you kept your shirt on!

:lmao: OH my! It might look like that, but actually, they were trying to charge me too much for a GG slushie, and I got offended.

Looking forward to your remaining purchases!:goodvibes

many more coming up.

I missed the cabbage talk but I am not a fan of it.. I will eat it from time to time but I don't go looking for it. :sad2:

Great updates!!!

Love you took the time to see some characters!

I hope to go to Disney in September sometime... it seems like you can just do whatchalyke!

I know your wine stopper wasn't authentic but I do like it!!! (what a coincidence you found a wine stopper from your grandmother!)

OK... I think I'm good to go! WHEW! ;)

Sept. rocked~ rarely a line, never a full TS place, lots of room to roam.

Not even cole slaw??

Authentic no- cute yeah, I'll give you that. My new default one is the one from Grandma.

Well there ya could have stopped right there.

You know me better than that! Tsk, tsk.

It is a keeper! Nice photo. So....I guess were you frequently asking guests or CMs to take your picture for you on this solo portion of the trip? Seems like they've all done a nice job.

I asked all kinds of random people. AT first the Paprazzi was happy to oblige, then either guests or CMs or PP folks. I never had anyone say no; and sometimes those interactions were actually full of fun conversation.

Hey! Marlene got a shout-out in Liesa's TR! :yay: Thanks!

Always happy to oblige! :goodvibes

That's gorgeous!

I"m rather partial to it myself.

You got a manhole cover? :scared:

I'd die for one of those. Can you imagine it in a garden as a stepping stone. Very cool, indeed!

being a wine fan, i really like the stopper you got, both the disney one and the one from your grandmother. very good looking.

Thanks, Dan! It was definitely one of those purchases/finds that I can use frequently.

Great update , Liesa!! Did you intend to take a hat picture in every country as well, or was that just coincidence?

I like your wine stopper, even if it isn't French! I have the same one and think it is very cute. I guess the thing is that most Disney souvenirs aren't really authentic to the countries they are offered in... But I can assure you that even if you would be a souvenir in the real France, you might find out that it was "Made in China"

And just to add another Flossbolna history lesson:

The label "Made in ..." was originally introduced by the UK in order to mark the cheap, low quality stuff imported from the less industrialized Germany (the China of the 19th century). It kind of backfired and "Made in Germany" soon became a label for quality... :goodvibes

NO, I hadn't really set out to get a bunch of hat pix, although, I did end up taking advantage of that easy theme. One of the questions on the Master Predictor Game was "How many fountain pix will I get?" And in fact, did dismally at that. So those of you who went low on that guess did well.

BTW, I will go back and tally up HMs since there were a few more added from the Seedy Tour.

And of course, the Adult Beverage Count is now: 2

I"m sure you're right. Lots of useless stuff that would come OUT Of France was never made there. Except the wine and some of that really cool fabric.

The exact same thing goes on in Kazakhstan. The order of quality goes like this: Made in Germany, Made in Russia, Made in China- in that order- best to worst. Truly, you get what you pay for! Interesting irony about the origins.
I asked all kinds of random people. AT first the Paprazzi was happy to oblige, then either guests or CMs or PP folks. I never had anyone say no; and sometimes those interactions were actually full of fun conversation.

Oh I'm sure....especially if Tate was involved.

I'd die for one of those. Can you imagine it in a garden as a stepping stone. Very cool, indeed!

Now there's a challenge for FauntleroyFan. :cool2: Much more difficult than smuggling a Bud Lite Lime into Animal Kingdom to drink along with his jalapena cheese pretzel.
Oh I'm sure....especially if Tate was involved.

Now there's a challenge for FauntleroyFan. :cool2: Much more difficult than smuggling a Bud Lite Lime into Animal Kingdom to drink along with his jalapena cheese pretzel.

Tate gets involved shortly. As of now, he hasn't made his grand appearance.

Dan's always up for a challenge! I think this one would be one of the more entertaining ones. Can you imagine the size of the backpack you'd need?! :lmao:

What's up with the glow in the dark stroller in the background? :laughing: Light up strollers- I bet my boys would love one of those.

That wine stopper from your grandmother is so beautiful! I'm not a wine drinker, so I was trying to imagine a swirly, colorful wine stopper when I was reading, and then, I saw the picture and it was so much cooler than I had thought. I almost want one, even though I don't know what I'd use it for. :rotfl:
What's up with the glow in the dark stroller in the background? :laughing: Light up strollers- I bet my boys would love one of those.

That wine stopper from your grandmother is so beautiful! I'm not a wine drinker, so I was trying to imagine a swirly, colorful wine stopper when I was reading, and then, I saw the picture and it was so much cooler than I had thought. I almost want one, even though I don't know what I'd use it for. :rotfl:

I was actually wondering what in the heck was up with a 12? year old sitting in a light up stroller!!!?? I don't know the whole story, but it just looks so odd seeing a BIG kid in one!

The wine stopper is glass with swirls of green and blue in it. I love that color combo, and you're right, it is really pretty in its own right! You could use one for a vinegar bottle, or any glass decanter full of anything! :thumbsup2 Very pretty sitting on a counter!
I love the wine stopper that was originally your Grandmothers. Very pretty! Oh, and the Mickey one is nice too :laughing: I'm excited to see what else you found
I have yet to see the film in France but it's on the list for someday. I also missed the waiters. I sat around and waited and waited still didn't catch them.

I do like your wine stopper, but the one you received from your grandmother is just lovely.


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