Adam and Katies 10/2/2010 SBP/Attic/?? ~ brainstorming!

Awesome deal on the wedding bands! I'm hoping my DF's band is as reasonably priced because I know how much mine is - there's a matching one that goes with my ring. Although you've inspired me to look around a little.

I love the prong set diamonds in the band, although I may be a little biased since that's what my ring is like. ;)
Happy Belated Birthday!

That's an awesome deal :thumbsup2

Awe thanks girly! :goodvibes

Awesome deal on the wedding bands! I'm hoping my DF's band is as reasonably priced because I know how much mine is - there's a matching one that goes with my ring. Although you've inspired me to look around a little.

I love the prong set diamonds in the band, although I may be a little biased since that's what my ring is like. ;)

I'm glad i inspired you to look around. Its definatly worth it and if nothing else its just fun to try on all that bling! :thumbsup2

Even though my e-ring side diamonds are channel set the band with the diamonds in the prong setting looked lovely with it. I'm glad you like it too. Even if you are slightly biased :rolleyes: I can't wait to go talk to them again and have them start making it. he told me it would only take about 3-4 weeks so we could wait until this time next year to order them but i want it NOW! :lmao:
i am not a jewellery expert and i dont want to spend an awful amount of money on rings - i will only scratch them! That is such a great deal! I think that i am going to have to look around for some bargains like that!! :goodvibes
Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Ok so i'm slightly annoyed right now and i dont like it. The past few days i've just kind of been in a rut... not just wedding planning but with work and life in general. The only thing i was getting joy out of lately was wedding planning even though i've been second guessing myself on everything from colors to bouquet style to even wanting to wait and save more so i can have a wishes wedding. Well apparently wedding planning can't help me anymore. :sad2:

I knew that when i asked about the attic i got really excited and showed DF. He said ok to it but i knew it wasn't really his cup of tea so i emailed what i thought was my wedding coordinator and asked her what other options i had, she sent me a list but just of the places not what the prices were. So i emailed her back and let her know what other places might interest us and if she could email me the minimums for private events before 5pm. I didn't think that this would be a tough question or that I was being a pest. I'm just a bride on a strict budget so i need to see numbers. Well this morning i checked my email and i got an email stating they didn't know the minimums for the locations (which is crap because when i asked about the attic they knew :mad:) and that the person who i thought was my wedding coordinator infact was NOT and i would have to discuss anything further about my wedding when it is booked next february. :sad1:

I understand that there were cut backs to the DFTW department and that i'm sure they are very busy with weddings but i wasn't trying to be a bother. I just wanted some information... thats all. So now i don't know what to do. I'm not going to make any decisions yet but i almost feeling like saying for get it and just get married at townhall sometimes. Maybe i should just stop my PJ and start it up again in february. I dont know.... i'm just starting to feel the same way i did when i started booking something here in New England and i had people giving me problems because we told them we were on a budget.

Sorry for the vent but i needed it. If i stop my PJ I will still frequent all of your amazing PJ and i wont be going away i promise. :grouphug:
Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Ok so i'm slightly annoyed right now and i dont like it. The past few days i've just kind of been in a rut... not just wedding planning but with work and life in general. The only thing i was getting joy out of lately was wedding planning even though i've been second guessing myself on everything from colors to bouquet style to even wanting to wait and save more so i can have a wishes wedding. Well apparently wedding planning can't help me anymore. :sad2:

I knew that when i asked about the attic i got really excited and showed DF. He said ok to it but i knew it wasn't really his cup of tea so i emailed what i thought was my wedding coordinator and asked her what other options i had, she sent me a list but just of the places not what the prices were. So i emailed her back and let her know what other places might interest us and if she could email me the minimums for private events before 5pm. I didn't think that this would be a tough question or that I was being a pest. I'm just a bride on a strict budget so i need to see numbers. Well this morning i checked my email and i got an email stating they didn't know the minimums for the locations (which is crap because when i asked about the attic they knew :mad:) and that the person who i thought was my wedding coordinator infact was NOT and i would have to discuss anything further about my wedding when it is booked next february. :sad1:

I understand that there were cut backs to the DFTW department and that i'm sure they are very busy with weddings but i wasn't trying to be a bother. I just wanted some information... thats all. So now i don't know what to do. I'm not going to make any decisions yet but i almost feeling like saying for get it and just get married at townhall sometimes. Maybe i should just stop my PJ and start it up again in february. I dont know.... i'm just starting to feel the same way i did when i started booking something here in New England and i had people giving me problems because we told them we were on a budget.

Sorry for the vent but i needed it. If i stop my PJ I will still frequent all of your amazing PJ and i wont be going away i promise. :grouphug:

Oh dear. I'm sorry this is how you had to start you morning! I'm in a wedding rut as well, so I know how your feelings. I have been second guessing myself as well. Take a deep breath. There is no one else you can talk to? what about calling (sorry...i am not getting married down there so I don't know how it works) I feel like if you call and tell them your upset and would like to talk to someone they will let you. It is completely up to you if you want to wait til February to talk about your wedding, but from reading your PJ i'm thinking you want to talk about it now! I think this is just a bad morning and you need to see if you can talk to someone else (clearly the person you spoke to stinks) I don't think the information you were looking for was out of the ordinary. I don't know many weddings who aren't paying attention to how much things cost and minimums. I'm sorry if i'm not much help. Maybe if you can't talk to someone just try and occupy yourself with something besides the wedding for a few days (or weeks). I hope you feel better
Awww sweetie:hug: Hang in there. I know it's tough planning your wedding this far out. Do you have Carries book?? If not, buy it now!! It has answered almost every question I have had without "bothering" my Wedding Planner.
Awe... I'm sorry you're feeling this way. :( With an Escape wedding, you won't get your wedding coordinator until you have signed a contract... then you get assigned a wedding coordinator at that time and they contact you approximately two weeks after the contract is signed. Since you can't even book/sign a contract until 8 months out, it will take some time.

They do have a lot of weddings and a lot of brides calling to ask questions. Most of which already are booked and trying to get their events together. I've had to wait longer than I like on some answers and I have a signed contract... but the fact of the matter is that they have brides getting married in the next few days or even today. Those brides get priority and I'm fine with this... because when it's close to my day, I'll be the one getting priority.

This doesn't mean you can't plan right now, but it does mean you can't plan with a DFTW coordinator. Just keep saving as much as you can and when the time comes to book, you can figure out where to go from there.

I also don't think they were misleading you about not knowing minimums. Your wedding is next year and they are just coming out with new pricing right now for next year. It all comes in waves, they don't have a set date where all the prices are released at the same time.

I just got told yesterday that they are changing the DPS DP option for next year. This year it's $350 and you get 40 4x6 loose prints... you're not allowed to choose the prints, but they basically only take 40 shots, so it should include all of them. Next year the DPS DP option is $300, but you get *no* loose images. Since my VR is so close to both years, they allowed me to choose which option I wanted and I went with the loose image ($350) option.

You've got a lot of time. Just keep figuring out what you like and how you'd like your day to look and when February rolls around you'll be totally organized and ready to get it all on paper. :)
katie- i know exactly how you feel--have you seen my PJ lately? nope you havent because its somewhere on page 3 maybe? i havent touched it because im just not doing anything...our weddings are still 1 year+ away and its very hard for us to plan right now, things are constantly changing..things we think we want we really dont, things that may be in the budget arent, or we think cant be..actually can be....its a very difficult place...even though you are getting married down there and im getting married up here...we still end up in the same place...lost...DF is no help...i mention wedding and hes just like there is so much time so whatever ( which is everyones response to me...including my mothers...ugh) so i've just taken a back seat to it for a little bit...i wouldnt say february..although i know you cant book dftw until then...maybe just sit back for a few days and say okay where am i going with all of this....i know for me i looked at a wedding planning book last night and i still couldnt get into tonight im going to dinner with the girls to celebrate another friend getting engaged (shes getting married 10/10/10) and tomorrow going to a red sox bigger goals...i joined a setting intermittent(spelling?) weight loss goals towards the wedding..but thats the only wedding thing on my mind right maybe that will help you...just pick up on something else...something that may help you focus not on the wedding and not on work ( you also mentioned work wasnt great?) if you dont write on your PJ for a few days it wont dissapear and you can pick up whenever you feel like it...or if you still want to..sit down with the ideas you have picked for the weddign and say ok i definately want this or not and make piles or keepers and tosses and maybes ( like the bouquet if its questionable make it a maybe) if you have the shoes thats a keeper! maybe you will realize you have more done than you think and thats why you are in this rut.....maybe im just rambling to try to make you feel better .... everyone goes through ruts and its far as getting prices in such im useless there...sryyy:confused3 but huggs and huggs because you need to cheer up :hug:
Oh Katie, I've been MIA and missed so much, sorry! Keep your head up about all this girl, wedding planning is supposed to be an exciting time for both you and Adam! I totally understand what you're feeling as I have been there multiple times through this process but I just try and focus on the big picture! No matter what, at the end of the day, all that matters is what is going to make you and Adam happy! Can't wait to continue reading about your plans...
i am sorry to hear your having a bad day. you have been through so much and this is another thing added to the pile. but your great at keeping your head up and figuring things out. so my advice is to sit back for a few days and try not to think about wedding things. make a great dinner for you and Adam, snuggle on the sofa with a good movie and some popcorn. enjoy the moment. and once the fog clears then you will feel better and be able to think straight.

always keep in mind that we are all here for you whenever you need us!:grouphug:
Honestly, I think your rut is because you are still a bit far away. I changed my mind sooooooooooooo many times over the last 6 months, but once I knew it was close to booking time, it became more easy to settle on one idea. You know what would be a great idea? I think you are like me, and just like planning a wedding, to have something to look forward to, etc, so why not make a bunch of plans? You can have a few different options, and work on them, and then when the day gets closer you will have a great list to pick from!

I understand your frustration with DFTW. I think that because we are Escape, we tend to get tossed aside a bit. I thought I had a planner for the longest time, than realized it was a sales consultant (which made it more clear why I was often not getting the correct information:rotfl:). Now that my LOA is signed, I currently have no consultant, and no it get's hard when you want to ask questions.

Just cheer up knowing that so many changes have been made to Escapes recently, that you will be able to plan such a fab wedding by the time yours gets closer!
Oh dear. I'm sorry this is how you had to start you morning! I'm in a wedding rut as well, so I know how your feelings. I have been second guessing myself as well. Take a deep breath. There is no one else you can talk to? what about calling (sorry...i am not getting married down there so I don't know how it works) I feel like if you call and tell them your upset and would like to talk to someone they will let you. It is completely up to you if you want to wait til February to talk about your wedding, but from reading your PJ i'm thinking you want to talk about it now! I think this is just a bad morning and you need to see if you can talk to someone else (clearly the person you spoke to stinks) I don't think the information you were looking for was out of the ordinary. I don't know many weddings who aren't paying attention to how much things cost and minimums. I'm sorry if i'm not much help. Maybe if you can't talk to someone just try and occupy yourself with something besides the wedding for a few days (or weeks). I hope you feel better

Thanks for making my feel better. I guess i just need to get it into my head that i'm not the first or last escape bride and everyone else works with the 8 month booking thing so i'll just have to do the same. I just get frustrated sometimes because this is supposed to be fun and stuff and sometimes its not :rolleyes:

Awww sweetie:hug: Hang in there. I know it's tough planning your wedding this far out. Do you have Carries book?? If not, buy it now!! It has answered almost every question I have had without "bothering" my Wedding Planner.

I think i'm going to buy carries book... i figured it would help me as an escape bride but maybe i should. Thanks mandy

Awe... I'm sorry you're feeling this way. :( With an Escape wedding, you won't get your wedding coordinator until you have signed a contract... then you get assigned a wedding coordinator at that time and they contact you approximately two weeks after the contract is signed. Since you can't even book/sign a contract until 8 months out, it will take some time.

They do have a lot of weddings and a lot of brides calling to ask questions. Most of which already are booked and trying to get their events together. I've had to wait longer than I like on some answers and I have a signed contract... but the fact of the matter is that they have brides getting married in the next few days or even today. Those brides get priority and I'm fine with this... because when it's close to my day, I'll be the one getting priority.

This doesn't mean you can't plan right now, but it does mean you can't plan with a DFTW coordinator. Just keep saving as much as you can and when the time comes to book, you can figure out where to go from there.

I also don't think they were misleading you about not knowing minimums. Your wedding is next year and they are just coming out with new pricing right now for next year. It all comes in waves, they don't have a set date where all the prices are released at the same time.

I just got told yesterday that they are changing the DPS DP option for next year. This year it's $350 and you get 40 4x6 loose prints... you're not allowed to choose the prints, but they basically only take 40 shots, so it should include all of them. Next year the DPS DP option is $300, but you get *no* loose images. Since my VR is so close to both years, they allowed me to choose which option I wanted and I went with the loose image ($350) option.

You've got a lot of time. Just keep figuring out what you like and how you'd like your day to look and when February rolls around you'll be totally organized and ready to get it all on paper. :)

I totally understand that brides who've signed contracts get priority and when i've asked who i thought was my WC questions i had no problem waiting for the response. I was just annoyed with alot of things this week and that email this morning didn't help was all. I just needed to vent. Thanks for the advice though :goodvibes

katie- i know exactly how you feel--have you seen my PJ lately? nope you havent because its somewhere on page 3 maybe? i havent touched it because im just not doing anything...our weddings are still 1 year+ away and its very hard for us to plan right now, things are constantly changing..things we think we want we really dont, things that may be in the budget arent, or we think cant be..actually can be....its a very difficult place...even though you are getting married down there and im getting married up here...we still end up in the same place...lost...DF is no help...i mention wedding and hes just like there is so much time so whatever ( which is everyones response to me...including my mothers...ugh) so i've just taken a back seat to it for a little bit...i wouldnt say february..although i know you cant book dftw until then...maybe just sit back for a few days and say okay where am i going with all of this....i know for me i looked at a wedding planning book last night and i still couldnt get into tonight im going to dinner with the girls to celebrate another friend getting engaged (shes getting married 10/10/10) and tomorrow going to a red sox bigger goals...i joined a setting intermittent(spelling?) weight loss goals towards the wedding..but thats the only wedding thing on my mind right maybe that will help you...just pick up on something else...something that may help you focus not on the wedding and not on work ( you also mentioned work wasnt great?) if you dont write on your PJ for a few days it wont dissapear and you can pick up whenever you feel like it...or if you still want to..sit down with the ideas you have picked for the weddign and say ok i definately want this or not and make piles or keepers and tosses and maybes ( like the bouquet if its questionable make it a maybe) if you have the shoes thats a keeper! maybe you will realize you have more done than you think and thats why you are in this rut.....maybe im just rambling to try to make you feel better .... everyone goes through ruts and its far as getting prices in such im useless there...sryyy:confused3 but huggs and huggs because you need to cheer up :hug:

Ok seriously you and I need to go out for drinks! :rotfl2: You're my boy blue!!!!! Sorry for the old school quote but you get me. Thanks hun!

Oh Katie, I've been MIA and missed so much, sorry! Keep your head up about all this girl, wedding planning is supposed to be an exciting time for both you and Adam! I totally understand what you're feeling as I have been there multiple times through this process but I just try and focus on the big picture! No matter what, at the end of the day, all that matters is what is going to make you and Adam happy! Can't wait to continue reading about your plans...

I was totally think about you the other day! I can't believe your wedding is getting so close! I'm trying to get past the whole craziness of it and move on with the knowledge that its about adam and I's marriage nothing else. I may be taking a little break from the whole PJ but once i am atleast a tiny bit relaxed i'll come back ;)

i am sorry to hear your having a bad day. you have been through so much and this is another thing added to the pile. but your great at keeping your head up and figuring things out. so my advice is to sit back for a few days and try not to think about wedding things. make a great dinner for you and Adam, snuggle on the sofa with a good movie and some popcorn. enjoy the moment. and once the fog clears then you will feel better and be able to think straight.

always keep in mind that we are all here for you whenever you need us!:grouphug:
Thanks hun! We totally are going to do that the next few days. It was nice to sit out on our porch and just talk tonight.

Honestly, I think your rut is because you are still a bit far away. I changed my mind sooooooooooooo many times over the last 6 months, but once I knew it was close to booking time, it became more easy to settle on one idea. You know what would be a great idea? I think you are like me, and just like planning a wedding, to have something to look forward to, etc, so why not make a bunch of plans? You can have a few different options, and work on them, and then when the day gets closer you will have a great list to pick from!

I understand your frustration with DFTW. I think that because we are Escape, we tend to get tossed aside a bit. I thought I had a planner for the longest time, than realized it was a sales consultant (which made it more clear why I was often not getting the correct information:rotfl:). Now that my LOA is signed, I currently have no consultant, and no it get's hard when you want to ask questions.

Just cheer up knowing that so many changes have been made to Escapes recently, that you will be able to plan such a fab wedding by the time yours gets closer!

Ya know thats not a bad idea. I think i might go get my bridal magazines and start cutting them apart and making little inspiration collages. Thanks for that advice hun! Some times i feel like Carrie and Big... (i know you're a SATC fan) i only want something small but then i get carried away and start getting crazy.

Thanks everyone.... :grouphug:
Hahah, I had a Carrie and Big moment too. When I bought my dress, I kept saying how beautiful it was/is, and how it makes me want to have an at home reception again. My MOH laughed and said "your dress up-ed the ante". :lmao:
Aww, I'm sorry that WC was so rude to you. Definitely buy Carrie's book, it has all the minimums and tons of info in it. There's a whole section for Escape brides!

I know, the Disney timeline thing is frustrating, but maybe focus on things you don't need Disney for, things will start to turn around, I think everyone gets into a planning rut now and then!
Hey ... firstly heres a hug. :hug:

Everyone goes through these feelings. I am having a very hard time at the moment because we have no money saved up and its like i know the wedding is a long time away yet but it will fly by and we havent got any money to pay for it yet. I feel like sometimes, i just wish i would just let someone deal with everything and i would just show up on the day but then its not really my wedding and i havent had any imput... i have some very off wedding days where i dont want to talk about it at all and its mainly because i dont want to get my hopes up wishing about things. Then other days i feel great about the wedding.

I would suggest getting Carries book too- she is great in knowing stuff. She is the Dis brides secret Disney agent who knows more than Disney knows! hehe
ah we keep talking about meeting up we definately just need to figure out a time we can do it!! it will be fun! (although i think ill feel bad for the poor waitress who gets stuck with us! :lmao:)

hope today is has to be..its 2 days closer to the weekend :woohoo:
Aww here's a hug Katie:hug:, things will get better, we all get the wedding blues now and then. Just think about all those girls that dont have the Dis to cheer them up though:goodvibes, we are lucky to have each other:goodvibes. I hope your feeling better, maybe just getting some details out of the way will make you feel better. Tear up all those issues of modern bride and start a wedding journal... that helped me:goodvibes
Aw Katie, I totally know how you feel. It's so far away but I love planning and it's so frustrating you can't really get much done. Can't really do bridesmaid dress, can't do tuxes then, can't figure out centerpieces or all those questions you want to the answers for but can't find out because we don't have planners. :( It's very frustrating. :hug:


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