Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

My grandmother would say "bless your heart" when I did something that was really dumb.She was from Burnside KY.I know it can mean other things but I still associate that phrase with I've done something dumb.It doesn't bother me if someone says it to me.I still do dumb things,usually on a daily basis.Plus it's a lot better than other things I've been called.:rolleyes1:duck:
"Bless your heart" has a whole lot of different meanings, and most women who use the phrase do so with a different meaning in mind every time they say it. But, to be clear, none of those is complimentary, and most are more insulting than "you just did something dumb" which would generally only apply when saying it to a small child. It is a phrase used for ugly purposes and viewed by most in the South to be the same as swearing.
Yep, I was rude about it and karma got me. We were staying at POR and had had a whole week of not getting seats on the bus, and admit it; when you are at WDW how many times do you see someone with an ECV or wheelchair and they are taking turns riding in it? I know there are impairments that are not visually obvious, but after a very long, hot day and never getting to sit down ever, you can have a very poor opinion of an ECV pulling up last minute with a very large entourage. We had already missed 2 buses because they were full up (leaving MK at closing) and I made a snarky comment about MAYBE we'd get on the next bus if a wheelchair with 10 people in tow doesn't show up in the next 5 minutes. Well, here comes 1, then 2, then 3!
This is the main reason that we stopped taking the busses. I remember a time when there were only a few guests with ECVs or wheelchairs. Now there are many, and it slows the loading process to a crawl while also reducing the number of available seats. Much faster to drive to any park other than MK - much faster.

I don't mind that more people are using these devices - we have needed a wheelchair on a few visits because of injuries. I have just learned to avoid the busses (even when we needed a wheelchair).
"Bless your heart" has a whole lot of different meanings, and most women who use the phrase do so with a different meaning in mind every time they say it. But, to be clear, none of those is complimentary, and most are more insulting than "you just did something dumb" which would generally only apply when saying it to a small child. It is a phrase used for ugly purposes and viewed by most in the South to be the same as swearing.

I don't know that I'd say it's a phrase used 'for ugly purposes', considering most people use it to put an end to a confrontation. They say it, smile sweetly, and walk away. No more conflict!

It can be a tad passive aggressive at times, but real ugliness would be cursing, refusing to quit an argument, fighting, etc... A proper Southern lady is never ugly. :)
"Bless your heart" has a whole lot of different meanings, and most women who use the phrase do so with a different meaning in mind every time they say it. But, to be clear, none of those is complimentary, and most are more insulting than "you just did something dumb" which would generally only apply when saying it to a small child. It is a phrase used for ugly purposes and viewed by most in the South to be the same as swearing.

Not true. Yes, it can be used in a passive aggressive way, but I'm in the South and I know MANY women who use it all the time and they are being genuine. For instance, when my daughter got stung by a wasp, she got a lot of "Bless her heart" comments. And that's just one example - we've heard it a lot over the years - most commonly from women who are just in the habit of saying it the same way people say, "I'm sorry."

It's an expression of empathy. Just because a few twist it every now and then, that doesn't mean that's the intent behind it all the time.

It's all in the intention, but after living here my entire life, I have never heard it used in a passive aggressive form (and my mother is the queen of passive aggressive comments - most commonly directed at me - so I consider myself an expert on differentiating the two now). In fact, the only times I ever hear of it used that way are on the internet.
I'm another that doesn't take any crap when I've staked out a spot for a parade or something. I have a 3 y/o now, but even before having a kid (actually, especially before having a kid), my husband and I would get a snack and stake out a parade spot on the curb way early. Like an hour and a half at least. We enjoyed people watching and having a perfect view. There is no way. NO WAY. No stinkin' way that I was going to let parents with their precious nuggets push through at the last minute. And they try. I'm of the camp that Disney is not just intended for kids, and we sit and block nobody's view. And judging by the way your overtired little sweetheart is whining and fussing, I'm clearly enjoying it more than they are so please don't try to argue that they are the only intended demographic. Ughhh this is such a peeve. I understand that getting a young kid to sit still for a long time to stake out a parade spot is hard. And I'm not opposed to having one member of your party stake out a spot while another takes the kids to do fun things (though many people are opposed to that...but as a mom I realize that it really is necessary sometimes). I don't think this is rudeness, though. I don't consider myself "that guest" in this scenario. I think those other buttheads are "that guest".

Also, once, someone was taking a bunch of flash photographs in haunted mansion and I kept saying "NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY" pretty loud...I was so annoyed but then got off the ride and realized I was being just as annoying a the guy with the camera.
It's all in the intention, but after living here my entire life, I have never heard it used in a passive aggressive form (and my mother is the queen of passive aggressive comments - most commonly directed at me - so I consider myself an expert on differentiating the two now). In fact, the only times I ever hear of it used that way are on the internet.
I'll accept that you haven't, but it really is hard to believe. I am from Alabama and this was very common in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Georgia as I grew up. I say "was" because I left the South 20 years ago and only return for visits, so things may have changed, but (generally) women in the South did not swear back then - this is what they said instead. Everyone knew what was meant, and no one was fooled, but a lady could do this and not face the same stigma as those who cursed.

My mother refused to play the game and cautioned my sisters that the use of "Bless your heart" in this way might sound cute but was still ugly. She taught my sisters that a lady smiled and walked away from these scenes without adding sarcastic provocations on the way out the door.
I will admit, I have recently been able to ignore comments, but the first few trips with a GAC ( now DAS), after hearing people's snarky comments about nobody in our group " looking disabled", and how we skip lines, I had it and let people have it. I will admit I found great joy in the one time - we were at TSMM and my DH Showed the CM at the split of the FP and regular lines our Gac card. She waved us through and the lady said to her DH, " they are about as disabled as we are". They were let go right behind us. At the loading platform my 14 yo autistic son had a meltdown realizing that he was in the wrong line and wanted a yellow shooter. As we calmed him down, saying we will switch when we got through the gate, I turned to the lady, who was now next to us, and said " gee I really hope you and your husband don't melt down over the color of your shooter on your car, since I did overhear you say you are just as disabled as my son." She looked mortified, and it made me feel much better. 99% of the time I can ignore comments, but that time was just too perfect to pass up.
I had a similar incident when my mentally challenged child sat in the middle of the row in American Adventure. Before we had a chance to get her up and make her walk to the end of the row, a woman practically ran over us complaining about "people who can't follow directions " When she saw my daughter she said 'So What? My husband has a broken arm!" So , of course I responded with" It's ok sweetie some people have no heart! " I derived a little satisfaction from the fact that her family seemed properly mortified at her behavior! By the way, we did make our daughter get up and walk all the way to the end of the row.
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Have yet to be unpleasant diva guest at Disney parks specifically, but I can and will let a hotel or housekeeping manager have it if my room is not cleaned properly or if I find other lack of cleanliness inside a hotel and/or park (Letting have it = showing up at front desk with photo evidence of dirty room or other, talking loudly and/or angrily). I fully admit acting in this way at hotels if I feel the need. Having worked in housekeeping and in public area cleaning at a resort, I can easily and quickly see when stuff wasn't changed/cleaned and I have no problem whatever letting management know. I will deal with just about anything traveling and am mostly live-and-let-live, but my room and food areas -- whether a Motel 6, a Four Seasons, a Disney Value, a Disney Deluxe, a McD's, or Victoria & Alberts -- the room better be turned over right and the food area better be clean or it starts me off in a very grouchy mood. So far Disney hasn't let me down in a way that sent me yelling. Hope I didn't just jinx my next trip saying this out loud! :scared:

Previous roaches in the food court?! I would so have done the same thing. Doesn't Florida have restaurant food safety inspections? That would be a big violation. I think they have a consumer complaint line. I would have been all over that one. UGH.:crazy2::crazy2::crazy2: Gross!

My mom is in housekeeping at our local hospital and when we go places, she will look the room OVA before we put our stuff down! LOL! I'm used to it now though.
This is the main reason that we stopped taking the busses. I remember a time when there were only a few guests with ECVs or wheelchairs. Now there are many, and it slows the loading process to a crawl while also reducing the number of available seats. Much faster to drive to any park other than MK - much faster.

I don't mind that more people are using these devices - we have needed a wheelchair on a few visits because of injuries. I have just learned to avoid the busses (even when we needed a wheelchair).

I could have sworn when I was there in January they were saying one or two could board with the wheelchair or scooter but the others needed to get in line. Did they stop that and again make it however many tag-alongs they have?
Waiting in line at Casey's Corner in June after MSEP. I was with DS while DH & DD stalked outside tables. We had been standing in line for a while, the lines were long and it was hot in there. I wasn't paying attention to who was in line in front of us. DS and I were at the counter, the guy was asking us what we wanted and I was beginning to order our food and out of nowhere a guy jumped in line in front of us. Saying I just need one drink, one drink. I huffed, loudly. Loudly enough that the people in line next to me were staring at me and my son. I just said whatever dude, order your drink and leave so I can feed my kids. He started getting all defensive, saying I was just in line in front of you, I forgot to order one drink for my kid. At this point, I said in a harsh tone and loud enough that a manager came out, "Dude, just order the drink and shut up." It was pin drop silent. I was even mortified that I had done such a thing, even my son was looking at me with a "where did that come from look" on his face. The guy just kept staring at me, ordered his drink and left. What really set me off, was that the guy behind the counter took the order of the person to the left of me next!! He didn't even take my order. I again in an agitated tone, said, hey it was my turn! Again a manager appears out of nowhere, and again people are staring. My son was beet red in the face at this point. Needless to say the manager took my food order, we paid, had the food in an instant and went outside to eat with DD and DH. DS told DH what happened inside and even DH was shocked at my behavior. We hadn't been eating long when Wishes started, and a healthier sized lady was trying to snag a table that had just come open closer to the fence (better viewing of Wishes). She was in such a hurry that she flipped our food tray over trying to catch herself as she was tripping over chairs in her mad-dash-path to the empty table. (the patio for Casey's is always packed for Wishes) DS & I were soaked in water and soggy fries. Karma kicked my butt that night.
I could have sworn when I was there in January they were saying one or two could board with the wheelchair or scooter but the others needed to get in line. Did they stop that and again make it however many tag-alongs they have?
We were told that the limit was 4 when we had to use a wheelchair the first time. I have seen more than that allowed, but that is infrequent. What takes so much time is the number of wheelchairs and ECVs in use now. Way more than there used to be, and more every year than the year before.
We always try to be as polite as possible but we are from NJ and sometimes we can't help it. The best example of getting rude with someone was the CM at Guest Relations in DTD in August. Ill give you the readers digest version.
1. it was arrival day
2. it was night time and we hadn't eaten dinner yet

So as we were passing GR i quickly popped in there was a minimal line and asked the CM if i was able to activate my DVC PAP here so i didn't lose time the next day at the Park Gate. I was told yes and asked what did i need to do this. I was told we all needed Photo ID for those over 18 and the voucher sent to us. I said OK i went to round up the group DD (8) DW DGD and DGM. upon our return again before we ate there magically appeared a 30 minute line. UGH FFWD 30 minutes we get to the desk and yes its a different CM and now she is asking for my DVC ID….My parents had theirs but my wife and i left ours home by accident and hadn't been there long enough to go get a new one it was arrival day. a long "discussion" ensued to the point i think the CM was starting to malfunction or short circuit because we kept telling her that our ID's were in NJ and she kept saying i can't do this with out the DVC ID to where DW said "are you telling me i have to go back to NJ?" CM response was No one has to go back to NJ….hi princess" to my daughter it was a 30 minute line a 20 minute ordeal at the counter we were finally taken care of after my Father who never says anything says "we are not leaving here until they are activated so call and wake up whoever you have to to make it happen. We know it was our fault for to having the DVC ID but there had to be an alternative and the CM just kept saying the same thing over and over again which was really annoying.
We always try to be as polite as possible but we are from NJ and sometimes we can't help it. The best example of getting rude with someone was the CM at Guest Relations in DTD in August. Ill give you the readers digest version.
1. it was arrival day
2. it was night time and we hadn't eaten dinner yet

So as we were passing GR i quickly popped in there was a minimal line and asked the CM if i was able to activate my DVC PAP here so i didn't lose time the next day at the Park Gate. I was told yes and asked what did i need to do this. I was told we all needed Photo ID for those over 18 and the voucher sent to us. I said OK i went to round up the group DD (8) DW DGD and DGM. upon our return again before we ate there magically appeared a 30 minute line. UGH FFWD 30 minutes we get to the desk and yes its a different CM and now she is asking for my DVC ID….My parents had theirs but my wife and i left ours home by accident and hadn't been there long enough to go get a new one it was arrival day. a long "discussion" ensued to the point i think the CM was starting to malfunction or short circuit because we kept telling her that our ID's were in NJ and she kept saying i can't do this with out the DVC ID to where DW said "are you telling me i have to go back to NJ?" CM response was No one has to go back to NJ….hi princess" to my daughter it was a 30 minute line a 20 minute ordeal at the counter we were finally taken care of after my Father who never says anything says "we are not leaving here until they are activated so call and wake up whoever you have to to make it happen. We know it was our fault for to having the DVC ID but there had to be an alternative and the CM just kept saying the same thing over and over again which was really annoying.

Many of us have been qualifying or explaining our bad behavior in this thread, but this one is a classic! Has to be one of the best explanations ever. "We are from NJ and sometimes we can't help it!" LOL
Many of us have been qualifying or explaining our bad behavior in this thread, but this one is a classic! Has to be one of the best explanations ever. "We are from NJ and sometimes we can't help it!" LOL
I'm from Virginia so I'm a little more genteel, but not quite bless your heart. That's further south.
There are things I'm guilty of doing:
I go around people when they stop to do the interactive stuff in the ride queues. I detest the interactive stuff because it slows down the entire line, and don't understand why, if I don't want to play the game, I have to wait while you do, so my party and I will go around your party as you wait for your kids to play.

I sort-of cut the buffet line at Boma. The food is arranged in pods, or at stations. I'll wait in line at each individual station, but if I want soup, I'm not getting in line at the beginning of the carving station. This only makes sense to me, and the cast members there have all said to get in line at each individual station. However, there's always someone who grumbles at us as we do this.

I probably annoy people because I let kids have my space at parades. Sure, maybe we've been waiting for an hour, but if there are small kids standing quietly behind me, whose parents aren't being obnoxious about it, I'll let the kids stand in front of me. They're little, and I can easily see over them. No biggie.
Many of us have been qualifying or explaining our bad behavior in this thread, but this one is a classic! Has to be one of the best explanations ever. "We are from NJ and sometimes we can't help it!" LOL

Being from Brooklyn,NY will be my go to excuse from now on. I'm really from here, not one of those riding the damn gentification wave.:crazy2:


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