Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

I have to thank people like you who help mothers with young children. I was with my mom, who doesn't walk well, and my three kids. It was pouring, and I was one of the last to get on the bus. People gave my mom a seat and me a seat. As I carried a sleeping child, another person made sure she held my stroller and diaper bag for me. It was so appreciated.

Post like this one make me shudder a little. What would you have done had you not run into people who didn't mind helping you out?

I know the bus service is included in your stay, but next time, for the sake of your family, think about renting a car. Or at least keep a little extra cash on hand of a taxi. When the buses are full even if someone would like to offer their seat it can be hard for them to maneuver around to do so. No way should anyone get on a standing room only bus if they can't stand.
Post like this one make me shudder a little. What would you have done had you not run into people who didn't mind helping you out?

I know the bus service is included in your stay, but next time, for the sake of your family, think about renting a car. Or at least keep a little extra cash on hand of a taxi. When the buses are full even if someone would like to offer their seat it can be hard for them to maneuver around to do so. No way should anyone get on a standing room only bus if they can't stand.

I have to agree. Waiting for the next bus would have been the best option. People could have decided to remain in their seats not because they are rude, but because they are exhausted. Or because they made the choice not to get on a packer bus so that they could sit down.

Personal responsibility
We arrived at Fantasmic! with our dinner passes and found seats on the aisle. It had rained, and those grooved benches were really wet. I had a paper towel in my purse, so I dried off the two spots on the aisle for us and dropped the towel by my feet. DH then appointed himself usher and was directing incoming people toward seats. He meant to help. He asked me to slide over twice to make room for another couple. Each time I said I'd rather not, it's all wet, but he walked away without listening to me. The third time, he ha asked loudly and frostily if I would please move over so this couple could sit here. Just as loudly, I answered No! Those seats are wet, and mine is dry. They can go around me. Yeah, no one sat by me. Oh, well.
Post like this one make me shudder a little. What would you have done had you not run into people who didn't mind helping you out?

I know the bus service is included in your stay, but next time, for the sake of your family, think about renting a car. Or at least keep a little extra cash on hand of a taxi. When the buses are full even if someone would like to offer their seat it can be hard for them to maneuver around to do so. No way should anyone get on a standing room only bus if they can't stand.

Geez - someone posts a compliment about how nice others were to her on the bus and people still find a way to turn it ugly.
Geez - someone posts a compliment about how nice others were to her on the bus and people still find a way to turn it ugly.

I wasn't trying to be ugly AT ALL. My own mom has trouble walking, and it scares me to think what could have happened to that poster and her mom if she hadn't run into such nice people on the bus. It is not something that any of us can depend on.

Not every post that offers a different way of handling this is meant to be mean.
not mean or ugly but maybe a bit rude...perfect for this thread

Not trying to be rude. More worried about what could have happened if she hadn't run into people who offered up their seats for her and her mom. It could have been a very scary ride back to their resort. As I said, my mom has balance issues and I can too easily picture her trying to stand on a moving bus. It wouldn't end well!
Not trying to be rude. More worried about what could have happened if she hadn't run into people who offered up their seats for her and her mom. It could have been a very scary ride back to their resort. As I said, my mom has balance issues and I can too easily picture her trying to stand on a moving bus. It wouldn't end well!

IMO it seemed off topic and implied she is not looking after her mom
On the bless your heart subject, I'm a midwest transplant to what was Charleston, SC and now the deep south of Georgia, and what I have picked up isn't quite "bless your heart" but "she's/he's a gem". It is in no way a compliment. But, it's better to say to DH than my real feelings about people in public. Also, everyone from SC I knew never used bless your heart in a nice way. Maybe that was a charleston thing. I still think it's a much nicer way of expressing yourself and your not so nice thoughts than some others that are used not in the South though!
Many of us have been qualifying or explaining our bad behavior in this thread, but this one is a classic! Has to be one of the best explanations ever. "We are from NJ and sometimes we can't help it!" LOL

I am glad you liked it. It is true though we are very nice people us New Jersians. I have seen a lot of bad behavior though in my 30 years o going to wdw.
On the bless your heart subject, I'm a midwest transplant to what was Charleston, SC and now the deep south of Georgia, and what I have picked up isn't quite "bless your heart" but "she's/he's a gem". It is in no way a compliment. But, it's better to say to DH than my real feelings about people in public. Also, everyone from SC I knew never used bless your heart in a nice way. Maybe that was a charleston thing. I still think it's a much nicer way of expressing yourself and your not so nice thoughts than some others that are used not in the South though!

I've heard both in TX and have used them, as well lol
Being from Brooklyn,NY will be my go to excuse from now on. I'm really from here, not one of those riding the damn gentification wave.:crazy2:

Ha, when I was on my college program I once had to repeatedly ask a mother and her kids to not sit down in the space taped off for disabled/stroller crossing on the sidewalk at Hollywood Studios (MGM at the time) while waiting for the parade. I explained to her that she was welcome to stand nearby and sit once the parade started but that the area had to remain clear so that wheelchairs, strollers and EVCs would have a place to cross before the parade started. I asked her once, walked away, turned around and she had sat back down. We repeated this process three times. During the 3rd exchange she told me that I could stand there and wait for her husband to come back and tell him they couldn't sit there and "Good luck, because he is from NY!"

So I guess that is a valid excuse! LOL
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Ha, when I was on my college program I once had to repeatedly ask a mother and her kids to not sit down in the space taped off for disabled/stroller crossing on the sidewalk at Hollywood Studios (MGM at the time) while waiting for the parade. I explained to her that she was welcome to stand nearby and sit once the parade started but that the area had to remain clear so that wheelchairs, strollers and EVCs would have a place to cross before the parade started. I asked her once, walked away, turned around and she had sat back down. We repeated this process three times. During the 3rd exchange she told me that I could stand there and wait for her husband to come back and tell him they couldn't sit there and "Good luck, because he is from NY!"

So I guess that is valid excuse! LOL
On the bless your heart subject, I'm a midwest transplant to what was Charleston, SC and now the deep south of Georgia, and what I have picked up isn't quite "bless your heart" but "she's/he's a gem". It is in no way a compliment. But, it's better to say to DH than my real feelings about people in public. Also, everyone from SC I knew never used bless your heart in a nice way. Maybe that was a charleston thing. I still think it's a much nicer way of expressing yourself and your not so nice thoughts than some others that are used not in the South though!

This reminds me of a woman I knew from work. When we encountered a challenging situation or person, she would always say "It's a wonderful and exciting opportunity!" I now use that phrase when I really want to throttle someone.
I was just quoting with correction from where someone had said "tiff raff". I'm generally partial to "commoners" - at least on the cruise forum when the discussions of Concierge and Cabanas on Castaway come up. :)

They're not commoners, they're "those poor folks in steerage." ;)
Yes, heaven forbid anyone should ever benefit from the kindness of strangers. How irresponsible of them. We should encourage them to feel properly ashamed of themselves!


How about trying to let people know how lucky they were, and that in the future they may want to have a back up plan, just in case? Good grief. It is great that strangers sometimes help each other out. But it doesn't always happen and shouldn't be depended on. Yes, heaven forbid we let people know that.:rolleyes: Heaven forbid we see how badly it could have turned out, be concerned. and offer suggestions on how to avoid the same stressful situation coming up in the future.
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This thread has kept me entertained for days, and I also learned that "bless your heart" can have more interesting undertones haha. I am from Pennsylvania, so maybe I am not south enough to have heard it. But then again, I kind of live in my own bubble and never heard the phrase "use some elbow grease" before what turned out to be an embarrassing auto garage visit about two years ago haha.

My rude behavior involved me basically laying horizontal so that an obese New Yorker in an EVC could not run over my daughter and I in an effort to claim our parade spots as her own. We had been there an hour and she just tried barreling through as the parade was coming up Main Street! I told her that she was not getting our spots and things got ugly. I can still hear that New York accent screaming "I DON'T CARE!!" It haunts my dreams to this day.
I assure you that just about everyone in the entire United States know exactly what you just said. You're not pulling abything over on anyone. We all get it.
And we're laughing right along with you.


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