Aidan Pierce... Update Post 252 5/30/07

That's wonderful news to hear he is doing better. He is quite the cutie and your daughter is absolutely beautiful. Continued prayers for you and your family.
I was so happy to come home to good news. Aiden and your family are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I hope he continues on his healing path.
Yay!!! I wasn't around last night, so this is terrific news to start my day with!

Prayers, thoughts, and pixiedust: are continuing!
Great news so far! I will keep the prayers coming!
Who said she let me or that she even knows...

That's EXACTLY what I thought when I saw that pic of her! You didn't even ask her!!! Bad bad bad.... I would KILL you!! K-I-L-L you!!

Aww Rome. Once again you've made me cry with your post. SOOO glad he is doing better, and yes, I will continue to keep Aidan in prayer. The pics are beautiful - thanks for posting! I love the one of Mya and her baby brother. :) So sweet.

Thank you so much for keeping us all updated here as well as on your Care page.

That's great news to hear! :goodvibes

Still sending prayers for you and your family.

And if your DW finds out about the pic, just let her know that she looks great in it! :)
I'm glad to hear that he's doing better. Will be continuing to send all my positive thoughts your way to you & your family. :hug:
So glad to hear the good news. The pictures are great! Keep your chin up and your faith strong. We are remembering Aiden and all of you in our -prayers. Many hugs to you and your dear wife.:grouphug: :grouphug:
Love all the pictures!
Yay for the good updates too. I hope things just continue to get better and better! He'll be coming home before you know it :)
Sending some of Ink's lucky pixie dust your way pixiedust:

Beautiful pictures and great updates! Our family is thinking about yours:)

Your family has been in my prayers and continues to be! Great to see the improvements, what a blessing! :goodvibes
Aidan Pierce McIntosh born 3/9/07

9 lbs 14 ozs at 35 weeks

20 inches

Mom is recovering fairly well and Aidan is in the NICU working on his breathing and blood sugars.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!

Critical Update post 38

Update Post 93

Update Post 115

Moving information to: PageName: AidanPierce07

Carepages down Update at Post 126
Congrats on your new baby!! I wish you wonderful days with the baby!:wizard: - VMKaddict
- VMKaddict
So great to hear the updates with good news!!! Much prayer, love and Pixie Dust to you and your very beautiful family! The photos are wonderful, I'll be watching here to hear when everybody is home together. :hug:
13 March 25, 2007 at 08:04 PM CDT

So it’s now two weeks after his surgery and to me it seems like forever. However I have to say that today was a very good day. We have learned that Mya, all though she loves her brother very much already, I don’t think she loves him as much as playing. It seems that the joys of the playground and playrooms at Cooks are taking her attention from being with her brother. Yesterday at our visit, after five to ten minutes, she was ready to move on. So today we let her spend time with her cousin so Naomi and I could hang out with Aidan for an extended visit.

When we got there we knew it was going to be a good day, because they had already told us that Naomi would have a chance to hold Aidan again, however upon arrival they thought they would share some other plans with us as well. It seems that our boy was ready to be removed from the ventilator, but once that occurred he would need to rest for about 24 hours without any extra stimulation. This meant that Naomi got to hold him for almost an hour before they prepared him for this next step. To watch him rest in his mother’s arms, see his heart rate drop and just sleep peacefully; makes me forget that I haven’t had the chance to hold him yet.

One surprise Naomi received though was leakage from his Ostomy, so we got to see them change this as well. This procedure is not for the weak at heart, especially his own parents. His wound is Fierce looking at almost four inches long, one inch wide at the center and about ¼ to a ½ inch deep. You can actually see his thin layer of skin and then what little fat cells he has before reaching the lower layer of skin. I felt sweat form on my brow and my head tingle while I watched them clean and care for it. It did however look like it was healing and that’s what the surgeon said again. So some of the new pictures have images of it covered partly by his ostomy bag; so look with caution. He is also back down to his fighting weight, weighing in at about 10lbs. even. They discussed with us the different means by which they have to consider feeding him in the future, but this is still a ways away.

Now the big news: “Extubation” At around 4:15pm they removed his breathing tube and with a light cry and lots of anxious individuals, he breathed on his own and maintained a very nice oxygen saturation level. He is assisted however with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). A nasal CPAP device consists of a large tube with tiny prongs that fit into the baby's nose, which is hooked to a machine that provides oxygenated air into the baby's air passages and lungs. He acclimated so well to this that they were able to turn down his pressure an hour later.

He was also visited by his grandparent’s today and showed off what a pretty boy he is with clothes on, another big change for us. It's amazing how good our little man looks all dressed up and ready for the ball, you almost forget what's hiding underneath that top.

Pictures have also been updated.



I like the top picture, kind of that "what is this doing in my mouth?" kind of face. So cute :) haha
Thanks for giving us updates. I know all this must be hard for you and your family. I will send more prayers your way that your sweet little boy feels better soon. He is such a cutie! :)
Thank you so much for the pictures and update. My prayers are with you and Aidan. My heart goes out to him. He is such a fighter. Looking forward to the next good news. Take care.:tinker: pixiedust:


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