Air travel policy updates

This is for Federal workers not regular people.

From your article... "Starting soon, all commercial air travellers and passengers on interprovincial trains and large marine vessels with overnight accommodations (such as cruise ships) will have to be vaccinated, Alghabra said. He said accommodations will be made for "those few who are unable to be vaccinated," such as testing and screening."
This is for Federal workers not regular people.
Thanks for thinking us public servants aren't regular people. This does apply to all federal workers but also everyone travelling or working in federally regulated modes of transportation such as airplane, plane and cruises.
I don't think we should get tested on the way to the US. On our way back is another story with what is going on right now...
I think those in the USA would like to see Canadians and any others tested. Just as Canadians would those entering.
I don't disagree with you from a health and safety standpoint, however, on a practical level, leisure travel is still shut down for as long as testing requirements stand.

Realistically, who can book travel knowing they may have to either cancel their trip or extend their trip by 14 days, with only 72 hrs notice? Cancellation policies are fairly flexible right now, but who knows how long that will last? The majority of travelers will not be able to afford to factor in these additional costs, and likely don't have the flexibility with their work/family lives to even consider this 🤷‍♀️

I'm not saying we should drop testing right now while Delta is raging, but in order for international leisure travel to become "a thing" again down the line, we'll have to eventually.
I don't disagree with you from a health and safety standpoint, however, on a practical level, leisure travel is still shut down for as long as testing requirements stand.

Realistically, who can book travel knowing they may have to either cancel their trip or extend their trip by 14 days, with only 72 hrs notice? Cancellation policies are fairly flexible right now, but who knows how long that will last? The majority of travelers will not be able to afford to factor in these additional costs, and likely don't have the flexibility with their work/family lives to even consider this 🤷‍♀️

I'm not saying we should drop testing right now while Delta is raging, but in order for international leisure travel to become "a thing" again down the line, we'll have to eventually.
No it isn't, lots of people are doing it, including those right here on these boards. Many were ready to go as quickly as the (dumb) hotel quarantine requirements were lifted and the airlines were permitted to fly again to sun destinations. It may not be realistic for you (or me; we're not going abroad in 2021) but lots of people are making it work.
No it isn't, lots of people are doing it, including those right here on these boards. Many were ready to go as quickly as the (dumb) hotel quarantine requirements were lifted and the airlines were permitted to fly again to sun destinations. It may not be realistic for you (or me; we're not going abroad in 2021) but lots of people are making it work.
They must have very, very deep pockets then.
They must have very, very deep pockets then.
I definitely don't have very deep pockets at all but I'm going in 11 days. I'm not worried about testing positive here. I work from home. On the way back I'm flying from Orlando to Buffalo and testing that day. If I don't have my results when I landI'll rent a cheap room until I do and then I'm taking a car service across the border home. The only extra I may have to pay is a couple nights in a room to wait for results.
Maybe I'm wrong,but,I think you're mixing up 2 different stories;1 if you work for the federal gov't and 1 if you're anyone travelling.This doesn't only apply to federal workers who are travelling.

Maybe. Thank you for correcting me. I didn’t mean to offend people with my statement.
Maybe. Thank you for correcting me. I didn’t mean to offend people with my statement.
I think it's easy to mix it up since there were two announcements - one about mandating vaccines for federal employees and the other about vaccines being required for passage on federally-regulated transport (planes, trains and sea vessels). :flower3:
I don't disagree with you from a health and safety standpoint, however, on a practical level, leisure travel is still shut down for as long as testing requirements stand.

Realistically, who can book travel knowing they may have to either cancel their trip or extend their trip by 14 days, with only 72 hrs notice? Cancellation policies are fairly flexible right now, but who knows how long that will last? The majority of travelers will not be able to afford to factor in these additional costs, and likely don't have the flexibility with their work/family lives to even consider this 🤷‍♀️

I'm not saying we should drop testing right now while Delta is raging, but in order for international leisure travel to become "a thing" again down the line, we'll have to eventually.
We have traveled back and forth from Ontario to Florida during this entire pandemic. It hasn’t been hard to do coming to the US. And going to Canada you just play the silly game.
Hey all, checking in from Punta Cana! Just to give you a brief update. Flight on Friday night from Vancouver to Toronto (red eye) was uneventful. Flying with Air Canada, NO temperature checks. Pearson was a disaster. Going from domestic to international we were stopped at one point for a Q14?? No we did not have this, staff would NOT tell us what this was, just directed us to a long line that never moved. It was 6:30am (3:30 our time) and we were tired and annoyed. Finally they told everyone in line just go to your gate, they will tell you what to do. No one at our gate. No food open but Starbucks so waited in another long line. When gate opened we got in line only to be told yeah, you're fine. Then told to line up AGAIN if you didn't have a Q14. What in the world? Turns out it was the QR code you need (health form) to enter the DR. We had it already but many did not so over 100 people had to download the app. Boarding the plane was chaos. I'm sorry but YVR is a well oiled machine compared to the cluster that was YYZ. Our flight took off two hours late. Customs in DR was over an hour, it was HOT and NO social distancing :( A lovely porter helped us with our luggage, got us through the airport and to our transfer. Sigh. Finally we arrived at the hotel about 3 hours later than we thought we would. Room was ready and we hit the pool!! Anyway, that's travel during a pandemic 😬. A doctor is coming to our room Thursday morning to administer our PCR tests. We have an all day beach excursion booked for Wednesday and a monkey habitat for Thursday afternoon.
Hey all, checking in from Punta Cana! Just to give you a brief update. Flight on Friday night from Vancouver to Toronto (red eye) was uneventful. Flying with Air Canada, NO temperature checks. Pearson was a disaster. Going from domestic to international we were stopped at one point for a Q14?? No we did not have this, staff would NOT tell us what this was, just directed us to a long line that never moved. It was 6:30am (3:30 our time) and we were tired and annoyed. Finally they told everyone in line just go to your gate, they will tell you what to do. No one at our gate. No food open but Starbucks so waited in another long line. When gate opened we got in line only to be told yeah, you're fine. Then told to line up AGAIN if you didn't have a Q14. What in the world? Turns out it was the QR code you need (health form) to enter the DR. We had it already but many did not so over 100 people had to download the app. Boarding the plane was chaos. I'm sorry but YVR is a well oiled machine compared to the cluster that was YYZ. Our flight took off two hours late. Customs in DR was over an hour, it was HOT and NO social distancing :( A lovely porter helped us with our luggage, got us through the airport and to our transfer. Sigh. Finally we arrived at the hotel about 3 hours later than we thought we would. Room was ready and we hit the pool!! Anyway, that's travel during a pandemic 😬. A doctor is coming to our room Thursday morning to administer our PCR tests. We have an all day beach excursion booked for Wednesday and a monkey habitat for Thursday afternoon.
Oh my goodness that sounds awful! I'm glad to hear you finally arrived safely. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Hey all, checking in from Punta Cana! Just to give you a brief update. Flight on Friday night from Vancouver to Toronto (red eye) was uneventful. Flying with Air Canada, NO temperature checks. Pearson was a disaster. Going from domestic to international we were stopped at one point for a Q14?? No we did not have this, staff would NOT tell us what this was, just directed us to a long line that never moved. It was 6:30am (3:30 our time) and we were tired and annoyed. Finally they told everyone in line just go to your gate, they will tell you what to do. No one at our gate. No food open but Starbucks so waited in another long line. When gate opened we got in line only to be told yeah, you're fine. Then told to line up AGAIN if you didn't have a Q14. What in the world? Turns out it was the QR code you need (health form) to enter the DR. We had it already but many did not so over 100 people had to download the app. Boarding the plane was chaos. I'm sorry but YVR is a well oiled machine compared to the cluster that was YYZ. Our flight took off two hours late. Customs in DR was over an hour, it was HOT and NO social distancing :( A lovely porter helped us with our luggage, got us through the airport and to our transfer. Sigh. Finally we arrived at the hotel about 3 hours later than we thought we would. Room was ready and we hit the pool!! Anyway, that's travel during a pandemic 😬. A doctor is coming to our room Thursday morning to administer our PCR tests. We have an all day beach excursion booked for Wednesday and a monkey habitat for Thursday afternoon.

Glad you made it! Sorry the travel day was so disorganized. Hopefully they get it together before you return. I have been looking at Punta Cana for winter so please let me know (or everyone, whatever works lol) how the excursions go. And if you enjoy the resort. I am looking at a few that my kiddo would like (waterslides... apparently not having those would be too boring! he's so silly) but always up to investigate other options. I am hoping when we are able to go that we'll be able to fly direct from Ottawa but who knows.
We't got friends who just brought Delta back from Florida. Their 72 hour test was negative but the wife's arrival test was positive. Husband's test was positive a couple of days later. Both were fully vaccinated.

They weren't vacationing at WDW but were at their vacation home and did lots of unmasked partying while they were there.


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