Amanda & Danny’s DFTW: 8/5/2010 - WP, Narcoosee's, SCP - It's official!!!


Oct 27, 2008
Hi everyone! So I know that I’m probably starting this WAY too prematurely, but I have so many ideas floating around in my head right now, and I think the only way to settle my poor tired brain is to start my own PJ. And since I’m not really doing much “work” at my job these days (which will change soon, I’m sure), I figured now would be a perfect time to start. ;)

However, before I start, I just have to say that the past few weeks that I’ve been “lurking” on the DISboards has been wonderful! :disrocks: Everyone on this site has such great advice for all my fellow Disney lovers! And what neither I nor my DF can believe is all the past Disney brides that continue to post and give such wonderful information (Lurkyloo you must spend A LOT of time on here!). I really feel like this little community is quite a special group of people (I can’t exactly say gals, because I’ve seen the guys on here too!) and I just want to thank everyone who has given me so many great ideas so far! :thanks: And now… on with the show!

First, a little background on the happy couple… The first thing people always ask me when I talk about Danny (DF) is where did we meet? And I always tell them all the same thing: “This one time at band camp…” Then they just laugh at me :laughing: , and I have to say “No, really.” Danny (then DB) and I met during high school band camp (I know, I was a TOTAL band geek!) during my junior year, his freshman year (I am a total cradle robber). He was sitting on the grass during one of our breaks wearing fake Oakley sunglass and a backwards baseball cap. :cool1: I saw him and turned to my best friend (Brooke, MOH) and said “Doesn’t he think he’s cool,” in a very snooty tone. :snooty: We laughed about it, but later that day I told her that I actually thought he was kinda cute. Well you know how high school girls can be… She and a few of my other friends ran over to him and his friends and told him (of course) and we started “talking.” Later that evening he called me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I figured, what the heck, and said yes. We dated all through the remainder of high school, only to break up shortly after I started college. The age difference (less than 2 years) was really a barrier which I hadn’t overcome, basically because of all the crap I heard from my college friends (“You’re still dating a high-schooler?”), so I broke up with him and started dating a “cool college guy” (or so I thought).

BTW, I’m seriously trying not to turn this into a novel…

So I remained with the “cool college guy” (who shall remain nameless) for over 4 years (we were engaged for over 2 of them), only to find out that he had been cheating on me for a long time. I was heartbroken. I felt so betrayed and the only thing I could think about was that this must be karma getting back at me, after what I had done to DB years before. My mother had always talked about him, saying “I miss Danny,” and me saying “Mo-om, don’t say that!” Through the years I had heard about how he was doing, and that after high school he had joined the Navy. I had also heard that he was currently deployed to Iraq, which made me think about him even more. So I decided to take a leap of faith and use his way, way old email address and send him a letter. It was very vague, basically apologizing for anything I ever did that could ever hurt him. I never expected to get a response, but the next day I received an email from him saying that he was glad everything happened the way it did, and there was no need for me to apologize for anything. He also told me he was coming home from his deployment in Iraq very soon, and would like to see me. When he returned we went on a “non-date” to a local park that held lots of memories for us. I remember how he unexpectedly took my hand and all the feelings I had for him before came back and hit me like a ton of bricks! We’ve been together for over 3 ½ years now, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it! :lovestruc

Wow, I’m really trying to keep this short, however I guess I’ve gotten carried away. More of the story to come…
Hi!! Welcome to the boards! What a lovely story! I'm looking forward to hearing more of your plans! :goodvibes
Congrats and welcome! Looking forward to hearing more of your plans. We are planning for a VR for our 20th anniversary in July 2010! Good luck with all your plans.:goodvibes
Oh my gosh, that is so romantic...nearly had me in tears!:sad1:

Welcome from another 2010 bride.

That is such an cool story. I am a fellow band geek!!! Well, I was in color guard. Close enough...:rotfl: I did play clarinet though!

Can't wait to hear about your plans. It is never too early to start a PJ. You need somewhere to keep all your thoughts together.
Welcome to the pj section! :rotfl: I don't think its too early to start it definitely makes you keep everything all in one place so its a great place to start keeping up with everything!!!
While DB was in Iraq he had planned and booked a WDW vacation for himself and a guest (former fiancé of his :rolleyes2). After we started “talking” again, he told me that he felt uncomfortable taking her to WDW, as he was thinking of me when he booked the trip. He then decided (with absolutely no opinion from me) that he wasn’t going to take his original guest, but take me instead (yippee!!!:woohoo:). This was my first WDW vacation without any family and I hadn’t been there in a few years. We had an amazing vacation together (although I did run him ragged through the parks!) and I totally fell in love with him all over again.

We continued to date, long-distance I might add (but not too far, only about 250 miles from each other). DB would come up to see me (his parents live in the area) on weekends, however I worked retail and NEVER had a weekend off. We would talk for hours on the phone about everything. He asked me if I was happy working retail and living at home still with my mom, sister, and nephew (who is the second love of my life, but more on him later). I wasn’t happy working retail. I have a bachelor’s degree in accounting, but with no experience it was hard to find a job in that field (especially in such a small area). DB recommended that I put in for some government jobs in his area, and told me I could move in with him (Mom was NOT fond of this idea at all! :scared1:), but I went for it anyways. I got a 9-5 job at an army base close to where he lives and moved in with him a little over 2 years ago. That was the best decision of my life.

So, anyways, on to the good stuff… DB finished his 4-years of fun (not really) with the Navy and is now a full-time student at a local university in our area. We’ve talked about marriage ever since I moved in, but he didn’t want to get married while he is in school (with no job, living off his G.I. Bill) and he didn’t want a long engagement. I recently switched jobs and got a 2+ year internship as an accountant (yea! I’m actually using my degree!), but before I started in June, I decided to take a week off. I wasn’t planning on doing anything special with my week, as DB hadn’t started summer school yet and we had already took an amazing Mediterranean cruise in the spring with DB’s family. DB knew I wanted to get engaged at WDW, and I told him that the next time we were going back I wanted a proposal (which I wasn’t expecting for another year or so). Out of the blue DB just decides he wants to go to WDW during my week off (so you know what that means!!!:yay:). I asked him if he was sure, since we’d have a long engagement, and he said absolutely, that the timing just felt right.

We went to Orlando and stayed at the Best Western Lake Buena Vista by Downtown Disney. The first day we were there we spent at AK. We left halfway through the day because DB had made dinner reservations that evening, but he wouldn’t tell me where. So we went back to the hotel and got ready to go out (all he told me was to wear a specific dress that he is fond of). We took the bus to the TTC and I asked him where we were going. He told me we were going to a restaurant at the GF (he had tried to get Cinderella’s Royal Table, but it was booked on such short notice). He had made reservations at Narcoosee’s, which was so nice because I got to walk through the GF to get there (the closest I ever came before was starting at it longingly from the monorail). Halfway through our dinner the Wishes fireworks show began (my ABSOLUTE favorite thing at WDW), so we went outside on the deck to watch. After the show was over, everyone was walking back inside the restaurant. DB told me to stay outside for a minute, and just enjoy the view (Ok, so that this point, I totally knew what was coming :goodvibes). He waited until everyone went back inside, and got down on one knee, pulled out the ring (that I had already picked out) and said “Will you make all my wishes come true?” I smiled and said “Absolutely!” After he put the ring on my finger and we were hugging and kissing (just a little mushy), we heard this tap tap tap on the window. We turned and everyone in the restaurant was smiling and waving madly at us! :wave2: We both just giggled, as (now)DF is a very private person, but he knew I wanted a totally public engagement. When we went back into the restaurant, a waiter pulled the door open for us and the ENTIRE restaurant started cheering and clapping! :cheer2: They all shouted congratulations to us as we walked back to our seats. Our waiter even brought us a complimentary dessert (which was to DIE for!) that was a vanilla bean cheesecake, with “Congratulations” spelled out on the plate in chocolate. Although all our food there was amazing, I have to admit that DF and I were so worked up that we could hardly eat another bite! As everyone was leaving the restaurant they all stopped and said their congratulations and wanted to see the ring. One girl even offered to take our picture outside where he proposed. In my head I had always pictured this huge, over-the-top public engagement, but now that it’s over, I wouldn’t change a thing about how he did proposed!

Ok, so here's a pic of the two of us at the lobby of the GF (before he proposed)


And here's one after!

Oh my gosh, that is so romantic...nearly had me in tears!:sad1:

Welcome from another 2010 bride.

Yay! It's so nice to see other 2010 brides! It makes me feel like I'm not starting to plan too early!


That is such an cool story. I am a fellow band geek!!! Well, I was in color guard. Close enough...:rotfl: I did play clarinet though!

Can't wait to hear about your plans. It is never too early to start a PJ. You need somewhere to keep all your thoughts together.

I played clarinet too! And being in color guard so counts as being a band geek! :laughing:

Welcome to the pj section! :rotfl: I don't think its too early to start it definitely makes you keep everything all in one place so its a great place to start keeping up with everything!!!

That's totally how I feel. Also it helps get my ideas out there (and DF doesn't have to hear me talk about it every minute of every day!) :thumbsup2
Ya'll look very happy.
And I agree, this is a wonderful community of folks.
trudy <><
I wish I could say that choosing a DFTW had been an easy thing for me. I had always dreamed of getting married at Disney, but I just couldn’t see being able to afford one (with my mom being a single mom who raised 3 daughters, I thought she’d pass out at the idea of paying for it!). Before we got engaged, DF and I had thought about a couple local places in Norfolk to get married. (We especially liked the Botanical Gardens, but they were just as expensive as the rental fee at the WP!:scared1: ) DF doesn’t want a religious ceremony, so getting married back home in my family church was out of the question. Finally we sat down and considered some things: 1)No one in either of our families lives anywhere near us, so even if we have the wedding in Norfolk, EVERYONE in our families would have to travel anyways and stay in hotels; 2)My whole family loves WDW (they’ve all been so jealous of all my past vacations without them!); and 3)THIS IS OUR WEDDING (and not anyone else’s), so why not do what WE want to do (sorry, don’t mean to sound all Bridezilla:lmao: ). My mom was actually considering taking my sister, her husband, and their 2 little boys to WDW next year using her timeshare. So DF and I pitched the idea to my mom. I told her that with my new job I would be traveling a lot (and banking some major $ while doing so) and I think I can afford to pay for a good portion (if not all) of the wedding. Surprisingly, my mom was very receptive to the idea, and my sisters and best friend LOVED the idea.

So now I am planning my DFTW to the man I love more than anything in this world…:cloud9:
So because I just started this 2+ year internship this past summer, and DF is still in college, we’ve decided on an August 2010 wedding. Honestly August would have been my LAST choice for a wedding at WDW, just because of the heat factor, but August was the only month that really worked out. My internship requires a lot of travel (for 3 month periods at a time), and I will be finished all my traveling in June 2010. DF was not going to graduate college until spring 2010, but now it looks like he may be done in December 2009. If I could have gone with later in the year I would have, but my mom is a teacher and starts school mid – end of August (plus my nephew will be starting school around that time), so anything after that period is o-u-t.

I hadn’t really started to seriously look at anything until I stumbled upon the DISboards about a month ago. Reading about all the other brides planning on here has totally put me in wedding mode! :cool1: All I’m really trying to do now is just get ideas of what I want for the wedding.

I know I can’t contact DFTW until about 18 months out, but that doesn’t mean I can’t plan other things, does it? ;)

My biggest fear is that we won’t be able to afford everything we want. DF has set a strict budget of $20,000 – for the wedding and honeymoon. I’m trying my hardest to keep it under that, but without contacting DFTW and getting realistic prices, I haven’t accomplished much.

So here’s the planning I do have so far:
Date: August 5, 2010 (hopefully)

Wedding Party:
Bride: me - Amanda (obviously) :bride:

Groom: Danny (I still refuse to call him Dan) :groom:
MOH: Brooke (my BF since high school) :tink:

Best Man: Teddy (DF’s BF since high school) :smooth:
Bridesmaids: Liz (my oldest sister) :eeyore:
Christine (my older sister) :earsgirl:
Jodi (my cousin, whom I’m very close to) pooh:
Groomsmen: Dave (DF’s buddy from the Navy) :sail:
Ron (oldest sister’s Fiance) :darth:
Phil (older sister’s husband) :earsboy:
Ring Bearers: Patrick (my almost-4-year-old ADORABLE nephew):mickeyjum
Kyle (my other nephew):tigger:

Here’s a pic of my nephew, Patrick, a year ago at my sister’s wedding (Such a cutie!)

I honestly couldn’t choose between my two nephews for the ring bearer. I won’t be having a flower girl, unless my sister decides to pop out another kid before the wedding! :rotfl:

My younger nephew, Kyle, who just turned 1, but will be 3 by the time of the wedding:

Hopefully he won’t do that to the wedding cake!

We’ve decided to keep our guest list at 40 or under, so we don’t have to meet the room minimum of 50 nights if we go over 40 people. I figured the only way to be fair was to invite 20 from my side of the family and let DF invite 20 from his side. Honestly it was WAY harder to keep my side to 20 people (just my immediate family is 9 in itself!). But DF and I are going to remain tight on the guest list.

I’ve also begin the booking/contracting phase with Randy Chapman for the photographer. DF was a little reluctant at first, since he’s not included in our DFTW minimum, but the more I showed him the pictures and showed him the prices, the more willing he was to cave and say yes! :thumbsup2:

I am dead set on having the WP. Yeah, it stinks that the price went up for 2010 brides, but this is my dream. I also love the GF, so I am thinking of having the reception in the Whitehall, with possibly a Wishes DP at Sago Cay Pointe (thanks for idea Carly!). Since the wedding will be in August and it’s going to be H-O-T, I’m thinking of an evening wedding, possibly 5:00, with the reception ending around 10:00ish (or whenever Wishes will end that day). And if I end up doing the Wishes DP, I’d like to try to keep it a secret from my guests and have it be a nice surprise for them after the reception.:ssst:
Amanda ~ I don't think you are planning too early at all! DF and I will be engaged almost 2 years to the day when we get married in April 2010. I already have my dress and a bunch of other stuff as well! Can't wait to read more of your plans!:thumbsup2

ps ~ your ring bearers are adorable! :goodvibes
First, a little background on the happy couple… The first thing people always ask me when I talk about Danny (DF) is where did we meet? And I always tell them all the same thing: “This one time at band camp…” Then they just laugh at me :laughing: , and I have to say “No, really.” Danny (then DB) and I met during high school band camp (I know, I was a TOTAL band geek!)

I don't know how I missed this! That is how DF and I met too!!!! I played trumpet and he was a drummer!
Amanda I totally understand you with the whole heat factor! We are doing the beginning of July and know it will be crazy hot but in the end it will all work out!! If you are worried about budget at all maybe you can look into a 10 am wedding slot for the fact it won't be as hot and it is cheaper if the reception is before 2 and then everyone can have a bit of a break and then meet up for the dp later on!! Just a thought! Can't wait to read more.. oh and btw your ringbearers are SO cute!
Congratulations! Another August 2010 Bride here!

We are also thinking of doing WP (well, this is a must!) - Whitehall Room - Sago Cay Pointe (or Grand 1 if we are under 18 people)

I'm hoping for August 12th, 2010 but not completely sure yet, it might be later :)
What great ideas you've already got!!! Congratulations and I can't wait to hear about the colors. Probably one of the more difficult things to decide on. Or it feels that way at the time!
Congratulations! Another August 2010 Bride here!

We are also thinking of doing WP (well, this is a must!) - Whitehall Room - Sago Cay Pointe (or Grand 1 if we are under 18 people)

I'm hoping for August 12th, 2010 but not completely sure yet, it might be later :)

That's funny... August 12th is my DF's and my original anniversary date. I wanted to get married on that date, but my mom said no (it was also her wedding date and my cousin's wedding date... neither of their marriages lasted!)

I hope you do end up using that Aug. 12th. I'd love to prove my mom wrong about that date! :lmao:


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