An Invasion of a "STRANGER" Kind.... NEW THREAD IS UP!! Go Thee NOW!

Hey Ladies- tattooed, pierced, or otherwise. :lmao:

Love it too that there are a variety of time zones, so basically anytime you want to find fun, there's someone up somewhere. :thumbsup2 I tend to get most of my conversation type activity with the West Coast, but only becuase that tends to fall into the time of day I can be on. Come Thursday, when DH gets home, that time will cut WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back to only my time mornings, and once in a while in the evenings.

That'll be fun with Magdalena here (did I spell that right??); I'll bet we connect more than others here- except you, Camille!! But hey, I always have the phone to pick up when I get lonely for chatter :)
Hey Ladies- tattooed, pierced, or otherwise. :lmao:

Love it too that there are a variety of time zones, so basically anytime you want to find fun, there's someone up somewhere. :thumbsup2 I tend to get most of my conversation type activity with the West Coast, but only becuase that tends to fall into the time of day I can be on. Come Thursday, when DH gets home, that time will cut WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back to only my time mornings, and once in a while in the evenings.

That'll be fun with Magdalena here (did I spell that right??); I'll bet we connect more than others here- except you, Camille!! But hey, I always have the phone to pick up when I get lonely for chatter :)

I am happy to provide some morning chatter!! And you got my name nearly right, it ends with an E instead of an A. :goodvibes It's the German version of it (we have lots of female names ending on E like Marie, Anne, Sophie which also have a version with an A at the end). But even most Germans don't get it right, because it is not a very common name and the version with the E is pretty old fashioned as well. I only ever met one other person called Magdalene, but several Magdalenas. :goodvibes

I am all caught up on this second part now and first of all I wanted to say how sorry I am about your DMIL. I read your post on your blog and she sounds like a wonderful person. How sad that she won't be around to greet you when you arrive back home! :hug:

But on a lighter note: Congratulations to your son! I googled ROTC and it appears that in order to get this wonderful scholarship he had to enter quite a commitment besides qualifying for it!

I love your yard picture from Oregon! I have been to California and to British Columbia and the part of the Western US in between is pretty high on my list of places to visit. I love the idea of lush green wilderness... :goodvibes

Since it appears that you still haven't made a decision about when to go, I will chime in with my ideas about it. I am all for going later!

I think you are right about the jet lag. If you are going from -stan to Oregon and then back to Florida you are mixing up the time zones quite a lot. That can't be good in a short time span.

But more important: I think going to WDW so soon after you returned home could set you up for a severe case of culture shock. If I understand everything correctly, you are really experienced in living abroad and you have been back for visits in the US. But this time you are returning for good? As appealing as getting away from -stan sounds right now, my guess is that adjusting to life back in the US will be difficult nevertheless. My experience is much smaller than yours, but both times I went to live abroad for a year (which was only to Denmark and the UK), coming back was strange. Even the things I missed so much while away weren't as great as I thought they were when I got them again. I guess this is all nothing new for you, I think it might be what you mean about wanting to settle in with the family a bit more before taking off again. And I just wanted to say that I all for settling in a bit more!!

And then I think F&W would be a lot of fun!! :goodvibes
I am happy to provide some morning chatter!! And you got my name nearly right, it ends with an E instead of an A. :goodvibes It's the German version of it (we have lots of female names ending on E like Marie, Anne, Sophie which also have a version with an A at the end). But even most Germans don't get it right, because it is not a very common name and the version with the E is pretty old fashioned as well. I only ever met one other person called Magdalene, but several Magdalenas. :goodvibes

OK, that's great to know!! With an e! I asked Glenn once about one n or 2, and now I can't even remember which it is. :rolleyes1 I'm so lame. So, if it's with an e, is it pronounced differently? :confused3 Do you go by a shortened nickname? I know in the US, especially among the Hispanic/Latinos, is can be shorted to Maggie.

I am all caught up on this second part now and first of all I wanted to say how sorry I am about your DMIL. I read your post on your blog and she sounds like a wonderful person. How sad that she won't be around to greet you when you arrive back home! :hug:

Thanks so much. I hadn't thought about here enthusiastic face not being at the airport! That will definitely be weird! I was just saying to my son about an hour ago (obviously we are still thinking about her a lot) that it will be strange to not see gifts under the tree at Christmas from her. She always made homemade sewn things for us, and they were such special gifts.

But on a lighter note: Congratulations to your son! I googled ROTC and it appears that in order to get this wonderful scholarship he had to enter quite a commitment besides qualifying for it!

It is quite a commitment. 8 years of service, wherever they send him. But it's a financial benefit worth about $100,000 if you add up all the expenses of tuition, room, board, fees, and the stipend. And for HIM it's a perfect situation. He is the kind of guy who loves routine and order. It certainly isn't for everyone, but for his personality, it's just right.

I love your yard picture from Oregon! I have been to California and to British Columbia and the part of the Western US in between is pretty high on my list of places to visit. I love the idea of lush green wilderness... :goodvibes

Isn't a pretty place?? I wish I had pictures from summer so you could see it all blooming with flowers. It's green year round there, and we only have to water the lawns for about a month out of the year. Nice for the water bill. :thumbsup2

I think you are right about the jet lag. If you are going from -stan to Oregon and then back to Florida you are mixing up the time zones quite a lot. That can't be good in a short time span.

But more important: I think going to WDW so soon after you returned home could set you up for a severe case of culture shock. If I understand everything correctly, you are really experienced in living abroad and you have been back for visits in the US. But this time you are returning for good? As appealing as getting away from -stan sounds right now, my guess is that adjusting to life back in the US will be difficult nevertheless. My experience is much smaller than yours, but both times I went to live abroad for a year (which was only to Denmark and the UK), coming back was strange. Even the things I missed so much while away weren't as great as I thought they were when I got them again. I guess this is all nothing new for you, I think it might be what you mean about wanting to settle in with the family a bit more before taking off again. And I just wanted to say that I all for settling in a bit more!!

And then I think F&W would be a lot of fun!! :goodvibes

You are very right. Even the places we looked forward to going back to and eating at, just weren't the same anymore. It will take a whole new getting used to. All over again. They call it reverse culture shock, and I'm sure we'll be hit hard with it. I know a lot of Americans come back from developing countries (I can't speak for other countries like yours) and are very cynical about the amount of greed, materialism, lack of neighborliness, etc..... We will really have to guard our hearts and mouths from saying things out of spite.

Definitely F&W is sounding very fun! But I know next to nothing about it. I need to find a few good threads and info places to do some more research about what is offered. I don't think I'd pay more for any seminars, but do want to hit the best of the best as far as little tasties go.

Also, there is one more reason we are leaning toward going in Oct., but we are not ready to reveal that yet. I think we need to first firm up the dates and then let you know. :rolleyes1
Mr. Potato Heads are so much fun! And I think it's even more fun picking out accessories for him at WDW! :cool1:
Mr. Potato Heads are so much fun! And I think it's even more fun picking out accessories for him at WDW! :cool1:

It definitely will be! I got some really cool Tink and Pirate stuff last time.

You got it right -- it's 2. Think of 'em like sugar cubes, more are better!

Super, duper! I was hoping that it was right for about 2 months, but was too embarrassed to ask again- I know I'd look like a dolt if I did. :sad2:
Yeah, that's a bad combo when someone has scissors poised over one's ear, or throat. I have horrible visions of Sweeney Todd! :lmao: You wouldn't EAT your brother would you??

nah, he'd be too stringy! Bleh.

I nicked it. I didn't cut it OFF!

And the best part was that I no longer had to cut all my siblings hair after that.


How about s/he for PH?

Congrats on the promotion and loved the colonel info!

BTW - my DH hates bananas! You are not alone. :banana::banana:

:welcome: to the newcomers!

So my dreams of lots of DIS time while snowbound were squashed - I haven't been on all weekend! We got a little less than 2 feet of snow. I have never been so thankful to be married in my life - DH was a trooper with snow removal! We ended up having a quesadilla/margarita/superbowl party so the non-snow part of my weekend was involved in party prep.

But I'm back and ready to roll!
nah, he'd be too stringy! Bleh.

I nicked it. I didn't cut it OFF!

And the best part was that I no longer had to cut all my siblings hair after that.


They wigged over a little nick?? That's funny. :rotfl2: Worked out great for you though; I hate cutting hair. I did DHs for years before we moved. Then we found out, that a haircut (a pretty good one mind you) only costs about $3! Works for me.


How about s/he for PH?

Congrats on the promotion and loved the colonel info!

BTW - my DH hates bananas! You are not alone. :banana::banana:

:welcome: to the newcomers!

So my dreams of lots of DIS time while snowbound were squashed - I haven't been on all weekend! We got a little less than 2 feet of snow. I have never been so thankful to be married in my life - DH was a trooper with snow removal! We ended up having a quesadilla/margarita/superbowl party so the non-snow part of my weekend was involved in party prep.

But I'm back and ready to roll!

s/he works. I need to come up with a name for him/her, but I'm sure I'd offend someone if I tried. So him/her PH it will be.

Wasn't that interesting about why we spell colonel the way we do. I figured it had to be Latin somehow. :confused3

Yay!! Another banana hater. We should form an anti-sweet slime club.

Ah nuts! That stinks you were aced out of your DISing time. Although Super Bowl parties can be pretty fun- especially when margharitas are involved. :lmao: I'm so glad that my DH is very willing (well, sometimes) do ALL of the fix it stuff around here. He is very handy, and can fix almost anything. I don't think we've EVER paid a repairman for anything, except the car ONE time. Saves us a ton of cashola! Ka-ching!! :thumbsup2
They wigged over a little nick?? That's funny. :rotfl2: Worked out great for you though; I hate cutting hair. I did DHs for years before we moved. Then we found out, that a haircut (a pretty good one mind you) only costs about $3! Works for me.

Yes, I had to cut everyone's hair for years, plus do my little sisters hair every day. I despised it. Three bucks?

UGH. I could cut the E's but won't. I'll trim when I have to but Eric's hair is such a nightmare that I do spring for the better cut. I think the poor kid has had 2 decent haircuts in his whole life, especially as he's gotten older and one was at MSB!

I think I found someone that we can stick with for a long time now but it's not cheap. Every time I've gone cheap....Eric looks SO bad it's not even funny.
I was so depressed when I just checked my weather forecast for the week. Blah!! Double Blah! This is what it said. Sorry the format stinks, but I think you get the idea.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

-13° C | -21° C
-10° C | -23° C
-10° C | -20° C
-11° C | -24° C
-13° C | -22° C
Clear Clear Scattered Clouds Clear Clear
Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly

I am SO done with winter!!! I am so, so glad this is the last winter I have to put up with this really crappy weather! I have heard so many of my DISFriends say they are starting to feel the winter blues, and I am definintely one who is more than ready to see warmer spring days come!!

Think spring Everyone!!! :goodvibes
OK, that's great to know!! With an e! I asked Glenn once about one n or 2, and now I can't even remember which it is. :rolleyes1 I'm so lame. So, if it's with an e, is it pronounced differently? :confused3 Do you go by a shortened nickname? I know in the US, especially among the Hispanic/Latinos, is can be shorted to Maggie.

I was briefly called Maggi in 7th grade or so, but since a very common sauce has the same name here in Germany, I did not like that and got rid of the nick name (by not responding to it) in 11th grade... Did not really want to use the English version of Maggie since I was not a great fan of Margaret Thatcher who was the only Maggie I ever knew in the 80s... People somehow got used to using my full name and I kind of make a point on not abbreviating other peoples names either! :goodvibes I think the long version is often much more beautiful... Only in Denmark did I prefer a nick name. The Danes pronounce the "AG" combination as the "OU" in "loud"... Not very nice, so I became Lene, a very common Danish name... :thumbsup2

It is quite a commitment. 8 years of service, wherever they send him. But it's a financial benefit worth about $100,000 if you add up all the expenses of tuition, room, board, fees, and the stipend. And for HIM it's a perfect situation. He is the kind of guy who loves routine and order. It certainly isn't for everyone, but for his personality, it's just right.

If it suits him, it sounds like a great opportunity! :thumbsup2

You are very right. Even the places we looked forward to going back to and eating at, just weren't the same anymore. It will take a whole new getting used to. All over again. They call it reverse culture shock, and I'm sure we'll be hit hard with it. I know a lot of Americans come back from developing countries (I can't speak for other countries like yours) and are very cynical about the amount of greed, materialism, lack of neighborliness, etc..... We will really have to guard our hearts and mouths from saying things out of spite.

That's exactly what I was thinking of. I sometimes find WDW a bit difficult myself. While there are things which I love about the US, there are other things which I find difficult to understand. For example as much as I enjoy WDW, I always find it very wasteful. Even though Disney makes some effort to be "green" the way resources - be it energy, water or food - are used there does not appear very economically. While this can be seen as luxurious pampering, I could imagine it being a difficult experience if you are used too much less. We once had an exchange student from Poland in 1990/91 and when we took her to a clothes store to get her a new outfit for school, she was so overwhelmed by the store in our small town as she never had seen such a huge variety of jeans! :scared1:

Definitely F&W is sounding very fun! But I know next to nothing about it. I need to find a few good threads and info places to do some more research about what is offered. I don't think I'd pay more for any seminars, but do want to hit the best of the best as far as little tasties go.

Snacking around the world would be my priority as well. :thumbsup2

Also, there is one more reason we are leaning toward going in Oct., but we are not ready to reveal that yet. I think we need to first firm up the dates and then let you know. :rolleyes1

Now I am curious.... popcorn::

s/he works. I need to come up with a name for him/her, but I'm sure I'd offend someone if I tried. So him/her PH it will be.

I think that the English language offers some good names for PH. People here are always amazed when they find out that there are a number of names which can be female as well as male. We don't have so many of that in German as there appear to be in English. Of course the only one I can come up with now is Sandy... :confused: And of course the Italian Andrea... Which isn't English... :rolleyes1 But perhaps not chosing a name is really safer...
Replies in red...

I was briefly called Maggi in 7th grade or so, but since a very common sauce has the same name here in Germany, I did not like that and got rid of the nick name (by not responding to it) in 11th grade... Did not really want to use the English version of Maggie since I was not a great fan of Margaret Thatcher who was the only Maggie I ever knew in the 80s... People somehow got used to using my full name and I kind of make a point on not abbreviating other peoples names either! :goodvibes I think the long version is often much more beautiful... Only in Denmark did I prefer a nick name. The Danes pronounce the "AG" combination as the "OU" in "loud"... Not very nice, so I became Lene, a very common Danish name... :thumbsup2

Super! Magdalene it is- with an e. ;) Do you have a brand of boullion that's called Maggi as well?? That's the dry, cubed kind we can get here, and I suspect it is made in Europe somewhere. :confused3

That's exactly what I was thinking of. I sometimes find WDW a bit difficult myself. While there are things which I love about the US, there are other things which I find difficult to understand. For example as much as I enjoy WDW, I always find it very wasteful. Even though Disney makes some effort to be "green" the way resources - be it energy, water or food - are used there does not appear very economically. While this can be seen as luxurious pampering, I could imagine it being a difficult experience if you are used too much less. We once had an exchange student from Poland in 1990/91 and when we took her to a clothes store to get her a new outfit for school, she was so overwhelmed by the store in our small town as she never had seen such a huge variety of jeans! :scared1:

There is definitely a fair amount of waste going on. I imagine LeeAnn and maroo and I will do a bunch of sharing of meals. THere's nothing that I cringe at more than to see whole platefuls of food going down the trashcans. More than 50% of our friends here eat bread and tea 2 meals a day because they CANNOT afford more. I'd love to see more moderation for sure. Really, it will take time to get used to the variety and plenty we have in the States again. The first time I went home after being gone 3 years, I went to the grocery store, and it took me 4 hours to shop. I was so completely overwhelmed with the choices; I remember standing there in the pickle aisle taking like 1/2 hour to choose. It was that bad. Here it's, "do you want THIS pickle, or not?"

Snacking around the world would be my priority as well. :thumbsup2

But choosing wisely. I've heard those little snacks are NOT cheap, and only a few bites. Anyone know where to find info. on what is offered and how big portions really are??

Now I am curious.... popcorn::

Patience, my friend..... :laughing:

I think that the English language offers some good names for PH. People here are always amazed when they find out that there are a number of names which can be female as well as male. We don't have so many of that in German as there appear to be in English. Of course the only one I can come up with now is Sandy... :confused: And of course the Italian Andrea... Which isn't English... :rolleyes1 But perhaps not chosing a name is really safer...

Let's see: Chris; Sandy; Adrian; Avery; Morgan; Hunter etc.... Suffice it to say, we have lots... But none really suit PH.
Taylor and Kendall are unisex...but I'm thinking PH is more of an Avery....

That would be TOO, TOO weird to name a cross dressing PH after one of your kids; it just wouldn't do at all!!! :scared1:

Hmmm... Avery... :confused3 We could vote on this. A special edition name the CDPH contest. What do you think?? Then I might certainly HAVE To take him to the parks with me. ;):confused3
Saturday Night Live used to have a "Pat" skit, where they would try to figure out, but never could, what he/she was.
I say we should just call PH "Tater". I'm not sure it's ever been a real name for anyone, but maybe a nickname for boys and girls alike. (Around here, anyway.) :laughing:
Ugh, I'm so done with winter too! :headache:

It's so cold here, we now have ice on the INSIDE of my windows!!!! THE INSIDE!!! I wore long underwear under my pants today, and never go out of my fleece. We even have to run our electric space heater in one room to have a refuge. I fear Nauruz (the holiday where they celebrate the spring equinox) will be a cold one this year. :guilty:

Saturday Night Live used to have a "Pat" skit, where they would try to figure out, but never could, what he/she was.

HOLY COW, I remember that now!! :lmao::lmao::lmao: That was so funny, but I still like the Coneheads better. Funny stuff!
I say we should just call PH "Tater". I'm not sure it's ever been a real name for anyone, but maybe a nickname for boys and girls alike. (Around here, anyway.) :laughing:

Hmmm... Tater is certainly neutral enough. We might even go with Tatum.

We love to say "Later, Tater!" :rotfl2:


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