And I think to myself: "It's a wonderful World!" UPDATED: (post 238 & 239)

Great start Lee !!

How did you find out dd had outgrown her gluten intolerance ??
My dd has to avoid gluten and we have always been lead to believe that she wont outgrow it so your post made me wonder !! As yes it would it be so much easier if she could have the same as the rest of us !!

She had severe infant colic which continued well into her first year. Eventually it was diagnosed as gluten intolerance that was an 'extension of infant colic'. I kept her on a strict diet for her first 6 years until we tried a new method of introducing tiny amounts of gluten into her diet very slowly. It was touch and go at first and she had some bad reactions but the theory behind it was to build up her immunity to the offending ingredients. I must point out that she is not celiac which would have been a very different story and tests had confirmed this. By last Christmas she was having a slice of toast or half a sandwich every three or four days. There was the occasional reaction but I still kept her on a GF diet. I have not abandoned it entirely and won't do so for some time to come. She loved the freedom of ordering what she wanted but I did notice that she ordered pizza a lot and picked the cheese off, ate my sides or had a side of fries with it so it seems she is naturally careful.

I gave up with the NHS on this one though but I have the advantage of my sister having a degree in nutrition and dietary issues, with particular interest in allergies and assessing whether the body is able to build immunity to it. A blood test showed no sign of an allergy before we went and DD has suffered no ill effects of the cookies she ate while we were away.

There is always hope. Childhood allergies are the ones that can present a chance of overcoming. It is the ones that creep up later in life that seem to be around to stay. I have no medical training so please don't take my methods as advice though as I was following advice myself.
In spite of our late night even by EST standards, we were up and ready to leave our room just after 7 am. It was our first full day and it had finally sunk in that we were actually there. We took a stroll around the grounds and pool area to get a good look at it in the daylight. It was dark when we arrived the night before so things looked quite different – beautiful! I was happy. The world could do no wrong by me!


We collected our mugs from our room and made our way to the foodcourt. We got a cinnamon roll and 2 juices and I took a fruit bowl as a snack.


It was our Epcot day. We love Epcot and it usually works out to be the best park on our first full day so we went to wait for the bus which arrived a couple of minutes after we did, getting us to the park in time for park opening.

We made our way straight to Soarin and grabbed a FP. The standby line was only 15 minutes but we wanted to get to Test Track before it got busy and from my experience, you usually have about an hour to work with if you want to avoid lines once the park has opened before having to make choices and wait lengthy periods between obtaining FPs so off to TT we went. We stopped for some photos on the way but it was walk on. We toyed with the idea of riding again but since we wanted to do the Character Spot I thought it best to head over there straight away. It was a good move as the line was already building. We only waited about 15 minutes but when we went through the place was packed in the queuing area behind us. We met Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto and Donald - they are the static characters at this meet n greet so you do know who you are going to get, but it is nice to be able to queue once for all 5 so it is one line where a slightly longer wait is justified IMO.

We were now ready to go and use our FP to ride Soarin. We made a quick stop at Club Cool for our soda samples. I wanted to get DD one of those Build & Fill mugs, but they have temporarily stopped doing them and are waiting for a new range to be introduced. We headed back to The Land, rode Soarin’ and went to do Living with the Land while we were there. DD was trying to decide if we should do Circle of Life but there was still a fair wait until the next show and Finding Nemo was on the cards so we headed in that direction and rode good old Nemo. We stopped at Mousegear for about half an hour to have a browse and DD wanted to try on some of the character hats (she loves trying on hats).


The plan was to leave Epcot by 3 pm as we wanted to have a quick swim in the pool and had intended to go to DHS for Fantasmic that night, although as it was an EMH night with 2 shows of F! we had DTD as a more likely backup. It also felt a bit strange that we hadn’t had our arrival night dinner and stroll around there this time. I didn’t want to rush but wanted to make the most of our time that morning. We were making our way to Morocco to eat lunch at Tangierine Cafe so we stopped to get DD a frozen strawberry bar and then headed to TT to grab a FP for on our way out the park. It was perfectly timed and gave us just over 2 hours to eat on the other side of the world and get back to ride it, meaning we would leave the park as scheduled, before 3 pm.

We walked around WS anti-clockwise. It made little difference which way we went but I wanted to go against the flow a bit because crowds in WS were really starting to build with the F&W and all the booths and little tables take up that much more space in the walkways, making it feel busier than it actually is. We saw Marie in France so DD stopped for an autograph and a photo. I was thoroughly enjoying seeing evidence that the sky still is blue beneath all the constant cloud cover we seem to live under. Blue is a great colour!


Edging our way toward the Morocco Pavillion it started to feel very crowded. Again, I think part of it has to do with all the extra stands and things out, but once we got into Tangierine Cafe it was actually very quiet. We decided to share a chicken & lamb platter. I don’t eat red meat but DD loves lamb and no matter what you order there, the portions are huge so this gave some variety and kept us both happy.


We couldn’t finish it between us. I ate most of the sides and DD had the meat but we were thirsty and gulping down the large soda between us and still left quite a bit of food on the plate. We also couldn’t eat the baklava which we should have picked on with the meal instead of saving it until we were so full. It was getting hot out in the sun and I wasn’t going to carry leftovers around with me. You learn with the QSDP not to try and save anything up – there is plenty food!

We continued in our anti-clockwise direction through the WS and rode TT again using our FPs before exiting the park and heading back to the resort. This is what DD was waiting for: time on the waterslide. She LOVED it and I must admit I had a few goes on it as well. There had been mixed reports as to whether there was an age limit for this slide but adults and kids alike were having the time of their lives. We had now decided to skip Fantasmic and go to DTD for dinner. On arriving back at our room from our swim we noticed our two angel towel animals, one above each bed. We hadn't noticed them in our quick dash in to get changed earlier.


We showered, changed and took the boat across at about 6 pm. It is a beautiful ride and I think quicker than the bus. The journey takes about 15 minutes and the boats are very regular and they also eliminate the extra time spent on the bus going through all the Riverside stops.

We walked around the shops at the Marketplace for a couple of hours. WPE was very busy so we headed over to where they were doing a dance party for the kids and DD spent a good hour or so having fun over there before we headed back to WPE around 9 pm, which was now empty. I ordered the salmon and a fruit bowl. DD had a kids pizza and we each had a fruit bowl. We were really hungry by now so the fruit was demolished before the food came. As usual we couldn’t finish our food, but it was a great meal. WPE never fails to disappoint when they serve up the grub. They get 10/10 for service, atmosphere, presentation and taste. They have just the right amount of fennel to compliment the other flavours without overpowering them.


For some reason I always have to take a photo of the giant Tinkertoy. I remember spending hours on end playing with it as a child.


We made our way back to the boat dock at about 10.15 pm to avoid the scramble for the last boat back at 11. We timed it perfectly again and walked straight onto the boat and set off down the Sassagoula, this time in the dark, to POFQ. It was so pretty looking back at DTD from the river at night with all the lights on. If I had a decent camera/lens for my good camera it would have made a beautiful picture. The water was like glass. There was not a breath of wind that night. This was heaven on earth! We went to fill up our mugs at the foodcourt and went and sat at the pool for an hour or so just enjoying being there. There were still moments when I found it hard to digest that we were really there again. We went back to our room to open up our bags from DTD and sit and inspect and admire our purchases before a quick shower and into bed at midnight. That concluded the first wonderful day of our 2010 trip.

Day 1 rating:

Got it right: :thumbsup2
We stuck to our plan and achieved all we wanted to for today.
Good steady pace
Break at the pool was good for us

Could have done differently: :guilty:
With a chance for a re-do, I wouldn’t have changed anything about today except perhaps we could have gone to eat dinner 30 minutes earlier. We were ravenous by 9 pm, 8 hours after our last meal and had a sudden short-lived spell of crankiness while waiting for our food at WPE.

Next up: Day 2 – Magic Kingdom
Loving your report. I am so pleased to read you loved POFQ (and the photos are great!) - we stay there for 5 nights in December.

Looking forward to the next installment.
Loving your trip report - so glad you both loved POFQ :goodvibes Your photos of the grounds make me feel even more impatient for our trip next Sept/Oct!

We're heading to WPE for the first time next trip as I keep hearing rave reviews about it for a counter service.

I sorta understand about your daughter's intolerance too, as I have a similar issue - I've got IBS (which, apparantly, is linked to my neuropathic pain disorder :confused: )and my trigger is wheat, rice and anything with those products in. Can make eating out especially difficult but I struggle following a diet eliminating those. Also, my grandma is coeliac and the substitutes aren't exactly the best quality unfortunately :-( Glad to hear that she seems to be growing out of it *fingers crossed*
Fantastic! You have me hooked, looking forward to more :goodvibes
Loving your report. I am so pleased to read you loved POFQ (and the photos are great!) - we stay there for 5 nights in December.

Looking forward to the next installment.

Oh POFQ just took my breath away. I knew we would like it, but it really exceeded my expectations on all counts. So much so that it blew my plans for our next trip out of the water as we will be going back there, no question about it.

It has a small, personal feel to it without compromising on the theming in any way.

Buses were great - we NEVER waited more than 10 minutes and most times a bus arrived in 5. The boat to DTD is a lovely way to travel, the staff were great, Mousekeeping was brilliant and there is plenty to keep the kids amused, not least of which, the pool - a big hit with everyone. I desperately want to stay at the Poly next time and to squeeze it into budget I thought I would do 10 days at POP while DD is still 'kiddie' enough and 5 days at the Poly. Now I have to re-look at it because it will be POFQ for our main stay, which will cost more than POP. I am willing to wait a few months extra if need be though, but my mind is made up. You will love it.

Funny, I often looked around the ornate reception area and wondered how it would look all decked out for Christmas. Please take some photos. I have plenty more of POFQ but I think they should go on the resort picture thread. We took 2000 photos plus 400 on our Photopass so there are plenty pictures. Some need to be deleted though - I haven't had time to sort through them yet.
Can make eating out especially difficult but I struggle following a diet eliminating those. Also, my grandma is coeliac and the substitutes aren't exactly the best quality unfortunately :-( Glad to hear that she seems to be growing out of it *fingers crossed*

You will have no problem at Disney though. Even the CS places will accommodate you and they have those yummy GF brownies at all the resorts. They also keep a stash of GF bread and also GF pasta and they happily whipped some up for DD a few times. It took about 10 minutes and they gave us a pager to come and pick it up. We have done this previously too with no problems. I don't know about WPE though. It is not a Disney owned restaurant so you may be safer ordering something not starch based. I ordered the salmon (had it 3 times this trip) which comes with greens and baby potatoes. If you ask them to hold the dressing if that concerns you they will be happy to do so.

Fantastic! You have me hooked, looking forward to more :goodvibes

Thank you. Still another 13 days to report. You guys can't question the fact that I love ya .... my house is like a tip and I have spent the entire evening doing my TR :lmao:
Wonderful read and love the piccies! Keep 'em coming, loving it all so far :)

Oh good - you're here! :) Can you post a link to your live Trippie for me? I was looking for it yesterday and couldn't find it.

I kept thinking of you when I had frustrating moments with my new camera. I got to MCO when we left, tried to take a picture of DD on the monorail and the shutter button didn't respond. Guess what? Lens has packed in. :sad2: It just grinds and screeches but won't focus or allow a pic to be taken. :mad:
Oh good - you're here! :) Can you post a link to your live Trippie for me? I was looking for it yesterday and couldn't find it.

I kept thinking of you when I had frustrating moments with my new camera. I got to MCO when we left, tried to take a picture of DD on the monorail and the shutter button didn't respond. Guess what? Lens has packed in. :sad2: It just grinds and screeches but won't focus or allow a pic to be taken. :mad:

You've probably found it already as it got bumped earlier when I responded to Nemmie but just in case Live Trippie is here

Sorry to hear about the lens though :( Might be worth checking it now you're home again? I had problems intermittently with my lens while I was out there too, refusing to autofocus occasionally though switching camera off and on usually took care of it. I think perhaps they struggle sometimes in the heat/humidity, and I'm sure constantly switching from aircon to hot to aircon to hot all the time doesn't help though the grinding and screeching doesn't sound good!
She had severe infant colic which continued well into her first year. Eventually it was diagnosed as gluten intolerance that was an 'extension of infant colic'. I kept her on a strict diet for her first 6 years until we tried a new method of introducing tiny amounts of gluten into her diet very slowly. It was touch and go at first and she had some bad reactions but the theory behind it was to build up her immunity to the offending ingredients. I must point out that she is not celiac which would have been a very different story and tests had confirmed this.

There is always hope. Childhood allergies are the ones that can present a chance of overcoming. It is the ones that creep up later in life that seem to be around to stay. I have no medical training so please don't take my methods as advice though as I was following advice myself.

Thanks :thumbsup2

Dd is a coeliac so i guess ill just go back to the idea that she wont ever grow out of it !!
Thank you for taking the time to explain your situation!!!
I often wonder what dd would do if we suddenly said she could have gluten as from 9 months old we have trained her to avoid it - i think she too like Tove would struggle to reverse the avoidance.
Thansk for the heads up on airline food ill be sure to amke sure we get something for her to take on board !! Kast year her meal was far superior to ours and Im shocked that it has gone so far downhill in just 18 months !
Thanks again x x
Sorry to hear about the lens though :( Might be worth checking it now you're home again? I had problems intermittently with my lens while I was out there too, refusing to autofocus occasionally though switching camera off and on usually took care of it. I think perhaps they struggle sometimes in the heat/humidity, and I'm sure constantly switching from aircon to hot to aircon to hot all the time doesn't help though the grinding and screeching doesn't sound good!

Sadly at home is where I realised there was a problem. It was so noisy at the airport I didnt notice it and put it down to poor lighting as set on P is sometimes wouldn't take a shot if I didn't adjust the camera settings to the lighting.

TBH I am not suprised. The camera arrived wrapped beautifully in bubble wrap ..... with the lens rolling around loose in the box :scared1: I googled it and it seems that the motor on auto focus setting is not working. I set it to M and it does take pics but won't let me manaully focus so the shots are awful. I really need a VR lens though anyway and having had a superzoom I did miss the telephoto range on this one so I always had another camera with me. I had problems with blur occasionally as well. This camera made me very aware of the people who walk around the parks, whip out their compact camera and snap a shot while on the move without even looking at it :confused3 I found it quite incredible! So new lens was on the cards anyway but I didn't want a situation to dictate when I had to fork out the cash for it. Watching eBay ....

Thanks :thumbsup2

Dd is a coeliac so i guess ill just go back to the idea that she wont ever grow out of it !!
Thank you for taking the time to explain your situation!!!
I often wonder what dd would do if we suddenly said she could have gluten as from 9 months old we have trained her to avoid it - i think she too like Tove would struggle to reverse the avoidance.
Thansk for the heads up on airline food ill be sure to amke sure we get something for her to take on board !! Kast year her meal was far superior to ours and Im shocked that it has gone so far downhill in just 18 months !
Thanks again x x

Yes, the meals have changed. Two years ago the GF meal was a full, substantial meal. I would never have thought to take my own food this time except that last year VA forgot her meal - on BOTH flights even though i contacted them to confirm before each one.

It is funny to see how Tove so desperately wanted the 'normal' food but sort of skirted around the starchy bits. I was pleased we had free dining because I would never have been able to let her have the freedom to taste and waste as she did had I paid for all our meals OOP like 2 years ago. What I do acknowledge is that children who are diagnosed very early in life grow up being used to what they can and cannot eat and at a relatively early age they learn to manage their own diets when you aren't around. I have become so used to grabbing something off the shelf at the shops and immediately turning it over for the list of ingredients. Once they can read well enough the children start doing the same as they learn what to look for. :hug:
We strolled along to the foodcourt to acquaint ourselves with our new surroundings and collect our refillable mugs. I needed my rootbeer!!! I then went to see where the nearest DSA was and found two, right outside the main building. While there I chatted to a lovely lady about WDW in general and she mentioned that she is a DISer – just out of the blue. My face lit up and I told her I am on the DIS too. Before I could ask her what her screen name is she asked me “Are you 2Tiggies?” I was stunned. Was I wearing a badge or something? Lol, she knew from the POFQ thread that I was arriving that day so she took a flying guess. For some reason that just made my day! :goodvibes
:wave2: That would be me!
I was so excited to meet my first DISer there! Even my fiance was shocked I actually ran into someone from here.
I was hoping you would have a trip report going somewhere so I could see if you loved POFQ as much as I did! I even broke my rule and booked it again for next September! :rolleyes1
Great start to your pretrippie love the photo's it looks so lovely and warm I can't wait to get back. 5 weeks today and ill be at Manchester Airport yay.
Great first day. Can't wait to read more :goodvibes

Love the photo of your daughter zonked out on the bed.... think we've all been there :laughing:
Great report! The pictures are beautiful. Can't believe I'll be there in 6 days...
Funny, I often looked around the ornate reception area and wondered how it would look all decked out for Christmas. Please take some photos. I have plenty more of POFQ but I think they should go on the resort picture thread. We took 2000 photos plus 400 on our Photopass so there are plenty pictures. Some need to be deleted though - I haven't had time to sort through them yet.

I'm no David Bailey - but will ask DH to take some. I've never posted a picture so I may need instructions when we get back!! Your enthusiasm is infectious:goodvibes
:wave2: That would be me!
I was so excited to meet my first DISer there! Even my fiance was shocked I actually ran into someone from here.
I was hoping you would have a trip report going somewhere so I could see if you loved POFQ as much as I did! I even broke my rule and booked it again for next September! :rolleyes1

I did remember your screen name, just didn't post it. I was so pleased too. I proudly wore my 2Tiggies LGMH for the rest of our trip and only saw one other DISer. :sad1: I kept looking out for you the next few days. I couldn't remember when you said you were leaving. Oh and congratulations again on your engagement. :goodvibes

I'm no David Bailey - but will ask DH to take some. I've never posted a picture so I may need instructions when we get back!! Your enthusiasm is infectious:goodvibes

Honestly, it is so pretty you will get into it if you have your camera with you. Even my 8 year old DD was snapping away pics of the resort, food, signs, etc by the second day. I must say, she got some really nice shots too. Sorting photos is going to be a task all on its own though. I did set up folders for each day of our trip before we left and every night I just put the pics from the memory cards onto the laptop so that has made life a whole lot easier. If you take a netbook or laptop I recommend this as I have had a real challenge sorting them in the past.
Great report! The pictures are beautiful. Can't believe I'll be there in 6 days...

Oh dont rub it in - I just want to go back :rotfl:

Love the photo of your daughter zonked out on the bed.... think we've all been there :laughing:

I was actually expecting this. I remembered to take a pic of it this time because in past years I have been describing the scene to family members and wished I had taken a pic. Last year our flight from Manchester to Edinburgh was delayed. That would have made an awesome pic. She was standing in the waiting area at the boarding gate with her minnie ears on and I watched her eyes roll back as she just fell backwards onto the couch with this funny exhausted look on her face. I had to get two fellow passengers to help me carry her through onto the plane. We couldn't get her to stir.
I did remember your screen name, just didn't post it. I was so pleased too. I proudly wore my 2Tiggies LGMH for the rest of our trip and only saw one other DISer. :sad1: I kept looking out for you the next few days. I couldn't remember when you said you were leaving. Oh and congratulations again on your engagement. :goodvibes

We were leaving that next day. That's actually how I had remembered you were arriving on the 25th. I knew someone was arriving the day before we left. :sad1: So sad. I really do miss POFQ! Did September spoil you?

Thank you! As you can tell by my ticker, a little girls trip has been planned for my mother, my Matron of Honor and myself to WDW to check out some of the wedding sites. So exciting! Hopefully the price tag won't kill me! :headache:


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