Angela's Journey to the Life She Deserves (Posts Welcome!)

WAY TO GO ANGELA!:jumping1: You are awesome girl! I am so proud of you and that new clippie that you are sportin' in your sig.:cool1: Woohoo!:Pinkbounc :tongue:

Congratulations on your DD being student of the month!:Pinkbounc That is quite an accomplishment! I know that you must be one proud momma.::yes::

Sending lots of :wizard: to your DS today. I hope he feels better and that the infection in his ears is completely gone.

What a wonderful start to the week for you, Angela! Keep up the good work and you will be one fine lookin' WISHer at WDW in October and December.:cool1: princess:

Take care,
WTG Angela!!!!!!:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:
I am SOOOO happy for you!20 lbs gone is awesome! And a big congratulations to your DD as well. That is wonderful news for her as well! :teeth:
The exercise is oblivously paying off for you. I hope it starts to kick in for me too! I did 20 min on my stepper last night again! :Pinkbounc I am going to try to get it in again tonight too. How bou t you?
Hope you have a great day today Angela! :sunny:
Good morning everyone! :wave:

Thank you all for joining in with the celebration of my new clippie and DD's recognition at school. :cool1: :jumping1: It's so much fun to share these things with friends. ::yes::

Yesterday was a great day. DS's doctor's appointment showed no signs of the ear infection that's bugged him for over a month. No more antibiotics or Dimetapp every 4 hours. :cool1: Thank you all so much for the continued well wishes for him. It's much appreciated. ::yes::

I've made a commitment to myself to exercise 6 days a week, and I took yesterday off. That means I'll be exercising for the rest of the week. Wish me luck! I intended to do the Pilates video last night, but the evening got away from me. Oh well...

I hope you all have a great day! Thanks again for your continued support of me. You all are the best! ::yes::

B--NutriGrain strawberryt minis--3 points
L--Red Lobster leftovers--10.5
S--WW fudge bar--1
D--Domino's Pizza--12 (see, I can control myself if I try :teeth: )

Points used: 26.5
:wave2: Hi Angela,
Sorry I'm late to the clippie party :teeth: ... :jumping1: ! Congrats on 20 pounds. That is just too awesome!

How are you liking the Pilates video? I'm doing much better than when I first started, but some of those exercises are killers ::yes:: ! I'm still enjoying it though.

So glad to hear that ds's ears have finally cleared up. What great news for him and mommy :D .

Hope you have a great day, Angela :sunny: ! And don't forget to exercise today ;) .
hey angela, i'm so happy to hear that ds is all better, adn taht you don't have to medicate him anymore! what a relief! :hyper:

i think a goal of exercise 6 times a week is much better than 7 days a've gotta take a break sometimes! and even an extra day of rest thrown in there every once in a while could be a good thing, so dont' be so hard on yourself! :)

you did such a great job with your food choices yesterday! limiting yourself on the dominos, my goodness. what self control you have! i'm impressed :smooth:

hope you have a great day today :sunny:
Yeah Angela!
I am so happy to hear that your DS is feeling better and that his ear infections are all cleared up. I'm celebrating with you!:bounce: Woohoo! That is such good news!

Have a wonderful day today!

:wave2: Hi Angela,
Hope you are having a great OP day today :sunny: !
:jumping3: :cool1: :jumping3: A BEAUTIFUL 20 POUND CLIPPIE!!!! :jumping3: :cool1: :jumping3:

Way to go, Angela!! You are doing so great! So many blessings for you to count this week! Congratulations on your new clippie, on DD's Student of the Month honors and on DS' clear ears!!

Keep it going!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Hi Val, Marcia, Tracy and Doe! :wave: Thanks so much for stopping by and sending the :sunny: my way!

Monday was a great day, but it's been downhill ever since for me. I haven't counted points since Monday, but I know I was at the high end on Tuesday, and I'm not even going to go there regarding today. :earseek: I also haven't exercised yet this week, even though I made a committment to do so 6 days a week. I'm just really frustrated and disappointed with myself right now. Not only did I fall off the wagon, but I let it run over me a few times as well. :mad:

Tomorrow's a new day, and I WILL GET BACK OP! I'm off to catch up on some journals so I can soak up some inspiration from you guys.

Have a good night!

~Angela :wave2:
Okay Angela, its time to get back OP!!!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
You had your little "vacation" from plan, now its back to business. You've got that beautiful 20 lb clippee - you don't want to lose that, except to move up to the 25 lb clippee!
Alright, we are going to exercise today. I am on schedule for tonight with my stepper! You hit that treadmill okay girlfriend?!:smooth:
I know you can do this! Remember that picture your gonna take at WDW? You gonna look great!!
:hug: and :goodvibes are going out to you today! I hope its a good one for you!
Sharon :sunny:
Angela, I'm sending a :hug: and a helping hand to pull you back up on the wagon. I've just gotten back up myself and I NEED you! ::yes::

Look at the pics of your adorable kids in your siggie - you've got to feed your body healthy food and give it some exercise if you're gonna be the best Mom you can be for those kids! They NEED you even more than I do!

You'll be back on the wagon in no time, girlfriend!! :happy1:
Angela, I hope everything goes better for you. Remember just start over tommorrow and take it one day at a time! We have all gone through this and we feel your pain! We are all behind you!


First, :hug: :hug: and more :hug: for you today. Honey, we all fall off the wagon from time to time. That is what is so great about these journals! Our friends are here to pull us back up and help us get back OP. You can do this Angela and we are all right here behind you!:grouphug: You already have claimed a 20 lb. clippie and the 25 lb. clippie is not far behind. You can do this Angela! Today is a new day! :sunny: :Pinkbounc

Take good care of you Angela! I'll check back tomorrow!

Hi Sharon, Doe, Dax, and Tracy! :wave: Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement in helping me recover from my "vacation." I appreciate each and every one of you so much! ::yes::

Yesterday I was back OP 100%. My point were on the high end of the scale (do they still have a points range in the new WW system?), but I stayed within the limits. Not the best food choices, but still much better than what I've done up to this point this week. I'll do better tomorrow. ::yes:: I did 30 minutes of Pilates to start the day off with a bang, so even though I didn't get any time on the treadmill in, I'm counting that as my exercise for the day.

My little sister and her boyfriend are coming in this evening to spend the weekend, and they're just going to have to deal with the noise of the treadmill each morning. I'm going to step up the exercise over the weekend to try to make the scale not look quite so damaging Monday morning.

I hope that you all have a great day! Thank you so much for sticking with me when I get a little :crazy:

B--nothing--still stuffed from Chinese the night before
L--WW Fajita Chicken Supreme, Baked Tostitos & salsa
D--Roasted chicken and cheese on white bread, Baked Ruffles
S--6 caramels, baked ruffles (not at the same time :rolleyes: )

Total points used: 27.3
:wave2: Hi Angela,
So happy to hear you're feeling positive and OP again :D . We all have those little spells so don't feel guilty, just move on. And that is exactly what you have done ::yes:: ! I'm proud of you, Angela.

I hope you have a great weekend with your sister :sunny: !
Hi Angela!:wave2: I am SOOO glad to see you pulled yourself together and got back on plan yesterday!!!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
I know when I get off plan I have a terrible time pulling myself back, so kudos to you girlfriend!!!:tongue:
Great idea to step up the exercise this weekend. Hopefully that will help with Monday weigh-in. Plus, take advantage of the extra sets of hands to help with the kids and do this for YOU! ::yes:: You are SOOOOO worth it!:smooth:
Okay, have a great day today and stick with it! We are looking forward to seeing that 25lb clippee in your siggie real soon!:teeth:
Good evening everyone! :wave:

Thanks so much, Val and Sharon, for stopping by. I'm feeling much better about my relapse today, although I've kicked myself in the rear a few times for doing it in the first place.

Today was a busy day. DD had the day off from school, so I was looking forward to sleeping in a little this morning. DS had other plans, though. :rolleyes: I managed to get the entire house cleaned up by 8 this evening. Believe me, if you had seen this house, you'd be able to hear the angels singing. It was a pit! Anyway...

I stayed within points today, although I did give into the Easter candy temptation a little this afternoon. I did 30 minutes of Pilates this evening, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. ::yes::

I hope that you all have a wonderful Easter weekend. Hopefully, I'll get some time to get caught up with everyone's journals. If not, please know that I'm thinking of each of you. ::yes::

B--low carb tortilla w/butter
L--Roasted chicken sandwich w/ff cheese, BBQ Baked Lays
S--7 jelly beans and 5 chocolate mints
D--FF hot dog w/relish, baked beans & Baked Ruffles

Points used: 27.6
Way to go Angela!:Pinkbounc
You're back OP and exercising. See, I knew you could do it! Woohoo!! Now, you're :boat: along as you strive for that 25 lb. clippie. Have a wonderful Easter with your family! Lots of :sunny: and :wizard: headed your way for Monday's weigh-in.

Take care,
Hi Tracy! :wave:

Thanks so much for stopping by this weekend! Big thanks, too, for the ***:wizard: for Monday's weigh-in. I'm fully expecting a gain, but I'd be thrilled just to maintain after this week. :rolleyes:

I took DD to the mall this afternoon to buy new dress shoes for her Easter dress, and I decided to pick up something for myself. I haven't bought any new church clothes in years, and I'm attending my cousin's wedding next weekend, so I decided to see if I could find a little something. I found a cute skirt...a simple silky number that zips up the back. I took my size to the dressing room and stepped into it, pulling it up before I realized it had a zipper. It then fell back down to my thighs. DD got to witness a little happy dance at that moment. :teeth: Silly me...I know I 'm losing, but I didn't think I'd lost much size-wise yet. Does that make sense? Anyway...I ended up with a size 16 instead of the size 20 I was wearing at the end of February. Talk about motivation. ::yes:: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

I went on a 30 minute walk this afternoon, and I did stay within points today. I didn't even have a bite of chocolate, which is monumental after this past week of endless munching!

I hope you all have a blessed Easter Sunday! :)

B-nothing since we slept in until 10am :earseek:
L--extra lean cheeseburger, baked beans & sour cream baked lays--11.5 points
D--spaghetti, garlic breadstick & salad--12
Dessert--Orange smoothie--2

Points used: 25.5
Good morning everyone! :wave:

I hope that you all survived the Easter candy without too much of a struggle. We didn't have much around our house, but DH did talk me into baking a cake yesterday afternoon. Thanks to my extended family's efforts, though, there are only a few pieces left. That temptation will be out of the house by this evening! :earseek:

Weigh in this morning went better than I expected, actually. After the week I had, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I've maintained last week's weigh in number. I fully expected to see a small game, especially since... ***WARNING TO DAX...AVERT YOUR EYES*** TOM arrived yesterday. At least that explains why I've been starving all week long. Don't know why I didn't realize that before now! :rolleyes: Hopefully I'll have a nice loss to report next Monday.

This week has a big challenge looming for me. My mom and sister are arriving on Friday so we can drive together to attend a family wedding on Saturday. This means I'll have limited dining options for 1.5 days. I don't want to have to stress about what I'm able to eat while out of town, so I'm going to faithfully exercise leading up to our Saturday departure and then just focus on making the best available choices while I'm out of town. This theory worked well for me over Spring break, so I'm hoping it will hold this time around.

I've decided to make weekly goals each Monday morning. This worked well for me in the beginning. I'm hoping that by reporting my successes and failures each evening I'll be more motivated to remain faithful to my program. Here it goes...

Goals for the week of 4/12/04:
:D Treadmill 1-3 miles and 30 minutes Pilates each day.
:D Eat low- to mid-range of points each day.
:D Take vitamins daily.
:D Get caught up on the Bible study that I'm 3.5 weeks behind on. :earseek:
:D Love my kids fiercely!

I hope that you all have a great Monday. DS is content in his saucer for now, so I'm off to get caught up on some journals. :wave2:

B--4 marshmallows--2 points
L--Roast, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, 2 rolls--9
Dessert--1 slice yellow cake w/chocolate frosting--5
D--Cheeseburger, baked beans, and Baked sour cream Lays--12
S--WW ice cream sandwich--2

Points used: 30


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