Animal Crossing Issues...

this game is absolutely addicting between this game, and the college bowl games/NFL playoffs i dont know when ill be able to squeeze in the other life duties.
Do you have a dresser? I would save it and put it in the dresser but I am still trying to get a complete room so I might just be speaking out of sadness for my miss matched stuff.

For the record I do think I need to step away from the wii. It is all a little silly.. Thats why I want to get it for the DS. That way I can turn off my tv and play it while doing other things.:goodvibes

thanks so much! I didn't know about storing stuff in dressers. It works and now my pockets are empty so I can go get some fruit to sell.
I just sold mine, but only got 2,500 for it. I did get 4000 for my olive flounder though and 15,000 for something I sold last night.
Is there any way to get a dresser besides waiting for a reasonably priced one to show up at Nooks or Redd's? I missed getting one on my first day and haven't been able to find one yet.

Also, I think this game might have some gender bias.... Ian has been given 2 massage chairs and a computer desk and all I keep getting is a life ring, wallpaper and floors.

Are the boot and can good for anything except including in letters to neighbors?
Yes, boots should be recycled right away. While you're there, look in the recycle bin, you might find paper and you can write letters to your friends and neighbors. I have to admit, I haven't gotten around to doing that yet.

I did buy a festive tree - woo hoo

and Jingle the Reindeer gave me a festive dresser (or whatever it's called). It's red and pretty and looks nice with all my "droid" things I have in my house.

Last night I buried two shovels - apparently in 4 days they'll turn GOLD! Then they can be used to bury bells - and money (woops, bell) trees will grow!!

I'm still being a good citizen and am donating fish, but it's getting tempting.....
I'm pretty poor. My house has no furniture, only the dresser and those droid things which I hope to auction when it's time.
I'll get on to recycling those boots this morning. One of my villagers told me that the townspeople love getting gifts in the mail - no matter how crappy the item. I sent a boot yesterday to someone. We'll see what happens.

I've been selling my gyroids. 868 bells each. Never thought to auction them.

Digging up my shovel today. I still need a dresser.....
I am completely addicted to Animal Crossing. My DP gets home this afternoon from a Christmas visit to family, so I am no longer going to be able to spend half the night catching fish. (OK, the whole night - it was after 6am when I shut it down this morning.) I bought the game while she was away, so she has no idea what it is or that I have been spending so much time on it. I am going to go through AC withdrawal....
Has anyone every auctioned their "droid" thingies?? How much did you ask for them??? Does it matter which one it is???? I have a collection of them right now taking up major space in my "living room."
Dusty - get her sucked into it, like I did my husband! You can share the town and rule it with power and might! (Mwah haha) You can also hear what the townsfolks gossip about the other person.

Lois - I found out one of my townspeople (Rolf) likes the robot themes. He already has one, so I'm going to give him another, just to see what I get back. Another one, Tank, has a Tiki thing going. I found one that is perfect.

One thing I do at Nooks is I look in the catalog to see what my new stuff looks like, before I sell. The catalog has pics of every item you've ever had in your posession. That way if you accidentally sell something you liked, you can get it back.

I got a refridgerator for my tin can....
Has anyone every auctioned their "droid" thingies?? How much did you ask for them??? Does it matter which one it is???? I have a collection of them right now taking up major space in my "living room."

Tom Nook will pay you $828 a droid and if you want to save them but not hold onto them yourself go drink coffee about like 7 times and then go in and talk to the coffee guy whose name escapes me while you have at last one droid in your pockets. Don't sit down stand at the side to talk to him and he should offer to hold the droids for you. But you have to drink coffee with him around a week in a row as you can only have one cup of coffee a day. He will hold one of every kind for you.
I got my shirt from the mayor, I waited around last night for it and gave up. Then he gave it to me today!

We're not hooked up online yet, but when we are I'd love to exchange codes.

So, I buried my shovel, made it gold. Do I plant one coin (bell) to grow a tree??

I'm finally catching on to catching bugs...
just got mine. Online now, anyone want to exchange friend codes to visit new towns

We're online now - can I give my hubby's friend code to you in PM and give his to you?

He's desperate to try this. I still can't send mail to you for some reason.
I got my shirt from the mayor, I waited around last night for it and gave up. Then he gave it to me today!

We're not hooked up online yet, but when we are I'd love to exchange codes.

So, I buried my shovel, made it gold. Do I plant one coin (bell) to grow a tree??

I'm finally catching on to catching bugs...

Bury bags not individual coins. You get the bags from your mother in letters.
The amount of money in the bag determines the success of the tree. More cash, better chance. I did a $1000 bell bag, so that's a 1% chance.
Bury bags not individual coins. You get the bags from your mother in letters.
The amount of money in the bag determines the success of the tree. More cash, better chance. I did a $1000 bell bag, so that's a 1% chance.

My guide book says to bury the bells it doesn't mention bags and doesn't talk about %'s.

I did get a coconut from one of my neighbors today as a gift so I have that planted.


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