Another TCD Trip Report-August 2009 @ The Fort!


Great trip report so far, TCD.

I agree about too many empty premium sites and more full hook-up sites in use. Disney made a judgement call about how many loops to convert to premium about the time the economy was starting to crater. I believe too that the probably proceeded ahead with the pool upgrade but on a scaled-back plan.

Thanks for the updates. :surfweb:

Bama ED
Too bad! Are you still planning to do the triathlon? I forgot that was coming up! Have a great trip! The Fort will definitely be jammed for the triathlon weekend.


I am doing the triathlon, thanks to you! You totally changed my whole summer by letting me know about the race happening while we're going to be at the Fort, and it definitely changed for the better! I'll definitely report in both while we're there and give a full report once we're back, although I can't possibly compete with your great report!

Anyway, thanks for the race info! I'm really excited about it! :yay:

I am a stow away from your cruise trip the new one:rolleyes1

Welcome! Glad to have you! Have you ever been to Fort Wilderness? Have you ever camped? The Fort is a great place to visit, and the folks here on the camping boards are the best!


Great trip report so far, TCD.

I agree about too many empty premium sites and more full hook-up sites in use. Disney made a judgement call about how many loops to convert to premium about the time the economy was starting to crater. I believe too that the probably proceeded ahead with the pool upgrade but on a scaled-back plan.

Thanks for the updates. :surfweb:

Bama ED

I don't have a problem with the premium sites, per se, I just think that they went overboard by making so many. It will be interesting to see what the MENSA members in management do now. They have to do something. They need to get folks into those campsites.

I am doing the triathlon, thanks to you! You totally changed my whole summer by letting me know about the race happening while we're going to be at the Fort, and it definitely changed for the better! I'll definitely report in both while we're there and give a full report once we're back, although I can't possibly compete with your great report!

Anyway, thanks for the race info! I'm really excited about it! :yay:


Have a great time! And please give us a trip report. I know it would be difficult to compete with a TCD report in the quantity department, but perhaps you could go for the quality angle. That opportunity is wide open!

also another stowaway from your cruise TR...I just love to read your TRs!

Well, I'll be! Another stow away! Welcome to you, too! Have you been to the Fort? Do you camp? If not, take a look around the camping board here. You will see that the Fort is a great place to visit!

Welcome to the new readers of this report.

Let's press on.

Where we last left off, the TCD gang had completed its initial surveillance mission at Bay Lake Towers, and it was on to the Polynesian Resort for some dinner.

From the Contemporary Resort, we headed via monorail to the Polynesian. The second floor of the Polynesian lobby was packed with folks waiting to get into the restaurants. It appeared to be overcrowded. Way more people than are typically around. And, a lot of them didn't look so happy. Way to go DDP! We headed down to the quick serve restaurant, and we were able to get served quickly, and find a table for our meal. We knew that the MK was closing at 10, so we headed out of the Poly at about 8:30 to catch the monorail back to the Contemporary, where we planned to get on the boat back to the Fort We were timing our trip so that we would not be held up by the Electric Water Pageant, which we knew would be performing at Wilderness Lodge at 9:30, and at the Fort at 9:45. So, we caught the monorail, and got to the Contemporary without incident.

As we approached the Contemporary boat dock, I noticed the resort launch leaving on its way to the Wilderness Lodge. No problem, I thought, it was just a little before 9, and the next boat would be along shortly. We would make it back to the Fort with no problem.

But, as soon as the resort launch left the Contemporary’s dock, two big boats pulled up. I believe that these are the boats that used to be at the Animal Kingdom when it first opened. They ferried people around in the water around what was then called the Oasis area. They now call this area Discovery Island (to which I object, but no one cares what I think). Anyway, as I recall, there were always long lines for these boats, and they really didn’t take you anywhere, so people hated them. They eventually just removed them. Well, here they are. Both of them. Pulled up to the dock behind the Contemporary. What is this all about?

It was dark out there on the dock, but here are some photos of the boats:




So these two boats are sitting here. And, I can see the resort launch waiting out a little in the distance so it can pull up and dock. There are castmembers around, but no one is saying anything. They are not offering to board us onto these boats. We are all just standing there looking at each other. So I ask what this is all about. A friendly fellow says that these two big boats are here to pick up passengers for a fireworks cruise. He promises they will load up in just a couple of minutes, and be on their way, and then the resort launch will be able to dock. What can you do? So we waited.

In a couple of minutes, we see a group of folks walking toward us on the dock. They are being led by a portly man carrying a flag. And, here they are:




This first group of people loads into one of the boats, and then another group approaches led by a flamboyant man in tights:



The second group loads into the other boat. And, then there is some bantering going back and forth between the boats, and a castmember dressed as a pirate begins to narrate what will be happening. They are going to go out and sail around the lake, look for treasure, see the electric water pageant, and then head back to see if they can find Peter Pan. Here they are getting ready to set sail on their adventure:




So, what in the Sam Hill was this all about?

I found information about this adventure here on the disboards. Check out this link:

In case you don’t want to click on the link, or in case it doesn’t work ,here is what the Disboards say about this Pirates and Pals Cruise:

(formerly the Magical Fireworks Voyage)

***This cruise was formerly only available to Grand Gatherings, but is now available to all guests.

This event begins with cookies, snacks and beverages before you "set sail" on your magical voyage where you'll have prime viewing of the Magic Kingdom's "Wishes" and "Electrical Water Pageant." Before you board, none other than Captain Hook and his hapless first-mate Mr. Smee arrive for some mayhem and photos. Your host for the night is "Patch," a pirate of dubious distinction. As you sail along the Seven Seas Lagoon, Patch will have you singing along and challenge you to some Disney Trivia.

Your "ship will set anchor" at the perfect spot overlooking the Magic Kingdom to view "Wishes". From there you return to the pier while Patch regales you with the story of Peter Pan. When you arrive, you'll see that none other than Peter himself is there to greet you.

Price: $53.99 (ages 10 and up) $30.99 (ages 3 - 9)
Reservations: Can be made up to 90 days in advance. Requirements: Credit card guarantee 48-hour cancellation policy Meeting location: Noted on the event board in Disney's Contemporary Resort

People pay $53.99 for this? Holy smokes! Props to Disney for figuring out how to make a buck from those old Animal Kingdom Boats!

After a few minutes of bantering around, some corny pirate jokes, and some enthusiastic Arggghhhs!, the boats move on, and the resort launch docks. The folks who were stuck out there unload, and we get aboard. It is now almost 9:30. We waited about 30 minutes for the Pirates and Pals folks to load and get out of there. The boat driver apologizes, but the Electric Water Pageant is about to begin in front of Wilderness Lodge, and he cannot pull the boat up to the dock until the Stars and Stripes part begins. But, he says he will get us in position so we can get a real good look at the EWP. And he does. Do you know where we were? Right next to the chumps that paid $53.99 to get on those big boats. We were watching the same EWP from the same vantage point for free!

As soon as the Stars and Stripes come on, our driver gets us to the WL dock, and we load and unload passengers, and we are on our way to the Fort. But, guess what? The EWP is now performing there. So, we had the same deal. We couldn’t dock right away, but we got a front row performance of the EWP.

I got to snap these photos. I share these especially for the benefit of the stow aways and others who perhaps have never been lucky enough to go to the Fort and see this in person. Our friendly boat driver tells us that this is one of the longest, if not the longest, continuously running show at WDW. According to the boat driver, the EWP began in 1972, and has run unchanged, and continuously since then. These photos do not do this oldie but goodie justice. If you have never seen it, you need to!

Here are the photos. Remember, quantity, not quality (that’s for sure):












So, here’s a tip: If you want to see a Captain Hook and Mr. Smee, and watch the EWP twice from a boat, be at the Contemporary dock at around 9 pm. This is a $53 value! And it is yours for free, just for reading this endless trip report!

Oh, and go back and look at the photos of Mr. Smee. What is up with his feet? Creepy?

Thanks for another great trip report!

The more I see pictures like these, the more I think the best part about staying at FW is getting to ride the launches! It was always one of the most enjoyable parts of the day-and I'm not a big "boat" person either!

You have now given everyone a new "mission" for their next trip--see if you can get a "free" pirates cruise.;) Of course the only thing you're missing is the cookies and beverage. HMM let's see--a picnic on the beach with your own variety of snacks :rolleyes1, then take a launch to the Contemp. and wait until 9pm to catch one coming back and .... If you're lucky it just might work :thumbsup2 for a lot less money!
So EWP hasn't changed in forever? I believe it!

I remember the second time I camped at the Fort in 1987 we were given loop 100 (back when a Florida resident 3-season pass was like $35) and camping in a tent. We were tired and ready to turn in the first night after setting up and were just starting to drift off to Sleepy Land when the EWP burst forth and I think I jumped 3 feet in the air! :scared1:

I know it's shown around all the Bay Lake and Seven Seas Lagoon resorts but EWP is part of the Fort's charm and mystique too. Kind of like the campfire/singalong, Hoop Dee Doo Review, and the River Country relics.

Hope they never change it. Thanks for the EWP pix.

Bama ED
After our surprise pirate encounter and two semi-private viewings of the EWP, we finally arrive safely at the Ft. Wilderness dock as the final strains of Yankee Doodle Dandy signal the end of the EWP. It is 10 pm. We had arrived at the Contemporary dock at 9. It took us an hour to get back to the Fort. Was I mad? Heck no! We had just experienced Disney magic.

WDW is a magical place. That is what I am a big advocate of the go with the flow approach. It never fails that despite what our original plans may have been, we encounter something unexpected, and it turns into something fun and memorable. We had already had some magic at AK that day, when a guest leaving the park handed us Fastpasses for Dinosaur. A really small gesture, but those Fastpasses allowed us to bypass a possible hour wait, and get on our way to the next attraction. Our hour delay from the Contemporary dock allowed us to see the EWP up close and personal twice. We have seen the EWP many, many, times, but it was cool to see it from the boat.

As we walked down the FW dock, there is a crowd assembled. You can’t really see the crowd in these photos, but there is a crowd assembled here:


What are they doing here?

Well, first they watched the EWP, and now they were about to watch the MK fireworks which began, on cue, as we hit the beach.

As we walked off the dock, I thought I spotted another hippie. What’s with all the hippies? And, this hippie had a laptop computer plugged into an electric outlet on a light pole at the beach. What the heck? So, you know I had to take his photo. Because: A. He was a hippie; and B. He had a lap top computer on the beach-plugged into a lamppost. You do something like that in front of me, and your picture is going to end up here on the Disboards. Here he is:



What in the world was this hippie doing? Well, as we boarded our golf cart to head away, one of the DD’s says that the guy had a camera hooked up to his computer. Later, I found out that the guy with the webcam had done a live broadcast from the FW beach on Saturday night, showing the EWP and fireworks. That was no hippie! It is the guy who has been broadcasting from his webcam on the 100 loop. Now we know what he looks like! Another mystery solved by TCD!

After we boarded our golf cart, we headed down to where the Clementine’s Beach sign is to watch the fireworks. Guess who we ran into there? Our nemesis, itchy Brian! He had his big white pickup truck parked on the roadway and wouldn’t let any golf carts onto the sidewalk. True, there is a no golf cart sign there, but everyone always parks their carts here to watch the EWP and fireworks. Not tonight. And by the way, his name isn’t really itchy Brian, but I don’t think I can post his real name here because of the Disboard rules. His real first name, the one that comes before Brian, does contain the word itchy, but it really begins with a “B.” He is the successor to Mean Gene. JK, by the way, Brian, in case you are reading this. Brian is a nice guy. But every superhero needs a nemesis, and a guy named Nice Brian can’t be TCD’s nemesis.

After watching Wishes from the roadway (courtesy of Brian), we headed out for some looping. First stop, the 1400 loop. The movie tonight was Beverly Hills Chihuahua. We have never seen it, but I think it was just in theaters earlier this year, and that it did pretty well. We arrived to find the credits playing, and the chuck wagon closed. Darn. I have wanted to snap a photo of the chuck wagon menu, because there are always questions on the boards here about what is available there, and how much things cost. But, the back door of the chuck wagon was open, so I was able to get my photo. Here you go:


Saturday night is usually a great night to loop at the Fort. The campground is usually at its busiest, and the partiers are usually doing their partying. So, we looped. The campground was kind of dead. Nobody was out. Nobody was partying. It looked like everyone had made an early evening of it. And, so did we. We were back at our site by 11, and just hung out there.

This would be a logical place to stop this post, but it doesn’t contain enough photos.

So, now we will move onto Sunday morning.

There have been a lot of questions asked recently about tent camping at the Fort, and especially about tent camping in the hot summer months. People have asked if it is crazy to consider it. Personally, I would not want to camp in a tent in the summer at Ft. Wilderness. But, a lot of people do. And, when you think about it, why not? It is by far the cheapest option for a place to stay at WDW, and if you have a fan or air conditioner, you could probably make it through the night. Especially if you are only staying a night or two.

There are a couple of great threads here on the camping board where people have posted pictures of their campsites. Some of the tent camping set ups are very nice, but also elaborate. Those photos might be intimidating to a newbie who doesn’t have that type of equipment. Well, would you like to see some photos of more ordinary set ups? I think some of you would. So, on Sunday morning, August 23, 2009, I set out to take some candid shots of tent campers at the Fort. As you will see, some folks keep it real simple, some make it pretty complicated, and the rest fall somewhere in between. Everybody has fun, though.

These first ones are from the 1500 loop:









Here are a couple shots of an armadillo. For you newbies, these vicious creatures are all over the Fort. Be sure to take precautions against them. They will attack without provocation, and they carry leprosy.



Oh, I was kidding about the viciousness. These are very shy and docile creatures, and they want nothing to do with you.

Some more shots from 1500:





Now, let’s head to the 2000 loop.

I think that this sign is new:


This guy was set up in 1600. Notice the AC:


Here we are at the canal separating the 2000 loop from the 2100 loop. You can see that there are a lot of tent campers on 2000. Even though it’s August:



We have a new bird/bat house here. But, to me it looks like there is an outline of a butterfly on it:


What is it? A bird house? A bat house? A butterfly house? Anyone?

Here’s one more (blurry) shot of the canal. Not so attractive, is it? Believe it or not, I have seen it look worse:


Next up- photos of the tent campers on 2000.

TCD my pop up was being loaned on site 1508. Did you see a burgundy Jayco? Looks like you took a pic of everything but it lol. The people in it had a gold color HHR.
TCD my pop up was being loaned on site 1508. Did you see a burgundy Jayco? Looks like you took a pic of everything but it lol. The people in it had a gold color HHR.

That was your camper? Oh yeah, I saw it. I have a whole memory card full of photos of the people in it. First, they left the windows open when it rained. Then, they put the mattresses out in the road the next day so they could dry. Their kids (I think they had about 11 or 12 in there) used the mattresses as trampolines. But, it was muddy around there, so the dad hosed off the mattresses and put them back in the camper. He lit the stove, and had it going full blast to dry things out. But, then the curtains caught on fire, so he had to put the fire out with the hose. Then, he lit the stove back up, but the propane ran out. When I left, he was trying to bum charcoal and lighter fluid from everyone on the loop, so he could start a small fire in the sink to help dry the place out. Don't worry, though, he looked like a responsible fellow. I'm sure everything will be good as new when you get the camper back.

They were real friendly, too. They had a keg of beer at their site all weekend.

Oh yeah, and one night, they hitched the pop-up up to their HHR, and towed the open camper around to go looping. I've never seen that done before. Looked like fun.

I haven't seen FW so empty since we were there the October after 9/11

I have never seen it as empty as it was.

Here we are on the 2000 loop. There are all kinds of tent campers here. You will see that the vast majority of folks choose to keep it simple. Not a bad plan, really:










These next two shots are good for illustrating the differences between sites in 1500 and 2000. The utility connections in 2000 are attached to a fake tree stump. These stumps are concrete. These are found in most of the other camping loops. You can see the stump with the hose hanging from it next to the picnic table in this photo:


Another difference between a 1500 loop and 2000 loop site is that the grills in 2000 are set off in a separate area bumped off of the side of the main sand pad. Like in this photo:


The grills in 1500 are located in the back corner of the sites. These can get in the way of a larger tent or screen room. Also, the sites in 2000 are more open, and I don’t think any of them have trees growing in the sand pads. So, if you need more room, the 2000 loop is your best bet. But, for that room, you give up a better location, and more trees and shade. The 1500 loop is way smaller than the 2000 loop, so it is much harder to get a site there.

More tents from 2000:








From time to time, someone comes on board here on the camping board, and asks about rental tents. They will rent you a tent, if you want to pay. They set it up, and take it down, so that is nice. This is what the tent looks like:


This was the only rental tent we saw all weekend. We looped around 2000 several times, trying to get a look at who had rented it, but this tent looked unoccupied all weekend. There was never a car or anything else in the site, or any signs that anyone actually slept in the tent. On Sunday morning, however, there was the dreaded envelope from Disney lying in the sand on this site (there was not windshield to put it on). Curiosity got the best of me, and I peaked in the envelope. Hey, it wasn’t sealed. This guy was billed for three nights of a tent rental. Do you know how much it is per night to rent one of these tents? $37! A night. They saw him coming. And, I swear whoever this was did not sleep in this tent.

Moving on . . .


Well, well, well, what do we have here?:


Looks like we found ourselves the campsite of some party animals. See all the birds around? There were some snacks left out. And, a few other things:



I am thinking that maybe the folks in that tent were getting a slow start this morning.

Two more tent shots:



I think that’s 25 pictures. Which is all I can post in a single post. But, I still have a few more tent shots from 2000. And, then it is on to the group camping area (which was empty), and some other things Fort.

We got caught on the Contemporary dock one night at the END of the pirate cruise. We were hanging out waiting for our launch to the Fort, and a CM announced we would have to wait a bit for our launch as two night cruises docked and emptied out. As the boats were approaching the dock, who should walk up to wait along side us? None other than Peter Pan himself (or is it herself?). He (she) kind of hung in the shadows while the boats docked, and then did his (her) bit of schtick, while all the people on the boats yelled and cheered. And then, after about 45 seconds, he (she) was gone back down the dock and disappeared into the shadows near the Contemporary pool. THAT, my friends, is where the value of your $54 cruise comes in. 45 seconds of androgynous magic!
Another great TR. I can't compete nor will I try, well, I will put one together just not to this level of detail. Dang, we missed you by a few days. We were there the 9th - 21st on 605. I know what you mean about The Fort being empty. It started clearing out the 16th. I thought I'd be the only one with this photo (the ramps are under the car). I now know better than to underestimate you.

Thanks so much for the pictures of the tent sites. We are planning on going in April and now I realized it's really open in the 2000 loop. Going to do whatever I have to do to beg for 1500 loop. We've only stayed in the 800 loop before.
The pictures from Bay Tower are great, TCD. We crossed the sky bridge to take a gander of the place. I'm willing to bet that in the days ahead that bridge will be totally enclosed by plexiglass and air conditioned. If enough DVC members get soaked crossing the bridge start complaining, you will see Disney scrambling to enclose it.

For those who've not seen this, only the first approx 50 feet from the original CR side has glass on one side of the sky walk, and the rest is open on both sides to the elements. What puzzled me is that the glass that is there is white, opaque, and cannot be seen thru.

Bay Tower is very, very sheik and modernistic in design. Tone on tone shades of white. We walked by the pool & it is definitely the most super-duper pool on Disney property.

TCD, I loved how you captured the Epcot "Ball" in your pictures!! We didn't notice it when scanning the horizon. Great job, as usual!!
Another great TR. I can't compete nor will I try, well, I will put one together just not to this level of detail. Dang, we missed you by a few days. We were there the 9th - 21st on 605. I know what you mean about The Fort being empty. It started clearing out the 16th. I thought I'd be the only one with this photo (the ramps are under the car). I now know better than to underestimate you.


It looks like I arrived on the day you left. Too bad! That is too funny about the Smart car photo. Well, great minds think alike, don't they?

Thanks so much for the pictures of the tent sites. We are planning on going in April and now I realized it's really open in the 2000 loop. Going to do whatever I have to do to beg for 1500 loop. We've only stayed in the 800 loop before.

1500 does have a more wooded feel than 2000, but 2000 is not a bad loop. The sites are more spacious in 2000, and you have a less crowded feeling there. Generally, I have been able to get 1500 when I requested it, but since there are so many fewer sites on 1500, you could still be placed on 2000. Don't worry about it, 2000 is fine.

The pictures from Bay Tower are great, TCD. We crossed the sky bridge to take a gander of the place. I'm willing to bet that in the days ahead that bridge will be totally enclosed by plexiglass and air conditioned. If enough DVC members get soaked crossing the bridge start complaining, you will see Disney scrambling to enclose it.

For those who've not seen this, only the first approx 50 feet from the original CR side has glass on one side of the sky walk, and the rest is open on both sides to the elements. What puzzled me is that the glass that is there is white, opaque, and cannot be seen thru.

Bay Tower is very, very sheik and modernistic in design. Tone on tone shades of white. We walked by the pool & it is definitely the most super-duper pool on Disney property.

TCD, I loved how you captured the Epcot "Ball" in your pictures!! We didn't notice it when scanning the horizon. Great job, as usual!!

Deb, I also was surprised that the Sky Bridge was open to the elements, and I also thought it was strange that the glass or plastic that was installed was opaque. Even that had spaces in between it, which suggested to me that they don't intend to heat or air condition the bridge. I thought that maybe the opaque panels were there to hide something unsightly, but, I peeked through the cracks, and I didn't see anything that they would want to hide from guest view. Weird. I agree with you, after a few good Florida storms with sideways rain, they will be rethinking the decision not to enclose the bridge.

One thing that I noticed in the pool area, but did not photograph (how did that happen?) were a couple of long, rectangular areas that looked like they could be for shuffleboard, but they were bigger. And, there was a shuffleboard court there already. Any idea what these other areas were?

And before you give the BLT pool the most super duper award, have you seen the new pool area at the AKL villas? I think I would give the nod to that one.

And, all things considered, I would rather have the FW pool.

I have a few more 2000 loop tent photos:





While I was in this part of the Fort, I decided to check out the group camping area. I have never seen a group use this area in the summer, and there were no groups back here this weekend. Looks like they were doing some work on the roof, although nobody was working on it on Saturday or Sunday:


This is a shot looking out from the comfort station toward the volleyball court:


There is an access road that borders the back edge of the group camping area. A lot of folks using the group camping area park back here. It is surrounded by canals. If you drive all the way down the road, you can see the back sides of the 800 and 900 loops. Here are some shots from the area. It was very peaceful and tranquil back here on this Sunday morning:











Here we are back in the 1100 loop:



And, now we are in the 1600 loop. This camper pulled his Airstream into his site. I don’t know why:



While we are here in the 1600 loop, here are some shots of the TCD set up taken from the 1600 loop, looking into the 1500 loop:





And, believe it or not, there are more photos to come!

Next up, we will be back in the 300 loop.

"While I was in this part of the Fort, I decided to check out the group camping area. I have never seen a group use this area in the summer, and there were no groups back here this weekend."

In the dozen or so times we have stayed at the Fort, I think once we saw the area being used. It has always made me wonder why Disney lets an area like this go unused so much. After all it already has a comfort station, bus stop, an unhooking area nearby, etc. I bet it would make a great place for big rigs if they made all pull through sites and called them "ultra-premium".


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