April 18 to 24 - Live Trip Report

Goodnight Epcot
8:22, 78 degrees, very humid and we're heading home. Missed Illuminations, but we're beat!
Time to relax
it was a great day and a great birthday!
So awesome!! I'm glad you all had a great first day!! :)
I can't wait to check in tomorrow to see how your day has gone :)
Got back to POP around 9pm, had a quick swim. Came back to room and everyone showered. Time to sleep!

Tomorrow is AK or Blizzard Beach or maybe both :)
3am and I'm awake for for reason. The beds at POP have never bothered me before, but maybe since im older now or something they're more uncomfortable. Like I can feel the springs. I had a pretty stiff back yesterday and I'm pretty sure it was from the mattress. I tried sleeping on top of a pillow tonight to keep my pressure points happier. It helped a bit. Being awake at 3am is not a good feeling when you have a big day ahead.

Some more general details from yesterday. Chefs Dinner, I had French Onion Soup (amazing, loads of cheese) & the Braised Chicken (extremely dry, the sides were fine.) strawberry cream cake dessert, outstanding. DH had FO soup too, Shortrib (tender but not great flavor) polenta (decent) and creme brûlée which was smaller portion than in the past but still amazing. DD had kids chicken strips and pasta, she seemed to enjoy. Also strawberry cream cake for dessert.

Ride totals- TT 2x, once with over hour queue and once with immediate Pre-scheduled FP. Spaceship Earth 1x with pre-schedule FP, Mission Space orange 2x w/15 min standby. Three Caballeros walk on stand by. Single rider (me only) Soarin with SDFP.

Ok attempting to go back to sleep now.
Hey! A live TR - you're awesome. Just catching up with your trip so far. I'm wide awake since 5 while everyone else is snoring away here in our room. That stinks about your flight. When I read that my heart sank for you. Have had issues before with very early flights, they never seem to have enough staff at the airport at that hour to handle parking, luggage and security.

Glad to see you finally arrived! Sounds like you had a lot of fun at EP. We're here in Key Largo and it's also been very hot and humid. I'm glad the rain you were worried about hasn't affected your trip. Hoping for more great weather today as we will be swimming with some dolphins!

Happy birthday! ! !

Looking forward to hearing more about the trip.
Good Morning AK
Dinosaur 38 is our row today. We are on the tram right now. We're a bit late arriving, but I'm counting on well planned FP to help us have a good day.
I'm gonna try to no be commando! Ha!
Starting with Everest hopefully...
Stay tuned
DH wants to go to saga first. The safari FP line winds all the WA back yo the drum show, but its moving fast. Timing it
Following along for your live report! It is the first one I've read and it is very exciting! I hope you have a great time!! :)
WE is very fun for kid, she's really enjoying finding the stations and learning about animals she has 6 badges do far.
Safari was ok, they seem to go through it much faster now, even DH said so.
I love the EE queue, always have. Off to enjoy it
Yeti conquered, badge received. Queue still low, only 20 minutes now. Heading to Dinosaur though, so I can pee my pants. yay.


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