Ashley & Mike's SOG Wedding -06/25/09 - We're moving! And Randy pics are up!

I just stumbled on your PJ and read the entire thing in one sitting. I also watched your sneak peek. Loved everything! and can't wait to read your TR.
I'm here at work watching! Looks breezy, but nice! Hope it's not too warm for them. popcorn::

(And I hope I don't cry again like I did watching Toni's wedding - I always cry at weddings!) :sad1:

It wasn't too breezy. It was really hot and when it would breeze it was such a relief. And don't worry Meg I cry for everything...:rotfl:

WHAT??? That was cut out for me!

That's what I heard, too! We need a chat room :)

I agree we totally need a chat room!

aww Mike looks so handsome! He did a little shout out!! - but i didnt quite hear what he said... I cant wait to see Ash!!

i had a little cut out too- i just logged in again and now i have two screens up just incase!

Stacey you are tooo funny!

YAY!!! HAPPY WEDDING DAY! :banana::banana::banana:


It sounded like he said she had an accident and might crutch down the aisle! We do need a chat room! It would be easier. I hope she is alright!

noooo you are joking! :scared1:

OH NO! Let's hope that isn't crutch!! :scared1:

you think you are bad not being at work... i am secretly connected to my neighbours internet!! hahaha!

when is it going to start!!!

Yikes! I guess it's about to start!
I think all of you are soo funny for skipping work and stealing internet. :rotfl: The things we will do for the Disboards!

Oh, I saw her Mickey program!!! =)

The Mickey Programs look great! :goodvibes

Is that the DFTW cd? Sounds really good!
Yep! It was the DFTW cd. Well except for Tarzan and The toy story songs.
YAY! NO crutches!

ASHLEY!! You look gorgeous! (here come the tears! :rotfl:) Who is the Reverend?

The Rev was Glynn Ferguson and he was awsome.

The programs are awesome and getting LOTS of use! Very cool idea!

I think that is the DFTW CD. And YAY!!! No crutches.

They did get good because it was HOTT!

So pretty! :goodvibes Love the gazebo they are in!

Edit: I think I heard someone crying, hehehe.

I think you heard my FIL crying. He started like as soon as the music started.

Ashley, you're gorgeous! I'm crying!

WOW!!! Those vows are AWESOME! Now, I'm crying!!

I'm sending a long distance tissue to you Heidi! I've got a bunch of co-workers watching this too!

(and you too Stacey!)

Thanks! I was crying too. :rotfl2:

We should go crash their reception... I'm not in the mood to work! :rotfl: This is way more exciting!

You totally should have...
I love that her mom is reading oh the places you'll go!

oh Ashley you look beautiful, you look amazing in that dress. I feel like im going to cry watching you giving your vows-its so nice- those vows make me wanna cry- they are so nice. Your ceremony looks perfect, the weather looks great and it looks so sunny and you both look so happy. ..

sand ceremony!! awwww ... you veil is blowing so gently in the wind...

.. the reading .. the places you'll go.. GO MUM! awww she is a darling, a lovely reading... the wording is so perfect (right now the sound is sooo clear on the live web cam!!)


yay you just kissed! you are now a disney man and wife! HUSBAND AND WIFE!!



now im crying.

you did a wave!!


Thanks! I love Toy Story too and that is like Me and Mikey's Disney song.
It was awesome and you looked beautiful! Congrats!

Man i saw the beginning but stupid work got in the way for me too! :mad:

From what i did see though you looked beautiful! I got alittle teary! Congrats hun!:hug:


Hi Ladies, I spoke to Ashley on the phone earlier tonight and she wanted me to relay a message to you all. She is unable to get internet access while on the disneymoon to post, but she read all the comments (and loves that we stalked her lol) and wanted me to tell you all thank you for all the support. She had a little slip and fall during her bachalorette party and spent the day before the wedding in the hospital and in a wheelchair, BUT she made it through and has lots of other exciting stories (which I won't spoil here heehee). She is currently at the Boardwalk and will be moving to the AKL in a few days, and is having a great time :)

Anyways, I told her I would make sure I posted to update everyone (how sweet is she btw to think of us while on her disneymoon... must be because she is a Red Sox fan:thumbsup2) Night Ladies XOXO

She also told me some rather intresting stories

Thanks Sam for the update! I'm glad she is okay after her fall. Can't wait to hear the interesting stories!

I am so bummed that I missed your wedding! I've been stuck in bed due to my accident. I can't wait for pictures!!!! I hope that you had a magical day. It sound like you did based on everyone's comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need updates soon! Hope you are having a wonderful Disneymoon!!!:goodvibes

Aww Ashley I just watched your sneak peek! How beautiful! Shades of Green is gorgeous! How have I never been there! OMG the ceremony looked fabulous!
I'm so sorry you hurt your foot! But yey for real wedding bands!!

Thanks everyone! I am soo happy that you were able to enjoy the live broadcast and sneek peak. I am starting my TR and am posting it now and I do have a bunch of little stories to tell ya. So here we go.....
Ok so I know I know, FINALLY I am starting my TR. I don't really have too many pics from our trip because we didn't really take too many. Also I didn't have my digital camera because the last time I was at WDW it was taken along with my wallet. But we even bought disposables and didn't use them. I was kinda surprised that we didn't and realized it once we got back but hey what can ya do.:confused3 Ok so I here is our TR

Me: I am 23 years old. I did the Disney College Program and loved it and I have been to Disney ever year since I was 5. (Give or take a couple.)

DH: He is also 23. (I am two months older.) I took him on his first trip to Disney about 3 years ago right before he got orders to his first duty station. I was nervous so I told him we needed to go to WDW and we went for a day! He is a photographer for the Marine Corps and he loves his job. He has been in for about 3 years and we started dating right before.

:banana::banana:Let the TR begin..... :banana::banana::banana:

We were going over the final check list on Friday night just to make sure and then my mom called to remind me that she had my veil and then I realized that I didn't have my dress. DH just looked at me completely confused and I just said well I guess we will get it in the morning.. Well anyways that night I also decided that instead of mickey head shaped programs I had to do fans. I don't know why I wanted to make things harder for us but for some reason they had to be. :laughing::laughing: So the night before we were supposed to leave we made the fans with my to BM's. But we had a really hard time finding the paint stirrers so we ended up going to Home Depot and one of the wood cutter people just laughed at me and was like follow me this way. Well I showed him my sample one that I made with a paint stirrer from the Home Depot and he started to talk to us about Disney and how he works for SIEMENS during the day and they have this training their. He was really really nice. And then I told him that I needed to take a pic of him cutting the wood for the DISBOARDS. DH again looked at me and laughed and he just kept saying that he loved me. So anyways I proceed to take some pics of this guy...


He was so sweet and began to give us marital advice and then in return I gave him a little Disney advice.

So anyways Saturday we got up and drove to pick up my dress which was like an hour 30 min. north of where we were, near where my parents live, and then we were on our way. As we were driving north I just kept thinking to myself that we were going the wrong way. We need to go south.... Anyways by the time we got on the road this is what the GPS said we would arrive at 3 a.m. :scared1:I totally had a pic of this but I think DH deleted it cuz he didn't think it was important. Little did he know that I needed it for the DIS! :rotfl2:

I think DF was a little upset because we got on the road so late but we also ended up having to stop at his parents house so I figured as long as we had everything it was fine by me. I told DH that as long as we could make it to the FL border I was fine and then we could stop. So we got to Jacksonville at like 1 a.m. and then drove the rest of the way on Sunday morning.


It was our first day in FL! :woohoo: I was really excited. We got to Orlando at like 1pm. We checked into the Comfort Inn Lake Buena Vista but our room wasn't ready yet so we decided that we would run some errands. We went to walmart to pick up a couple of things and then we headed back to the hotel and our room was ready! For the first three nights before the wedding we stayed here because it was only $33 dollars per night and we didn't really have the need to be on WDW property. We took a nap and then decided to go to the movies. We saw UP! in 3D. I thought it was really cute and Mikey really liked it also. :goodvibes

After that we walked around Downtown Disney and got some ice cream. We walked passed PI where they were doing their Celebrate tonight thing but I wasn't really impressed. I really miss the comedy club. :sad1: We did a little shopping and picked up the last of the Groomsman gifts. For his brother who loves disney animation we got him one of those drawings that the artist person draws right in front of you. It came out pretty awesome see....


And here is a pic of his Best Man's gift.... (A pocket watch.)


So after that we headed back to the hotel... and fell asleep! :cloud9:

Thanks for reading. Sorry their aren't too many pics. I promise there are more in the next couple of days. That is when we started to get a little more Camera Savvy...

P.S. Randy uploaded about 300 or so pictures of our wedding so feel free to check them out on his website. Just go to Click my photos and then search Ashley and you will see Ashley and Mike 6/25/09.

DAY 2 and 3 will be up soon. That's when things started to get a little interesting...

UP NEXT... UNIVERSAL AND Bachelorette PARTY!!!!!
Can't wait to read more.
What was the comfort inn like? For $33 you can't really go wrong!
Yay for your TR!!! :thumbsup2
The kids are going to the sitter's tomorrow, so I am going to spend the entire day catching up on all my DISboard reading and I will definitely check out your Randy photos. Can't wait.
Love the home depot pic. :rotfl:
Hey Ashley! I'm glad you finally started your TR! I'm dying to hear all about it!!! I'm trying to look at your photos but can't seem to get to them... I'll try again tomorrow! I can't wait to see them because I"m sure they will get me excited for my big day which is almost here!!!! Keep it coming, I'm dying to hear more!
Ok, so I feel like an idiot! When I exited out of the window I was using, I realized the link to search for your pictures popped up in a different window and I have about 20 of them open. So, I got to see your pictures and they are GORGEOUS!!!! Everything looked beautiful, I hope my day is as beautiful as yours!!!!
OMG! Ashley, I have been checking out your Randy pics, and you are drop dead gorgeous. Mike looks so handsome in his dress blues. I always did love a guy in uniform!

Yay you started a TR, nd yay for awesome Randy pics, you look amazing girl!
Sorry I've been MIA! Finally found out that we are moving to.............
:banana::banana::banana:BEAUFORT, SC!!!! :banana::banana::banana:
I am really excited because I am moving closer to my pal Mickey! :goodvibes And because its not Japan! I don't think I am quite ready for that yet. :rotfl2: Ok well anywho I have been super busy trying to figure stuff out for the move and spending time with family before we move but I wanted to say HI! I am hoping to get more pics from my friends PC so I can continue with my TR cuz I really wanna get going on it! Ok well that's all for now.... Oh BTW if anyone has any insight to interior design or color schemes for my apartment. Feel free to let me know!
Yay for not moving to japan!!! lol
I can't wait until you can continue your TR i'm dying to hear all about it! Good luck with the move! As far as decorating watch tons of HGtv!! It helped us out alot
Good day,
I used to live in Alabama and SC is so pretty. You will have all of the seasons and it is a great location. I am glad you get to move closer to Disney!

Can't have just one juming Mickey!
another move already! But your right its not across the ocean, its pretty close to where you are now and Mickey! My DB is at school in SPartenburg SC so maybe I'll see you when I visit him:goodvibes Good luck, miss you on here:goodvibes


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