"Back-to-School" Challenge--everyone welcome!

May I join please???? I love these challenges, and all the support we all give each other. I have a little less than 10 weeks left until Labor Day, so I figure at 2 lbs a week, I should be able to drop another 18. That would put me at the magical figure of 165! (I haven't seen that number since before my DS16 was born!) O! how I look forward to dropping off my DD at college, wearing a size 12!
Hi, guys! I weighed last night and I am down 4lbs this week. I had a few weak moments this past weekend, but I got right back on track! I hope I can do alright this weekend ( we have some family get togethers planned). Good luck to everyone! :cheer2:
Good Morning Stitch!
I weighed in this morning & I lost 4.5 pounds this week. I know ALL of it was just water retention, but I'm taking it!!
Thanks a lot.

I'm down 2 pounds (132) so that make me....20% of my goal!!!!! :banana:
WI was this morning and I am down 8.5 lbs.! I'm so excited. That puts me at 8.5/20 for this challenge. Hey, maybe I can do this!

Happy OP and loser vibes to all. Have a great holiday!
I would like to join please!!! I would like to get my last 19 pounds off, so please put me down for 19. I am hoping to be there before Sept, but will take it as it comes off!!! Good luck everyone!!!!
Weign-in Monday for me and I'm down another 2!! :banana:
Definitely done the change over to low carb again and even though it's hard as I am definitely a carb-addict I feel so much better when eating low carb. It's just harder and requires more thinking and less grabbing what's easy. As long as I have my atkins bar for breakfast and still get my coffee I'm good though. This week I resume a teeny bit of swimming (once per week in July and none in August) so I expect with the low carb and swimming along with my walk/run program and tiny bit of weights I should be down another 2-3 this time next week.
Last time I went low carb I lost 15 in 2 weeks so I just wanna see 1/2 that result this time and I'll be happy.
Hope everyone is having a lovely day so far and hope that you are enjoying the summer.
Denise :sunny:
I'll check in on Wednesday, I'd been weighing on Wednesdays but I'll switch next week to Monday.
Sign me up for the Back to School Challenge! I just joined WISH tonight, but I am a second grade teacher and this will be a great way to set a goal.
I'm down 3.5lbs this week! That puts me at 3.5/10! This goal is looking more achievable everyday. I am now at 196.
I would love to lose 8 lbs. by school...........sign me up!! :cool1:
Just stopping in to say that although I haven't lost anything yet, I consider myself "succeeding" so far. Family visiting this week, lots of cookouts, snacks, little time for exercise. But my goal for the first couple weeks was simply not to gain weight, then I could get on a regular schedule of dieting after everyone leaves. So far, so good (I even got to do my "Sweatin to the Oldies" today).
Hi everyone!

I have been swamped with work the past couple of days--which has been crap on my diet! I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to check in! :wave:

I am SO proud of all of you! I was kind of in an eating/dieting FUNK today and reading this thread has made me ready to refocus! THANK YOU!!

WELCOME, disykat, ursulasshadow, disneyfanz04, amberlovesWDW, and jlawall! You all are awesome! Together we can meet our goals! :yay:

CONGRATULATIONS to all of our losers! I hope to be able to put my name up with yours soon! That 0/15 is looking quite sad to me right now! :rolleyes:

njcarita, naisy68, wannabe@wdw, 3NJDisneyDivas, twotoohappy, TPCShauna, mollyseven, and jayna22. . .these are for you!

:dumbo: :simba: :stitch: :goofy: :figment: :tigger: :ccat: :donald: :mickeyjum

You all have definitely inspired me! We can ALL do this! Thinner, fitter, back-to-school. . .HERE WE COME!!! :banana:

Everyone have a great day!
I'm going to have Wednesday morning as my official weigh-in and I have lost 2.5 pounds!!! :yay:

Congrats to everyone and keep up the great work!!!!

Hey All! I'm just checking in to say that I lost 1.2 lbs. this week. I thought for sure that I had gained some over the weekend but I did go down. I am so happy!!
I know that I have all of you to thank for your ongoing motivation and just knowing we are all in this together!! So here is a big :grouphug:
Have a Disney Day, Renee
Can I join? It is late but I still have 2 months and I need to get this off now. I need to get back on the wagon ASAP. I want to drop 15 buy Sept 4th. My girls go back that week and I am starting to help at preschool this year.
good morning WISHers :wave: :wave: too late for me to jump in?? i'm going to go out on a limb and answer myself with the WISH motto of "never too late" and proclaim i WISH to be 15 lbs lighter by Sept 24. so that would give me about 12 lbs by Labor day if that is our official ending date. THANK YOU stitchisourhere for starting this challenge!!

i'm returning for a 10 day road trip to gorgeous Destin FL -- i didn't quite meet my summer goal but lost 7 of the 10 i'd hoped to lose and brought 5 of it back with me! i didn't officially workout as i'd planned, just jumped and bounced in the ocean; ate out 3 meals and hit the local donut shop three times! eek! that along with mudslides by the pool -- well i guess i got what i deserved!

i'm back full force on WW yesterday and with a gusto! i have a girls trip to Vegas on Sept 25 - 29 and our last trip I was about 138, that's 12 lbs lighter than i sit today

ok - i'm skimming this entire thread so bear with my comments if they seem lagging

mollyseven -- :wave: from another Molli -- do you have a Trader Joe's nearby - i LOVE their unsalted tortilla chips -- 2 pts for 15 chips, i can eat them plain :bitelip: ETA -- just read you are following Atkins? oops? skip the chips i guess :blush:

stitchisourhero -- i think i passed through your neighborhood, we stopped in Lenior City on the way home and visited Fort Loundon. gotta get some edu-r-cation in for the DDs (all school staff please note :teeth: )

noticed we have LOTS of school folks here -- :thumbsup2

disykat -- what a motivator!!! my Mom was recently diagnosed with a degenerative back/hip condition and it has me thinking too about the health benefits of maintaining a better weight for my frame.

disneyfanz04 -- :wave: good to see you - you were such a motivator for me over the summer challenge! i love your little line in your siggie - how inspiring!

well yesterday i got two great workouts in - that is not the norm for me but there is a toning class on wed night at my Fitness Center that i love to get too. my quads feel it today. i have to work from 3 - 7 and is it a coincidence that i work in the office adjacent to my FC? nah! i will pack my clothes and hit the elliptical for 1/2 hour or so after i'm off. i was considering this but reading all the losses over the past couple weeks are motivating me to do so!!

i have to lose this 5 lbs from vacation to even legally be wearing my clippie! :eek: well i'm off to change my clippies!
Another newbie here! Is it too late to join??

I just found this thread and need it BADLY! I've been at a plateau for months now and really need some motivation to break through it before my wedding in October!

I haven't weighed myself in ages...(that might be part of the problem!) but I'm hoping to lose at least 10lbs before Labor Day!!


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