Bear Hugs & Piggy Kisses - Baby's 1st Trip ~ Updated 12/6: Aulani TR Started!!!

Subscribing and going back now to get all caught up! Your daughter is a doll! :lovestruc
:welcome: Thanks for joining in! Enjoy! :goodvibes

Thanks so much for sharing your NYC trip! I've never been, but your pictures definitely make me want to visit.
You'll have to get there sometime. I'm sure you'll enjoy it! :thumbsup2

Hahaha. You went right at the Oasis and he went left? :lmao:
Oops. :lmao:

My nephew Grayson just turned two. And he identifies horses as anything but. "Cow!" Nope kiddo. "Pig!" Nope, still wrong. :rotfl2:
:rotfl2: Silly kiddos. That reminds me, Izzy seems to know horses now too, thanks to the Disney Princess Klip Klop horse toys she's been playing with.

Oh man, the toddler/nap conundrum! That's horrible. To wake or not to wake. An inevitably, you always feel like you made the wrong choice, right?
Yes, it's not a fun place to be in. Because toddler naps are so important and wonderful, but sometimes they happen at inopportune times. :sad2:
After we let out of the Festival of the Lion King, we had one more “must do” before leaving the park for lunch. We’d missed the other character encounters that we’d had planned, but we couldn’t miss out on the “Up” characters. After all, I needed an updated avatar photo! :lmao:

We went to the meet and greet area and got in line. The characters had taken a break. Some pictures of the queue and meet & greet area:

Squirrel!!! :squirrel: Gotta love Disney theming!

Soon enough, the characters were making their way towards us:

Someone noticed them:

I’m sure she was thrilled to see a giant doggy. After a few other guests completed their meet & greets, it was our turn:

I think Izzy was fascinated by such a big doggy:


It was a good meet & greet and I’m glad we took the time to do it. Fun for everyone. :thumbsup2

On our way out, we stopped to get Dug a drink he wanted to try. I believe it was the Island Cappuccino (with white chocolate and Captain Morgan’s spiced rum) from the Isle of Java cart (I’m basing this on disneyfoodblog information, but I’m pretty sure that was it). While we were there, I noticed they had a turtle brownie and I was getting hungry (it was a late lunch, after all). Decided to share it, but mostly let me eat it. So yummy:

I don’t know if I was just very hungry or if it really was that delectable, but I LOVED this snack. :love: After all, I do love brownies, especially caramel ones. This was way better than the caramel brownie that I’d had at Karamell Kuche on a previous trip (very dry). So moist and tasty! I ate it as we made our way out. I think Dug enjoyed his drink also.

We got to the bus stops and boarded a pretty empty bus to Animal Kingdom Lodge Kidani Village. Izzy enjoyed the ride and her own seat:

It was a quick ride and we were soon disembarking at Kidani Village.

Up next: Up close and personal with a giant bird. Oh, and an awesome lunch.
We took some pictures at the entrance to Kidani:

Oh, you didn’t see the toy in that picture?:

Had to be played with, of course. We went in and found some restrooms on our way to the restaurant. Izzy played on the nearby furniture as we switched off:

She really liked those times where she could be independent and climb on and around things. Soon, we arrived at our lunch destination:

We wandered the grounds and took some pictures while waiting for our buzzer to go off:

Our buzzer went off and we were seated. Izzy checked out the kids’ menu:

We decided to share a drink and asked the waitress what the “Painted Lemur” was like (menu description: Amarula Fruit Cream Liqueur and Van der Hum Tangerine Liqueur from South Africa, combined in a Chocolate-striped glass inspired by the distinctive striped tail of the Madagascar Lemur”). I think the waitress said it was good and had a slight orange flavor. I hesitated a bit on that, as I don’t love orange things, so she mentioned they also had a Chocolate Martini. We considered that, but decided to risk it and go with the Painted Lemur. We ordered one of those to share.

However, our waitress must have misunderstood and both the Painted Lemur and the Chocolate Martini showed up at our table. We said we’d only ordered the one and she seemed disappointed in us and took the other one back. Odd. We were pretty clear about just ordering the one, but somehow she didn’t get it, I guess. :confused3 Here is what we shared:

Good stuff! I was okay with the flavor, so it was a good choice.

I forgot to mention, we requested and got a window seat (as we have each visit to Sanaa). We had a visitor at this point. A large bird was lingering right by me and very interested in peering through the window at us:

We all got a kick out of this, including Izzy. The bird got even more up close and personal, wanting to check out my iPhone that I was using to take it’s picture:

My favorite thing is this video of the bird checking out my iPhone:

(click to watch)

How awesome is that?! :lmao: The bird also had some friends:

Up next: Our yummy food!
We started by sharing the Tomato Soup with Paneer Cheese:

We had really enjoyed this previously, but it didn’t seem quite so tasty this time. Still good, though.

We decided to go all out with the Naan and get the full array of 9 dips:

Izzy’s first taste of Naan:

Mmmm, good stuff:

We watched animals as we enjoyed our Naan and dips:

I guess we didn’t take any pictures of our actual meal, but I believe that we split the Butter Chicken and Beef Short Ribs with rice. I’m sure we enjoyed them. Don’t really remember a lot. I do know that we actually ordered something off the kids’ menu for Izzy. We rarely do this, but we thought she’d enjoy the Tandoori Chicken Pot Pie, especially the veggies in it. Plus, it came with milk and we needed some more, since hers wasn’t cold anymore. :thumbsup2

She enjoyed it, especially the opportunity to use utensils that we brought:

There was a lot that she didn’t finish, so we got to enjoy it too. Tasty!

Izzy's highlight of the meal (so far) ended up being the lid from the cup of milk they brought her. We poured the milk into her sippy cup, so the lid was sitting out and she got a hold of it. It was a coffee cup lid. So much fun:

I really don’t know why it was so fun, but she was just having the best time with it. :rotfl: So cute. I guess there was no reason to worry about her being crabby at lunch, despite the lack of nap. This was almost a 2-hour meal and she was in good spirits.

The next highlight came soon, though. A dessert came with her kids’ meal too. We got her the Mango Sorbet:

Naturally, Izzy loved munching on those raspberries, but she also really, really loved the sorbet (which was tasty – we had some too). She was so happy to use a spoon and eat such deliciousness:

We finally finished up our relaxed and delectable lunch and headed out. Stopped at the Sanaa restrooms upon exiting:

So, this picture is to remind me of a small story. While Izzy and I waited for Dug, there was a lady on a bench nearby. Izzy was flirting with her. Suddenly, Izzy whipped around and pointed excitedly at a man coming out of the restroom. Turns out it was the lady’s husband. I love that Izzy seemed to know that. It was like she said, “Hey, there’s your guy! Go with him!” :rotfl2:

One last picture from lunch:

To get back to the Polynesian, we took the Epcot bus in order to get to the monorail:

Hi, Epcot! We took the monorail to the TTC, then walked back.

It was after 5pm when we got back. Izzy had only had that few-minute nap at AK. We were tired and didn’t have anything planned until our 7:50pm dinner at ‘Ohana. We had thought about maybe swimming that day, but that didn’t happen, due to the lack of nap. We have zero documentation of this time (not even pictures), but Dug and I just discussed it and we think that Izzy fell asleep in her stroller either on the monorail or walk back. We believe that we let her nap in the stroller in the room and that we both passed out as well. Then we got up for dinner. Something like that. :confused3

Up next: Dinner at ‘Ohana. And that thing we forgot the previous night…:rolleyes1
Finally! The forgotten thing!! ;) LOL

Sanna's naan looks so yummy!! I kinda want to eat there just cause of that.
Woah, you are an updating machine! Way to go!

Glad to hear you enjoyed your NYC trip overall. It's such a fun place to visit! I could spend years there and not see all the cool, interesting stuff or eat all the amazing food there is to eat! (I DID spend years there and didn't get to it all!). You were brave to tackle it with a toddler. I think I'd be anxious mainly because of navigating with a stroller on the subway / schlepping all that gear in tight spaces, but you managed to make it work, so maybe there's hope for families with toddlers after all!

Re: your FOTLK / naptime argument, I could TOTALLY see myself and dh having the exact same one!! dh is always so eager to have ds experience things he thinks he'll love, naps be d****ed, whereas I consider naps to be a sacred trust - not least because it is break time for me, lol. But at least Izzy got a nap in later in the evening.

And PS, thanks for your thoughts on the PeaPod. After reading your comments, I think we're going to go with the regular one. It sounds plenty big for us and we like to travel as lightly as possible when camping. Although I have a feeling we're in for a rude awakening when we try to travel light with a toddler. But at the very least, a PeaPod is lighter than a Pack'n' Play.

Thanks so so much for all your updates. Made my Sunday night that much more fun!
I am only on page 13 but I am enjoying every bit of your trip report so far! We will be staying in a Cars suite at AOA the end of August with our 5 year old and will be 15 month old twins (first trip with the twins) so I am really enjoying reading about Izzy's reactions to everything! Thanks for sharing!

lovely updates from at Animal Kingdom and Sanaa :thumbsup2 that is such a great restaurant, I like that they're open for lunch too so you can view the animals more.

Emma princess: x
Finally! The forgotten thing!! ;) LOL
Soon! Ha ha, I swear I didn't leave off at this point on purpose. Just ran out of steam and had to go to bed. But I did think, "Oh, April's gonna be mad..." :rotfl:

Sanna's naan looks so yummy!! I kinda want to eat there just cause of that.
Go for it! Get the naan and all the dips and watch the wildlife. :thumbsup2

Woah, you are an updating machine! Way to go!
Thanks! I was really cranking them out this weekend. Making up for lost time, I guess. :confused3

Glad to hear you enjoyed your NYC trip overall. It's such a fun place to visit! I could spend years there and not see all the cool, interesting stuff or eat all the amazing food there is to eat! (I DID spend years there and didn't get to it all!). You were brave to tackle it with a toddler. I think I'd be anxious mainly because of navigating with a stroller on the subway / schlepping all that gear in tight spaces, but you managed to make it work, so maybe there's hope for families with toddlers after all!
Yes, there's definitely hope! It wouldn't have been my ideal scenario to have my first visit be with a toddler, but that's just the way things worked out. But they did work out. Thanks to some planning and all the great help from the DIS, I think it was a very successful trip. And we didn't even come close to seeing it all, so I'm sure we'll have to come back sometime.

Re: your FOTLK / naptime argument, I could TOTALLY see myself and dh having the exact same one!! dh is always so eager to have ds experience things he thinks he'll love, naps be d****ed, whereas I consider naps to be a sacred trust - not least because it is break time for me, lol. But at least Izzy got a nap in later in the evening.
Yay, I'm not the only one thinking along these lines. It just feels so wrong to wake a sleeping baby/toddler, under any circumstances. I even felt bad a couple days ago, waking her from her nap (over 2 hours at that point, so likely sufficient) to go to dinner at her grandparents' house. Naptime is special. :goodvibes

And PS, thanks for your thoughts on the PeaPod. After reading your comments, I think we're going to go with the regular one. It sounds plenty big for us and we like to travel as lightly as possible when camping. Although I have a feeling we're in for a rude awakening when we try to travel light with a toddler. But at the very least, a PeaPod is lighter than a Pack'n' Play.
Ha, you may be in for a rude awakening on traveling light with a toddler. So much stuff! But the Peapod is SO much lighter and smaller than a PnP. No dragging it around. You can sling the strap over an arm and it's like 2 pounds. Takes a bit of practice to learn how to fold it back up, but not too bad. I really like it. Hope it works well for you!

Thanks so so much for all your updates. Made my Sunday night that much more fun!
You're welcome; glad to help. :)

I am only on page 13 but I am enjoying every bit of your trip report so far! We will be staying in a Cars suite at AOA the end of August with our 5 year old and will be 15 month old twins (first trip with the twins) so I am really enjoying reading about Izzy's reactions to everything! Thanks for sharing!

Hi, Lisa, and :welcome: Thanks for reading! Those suites at AOA all look so cool! I hope you have a fantastic time! Wow, twins - makes toting around my one kiddo seem easy! :rotfl: And, yes, they are almost exactly the same age as Izzy during WDW, so hopefully you'll get some really fun reactions out of them too (there are some great ones still coming from her). I really feel like this was the perfect age for a first visit, especially now comparing her then vs. now. I mean, she'd still have fun now, but I think her new-toddlerness was perfect for the trip (vs. the experienced-toddlerness we're getting into).

lovely updates from at Animal Kingdom and Sanaa :thumbsup2 that is such a great restaurant, I like that they're open for lunch too so you can view the animals more.

Emma princess: x
Hi, Emma! Thanks. Yes, Sanaa is really fantastic. We've only done lunch there (I think 3 times now?). I really like it because you get such a great chance to view the animals (they've always been able to give us a window seat). Not to mention the delicious food that is a nice change of pace from other WDW cuisine. One of our favorites, for sure! :thumbsup2
You're killing me with that forgotten thing lol. Great updates, you're really on a roll!
You're killing me with that forgotten thing lol. Great updates, you're really on a roll!
:rotfl2: Sadly, I've been catching up on my TR reading tonight and have run out of time and energy to update my own. Hopefully tomorrow night, with any luck!
Soon! Ha ha, I swear I didn't leave off at this point on purpose. Just ran out of steam and had to go to bed. But I did think, "Oh, April's gonna be mad..." :rotfl:
Lol! Well at least you were prepared for my reaction!! Haha

Ok really, I totally forgot about the forgotten thing til you reminded me. And now I'm just excited that it's almost time to find out! Haha
WOW for great updates!!

Glad the safari was a lot of fun!! Animals are definitely Aria's favorite so it is always a good one, sounds like Izzy loves them too! Great EE (and shopping) and the wilderness explorer thing sounds like fun, maybe we'll try that next time. I'm glad we aren't the only ones to have a nice family squabble from time to time...:rotfl: but it sounds like festival of the lion king was pretty fun overall (although, I can't imagine skipping Dinosaur!!).

Sanaa is soooooooo good. IDK why I've never gotten a window table. LOVE the 9 dips!! Can't wait to eat here in August AND October, it is a MUST DO for us! So glad Izzy was in a great mood (I'll have to remember the coffee lid trick...:lmao: )

Love the convenience of Poly to both monorail systems. So nice that you all got an afternoon nap! Looking forward to hearing about your evening!
Wow! I go a few days without checking your TR and I come back and you've finished the NY mini report (that was more like a maxi report :):)) AND you've posted several updates to your trip report! I was very excited! I love Sanaa! We've enjoyed it several times over the years. I adore the Naan bread there. Plus I love the front row animal views while you eat. My son prefers Boma though so we usually end up eating there since I like both places. Izzy sure looked happy using her big girl silverware at Sanaa!::MinnieMo
Lol! Well at least you were prepared for my reaction!! Haha
I did briefly consider staying up (even more) too late to write it, just for you. :rotfl:

Ok really, I totally forgot about the forgotten thing til you reminded me. And now I'm just excited that it's almost time to find out! Haha
:cool1: I am going to try to get it all written up tonight! :cheer2:

WOW for great updates!!
Ha, thanks, I was on quite a roll!

Glad the safari was a lot of fun!! Animals are definitely Aria's favorite so it is always a good one, sounds like Izzy loves them too! Great EE (and shopping) and the wilderness explorer thing sounds like fun, maybe we'll try that next time. I'm glad we aren't the only ones to have a nice family squabble from time to time...:rotfl: but it sounds like festival of the lion king was pretty fun overall (although, I can't imagine skipping Dinosaur!!).
Yes, Izzy is a big animal lover. Our dog and cat get plenty of hugs lately. Yes, we have our WDW squabbles. Nothing big, but when you're spending 24/7 together, something is bound to come up. Yeah, it was sad to miss Dinosaur - I bet you're picturing DL's Indiana Jones ride when you're riding it, right? ;):rotfl:

Sanaa is soooooooo good. IDK why I've never gotten a window table. LOVE the 9 dips!! Can't wait to eat here in August AND October, it is a MUST DO for us! So glad Izzy was in a great mood (I'll have to remember the coffee lid trick...:lmao: )
You must go and get a window table and 9 dips! :thumbsup2 It really is like Disney's real "best-kept secret" - love that place! I don't know what it was about that coffee cup lid, but boy did she ever have a blast with it! :lmao:

Love the convenience of Poly to both monorail systems. So nice that you all got an afternoon nap! Looking forward to hearing about your evening!
Loved the Poly convenience for sure - as we should, since that was our primary justification for spending the $$$ to stay there. :goodvibes

Wow! I go a few days without checking your TR and I come back and you've finished the NY mini report (that was more like a maxi report :):)) AND you've posted several updates to your trip report! I was very excited! I love Sanaa! We've enjoyed it several times over the years. I adore the Naan bread there. Plus I love the front row animal views while you eat. My son prefers Boma though so we usually end up eating there since I like both places. Izzy sure looked happy using her big girl silverware at Sanaa!::MinnieMo
I know, usually you can leave my TRs for weeks at a time and come back and not miss anything! :rotfl: At least I feel like it was that way for a while. Yeah, I really wanted to get the NY TR out of the way quickly, since it was a tangent. (And I considered it "mini" because I only had 1-2 updates per day vs. the 10 or so per day for WDW!) You really can't go wrong with either Sanaa or Boma - both are great options. She was really happy to use her silverware there. It was fairly new and exciting to her (and she still loves it).
Quick backtrack before getting into the update. I just happened to see something last night that I’d left out of the TR on accident: Our awesome waitress at the Sci Fi gave the kids driver’s licenses:

And a quick tangent. I picked up a genuine WDW Minnie Mouse spinner toy for $1.75 at a consignment sale the other day (like the ones used at Main Street Barber Shop to entertain tots – spoiler alert!):

Izzy seems to like it! And don’t worry, I also got her a Cars racetrack set, so she’s well-balanced. :rotfl2:

Back to the update at hand, though. We had rested up in the room and got Izzy changed into her dinner outfit. We headed over to the Great Ceremonial House and checked in on time for our 7:50pm ‘Ohana dinner ADR. We waited around for a bit:

It was taking a while, so I left Dug to wait and took Izzy over to the gift shop, since she was getting restless. We ran into a really nice grandpa there who started chatting with us (well, mostly me, I guess). He said that he had 9 granddaughters and they have all gone to WDW at a young age and he strongly felt that they are never too young to go. It was really nice to talk with him – we actually encountered several people at WDW who made sure to tell us that they were very in favor of taking kids to WDW at a very young age. I agree! :thumbsup2

I have a text from this time where I checked with Dug and our buzzer still had not gone off. It was 8:18pm. Long wait! :hourglass

Izzy made her way to the other side of the gift shop and found some dolls. Clearly, they all needed to be freed from those shelves:

I let her pull a few of them off before putting them back and moving on. Shortly after that, our buzzer went off and we were seated.

We started with a yummy loaf of bread:

And I guess Izzy started with a pouch, some munchies, and some milk:

Soon, we had some yummy salad:

We decided to share a Pina Colava:


Oh, yeah, Izzy also enjoyed some mandarin oranges off of the salad:

Next, the wings and potstickers arrived:

Dug had wings and I had potstickers. I think Izzy may have tried both, can’t remember.

I guess some pork showed up then:

And the noodles and veggies:

I think Izzy ate some of that.

And there was steak:

Oh, yes, here she is with some food and disassembling her snack container:

Dug always enjoys a hot towel on his face:

We chatted about our trip so far and our plans going forward. We discussed the evening’s plans. After dinner, we’d get Izzy down to bed and I’d have my solo night at the Magic Kingdom, since it would be open until 1am. I was looking forward to wandering in and doing whatever I wanted, no worrying about a toddler or keeping track of Dug. Exciting! :cool1:

Up next: That thing we forgot. :eek: And dessert.
So, somewhere around this point in the meal, we were interrupted by the start of Wishes. Yay, right? ::yes:: Too bad I wouldn’t be able to watch it from the park. That’s okay, though. Plenty of time left before the MK closed – I’d get to do a lot. :cool1:

But, wait. They were piping in Holiday Wishes on a non-party night. Odd. :confused: Hmmm, maybe they just use that soundtrack in ‘Ohana throughout the holiday season? :confused3

We were both a bit puzzled. We couldn’t really see the show from where we were seated, but it seemed that maybe they were actually doing Holiday Wishes. :worried:

Dug pulled out his phone to check if they had changed the schedule or something. We were confused, since we were both certain that this was my night to go to the MK.

Well, Dug got a very sad expression on his face and had to break the bad news to me: It WAS a Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party night and the PREVIOUS night had been the 1am night. I had missed my chance to go solo at the MK! :sad:

Utter devastation. How did we mess this up? :confused3

Actually, I know how. We were exhausted the previous night. We were distracted and busy all day. I actually pulled up my Pre-Trip Report each day to review the plans for the day. But I was usually dragged away from it by Izzy before getting to the end. And I was sure that we had the right spacing between Dug’s night and my night – but I was a day off. And Dug was thinking the same thing and didn’t question it either. :sad2:

No matter what the reasons, it was what it was. There would be no late solo night to play at the Magic Kingdom for me. We were both very sad about this. Still are, really. I know there are much worse things in the world, but it was still a bummer. :sad1:

We brainstormed alternatives. I could go to the Christmas Party that night, maybe. It would cost extra and I’d miss a good chunk of it, though. I suggested that maybe I could go over to Art of Animation some night after Izzy was in bed, just to wander around and check the place out. It’s something I had wanted to do, but we couldn’t work it into the schedule and it would be a pain to take the stroller on a bus for it. I was kind-of excited about that idea. However, in the end, I was tired each night and nothing was the same, so I didn’t end up doing either of those. What we did do was try to let me run off periodically to do some things solo while Dug watched Izzy (which was not easy since she was in a super-clingy-to-Mommy-only phase). And that was nice. Not the same, but nice. So, you will see a bit of that happening later in the trip.

So, with heavy hearts, we moved on to …. Dessert!!

Our waiter brought Izzy her own little ice cream sundae:

This was a big hit with our ice cream loving girl:

Feeding herself with a spoon.

We polished off the coveted Bread Pudding:

Ice cream face:

Close to the end of the meal (I’m guessing we were waiting for the bill or something), Izzy got really restless and wanted out of the high chair. I took her out and we looked out the window together (right by our table). I looked straight down and was surprised to see non-Disney-fied things. Trash and dumpsters and the like! Just right there and visible by guests at ‘Ohana! :eek: Guess the imagineers still have some work to do. :rotfl: Looking down:

We paid the bill and took off shortly after that. Taking some pictures on our way out:

We must have made a stop into the gift shop after dinner. Izzy enjoyed playing with the Magic Band accessories on display:

I’m guessing we got her some more milk or something.

Then, back to the resort and off to dreamland for all of us.

Up next: Oh my gosh, it’s the morning I’m so excited to write about and share pictures/videos of! Pre-park-opening ADR at Crystal Palace! Woo hoo! :woohoo: If anyone ever questions you on why you’d bring a toddler to WDW, show them the upcoming updates! It will melt your heart. :lovestruc
Well that wasn't at ALL what I thought you were gonna forget!! I figured it was some baby item. What a horrible thing to forget. I definitely audibly gasped when I read that. And now I feel so sad for you. How disappointing. So unfair and yet, so very typical for a momma. :( I'm so sorry :(
Did you cry? Cause I'm pretty sure I probably would have teared up just a little. :(
Nope I didn't think that was going to be what you forgot! mainly because a plan like that I would have conked out thinking about staying out that late to begin with LOL! But, I am sorry you missed that opportunity. It is so nice that you guys built in time to yourselves into the trip - very much needed. I am glad you still got little bits of it!!

Ohana looks great though the wait not so much, but for such a late meal Izzy did great it seems like! Aria wore a skirt today to daycare that had ice cream cones on it, and she asked for ice cream (at 6AM) and I told her she would get to eat it a bunch at disneyland!
Well that wasn't at ALL what I thought you were gonna forget!! I figured it was some baby item. What a horrible thing to forget. I definitely audibly gasped when I read that. And now I feel so sad for you. How disappointing. So unfair and yet, so very typical for a momma. :( I'm so sorry :(
Did you cry? Cause I'm pretty sure I probably would have teared up just a little. :(
You see why I mentioned it the night before now? I wasn't just trying to be mean and drag out the suspense - that was just when we forgot it. :rotfl: I totally agree about it being typical for a momma. You are your own last priority much of the time with a toddler boss. I don't think I cried, but we were both super sad. And really just kinda numb and in disbelief that we managed to mess that up and take so long to realize it. I was really looking forward to that time on my own and Dug had such a great time that first night with his - very sad to miss out.

Nope I didn't think that was going to be what you forgot! mainly because a plan like that I would have conked out thinking about staying out that late to begin with LOL! But, I am sorry you missed that opportunity. It is so nice that you guys built in time to yourselves into the trip - very much needed. I am glad you still got little bits of it!!
Yeah, I wasn't getting enough sleep at the time of this trip anyway, so it was really pushing it. However, I am a night person and was willing to suffer the consequences, had I gone. I even had thought, "If I get tired, I'll just ride the Peoplemover over and over!" :cloud9: But, obviously, I was very tired since I forgot about the whole thing anyway. :rotfl: It just kinda made sense to build that time in since we knew Izzy would be going to bed early and the MK would be open late (and we were so close to it). I did get some bits of solo time, but it really wasn't the relaxing experience that I'd been looking forward to.

Ohana looks great though the wait not so much, but for such a late meal Izzy did great it seems like! Aria wore a skirt today to daycare that had ice cream cones on it, and she asked for ice cream (at 6AM) and I told her she would get to eat it a bunch at disneyland!
Yeah, that wait was crazy. Thankfully, Izzy held up well on the late nights this trip (and in NYC too). Yay for Disneyland ice cream in the near future for Aria! :cool1: Cute! I'm sure she will have a blast out there.


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