Being a Disney Fan and Single...not easy!

There seem to be a lot more females than males on these boards, so for any guys looking to meet Ms. Right, the odds are in your favor just based on the ratio. Sorry to hear that things didn't work out with the person you dated most recently. Maybe lack of interest in Disney is a dealbreaker for you, and that's fine, but I think when a relationship doesn't work out, there is usually more than one factor in play, and it's probably not entirely just because she's not a Disney fan. Some of my married Disney-fan friends have a spouse who is not into Disney but they still have a happy marriage because they share other things. The Disney fan might do solo trips or meet up with friends on the Disney trips.
I do agree with what you said. I know it's not just the Disney thing. There are always other factors involved. My view was just coming from a place where she didn't even want to know anything about my love for Disney. She kind of made a face when I mentioned it.
I do agree with what you said. I know it's not just the Disney thing. There are always other factors involved. My view was just coming from a place where she didn't even want to know anything about my love for Disney. She kind of made a face when I mentioned it.

Well, they do have the Death Star parked at Epcot, if you wanted to go over to the dark side. Lol.
I was also thinking that she probably didn't like the fact that I'm a teacher who takes the summer off and does whatever it is I feel like doing each day.
I was also thinking that she probably didn't like the fact that I'm a teacher who takes the summer off and does whatever it is I feel like doing each day.

Sounds more like the type more interested in Wall Street types. Probably better off.
Sounds more like the type more interested in Wall Street types. Probably better off.
You're right. She kept telling me about how much she likes the city, which I do to. However, she was questioning with what I do everyday in the summer. I was like I enjoy life. You would thing she's a world traveler but yet hasn't been to any countries.
You're right. She kept telling me about how much she likes the city, which I do to. However, she was questioning with what I do everyday in the summer. I was like I enjoy life. You would thing she's a world traveler but yet hasn't been to any countries.

Only 30% of Americans, myself included, have ever been outside the US. I would say it's her loss in the scenario, since you seem like a nice enough guy. The people who had truly traveled, not the ones who had just done the tourist spots but also learned about the destination, you can tell. They come back with a different perspective on life. I have been to Mexico and Colombia so far, with more time in Colombia(was for work at the time). My next planned trips are India and Morocco. You have to figure out what is most important to you in life and go for a woman who shares the same priorities. Personally, I couldn't do with a woman who didn't like to travel. I enjoy it immensely, to the point I have sought out work that requires it.
Only 30% of Americans, myself included, have ever been outside the US. I would say it's her loss in the scenario, since you seem like a nice enough guy. The people who had truly traveled, not the ones who had just done the tourist spots but also learned about the destination, you can tell. They come back with a different perspective on life. I have been to Mexico and Colombia so far, with more time in Colombia(was for work at the time). My next planned trips are India and Morocco. You have to figure out what is most important to you in life and go for a woman who shares the same priorities. Personally, I couldn't do with a woman who didn't like to travel. I enjoy it immensely, to the point I have sought out work that requires it.
I recently went to Italy (actually this was my first time out of the country besides Canada). I told her about it and she didn't even elaborate to ask me what my experiences were. The more I think about she was nice but just had another agenda. It's just difficult that some girls will go on dates without really having an interest. It becomes a waste of time and money for the guy in situations like this.
I recently went to Italy (actually this was my first time out of the country besides Canada). I told her about it and she didn't even elaborate to ask me what my experiences were. The more I think about she was nice but just had another agenda. It's just difficult that some girls will go on dates without really having an interest. It becomes a waste of time and money for the guy in situations like this.

Not so much an agenda I think as some have unrealistic expectations. The ones with an agenda you either never see coming or want to run away from. I have had a few unfortunate experiences. Of course, men sometimes do the same to women, so it goes both ways. Better to waste a little money and find out early than to find out later.
Although I have a quality life and so much to be thankful, I find myself empty when it comes to relationships. I have such a passion for Disney for a number of reasons. However, after going on a second date with this girl who is very nice just didn't seem to understand or try to understand the passion I have for Disney. Needless to say, when I dropped her home she was no longer interested. Not sure if this had anything to do with it but she definitely had no interest in Disney.

The way I look at it is that the person I am with doesn't have to love Disney like I do. But needs to show some kind of interest in what I ENJOY! As I would do the same in return.

Sorry for my rant but I'm just a little disappointed because I liked this girl. As I get older it gets more difficult to find someone you can connect with on all levels.

Well have a good night everyone! If you read this and can offer any advice or comments it is appreciated.

Thank you!
I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out with her! I'm also single and haven't met anyone who I really felt a connection with in a long time. I do mention that I enjoy going to WDW on dates, and I don't really worry too much about what people think about that. I've gone to WDW solo several times, but of course it'd be awesome to share it with someone special someday.
Personally, where I am from a lot of people think of Disney as childish. It's usually a small minded thing where they haven't experienced the Parks, or maybe they are just at a stage in their life where they prefer drinking and clubbing. Each to their own really, but I have to admit I do go through days when I think I need to hide most of my interests if I ever want to get a date lol! I am also into video games, films and collecting hot toys. I have had guys asking me out, to then be put off by the fact I love Batman (they saw on Facebook), for example. The thing is, I'm not actually into guys that are into a lot of the same things as me. I have dated people with similar interests and it was boring. I think it all depends on what you are looking for really, there must be more Disney loving girls out there than guys I would imagine! However a lot of people can define you early on in the dating game if you reveal too much about yourself too soon. If it wasn't for the fact I'm on Instagram and constantly sharing pics of Disney and hot toys, I wouldn't tell any potential dates about these interests until we were well beyond the superficial first dates stage. They don't need to share my interests after all, they just need to understand I'll be in Florida with or without them once or twice a year :) Also, dating is harder than ever what with tinder and the lack of human interaction these days. Don't get disheartened! I have a friend who has been single for years, and was quite disappointed about it for the most part. Now recently he has met an amazing girl and couldn't be happier! He didn't expect it at all after all this time (he is 30) It will happen, don't worry :)
Personally, where I am from a lot of people think of Disney as childish. It's usually a small minded thing where they haven't experienced the Parks, or maybe they are just at a stage in their life where they prefer drinking and clubbing. Each to their own really, but I have to admit I do go through days when I think I need to hide most of my interests if I ever want to get a date lol! I am also into video games, films and collecting hot toys. I have had guys asking me out, to then be put off by the fact I love Batman (they saw on Facebook), for example. The thing is, I'm not actually into guys that are into a lot of the same things as me. I have dated people with similar interests and it was boring. I think it all depends on what you are looking for really, there must be more Disney loving girls out there than guys I would imagine! However a lot of people can define you early on in the dating game if you reveal too much about yourself too soon. If it wasn't for the fact I'm on Instagram and constantly sharing pics of Disney and hot toys, I wouldn't tell any potential dates about these interests until we were well beyond the superficial first dates stage. They don't need to share my interests after all, they just need to understand I'll be in Florida with or without them once or twice a year :) Also, dating is harder than ever what with tinder and the lack of human interaction these days. Don't get disheartened! I have a friend who has been single for years, and was quite disappointed about it for the most part. Now recently he has met an amazing girl and couldn't be happier! He didn't expect it at all after all this time (he is 30) It will happen, don't worry :)

You sound like a catch to me, Lea, except the Batman thing. I prefer Green Arrow and Green Lantern from the DC Universe. I actually have trouble finding women that can accept the fact I am in show business(actor, writer, musician, and soon, filmmaker). It really is tough dating these days. Btw, Tinder and dating sites don't work in small towns. Not enough people.
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Ok, I'm not a single female, I am 55 and have been married for almost 30 years, but my first trip to Disney World was when I was 36, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Before that, if I met a guy who was very into Disney, I would have thought it strange. Very strange. My husband is not really into Disney, he just goes along with me sometimes. He was 32 when we met, by the way. Perhaps a second date is too soon to spring a strong Disney feeling on a woman.
I am the disney fanatic in my relationship and am lucky to have a guy like my hubs who wasn't big on Disney in the beginning but have since embraced it. I think it's great that you know exactly what you are looking for and aren't afraid to keep looking. There is a girl out there for you who loves Disney or will learn to love Disney because you love it. As for the teacher thing, people just don't get it that teachers really need the summers to recharge. The school year is so draining that most of us are just a shell by May lol.
I wasn't sure where to post it but this might be the place... The LA Times did a story last Sunday, I think, about a dating service for single Disney fans. I've read a lot of posts written by single people who felt like not everyone 'got' them. Maybe an option for some?
I am the disney fanatic in my relationship and am lucky to have a guy like my hubs who wasn't big on Disney in the beginning but have since embraced it. I think it's great that you know exactly what you are looking for and aren't afraid to keep looking. There is a girl out there for you who loves Disney or will learn to love Disney because you love it. As for the teacher thing, people just don't get it that teachers really need the summers to recharge. The school year is so draining that most of us are just a shell by May lol.

Could be worse. Could be a psychologist. I think I have only met one who wasn't driven mad themselves. Ironically, I am getting my degree in that. Forensic psychology anyway.
Ok, I'm not a single female, I am 55 and have been married for almost 30 years, but my first trip to Disney World was when I was 36, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Before that, if I met a guy who was very into Disney, I would have thought it strange. Very strange. My husband is not really into Disney, he just goes along with me sometimes. He was 32 when we met, by the way. Perhaps a second date is too soon to spring a strong Disney feeling on a woman.

I have to agree in that I would find it rather odd myself if I met a man that was heavily into Disney. I wasn't into Disney at all when my ex and I first went to Orlando, we went to experience Universal. Over time I have grown a love for the sheer escapism and weather over there, and I enjoy Disney a lot due to the variety of parks and rides that they have, and I enjoy the fact it's a lifestyle so different from my own boring town that I live in. Otherwise I don't tend to enjoy Disney quite as much outside of the Parks, unless we are talking Star Wars or Marvel rather than the classic sense of Disney. I do know a few guys who enjoy going to the Parks, but they are not Disney fans per say, they just enjoy the rides and are happy to leave it at that. Majority of my female friends have no interest at all in Disney World, and the only other girl I know who enjoys going actually keeps it a well guarded secret and doesn't tell her colleagues or her male acquaintances about her trips. It's a shame, but maybe in time with Disney opening Star Wars land and hopefully other more adult themed areas people will be less quick to judge it as a place for children only. Also a lot only associate Disney world with Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Animal Kingdom are much more adult orientated but they don't know about those Parks usually. At least not where I come from!
Although I have a quality life and so much to be thankful, I find myself empty when it comes to relationships. I have such a passion for Disney for a number of reasons. However, after going on a second date with this girl who is very nice just didn't seem to understand or try to understand the passion I have for Disney. Needless to say, when I dropped her home she was no longer interested. Not sure if this had anything to do with it but she definitely had no interest in Disney.

The way I look at it is that the person I am with doesn't have to love Disney like I do. But needs to show some kind of interest in what I ENJOY! As I would do the same in return.

Sorry for my rant but I'm just a little disappointed because I liked this girl. As I get older it gets more difficult to find someone you can connect with on all levels.

Well have a good night everyone! If you read this and can offer any advice or comments it is appreciated.

Thank you!

I understand your frustration, I spent 13k for 2 weeks in Fort Wilderness in a Cabin for my family of 5 and 3 days at Universal at Lowes Royal Pacific Resort. We have been married for 2 years and this was my first trip with her and my 2 step children. It was pure hell, to say the least. She complained about everything from the heat to walking to the time we waited for buses. All she wanted to do was drink wine, complain and ruin our trip. I and my son have been going on Disney trips together for 15 years together and this year he won't be returning with me due to her making Disney not about the magic anymore. We are in the process of divorce and hopefully, I can get the magic back for my son. My passion and love for Disney is who I am, never let anyone change you or define you! Trust me sometimes it's better to go alone than with negativity.
Personally, where I am from a lot of people think of Disney as childish. It's usually a small minded thing where they haven't experienced the Parks, or maybe they are just at a stage in their life where they prefer drinking and clubbing. Each to their own really, but I have to admit I do go through days when I think I need to hide most of my interests if I ever want to get a date lol! I am also into video games, films and collecting hot toys. I have had guys asking me out, to then be put off by the fact I love Batman (they saw on Facebook), for example. The thing is, I'm not actually into guys that are into a lot of the same things as me. I have dated people with similar interests and it was boring. I think it all depends on what you are looking for really, there must be more Disney loving girls out there than guys I would imagine! However a lot of people can define you early on in the dating game if you reveal too much about yourself too soon. If it wasn't for the fact I'm on Instagram and constantly sharing pics of Disney and hot toys, I wouldn't tell any potential dates about these interests until we were well beyond the superficial first dates stage. They don't need to share my interests after all, they just need to understand I'll be in Florida with or without them once or twice a year :) Also, dating is harder than ever what with tinder and the lack of human interaction these days. Don't get disheartened! I have a friend who has been single for years, and was quite disappointed about it for the most part. Now recently he has met an amazing girl and couldn't be happier! He didn't expect it at all after all this time (he is 30) It will happen, don't worry :)
Gosh I am about to turn 30 and I'm not anywhere close to finding the right guy. 30 is still young...right? :-/ I'm the perpetually single girl in my friend group and dating in DC is pretty awful. There doesn't seem to be any gentlemen left, just selfish jerks (I could use a different term but I'll keep it Disney, ha). The last guy I went on a few dates with completely belittled my love of going to Disney World. I think its fine if someone isn't super passionate about Disney, but I'd like them to be cool to go with me since I go every year. I'm always envious of couples I see at Disney, someday I hope I get to take a trip to Disney World with a significant other. I've never had that experience and want it so bad. Ah well...just gotta keep swiping and hope maybe someday I'll be able to get out of the trenches and find a good guy.
I am one of those single guys that has a passion about Disney and going to Disneyworld as often as I can. I mean I even did three Disney College Programs working at Diseyworld. Anyways finding a girl that is into Disney would be a plus for me, but it isn't a deal breaker if she is not into Disney as long we have other things in common. I am a couple of years from being 30 and I haven't found a girl that isn't into Disney as I am. I (or anyone else for that matter) will not give up hope.
Gosh I am about to turn 30 and I'm not anywhere close to finding the right guy. 30 is still young...right? :-/ I'm the perpetually single girl in my friend group and dating in DC is pretty awful. There doesn't seem to be any gentlemen left, just selfish jerks (I could use a different term but I'll keep it Disney, ha). The last guy I went on a few dates with completely belittled my love of going to Disney World. I think its fine if someone isn't super passionate about Disney, but I'd like them to be cool to go with me since I go every year. I'm always envious of couples I see at Disney, someday I hope I get to take a trip to Disney World with a significant other. I've never had that experience and want it so bad. Ah well...just gotta keep swiping and hope maybe someday I'll be able to get out of the trenches and find a good guy.
Same here. I've gone solo to Disney for the past three years in a row and I always end up in line behind one of those PDA type of couples. Annoying! lol


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