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Yeah, a lot of times adults aren't any better than little kids when it comes to things they are excited about.

We got lucky when we saw the midnight showing of New Moon. It was sold out and crowded, but we had a pretty tame crowd. There wasn't a lot of teenage screaming and all that like we were expecting. There was noise when Jacob took his shirt off, but I don't think any theatre was silent for that. All six times (yes six) I saw that movie in the theatre, there was some noise at that part, lol. But we were really lucky that first night, I thought.

But we were also in Red Deer that night which is a smaller city, where as this time we are going to be in Calgary, so crowds might be a different story this time. We are going to a really late show, and that might help....if it weren't Canada Day the following day. Everyone is going to be off work, so the late movie isn't going to make a difference to most people I don't think. :confused3

I bet you are right about that, and I know from experience it doesn't matter what the next day brings if it is a movie like Twilight. Heck you should see how the bookstore fills up for midnight events.
Yeah you are right. Even if it was the middle of the week on a school night, it probably wouldn't stop many from coming. People would just call in sick, or suck it up and go to work tired, just to see their movie, get their book, go to a concert. Not a lot stops people from that stuff these days.

And people will line up for anything. No matter what night it is or how cold or rainy it was. I was one of the crazy people who waited in line all night for the Wii when it came out. And I wasn't even the one buying one. I was just with a few friends that were buying them. It turned out to be a really fun night, but it being in November, it sure was cold!
Although, if I hadn't have waited all night that night for the Wii, I may not be with Dillon right now. That was when we met. So I am actually glad that I decided to be a little crazy that night! :laughing:
Yeah you are right. Even if it was the middle of the week on a school night, it probably wouldn't stop many from coming. People would just call in sick, or suck it up and go to work tired, just to see their movie, get their book, go to a concert. Not a lot stops people from that stuff these days.

And people will line up for anything. No matter what night it is or how cold or rainy it was. I was one of the crazy people who waited in line all night for the Wii when it came out. And I wasn't even the one buying one. I was just with a few friends that were buying them. It turned out to be a really fun night, but it being in November, it sure was cold!

I know. I was thinking that. I am not normally one of those people. The only thing I will willingly wait for is Disneyland, and all that it entails.
Although, if I hadn't have waited all night that night for the Wii, I may not be with Dillon right now. That was when we met. So I am actually glad that I decided to be a little crazy that night! :laughing:

Then that was a wait that was well worth it!!
If I can get the next morning off, which I usually can cause I work overtime hours that I just build up and take time off every now and then, then I will go to whatever the event is. That's what I did for Nickelback. I left at noon on the Monday and came back at noon on Tuesday. As long as I give my boss enough notice, he is ok with that.

But if I can't get the time off, then I have to really think about whether it's worth it or not. I am getting too old to live off 3 or 4 hours of sleep then head into work! :laughing:
If I can get the next morning off, which I usually can cause I work overtime hours that I just build up and take time off every now and then, then I will go to whatever the event is. That's what I did for Nickelback. I left at noon on the Monday and came back at noon on Tuesday. As long as I give my boss enough notice, he is ok with that.

But if I can't get the time off, then I have to really think about whether it's worth it or not. I am getting too old to live off 3 or 4 hours of sleep then head into work! :laughing:

You know it's funny but when I was in my twenty's I could stay up all night and then the next day exist but those days are long over.:rotfl: Not even for Disneyland can I stay up all night.:rolleyes:
5 years ago I was totally fine with staying up all night and going to work or whatever we were doing the next day. Now not so much. I am worried about trying to get straight to Disneyland without stopping. I am sure if I was tired enough, I could sleep in the car. There are 4 of us, there will be a long enough time in between turns to sleep. But I am not sure how well I can sleep in a car. I fall asleep easily enough, but I don't stay asleep for very long.

I took a bus ride to Vancouver once to see Oasis. I was desperate to see them, and they never came anywhere close to here. So I took myself to them, lol. Anyways, it was an 18 hr trip, and I dosed a little here and there, but I couldn't really sleep. I was exausted by the time we got there. So I am hoping it won't be as bad this time around.
5 years ago I was totally fine with staying up all night and going to work or whatever we were doing the next day. Now not so much. I am worried about trying to get straight to Disneyland without stopping. I am sure if I was tired enough, I could sleep in the car. There are 4 of us, there will be a long enough time in between turns to sleep. But I am not sure how well I can sleep in a car. I fall asleep easily enough, but I don't stay asleep for very long.

I took a bus ride to Vancouver once to see Oasis. I was desperate to see them, and they never came anywhere close to here. So I took myself to them, lol. Anyways, it was an 18 hr trip, and I dosed a little here and there, but I couldn't really sleep. I was exausted by the time we got there. So I am hoping it won't be as bad this time around.

I think that sometimes a little nap can refresh you. And you might surprised how much of an energy boost it is to get to Disneyland. I think you'll be okay.
That is true! I think half the reason I couldn't sleep is because I was excited about seeing the show.

For Disneyland it will probably be even worse for excitement, so you are right, I will be ok for energy. Plus we will have a full night of sleep before we go into the parks, so that will be nice. Don't want to be so tired that everything ends up being a big blur on the first day!
That is true! I think half the reason I couldn't sleep is because I was excited about seeing the show.

For Disneyland it will probably be even worse for excitement, so you are right, I will be ok for energy. Plus we will have a full night of sleep before we go into the parks, so that will be nice. Don't want to be so tired that everything ends up being a big blur on the first day!

We tend to drive down at night, and I always have the intention of driving all the way down and sleeping when we get there and invariably we stop and sleep. This trip we are leaving in the early morning so there won't be the sleep deprivation that there normally is.
Look who was getting their chat on! I got called into work today and picked up 2 more shifts this week :goodvibes I'm so glad to get more hours. It means more $$ in my pocket!
Look who was getting their chat on! I got called into work today and picked up 2 more shifts this week :goodvibes I'm so glad to get more hours. It means more $$ in my pocket!

Extra money is a good thing.

I was thinking that this has become more like BE's chat thread.
I noticed that ages ago. And I'm cool with it. We could have our own little Chatter going on the Community Board if we wanted. But I prefer our spot on the TR board. We can rule the place :rotfl:

Air B.E. is the best place to chatter!
I noticed that ages ago. And I'm cool with it. We could have our own little Chatter going on the Community Board if we wanted. But I prefer our spot on the TR board. We can rule the place :rotfl:

Air B.E. is the best place to chatter!

It's just 'cause I'm super cool like that, right??

Hm, to take a moment to keep things OT ... I'm having breakfast with Nameless before heading in to work for a few hours tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that I can keep her interested in going and talk her into a definite yes! If I can get her to commit to picking up a PH when I pick up mine on the big double-digit day life will be perfect!!
It's just 'cause I'm super cool like that, right??

Hm, to take a moment to keep things OT ... I'm having breakfast with Nameless before heading in to work for a few hours tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that I can keep her interested in going and talk her into a definite yes! If I can get her to commit to picking up a PH when I pick up mine on the big double-digit day life will be perfect!!

Yes, you are!!

Well, if you can get her to buy a PH then I am guessing that will set in concrete her going. Get her excited and go from there.
Exactly! My theory is once the PH is in her hands it'll be too late to turn around. I gotta sell it like there's no tomorrow. Considering how long we have been trying to get a trip just her and me together it's driving me nuts how hard this has been. I know she wants to go.
Exactly! My theory is once the PH is in her hands it'll be too late to turn around. I gotta sell it like there's no tomorrow. Considering how long we have been trying to get a trip just her and me together it's driving me nuts how hard this has been. I know she wants to go.

I know. Good luck. I have to go get WBG from work. Talk to you later.
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