Besties, Booze and Brrr!!! With Jen and Joe on the Go 5/8 January Wrap Up and new TR LInk! COMPLETE

I love the faces you made after drinking the Old Fashion, so funny! :hyper:
Have fun working on the puzzles and cleaning out things. I have been organizing a few things, however, I have to still work my normal hours and I could work more. No thanks!
I love just lounging when I am home.
I love the character interaction at your Toppolinos breakfast. It looks like it was fun. :)

A fondue pot was a popular gift many years ago. I remember going to a fondue party many decades ago. It was kind of a crazy fad.
Hi everyone! So, now that Joe and I have been stuck at home together, we decided to make good use of our time.
Same here and I have separate lists for both of us to start on next week lol
Thank you. It does feel great to get all these projects done. Joe and Tim are outside laying mulch and tomorrow we are going to start washing windows. Yay!!!! NOT!
Anyone do any work on blinds :rotfl2::rotfl:
Anyone do any work on blinds :rotfl2::rotfl:
HAHAHA! Joe actually watched a YouTube video and fixed them!!!!

I love the faces you made after drinking the Old Fashion, so funny! :hyper:
I just think some of those whiskeys taste and smell like medicine. LOL!

A fondue pot was a popular gift many years ago. I remember going to a fondue party many decades ago. It was kind of a crazy fad.
I think my sister gave it to us...
My parents had a fondue pot! I loved when we'd have fondue dinners but mostly they used it to host fondue parties lol!
See, that's what happens when you are stuck at home and decide to rip your house apart and clean every imaginable surface. LOL! :confused3 :rotfl2: :confused3 :rotfl2:
We are currently cleaning the windows now. We have already done the entryway, LR and DR. Tomorrow, we start the FR which will totally suck!!!!!!!!
I enjoyed watching you make pizza bites out of crescent rolls. Have you tried making pizza bread with Turano French bread. It’s really good. :)
I enjoyed watching you make pizza bites out of crescent rolls. Have you tried making pizza bread with Turano French bread. It’s really good. :)
Yes. We make pizza bread often. We were trying to do something different that was recommended by Tim Tracker. We just weren't able to get the right dough. LOL!

Hi there! Topolinos looks like so much fun! And seeing you all in TL…sniff, sniff :sad1:

Looks like you and Joe are doing well! :hug:
Hi Kelly!
TL was awesome! It would have been even better with you and Kari. Miss you 2 soooo much!
Joe is no longer working. I guess there's not much need for MRI's these days and my hours have been cut.
So, just trying to take it a day at a time and trying not to get too stressed... :confused3
I hope you all had a good Easter!!!
Disney After Hours at Magic Kingdom with Some EPIC Friends!!!!:cool1:

After a great start to the evening at Territory Lounge with a great group of friends, it was time to hook up with more friends... @ariane37 Steve, Joe and I hopped on a boat to MK. If I remember correctly, we did wait a bit for the boat and it was cooooooold out on the Wilderness Lodge boat dock. Heck, who am I kidding???? It was cold ALL night!!! We literally froze our buns off.

When we finally arrived at MK, I think after-hours was already about 30 minutes in and the first order of business was getting Steve a new hat. Mission accomplished at The Emporium and now time for some rides...We high tailed it over to BTMRR and literally walked on 2 or 3 times...I think we met up with @chunkymonkey @disneyAndi14 her gorgeous daughter, Andi and @Mollydolly334 after that. I know we rode Peter Pan together and Pirates (we even did a really cute ride photo. Well, everyone but Steve. He missed the memo. LOL!). I can't remember who all rode 7DMT together...I know Joe and I finally did a few lantern pics and rode HM. Ariane, Steve, Joe and I also rode BTMRR a couple more times. Man, I love that ride!!!

At some point, we stopped for Cokes, bottled water, popcorn, and Mickey Bars, because why wouldn't you??? I think the only one who got ice cream though was Joe. I was already cold and didn't need to feel any colder. LOL!

Joe and I pretty much stayed until DAH was over and were lucky enough to walk on an empty bus back to WL to get our car.

We had such a fun evening and I miss my DIS friends a lot, especially now with all the uncertainty going on. But, I know we will all meet up again and it will be that much more special when we do...❤

Up next, a goodbye breakfast and off to DS for some last-minute shopping...

You two take such cute pictures in the cold!! Love 💕 them!
I hope we see you two at WDW again in the near future!
We had a great time that night even with the cold temperatures.
Such a fun night despite the frigid Florida temps lol! I remember Joe walking behind us eating his Mickey bar and filming it :) Hoping to do an AH with the kids at some the near future.....
Such a fun night despite the frigid Florida temps lol! I remember Joe walking behind us eating his Mickey bar and filming it :) Hoping to do an AH with the kids at some the near future.....
Joe is crazy!
I am PRAYING our September trip works out and we can do MNSSHP that Tuesday night...

Oh, I love that you got the Tangled lantern shot! So cute!
I didn't even want to do it. Joe did and the pics turned out really cute. LOL!


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