Bonzo's Journey into the unknown (comments, jokes, ridicule etc most welcome!)


<font color=660066>Has been known to go off topic!
Feb 16, 2001
Hi gang!

Here we go - first bash at the W.I.S.H journal - be nice to me ;)

Well, after a number of years of over indulging and thinking that I still look a catch in my Speedo's (shock! Horror!), seeing how well DW (AlisonB) has done on the Atkins diet and stopping blaming her for shrinking my trousers (pants) and shirts - I've realised that my waistline is really about the size of a small African country! - LOL

Don't ask me how - it's kind of sneaked up on me all of a sudden (over the last ten years!)

Personally - I blame Florida with all those "all you care to eat buffets"! - and I like a challange! - LOL

So - my aim is to eat heathier food etc and to lose about 1lb per week or not to put on any weight.

So - I started last week and how have I done?

Erm - I put on a pound - at least that's all I'm admitting to at the moment.

It was a case of READY! STEADY! - Flop! :(

Why? - well, we just had the company Christmas meal (we were too busy at the run up to Christmas) and I'm the boy who can't say NO - to most things like "another beer?", "second helping?" "another dessert?" - you get the picture.

So - here's hoping that next week shapes up a bit better.

so, go - do your worse - I have large shoulders (and an increasing girth! ;) )

Sorry, BONZO, no ridicule or anything of the like here! Just a hearty hello and welcome to the WISH Journal board!

Once you start to taste (bad choice of words??) a little success, it will be easier to say "no thanks" to those many temptations.

Keep us posted on how you're doing! :sunny:
Thanks for the kind words Doreen!

My resolve is a bit stronger this week and I'm planning to pound the mean streets of South East london later this week.

Take care.

Shaun aka BONZO

Hi Shaun!

Welcome to the journal board! You want some ridicule? I'll give it to you! How much water are you drinking? Don't you know you need to drink a lot of water if you're going to lose weight? Okay, I hope I wasn't too rough on you!:tongue:

Are you following Atkins or some other plan? Come back and post often so we can encourage you - and I can harass you about drinking water. I'm known for that around here:hyper: !
Rule 1. Do not stop at every pub as you pound the streets of London. (Just joking, I really like London pubs!)
Hi Lisa!

Water? - erm.....not my beverage of choice - unless it has hops in it! - LOL

Carol - that's been my downfall I'm afraid!

Ok - I'm not doing any water at the moment - except in tea or coffee :duck:

Seriously though, how much water should I be taking on and should I cut down / stop tea and coffee :confused:

Plan? - I only plan for Disney trips! - LOL

No plan - just trying to cut out / cut back / excercise more in order to lose a bit of weight. I'm only looking for a modest 1lb per week loss, week on week.

Shaun, welcome to WISH.

If your DW has done so well on Atkins, then why has it taken you so long to join her?

My DH and I are in this together (even though he can eat three-times the amount of carbs than I and still lose weight). He is our primary chef and without his help I couldn't stick with it.

My advice:
-check out and plan your meals and snacks.
-get used to drinking a large amount of water (we have two Brita-filter pitchers for home and I hit the water cooler every 1/2 hour while at work).
-get some exercise - try to walk for a least 30 minutes a day if you don't have another favorite way to exercise. (Perhaps you and the "speedo" like to take laps in the pool?)
-be prepared to give us the suds for a least 2 weeks (during Induction) and then use a low-carb beer as a treat once a week. Beer is the absolute worst for raising your insulin levels - the hormone that causes you to store that "tire" around your middle.
-stay accountable to yourself (and the rest of us) by keeping track of your meals, snacks and exercise in your journal.

WISHing you the best for better health!

Hi gang,

Good news and bad news this week and a weekend of wine and roses!

The good news is that I'm back on target and managed to lose 3lbs this week - If I hadn't lost anything I was going to revert to the cigarettes and laxative route - Only joking!

So, how am I doing?

DW kindly bought me some brown bread covered and filled with what looks like the bottom of a parrots cage - joking aside it actually tasted delicious.

At the weekend, DW and DDs went to a charity disco and entered a raffle and they won! - A bottle of red wine and a 5Kg tin of chocolate sweets (Roses) - oh the temptation.

Also, we had a number of friends round for the day and, as usual, they bought enough drink with them to sink a battleship - yet more temptation. The good part was that some were driving and the others were taking January as a "dry" month after the excesses of Christmas.

I've managed to conquer the "afternoon nibble" syndrome at work. I don't know why but I always used to get the "munchies" at around 3:30 and grabbed a bag of crisps (chips) to keep me going. To combat this I have a number of pieces of fruit to hand to stave off those hunger pangs which seems to work for me.

So, let's see what temptations come my next week.

:jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: 3 POUNDS gone!!

Way to go, Shaun!! You've done pretty well avoiding temptations! Time to learn to drink that water (without the hops in it!! :rotfl: ). You need half an ounce per pound of body weight but I don't know how to convert all that to metric. Hopefully someone will! Just drink 8 glasses of water each day and you'll be well on your way!

Keep it up, Shaun!! :sunny:
Hi all,

A bit of an odd week as I managed to put ON 1lb!

Not sure where that came from although I did weigh in last Sunday Morning which was before some friends came round nad much drink and Pecan Pie and Cream was consumed!

Am I downhearted? - Actually NO!

I went for a run on Thursday night (as I have done regularly since about 1983! - gasp!) , and I felt really good and led the rest home.

Afternoon munchies / snacking cravings are still in check and I feel a lot better in myself.

I have some doubt over the scales but hopefully this weekend will balance thing out a bit.

Inadvertantly tried on a pair old jeans (next waist size down) and just managed to get them on - but couldn't stay a whole day or even sit down with them on - Luckily I don't want want any more kids! - LOL

Off for a swim this weekend to get oldest DD (10) used to a new pool before she has a Swimming Club trial later next week.

Keep up the good work everyone.
ah, that one pound will be gone in no time (and hopefully taking some of it's friends with it... :p ). that is excellent that you are taking control of your snacking and feeling better about yourself! keep up the good work :)
Ok - back on track this week with 1lb lost.

I still don't have faith in those scales! - LOL

I'm feeling a lot better in myself and a lot more confident that I can do this.

Had a really bad day on Saturday - a really bad pang for chocolate/ booze/ chips - ANYTHING!

I was in a really bad mood and it felt like going "cold turkey" - by Sunday it was better.

Water and fruit intake on the up but I had a lousy sore throat / cold / cough over the last few days but getting over it - many vitamin C and Zinc tablets - working a treat.
OMG Bonzo! You have me LOL here at work!:rotfl: :rotfl:

Keep up the good work! You are making some good choices and it WILL pay off, both on the scales and in those jeans!!

The water will help flush out the cold virus, so step it up a bit.
And if you feel the need for beer, I know here in the states that my DH has found some low carb ones that he truly enjoys. So take a look and see what you can find.

Glad to see the scale cooperated with you this week. Hope it works with you this week too!

And believe me....when he said he was in a bad mood....he was SO right! LOL Me and the kids tiptoed around him all weekend!!
Thanks for the support and understanding darling - not!


(Bother - I'm even using DW's logon now! - Sheeesh! ;) )
Drum roll please!

I lost 3Lbs this week!

Feeling really good!

And new clippie to boot!

Total 6Lb loss so far! - Woo Hoo!
Shaun - you are gonna be lookin MIGHTY fine at WDW! ;) DW is gonna have to be fightin the ladies off of you!:crazy:
Seriously, 6 lbs gone! Good for you! Keep up the excellent work! And don't worry if DW doesn't support you, we will!:laughing:


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