But Rhett! Where Shall I Go? What Shall I do? Frankly, m'dear... a MAY 2010 PTR

While I know a lot of you, there are some of you I don't know very well.

So today, we will play a game.

Don't you just hate it when an adult says we're going to play a game?

I especially hate that at parties. Makes you want to grab your drink and head to the coat room. (You know it's more fun in there....:banana:)


I thought we'd share our favorite memories at WDW. It's part of planning the magic, isn't it???

I know we all have them- those moments in time where everything just falls into place, it all clicks and you look around and feel a peace and quietness inside that makes all the frenzied getting ready moments worthwhile.

I'll start by sharing one of mine-

During our 2008 October trip, the day of MNSSHP, instead of going to a park early, I planned a special surprise for the kids to wake up to- costumes from Tinkerbell!

My kids think that Tinkerbell visits them everyday on vacation and leaves them something- Tshirts, hats, glasses, candy, games, stickers, pins, stuffed animals-- anything that I think they'll like that I can buy before hand. I usually have a suitcase just for the Tink gifts.

Once they go to sleep, I lay them all out on the ends of their beds so that when they wake up, they can see the surprise.

This trip, they didn't know they were going to MNSSHP b/c I'd told them that we just couldn't do everything.

When they woke up that morning, facing them were the tickets, some candy corns in itty bitty pumpkins and their costumes.


Squealing children were heard all over CBR and I even allowed them to jump on the beds--- the horror!:rotfl2:

So with that out of the way, we went to relax by the lake at CBR, to lie in the hammocks and let the kids play for a bit.






Everyone around us was hustling to and fro- rushing to the parks, yelling to one another "hurry up, we'll miss rope drop". Now I'm all for making rope drop- I am the commando queen- but that day, it was all about the moment and I was lying there,watching my precious family interact with one another, and I was peaceful.

There have been many more moments like this- ones that included the children being picked to be part of a show, or getting "dreams" awarded to them. And when I think of each of our trips, they all stand alone and are wonderful. But this moment just captures the essence of WDW for me.

So this MAY, I'm planning on more moments like this- where the peace and magic come to me, instead of looking every second for it to be in my face, so to speak.

So--- how about you? What's your favorite memory there?
I came out successful of my packing frenzy
I am a planned packer - I admit it, I have rewritten list after list after list

Even with accuweather it is hard to predict what to pack

:beach::umbrella: :cold::sunny:

So I am leaving in less than 24 hours :banana:

Will there be an update popcorn::

Have a great trip!!!! :cool1:

The Tim Horton's are slowly moving into the US. They have them in NY State-and I thought they were spreading further - I guess not. You'll just have to come visit. We keep saying they need to have one in Epcot - Canada!

I'm pretty certain there's one in Rhode Island because I remember there being brou-ha-ha about a franchise there pulling out of sponsoring a pride event a few months ago...

But yes - definitely need one in Epcot-Canada. That would secure me staying at an Epcot resort with Park Hoppers each and every trip - budgets be darned!
Hey JO!!!!

I'll play your game...absolutely. The joiner that I am...hahaha

I have two favorite moments...

1997...Our Honeymoon.
My DH and I had gone to the Poly to do the Luau Dinner Show, and a late seating of it. When it was over it was quite late and we needed to ride the monorail back to Epcot to catch our bus to our hotel.

There were very few people on the monrail,a nd the driver invited my DH and I to sit right up fron t with him, as we drove back in the dark with only the lights of the park shining across the lake. It was quite magical and romantic.

1900 Park Fair..
Miss Emmy our 2.5 yr old at the time, meets her princess. Our little blond tot was dressed just like Cinderella, and was in awe of the princess and just couldn't take her eyes off her, gave her the most amazing hug and Cinderalla came back to see her many time, more than usual. We have the best pictures of it too.
It was like a dream come true for our princess, and yes made her mama cry a little in happiness.


Sorry It's Huge!!!!!!!
My favorite Disney moment.. when everything just "clicked" was in this past May. My whole family was there. The scene unfolded as such.....

"Aghhh! Why won't my finger work!" Megan fussed as she tried to get into her very own happy place, The Magic Kingdom. She was so excited for this park as she had waiting a little over 10 years to come back after her very first visit at Christmas 1998. Megan finally succeeded in using her ticket (which she would come to have even more problems with as the week went on) and walked past the train station onto Main Street. Megan had her camera out, and the first thing she did as she walked towards the center of the street (where the flag and bench is) was to take candid pictures of her family. Then, as she looked up and saw the castle, she started crying while looking at it. Her mom came over to her and gave her a huge hug while asking her “What is wrong?”. She hiccupped and said “Nothing, I’m just so glad to see the castle. I wanted to see it so bad last year and now I’m finally here. I‘m in the most magical place in the World. J” The pair of them walked towards the castle and stood in front of it for a few moments just looking at it as Megan told her mother random facts about the castle.

Side note: Megan and her mother had been scheduled to go to Walt Disney World in from June 1st to June 8th, 2008 as a celebration for my High School Graduation. This trip was cancelled in May, about May 22nd. I had my appendix out May 21st and graduated from high school on the 28th. I would not have been allowed to ride anything that involved a lap band/ anything that would touch my stomach…. So my family decided it was best for us not to go and try to go again in the future.


I have a memorable moment to share.

During our August, 2009 CBR stay, we decided to spend time at the resort just relaxing. Our daughter, Lacey, hadn't been with us to Disney in three years and had been away at Missionary college and we wanted to spend as much time together as we could. So, we decided to rent a surrey bike and take a spin around the resort.

We are a fun lovin' family who is constantly joking around and laughing and were no different during the bike ride. As we approached a really steep hill on the promenade, we started pedaling with all we had. Of course, it didn't help much that we were laughing and couldn't catch our breath. But, we made it and we had this beautiful view of the resort.


Honestly, we were glad to take a little break on the top of that hill. We were a bit winded by that time. It didn't help that we had laughed the whole way up. Now, you all know that, most times, when you go up a steep hill, you have to go down a steep hill. Lacey looked down the steep hill and turned to us and said "nobody pedal, we're coasting all the way down".

My husband, John, is a jokester. He loves to pester our kids. So, you guessed it, as soon as we started going down the hill, he started pedaling as fast as he could. Lacey was yelling "Stop! Stop! Daddy, stop pedaling!" All the while, she's trying to put the hand brake on and control the bike at the same time. The pedals are spinning out of control because we're going pretty fast. Hunter (our son) and Lacey are holding their feet straight out. My flip flop gets hit by a pedal and, literally, flies over my shoulder and out the back of the surrey bike. I yell "Go Back! I Lost My Shoe!". By this time, we are all laughing so hard we are crying. I'm telling them to stop so I can go back and get my shoe. It was the funniest thing ever.

Lacey finally got the bike stopped and I hopped off to get my shoe. What did my loyal family do? They started pedaling off. Dumb bunnies! I ran ahead and caught up with the runaway surrey bike. Every time I would get close, they'd slowly move up some more. I felt like the Sasquatch in those beef jerky commercials.

The culprits:


That wasn't one of those mushy gushy AWWWW moments but it is one of the more memorable moments from our trip. Flying flip flops!

Hey JO!!!!

I'll play your game...absolutely. The joiner that I am...hahaha

I have two favorite moments...

1997...Our Honeymoon.
My DH and I had gone to the Poly to do the Luau Dinner Show, and a late seating of it. When it was over it was quite late and we needed to ride the monorail back to Epcot to catch our bus to our hotel.

There were very few people on the monrail,a nd the driver invited my DH and I to sit right up fron t with him, as we drove back in the dark with only the lights of the park shining across the lake. It was quite magical and romantic.

1900 Park Fair..
Miss Emmy our 2.5 yr old at the time, meets her princess. Our little blond tot was dressed just like Cinderella, and was in awe of the princess and just couldn't take her eyes off her, gave her the most amazing hug and Cinderalla came back to see her many time, more than usual. We have the best pictures of it too.
It was like a dream come true for our princess, and yes made her mama cry a little in happiness.


Sorry It's Huge!!!!!!!

awww, glad you shared that picture with everyone and your stories.:hug: Your ride on the monorail--- a romantic, magical, unplanned moment- etched firmly in your mind. Perfect.


And that precious little Princess... I absolutely adore that look she is giving Cinderella. Kind of a "I love you so much you are the prettiest thing I've ever seen" look.



Thanks so much for sharing it.

My favorite Disney moment.. when everything just "clicked" was in this past May. My whole family was there. The scene unfolded as such.....

"Aghhh! Why won't my finger work!" Megan fussed as she tried to get into her very own happy place, The Magic Kingdom. She was so excited for this park as she had waiting a little over 10 years to come back after her very first visit at Christmas 1998. Megan finally succeeded in using her ticket (which she would come to have even more problems with as the week went on) and walked past the train station onto Main Street. Megan had her camera out, and the first thing she did as she walked towards the center of the street (where the flag and bench is) was to take candid pictures of her family. Then, as she looked up and saw the castle, she started crying while looking at it. Her mom came over to her and gave her a huge hug while asking her “What is wrong?”. She hiccupped and said “Nothing, I’m just so glad to see the castle. I wanted to see it so bad last year and now I’m finally here. I‘m in the most magical place in the World. J” The pair of them walked towards the castle and stood in front of it for a few moments just looking at it as Megan told her mother random facts about the castle.

Side note: Megan and her mother had been scheduled to go to Walt Disney World in from June 1st to June 8th, 2008 as a celebration for my High School Graduation. This trip was cancelled in May, about May 22nd. I had my appendix out May 21st and graduated from high school on the 28th. I would not have been allowed to ride anything that involved a lap band/ anything that would touch my stomach…. So my family decided it was best for us not to go and try to go again in the future.


Megan, as a mom, I can tell you that your memory of that moment may be huge in your mind. But the image of that and the special feelings associated with that moment in time are burned deep into your mom's mind and soul, even stronger than what you feel.:cloud9:
So glad you were able to share it with her-- and with us. It made me weepy.


I have a memorable moment to share.

During our August, 2009 CBR stay, we decided to spend time at the resort just relaxing. Our daughter, Lacey, hadn't been with us to Disney in three years and had been away at Missionary college and we wanted to spend as much time together as we could. So, we decided to rent a surrey bike and take a spin around the resort.

We are a fun lovin' family who is constantly joking around and laughing and were no different during the bike ride. As we approached a really steep hill on the promenade, we started pedaling with all we had. Of course, it didn't help much that we were laughing and couldn't catch our breath. But, we made it and we had this beautiful view of the resort.


Honestly, we were glad to take a little break on the top of that hill. We were a bit winded by that time. It didn't help that we had laughed the whole way up. Now, you all know that, most times, when you go up a steep hill, you have to go down a steep hill. Lacey looked down the steep hill and turned to us and said "nobody pedal, we're coasting all the way down".

My husband, John, is a jokester. He loves to pester our kids. So, you guessed it, as soon as we started going down the hill, he started pedaling as fast as he could. Lacey was yelling "Stop! Stop! Daddy, stop pedaling!" All the while, she's trying to put the hand brake on and control the bike at the same time. The pedals are spinning out of control because we're going pretty fast. Hunter (our son) and Lacey are holding their feet straight out. My flip flop gets hit by a pedal and, literally, flies over my shoulder and out the back of the surrey bike. I yell "Go Back! I Lost My Shoe!". By this time, we are all laughing so hard we are crying. I'm telling them to stop so I can go back and get my shoe. It was the funniest thing ever.

Lacey finally got the bike stopped and I hopped off to get my shoe. What did my loyal family do? They started pedaling off. Dumb bunnies! I ran ahead and caught up with the runaway surrey bike. Every time I would get close, they'd slowly move up some more. I felt like the Sasquatch in those beef jerky commercials.

The culprits:


That wasn't one of those mushy gushy AWWWW moments but it is one of the more memorable moments from our trip. Flying flip flops!


What a wonderful memory of that trip for you!!!! You know, some of the greatest memories aren't the ones where you get the warm fuzzies, but the ones that even ten years later- you still laugh when you start telling that story at a family reunion.
Thanks so much for sharing it. You got some great pics of that beautiful resort too!
Oh I want to play!! :yay:

Can I share several though? :rotfl:

This is one DS10 and I reminisce about from time to time. Way back on our first trip in 2005 we were in our room at CBR after a long day. DS8 (had just turned 4) was playing on the floor with some new little toy he had gotten. DS10 (then 6) said to him very politely -- Can I see your toy for a minute? DS(4) just continued to play with his toy, never looked up, and simply said - No thank you. And kept on playing. :rotfl2: The look on DS(6)'s face was priceless! It was so funny. :lmao: Maybe it doesn't seem funny and you just had to be there, but we still make fun of DS8 today for that! No thank you! :rotfl: Apparently we were working on manners at the time!

The time both the boys were chosen for the Jedi Training Academy - January 2009 - was a very special moment. A dream for both of them!



And of course this is always a very special memory - DS with his true love - Minnie. :lovestruc Sometimes he tells her she is his favorite character. Sometimes he tells her he loves her. Sometimes he gives her a card. It's always very special when Minnie is around.


Then there is a very special memory of CBR. Our second stay there. We went out to the Jamaica beach one night around 8:30 or so. No one else was there. DH and I relaxed on a hammock while the kids played on the sand. Pretty soon IllumiNations started. We just laid there and all way right with the world. :cloud9:




And I'd have to say my memory of the most fun time at Disney has to be at the Osborne Lights this past November. It was crowded, but everyone was so pleasant and happy to be there. It was a blast to dance with my family to the music and see those awesome lights!





Okay, I'm done! Sorry, I told you I had several! :laughing:
My turn !

Background - I was a single mom for a very long time, working a low income job, making ends meet the best we could. I was determined to take my baby to WDW, she deserved it and so did I. I saved and saved, worked hard, worked so hard I got promoted etc etc etc.

It took almost 2-3 years to save for that trip, but we made it in Jan 2007. It was for 7 days and at ASMovies, but I afforded it on my own!

I read the tour books for minimal planning,and had not found the Dis until March when I returned an addict. I had not been to disney since it was only MK!

Our first park day was MGM/DHS. We of course got to Fantasmic late, had standing room only, I held DD in my arms so she could see, and as soon as I focused and saw all we were about to see- I cried, I weeped with happiness that my dream had come true! I had taken my baby to disney! I was just blown away by the magic, I was a wide eyed kid that trip.

I look back and realize in that process my determination to make that dream come true, paid off exponentially, and over time I have received a further promotion, purchased my first home, and completely changed my life. Not to add met a man that care for her as much as he does for me.

Wow - those of you that know little about me, know I don't open up easily, esp on a public board! Thanks for reading! :)
My turn !

Background - I was a single mom for a very long time, working a low income job, making ends meet the best we could. I was determined to take my baby to WDW, she deserved it and so did I. I saved and saved, worked hard, worked so hard I got promoted etc etc etc.

It took almost 2-3 years to save for that trip, but we made it in Jan 2007. It was for 7 days and at ASMovies, but I afforded it on my own!

I read the tour books for minimal planning,and had not found the Dis until March when I returned an addict. I had not been to disney since it was only MK!

Our first park day was MGM/DHS. We of course got to Fantasmic late, had standing room only, I held DD in my arms so she could see, and as soon as I focused and saw all we were about to see- I cried, I weeped with happiness that my dream had come true! I had taken my baby to disney! I was just blown away by the magic, I was a wide eyed kid that trip.

I look back and realize in that process my determination to make that dream come true, paid off exponentially, and over time I have received a further promotion, purchased my first home, and completely changed my life. Not to add met a man that care for her as much as he does for me.

Wow - those of you that know little about me, know I don't open up easily, esp on a public board! Thanks for reading! :)

Aw, what a very special story. :goodvibes I hope you and your DD have another wonderful trip and have lots more memories to share when you get back!
Oh I want to play!! :yay:

Can I share several though? :rotfl:

This is one DS10 and I reminisce about from time to time. Way back on our first trip in 2005 we were in our room at CBR after a long day. DS8 (had just turned 4) was playing on the floor with some new little toy he had gotten. DS10 (then 6) said to him very politely -- Can I see your toy for a minute? DS(4) just continued to play with his toy, never looked up, and simply said - No thank you. And kept on playing. :rotfl2: The look on DS(6)'s face was priceless! It was so funny. :lmao: Maybe it doesn't seem funny and you just had to be there, but we still make fun of DS8 today for that! No thank you! :rotfl: Apparently we were working on manners at the time!

The time both the boys were chosen for the Jedi Training Academy - January 2009 - was a very special moment. A dream for both of them!



And of course this is always a very special memory - DS with his true love - Minnie. :lovestruc Sometimes he tells her she is his favorite character. Sometimes he tells her he loves her. Sometimes he gives her a card. It's always very special when Minnie is around.


Then there is a very special memory of CBR. Our second stay there. We went out to the Jamaica beach one night around 8:30 or so. No one else was there. DH and I relaxed on a hammock while the kids played on the sand. Pretty soon IllumiNations started. We just laid there and all way right with the world. :cloud9:




And I'd have to say my memory of the most fun time at Disney has to be at the Osborne Lights this past November. It was crowded, but everyone was so pleasant and happy to be there. It was a blast to dance with my family to the music and see those awesome lights!





Okay, I'm done! Sorry, I told you I had several! :laughing:

You know I'll let you share whatever you want to here!:goodvibes

SOOOOO funny- the "No thanks". I can totally see the whole thing in my mind. That is adorable.

I think I'm seeing a pattern with CBR - looks like some mighty good things happen there!:cloud9:

Love the pics of the boys fighting Darth Dude. They are so into it!

Yay-- thanks for sharing!:goodvibes
My turn !

Background - I was a single mom for a very long time, working a low income job, making ends meet the best we could. I was determined to take my baby to WDW, she deserved it and so did I. I saved and saved, worked hard, worked so hard I got promoted etc etc etc.

It took almost 2-3 years to save for that trip, but we made it in Jan 2007. It was for 7 days and at ASMovies, but I afforded it on my own!

I read the tour books for minimal planning,and had not found the Dis until March when I returned an addict. I had not been to disney since it was only MK!

Our first park day was MGM/DHS. We of course got to Fantasmic late, had standing room only, I held DD in my arms so she could see, and as soon as I focused and saw all we were about to see- I cried, I weeped with happiness that my dream had come true! I had taken my baby to disney! I was just blown away by the magic, I was a wide eyed kid that trip.

I look back and realize in that process my determination to make that dream come true, paid off exponentially, and over time I have received a further promotion, purchased my first home, and completely changed my life. Not to add met a man that care for her as much as he does for me.

Wow - those of you that know little about me, know I don't open up easily, esp on a public board! Thanks for reading! :)

I know that your trip meant so very much - because you had worked so very hard to make it. I really appreciate your sharing that with us. It is a special story.

I'm hoping your trip tomorrow is just that magical!!!!!!:wizard::wizard:
Anyone else wanna share with us your special memories?

I know there are some lurkers out there :3dglasses-- I see you reading.:surfweb:


Come join us! We'll give you your very own bottle of Excedrin- and since we're having a feel good story day- we'll throw in a box of kleenex too.

A Canadian friend told me just yesterday that they've opened one in Norfolk, VA.
OOh, that's not far from the in-laws!

Okay - magical special memories huh??
I'm sort of like Shelly - there are so many. But for me personally, I think this last trip gave me one (or ten!).
We stood in front of Cinderella's Castle and watched the show when they lit it up with the "ice". I could have stood there staring at it for hours.

On my kids' first trip, they were 11 mos. and almost 3. Paige was just walking and we were sitting in this covered eating area (I think it was where Ariel's Grotto is now). There were tons of birds around - trying to eat fries I suppose. She and Sarah were chasing them away, trying to catch them, pointing at them and squealing with joy. Really didn't need to be at Disney for that, but it sure was sweet. That was also my parents' first and only trip to WDW. They spent a lot of time saying, "oh my gosh" and "look at that". I've never seen my dad so in awe of anything before.

On my first trip it was June 1999. My FIL used a scooter/ECV to get around and we were staying at Shades of Green. We were in MK and for some reason, he decided to leave the park. This was before everyone had cell phones. We had NO IDEA where he was!! We found him zooming around in the parking lot! :laughing: I think he went out there to smoke or something! He was sort of famous for taking off with that thing. Didn't care - he figured we'd catch up sooner or later! Good thing he didn't have Alzheimer's. That would have been scary. This was just ridiculous.

Okay, there's a couple of mine. If you want more - you'll have to read my TR!! Got a few new ones this time!
Drakes- Have a very very magical vacation.:wizard:

Your memory is very specail thank you so much for sharing it.

When you get home from this next trip please share with us your newest magical memory.:surfweb:
I'll play!

There are so many magical memories to choose from, but if I had to pick one, it would be from our trip in Jan. 2008 when we took our DD to DW for the first time at 17 months old.

I was so nervous about taking her so young, but my parents, who came along on the trip, insisted that everything would work out, as they had taken me to DL for the first time at 15 months old. I was still worried about how she would react to all the sights and sounds.

We went to MK on our first morning and got on the train to Toon Town. We noticed that there was a princess meet and greet near by so jumped in the very short line. A CM notified us that we would be the last family to meet the princesses and after waiting for the two girls in front of us take pictures, it was DD's turn. She walked right up to Princess Aurora's bench and sat so nicely waiting for her picture to be taken and then proceeded to Belle and Cinderella. After meeting all the princesses one on one, all three came over at once to fawn over DD, at which point DD declared she was "happy". I knew in that instant that everything was going to be great for the rest of our trip! I was able to relax and take in the magic!

I want to play but I need 10 post to add pics - this should do it :thumbsup2
Now if I can just figure out the posting pic :rolleyes1
OOh, that's not far from the in-laws!

Okay - magical special memories huh??
I'm sort of like Shelly - there are so many. But for me personally, I think this last trip gave me one (or ten!).
We stood in front of Cinderella's Castle and watched the show when they lit it up with the "ice". I could have stood there staring at it for hours.

On my kids' first trip, they were 11 mos. and almost 3. Paige was just walking and we were sitting in this covered eating area (I think it was where Ariel's Grotto is now). There were tons of birds around - trying to eat fries I suppose. She and Sarah were chasing them away, trying to catch them, pointing at them and squealing with joy. Really didn't need to be at Disney for that, but it sure was sweet. That was also my parents' first and only trip to WDW. They spent a lot of time saying, "oh my gosh" and "look at that". I've never seen my dad so in awe of anything before.

On my first trip it was June 1999. My FIL used a scooter/ECV to get around and we were staying at Shades of Green. We were in MK and for some reason, he decided to leave the park. This was before everyone had cell phones. We had NO IDEA where he was!! We found him zooming around in the parking lot! :laughing: I think he went out there to smoke or something! He was sort of famous for taking off with that thing. Didn't care - he figured we'd catch up sooner or later! Good thing he didn't have Alzheimer's. That would have been scary. This was just ridiculous.

Okay, there's a couple of mine. If you want more - you'll have to read my TR!! Got a few new ones this time!

It's funny how things that could happen anywhere- are just so sweet and over the top special at WDW. Precious.

And your FIL--- that is funny! My MIL - when we go with her- she is sort of like that- just takes off walking and you don't know where she is- and then appears again.
:rotfl: Good thing she never has a scooter- we'd be in for it for sure!:rotfl2:

Thanks for sharing-- and yes! I have to catch up on your TR- this week has been crazy! Headed there in a second.




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