Cam's New Lease on Life Journal (comments welcome!)

Cam, you are doing excellent! I have to say, your son is very wise! ::yes:: If we all could have his attitude we would probably feel a lot better!

I think it's a great idea to start working out before you go to work. It's hard for sure but if you are up that early anyway and usually just sit to watch the news then why not hop on that treadmill. I think you will actually find that you feel energized when you're done and relieved that it's over and done with and not waiting for you at the end of a long day. Good luck to you! :)
Thank you, Michelle, for the support and wonderful advice!

Well, I did it -- walked 3 miles tonight on the TM in 58:40. Was watching Extreme Makeover for part of it. Was thinking -- "I'm making myself over. I have my friends on the WISH board, and I have a goal. I can do this."

So, the first part of the challenge I gave myself has been met. And I stayed well within my WW points today. After walking, I had dessert - a No Pudge ice cream cone. NOT rewarding myself with food. Just didn't want to eat dessert before working out, and it was wonderfully refreshing after working out.

Hope everyone else is having a great day, too! :cool1: :banana: ::MickeyMo :teeth: :cloud9: :cheer2:
Did it! Started my day off with (a little bit of) exercise!!! Did WATP 1 mile -- did only the walking 1 mile part, and I couldn't find my weight balls, but I did the walking. I got out of the bed on this freezing cold morning, 1/2 hour early, and did it. What a great feeling, knowing I started the day off that way. Being accountable here is what motivated me. I wanted to know that I could set a goal and do it. And I wanted everyone who has been so supportive to know that their kind words help and motivate me. My mile times are improving on the treadmill, and I am building up stamina to do longer distances.
Here is what my journal looks like:
1/20 -- 1.6 miles -- 35 minutes -- 21.88 minutes/mile
1/23 -- 2.0 miles -- 40mins 30 secs -- 20.25 minutes/mile
1/25 -- 2.0 miles -- 39 mins 40 secs -- 19.84 minutes/mile
1/27 -- 3.0 miles -- 58 mins 30 secs -- 19.56 minutes/mile

Now that I have done 3 miles, I am going to be sure I do at least that much each time I step on the TM. Putting an hour aside JUST for the TM is not easy, but I am going to try to keep it up. Hopefully, I can get that time down to considerably less than an hour, so that I can walk some 5Ks over the next several months without being the last one on the course.

My objective for today is not to eat too much at an awards luncheon I am going to. I actually packed my lunch (because that is a commitment I have made), and if at all possible, will merely "pick" at the luncheon or, best scenario, stick to salad, and then come back here and eat my lunch.
keenercam said:
Well, it has been 8 days. I can't believe I have been this disciplined for 8 days. I know that doesn't sound like much to many people, but for me it is a big deal. Everything in my life is so structured that I tend to rebel with food and exercise -- eating whatever I want and doing something other than exercising. I have really attempted to change my mindset to a way of thinking that the disciplined eating and the exercise are for me, and not punishment or deprivation.

I do feel energized and enthusiastic about this -- can't remember the last time I felt this way. Hope I am saying the same thing a month from now. I will take it a month at a time.

If you are still here, thanks for listening and thanks for your support!

You ARE fired up!!! I think that you've given your journey a lot of thought, done alot of planning, & are totally committed to meeting your goals!!! You know, you've "flipped the switch", so to speak...YOU WILL DO WELL!!!

Keep it up!! I'll check in from time-to-time to see how you're doing!

Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement! I am finding that planning is my friend on this journey -- planning meals, planning exercise time, and planning a goal and the path to it. Of course, having the nicest :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: in the world right here is the biggest help of all! :teeth:

I just got back from an awards luncheon, where my firm was honored. The food was so wonderful and for the first time in my memory, I was not tempted by the desserts or any of the carb type dishes. I ate grilled shrimp, a delicious salad with vinegarette dressing and a fabulous asparagus,red pepper & vinegarette dressing mix. How considerate of the host firm to have made such great choices available to the attendees. It's so nice when the choices are easy. Now, I can save my turkey chili for dinner, and still be well within points. I think lunch may have been 4 points total! Way cool!!!
Hi Cam,

You are doing a great job! Planning is definatley your friend on this weight loss journey. I have to agree that your son is very insightful. You have done a great job the last few days managing temptation. Turning down tiramisu, mexican, and desserts at the luncheon. You will definatley make it to goal with that determination.
Have a good weekend,
Went to the gym today, at DH's urging. Can't believe I took my huge self out in public and walked on a treadmill with all those people around. Oh, well, have to accept that this is what I look like, and at least I am working on improving.
So, in terms of treadmilling, my times seem to be steadily improving. Can't wait until I can do 3 miles in 45 minutes. Hopefully in time for the 5k I intend to walk in about a month.
My treadmill log so far:
1/20 -- 1.6 miles -- 35 minutes -- 21.88 minutes/mile
1/23 -- 2.0 miles -- 40mins 30 secs -- 20.25 minutes/mile
1/25 -- 2.0 miles -- 39 mins 40 secs -- 19.84 minutes/mile
1/27 -- 3.0 miles -- 58 mins 30 secs -- 19.56 minutes/mile
1/29 -- 3.0 miles -- 54 mins 50 secs --18.28 minutes/mile
keenercam said:
Went to the gym today, at DH's urging. Can't believe I took my huge self out in public and walked on a treadmill with all those people around. Oh, well, have to accept that this is what I look like, and at least I am working on improving.

Cam, good for you!! You made me laugh!! On the days that I walk outside I feel sooooo bad for all those that have to see me in my walking gear.......spandex in the size I wear is for 1) hard to find, 2) not meant to be worn in public by someone of my size, 3) looks like it should be worn by a toddler before I get my BIG self into it!!

But I am thinking at some point, even my spandez will be too big for I continue toscare the neighbors...and some even smile and wave....not sure what they are thinking... :rotfl2: but I just can't care about that either!!

Keep up the great work!! It is hard, but SOOOOO worth it!!! You are doing great!!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Thank you so much, Sarahsmom. I really do feel as if I have a cheering section here, and I appreciate it so much that you took the time to post. I saw that you have been sick. I hope you are feeling better. BTW, I can't even imagine being as close to goal as you are. Congratulations and keep up the great work!!!

Thanks, Liz!!!! You had me :rotfl2: !!! Spandex is NOWHERE in my future! Someday, maybe I will be less self conscious about shorts. Actually, I LOVE using my treadmill at home, simply because I don't have to worry about how I am dressed, piling my hair on my head in a funky ponytail. I can also pull off my tee shirt when I get icky and just workout in a sports bra -- could never do that at the Y! And the best thing of all is that I have trained my entire family to leave me alone when I am exercising -- no questions or requests or phone calls. So, the time really seems like it is "me" time.

Wanna hear something funny? At the Y there are about 10 tv monitors all playing different things and the TM I was on happened to be near the tv with extreme plastic surgery playing on it. Let me tell you, if watching liposuction or a tummy tuck isn't enough to persuade you to eat healthy, nothing is! I was, however, thinking "My way is so much smarter and healthier, even if it takes me so much longer to lose those inches."

So, TM last night was 53 mins. 57 secs, which is less than 18 minutes per mile. The time is definitely dropping, slowly, but surely. I even ran last night for two 30-45 second spurts. Almost laughable, but made me feel like I was trying something different and a little harder.
Cam! You are doing an amazing job! It is really nice to have the tredmill at home, isn't it!!! :cheer2: Keep it up!
keenercam said:
So, TM last night was 53 mins. 57 secs, which is less than 18 minutes per mile. The time is definitely dropping, slowly, but surely. I even ran last night for two 30-45 second spurts. Almost laughable, but made me feel like I was trying something different and a little harder.

That's not laughable, IT'S TOUGH TO DO! I tried to run last week on the TM and "the girls" were bouncing too much...really need a sports bra...LOL.

Good job...alot of people can't run for 10 seconds!
Having a bit of a "down" day, just because of the scale, and I have to get over that. Yesterday, it looked like the number was significantly lower -- so much so that I checked it several times. Today, it was 3 lbs more than it was yesterday morning. I know it can be due to any number of things, including the fact that I ate very very late last night. So, I just have to get past the fact that today's number is higher than yesterday's. I think I am going to have to start weighing myself at the "Y" once in a while, too, to get a real idea of the number. Our scale is so unreliable depending on where it is on the very flat floor, where you put your feet, etc.

Okay, I did lots of things yesterday that I wish I hadn't, but none of it was that bad and I still stuck to my commitment. When DH and I went to the movies last night I got only a small unbuttered popcorn and drank bottled water. I had 4 of his pretzel bites dipped in cheese, but was still within my WW points. I then went home, did 2 miles on the TM, and ate dinner at 10:15 -- UGH!!! But I was hungry and I figured that if ate before I worked out, I wouldn't feel like getting on the TM. Won't be doing that again, of course. So, I drank all my water, didn't splurge at the movies, got on the TM even though I was hungry and tired, and stayed within my points. The things I won't do again are sharing DH's junk food and eating dinner so very late at night.
Tracey --
Your post was a real "up moment" for me this morning!
Thank you.

You had me :rotfl2: too about "the girls" -- I have 2 sports bras, 2 large tee shirts and one pair of sweatpants and all pieces are dirty right now from working out Sat, Sun, and Monday, so DH is going home at lunch to do laundry for me so I can go to the Y tonight. I am going to order a couple more things on line right now, so that I have plenty to go a few days without having to do laundry.

Have a great day! :sunny:
keenercam said:
Our scale is so unreliable depending on where it is on the very flat floor, where you put your feet, etc.

Okay, I did lots of things yesterday that I wish I hadn't, but none of it was that bad and I still stuck to my commitment.


Please don't beat yourself up too badly...if you stuck to your commitment, you may have done a few things that others may have done differently, but the bottom line is that "stuck to" is "stuck to" least where I come from. ;)
Thanks, Tracy -- that is a big help. I am definitely staying within my points and have barely touched my earned activity points, and have not touched a single FLEX point. So, even though logic says I should definitely see pounds dropping and I haven't, I know intellectually that it will eventually happen. Guess my metabolism is still sleeping or something.
Just did the math -- I walked 17.6 miles in January -- not bad considering the first day I exercised was January 20. So, in 11 days, I did 17.6 miles. Which means I should be able to do 40 in February (it's a short month). Will start with, hopefully, 3 miles at the Y tonight.
Hey Cam,

You are doing a great job. You are exercising and staying within your points. You did awesome at the movies. You will definately see the scale move downward soon. Keep up the great work.

Take care,
Besides in the words of DD 3 1/2 when she thinks something is dumb... That scale is a "DUMACRAT!!!"
Hey Cam...

methinks you need to hide your scale......

I had to do that as well. I had Greg take it and hide it!! :rolleyes1 Last week I couldn't lose a pound to save my soul, in fact, I gained one...but then this week WHOOSH!! You time with the WHOOSH fairy is due!!

Great job on all that treadmill time! Keep up with it. It has to pay off!!

Can't wait to hear of your continued success!!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
:wave2: Hi Cam!! I just read through your journal and you AMAZE me! :worship: Girlfriend, you aren't just TALKING about getting healthy -you are DOING it!

Your dedication to exercise is something I aspire to! Your long days at work would make it so easy to skip the workouts, but you are making exercise a priority and look at those times decreasing! By the way, I'm just starting to run a bit on the treadmill. I walked the Disney half marathon in January but didn't do any running. I'm lucky if I can run a minute at a time! So keep on running. I find that it uses slightly different muscles than walking and it feels good to alternate the walking and jogging.

Your willpower with your food has been great! You are sticking like glue to your healthy foods and that is making a difference! Bravo for eating healthy, even when it isn't easy.

Now about that silly scale! :badpc: (insert scale instead of PC). Because you are exercising, I'm guessing that you will lose inches off your body before you lose pounds. Please don't let this discourage you! Pay attention to how your clothes are fitting and let that motivate you to keep going when the scale isn't cooperating. If you have a tape measure, you can take your measurements once every week or two and watch those inches melt away! :cloud9:

Keep up the great work, Cam! You're on the right track! :sunny:


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