Can I use my band mom? A 4th birthday at the YC! Sept 13! update 7/3 x3 Completed !!

What a great video!!! I just adore Devyn, he is such a cutie pie! You can tell he & your nephew were having the best time on your trip. :goodvibes
What an awesome video! You caught so much! Devyn will be able to always look back on this and get a pretty good feel for the trip..even if he can not remember it clearly. I love too how it really shows that WDW can be magical for boys too. I think it is easy to get caught up in the princess fair tale aspect... but you do an awesome job bringing that magic to a little boy with the pirates league and Jedi training.:thumbsup2
I have really enjoyed reading this. Your son and nephew are adorable. It looks like you all had a wonderful time.

My son is 4 and he loves Disney. His sister and I think it's pretty cool too. :rotfl2:

My son doesn't know it yet (actually doesn't know about the trip itself yet), but I have Pirate's League booked for him during our trip next month. I showed him the pictures of Devyn because that is the look I chose for him. He loved the pictures. Can I ask how they secure that earring?
So I am still playing catch up... I will try day by day...

So 9/10 -

OMG! it goes by so fast. Once they hit school age especially!

I think taking him out at this age is just fine. I know others may not agree. I take my dd out far too much I suppose. However I know when she hits middle school and high school it will be far more serious, so I do it now while I can.

Let me just finish by saying Devyns smile is so cute. (I think I have mentioned this before) His smile can surely brighten anyones day!

9/11 -

I am so jealous that you can get to Disney that quickly! I can't even get to the other side of my state that fast. :rolleyes: Still... super happy that you arrived. :woohoo:

The characters in flight balloon never seems to be running! I am sorry you didn't get to ride it.

That is so cute that Devyn was trying to figure out how everything on the carousel worked.

Kinda stinks that you never got the text that your room was ready. Sounds like you stayed busy just fine though.

Love that you got so much pool time in! What a brilliant cm who got the kids to play calmly!
What a great video!!! I just adore Devyn, he is such a cutie pie! You can tell he & your nephew were having the best time on your trip. :goodvibes

:goodvibes Thank you so much!!! He is just getting so big

What an awesome video! You caught so much! Devyn will be able to always look back on this and get a pretty good feel for the trip..even if he can not remember it clearly. I love too how it really shows that WDW can be magical for boys too. I think it is easy to get caught up in the princess fair tale aspect... but you do an awesome job bringing that magic to a little boy with the pirates league and Jedi training.:thumbsup2

Thank you! I always feel like I need to find new things for the boys but he really enjoyed those both and wants to do them again. If he don't remember much he still ask about that monorail cake!:rotfl2:

I have really enjoyed reading this. Your son and nephew are adorable. It looks like you all had a wonderful time.

My son is 4 and he loves Disney. His sister and I think it's pretty cool too. :rotfl2:

My son doesn't know it yet (actually doesn't know about the trip itself yet), but I have Pirate's League booked for him during our trip next month. I showed him the pictures of Devyn because that is the look I chose for him. He loved the pictures. Can I ask how they secure that earring?

We had an amazing time!
Its just us two and I am so grateful he loves it as much as I do. Hoping he doesn't grow out of it anytime soon. The earing is a clip on and they clip it to the bandana behind the ear. It did not bother him at all.

So I am still playing catch up... I will try day by day...

So 9/10 -

OMG! it goes by so fast. Once they hit school age especially!

I think taking him out at this age is just fine. I know others may not agree. I take my dd out far too much I suppose. However I know when she hits middle school and high school it will be far more serious, so I do it now while I can.

Let me just finish by saying Devyns smile is so cute. (I think I have mentioned this before) His smile can surely brighten anyones day!

9/11 -

I am so jealous that you can get to Disney that quickly! I can't even get to the other side of my state that fast. :rolleyes: Still... super happy that you arrived. :woohoo:

The characters in flight balloon never seems to be running! I am sorry you didn't get to ride it.

That is so cute that Devyn was trying to figure out how everything on the carousel worked.

Kinda stinks that you never got the text that your room was ready. Sounds like you stayed busy just fine though.

Love that you got so much pool time in! What a brilliant cm who got the kids to play calmly!

I am thinking like you, I will take him out as much as I can until middle and especially high school but lets not think that far in the future!:rotfl:

I can never ride that balloon but next time! The good thing is I know I cannot stay away for long even though we are skipping Disney Next year and are doing a Disney cruise to Alaska in June. Closer to you!
9/12 -

Looks like you got an upgrade! :woohoo: View from your room is very nice!!! I love the YC. Our first ever on property stay we were upgraded to the YC. It was so unexpected and seemed so lavish!

That is a lot of pool time. I know I would be ready for a nap too!

So cool that you had family arrive.

The walk from YC to epcot is such a huge reason I love that area. I love walking through the international gateway!
9/13 -

What a beautiful morning. I bet the boat ride was really nice?

I am not one for ToT... so I can appreciate Devyn wanting to wait to do it.

What a bummer that RNRC was down!

I had to laugh at the picture of the boys with Phin and Ferb... they look thrilled. :rotfl:

I have never tried Hollywood and Vine. I have been curious though... glad it worked out well for you!

And congrats on the bounceback. I know that the fall is hot, but I really like fall in WDW.

I love the pictures at the jedi training academy! So cool!

What a neat night! I love all the villans that were out. However... 3 hour wait? :scared1: I am not sure I would have had the patience for that.

Sounds like a very long day!
9/14 -

I love the bucket that the kids meal comes in at Restaurantosaurus. I mean if you are buying lunch anyway (which I mean.. ya have to eat, right?) then it is like a free souvenir. I am sorry his got lost though :sad2:

OMG! I love this picture! :rotfl: Poor kiddo.

Back yard BBQ looks like fun. I guess I wasn't aware there was a difference between that and the HDDR. :confused3

Sounds like a great ending to your day... pool time at SAB while watching illuminations... :cloud9:

I love YC too...but agree... the exorbitant rates keep me from booking.
9/12 -

Looks like you got an upgrade! :woohoo: View from your room is very nice!!! I love the YC. Our first ever on property stay we were upgraded to the YC. It was so unexpected and seemed so lavish!

That is a lot of pool time. I know I would be ready for a nap too!

So cool that you had family arrive.

The walk from YC to epcot is such a huge reason I love that area. I love walking through the international gateway!

Ann I loved it! I think I'm ruined though because its so expensive to stay there and I would want to save money and do a garden or standard view but I loved that room including a great view of illuminations right from the door!
Then the pool I am not a big pool person but I could play in that pool with my kid half the day. And yes the walk to international gate way was perfect . We got spoiled and it is going to be a big switch when we go to sports this time but we rather be in the parks anyway! Yep the prices keep me!
I have tried to get him on tot and its a small world and he won't get on either one. I understand tot but not iasw. I'm not gong to force him though. On his own time. H and vine was my family favorite place. They did not believe it got bad reviews. In glad I went to that event but It was so disorganized event!
I think you are wise not forcing him on a ride. If and when he feels up to it then is when he will enjoy it more. :goodvibes
9/15 -

I love the pirates league pictures! Both boys look awesome!

CHH is one of my favorite CS restaurants. I do like the food...but sitting upstairs and watching out the window is one of my all time favorite things to do!!!


He is such a cutie!!! What a great pic with the whimsy of the hat and the toughness of the pirate make over. I LOVE IT!!!

The birthday cake is so pretty! I think I need to order one for DD's birthday in October. Do you remember what link or phone # you used to order your cake? What options did you have? Like...I know it is only at certain restaurants, right?

You fit in so much that night! I am so impressed. Plus..the fp+ for MSEP... :cool1::cool1: I love that you had all that room!!

Free cake pops? Now that just is the perfect ending to a great day!!!
Hi there!!

On Spring Break this week, so I've had lots of DisBoard time :laughing:

That video is AWESOME!!!! I love it! The music you chose was just perfect, too! It brought tears to my eyes...I'm such a sap when it comes to WDW :upsidedow You've definitely given me an idea for our upcoming trip ::yes:: How did you find those songs?? Can you give me the names of them?

Thanks a million for sharing! Have a great weekend!
9/16 -

Ok..this will catch me up :cool1::cool1:

Great pp pics!


Looks like everyone (well, almost everyone:rotfl2:) is trying to wait out the rain inside. The park really didn't look that packed. Empty parks are so fun!

I have had that steak at the American Pavilion. I agree with your mom. For it being a cs credit or $11... it is pretty darn good. :thumbsup2

:cool1: for the funnel cake! How awesome is that??

That grey goose slushie is amazing isn't it??? YUM

I would love to be able to watch illuminations from the balcony. That must have been perfect.

And with that... I am caught up AND I sub'd to your other TR. I feel like I have accomplished something. ;)
I think you are wise not forcing him on a ride. If and when he feels up to it then is when he will enjoy it more. :goodvibes

9/15 -

I love the pirates league pictures! Both boys look awesome!

CHH is one of my favorite CS restaurants. I do like the food...but sitting upstairs and watching out the window is one of my all time favorite things to do!!!


He is such a cutie!!! What a great pic with the whimsy of the hat and the toughness of the pirate make over. I LOVE IT!!!

The birthday cake is so pretty! I think I need to order one for DD's birthday in October. Do you remember what link or phone # you used to order your cake? What options did you have? Like...I know it is only at certain restaurants, right?

You fit in so much that night! I am so impressed. Plus..the fp+ for MSEP... :cool1::cool1: I love that you had all that room!!

Free cake pops? Now that just is the perfect ending to a great day!!!

I think so too even though I wish he would try it once I know he will when he is ready as it took me years to get the courage to ride it.:goodvibes
He loved the pirates league and he said he ants to do it again. Although it was very hot with that bandana on, He did not wear it long! CHH is the best, I discovered when I was A CP and ate there like once a week. I cannot believe my family never ate there before and My sister has been trying to eat there and she finally did unlike her luck with RNR. She has never rode it and the last 3 trips it has always been out of order.
I have seen nothing but amazing cakes. There is a different bakery to call depending on where you want the cake. I got all the information for the cake thread. It has the number and all the options and when you call, they will ask what you want. Just whatever you want, ask and they will let you know if they can do it. I told them I wanted monorail and the guy was not sure, He said he had to talk to the decorator. They called me back the same day and gave me my options. They have a cake hotline number 407-827-2253.
Here is the cake thread. It really helped me with the process!

Some places like the epcot restaurants, you can get cakes but they are an outside vendors. The cake was soooo good. Do not make my mistake and order it while you are eating at an all you can eat place because we were so stuffed but they will give you a box to take it back to your room. I knew we would not eat it all o I just ordered it there since we were staying there and could take it back to the room

Hi there!!

On Spring Break this week, so I've had lots of DisBoard time :laughing:

That video is AWESOME!!!! I love it! The music you chose was just perfect, too! It brought tears to my eyes...I'm such a sap when it comes to WDW :upsidedow You've definitely given me an idea for our upcoming trip ::yes:: How did you find those songs?? Can you give me the names of them?

Thanks a million for sharing! Have a great weekend!

:goodvibes Thank you! I am a sap too, I love watching other family videos so I decided to give it a try.
So the songs in order
Im on a roll by Stefano langone
Im a pirate from POTC soundtrack
Star wars theme song
Main street welcome song
When you wish upon a star
little wonders by rob Thomas

I got the Disney songs from a CD my friend made for me last year.

9/16 -

Ok..this will catch me up :cool1::cool1:

Great pp pics!


Looks like everyone (well, almost everyone:rotfl2:) is trying to wait out the rain inside. The park really didn't look that packed. Empty parks are so fun!

I have had that steak at the American Pavilion. I agree with your mom. For it being a cs credit or $11... it is pretty darn good. :thumbsup2

:cool1: for the funnel cake! How awesome is that??

That grey goose slushie is amazing isn't it??? YUM

I would love to be able to watch illuminations from the balcony. That must have been perfect.

And with that... I am caught up AND I sub'd to your other TR. I feel like I have accomplished something. ;)

:cool1: Yah! You are good, I am still catching upon yours! lol He had to run out there! He doesn't get out often! :rotfl: Once the rain let up everyone started to come out. I thought it was best thing in the world when he gave us the funnel cake. Especially after we were talking with him before Dinner, who knew he was working in that stand! MY first grey goose slush was heaven! I cannot wait to get another one
Hey Disney friends. I am for my luck of updates. It took me awhile to figure out how to work on that video. I am going to try ad do an update later today but it may not happen since this is my last day off before our trip and I have to finish packing today and run a few errands. I m so crazy excited to be on the Disney dream or any Disney cruise for the first time in 5 days! Ok See you guys soon!


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