Celebrating My Inner Ninja WDW Style with Disney Friends!

Aww so cute the pics of Hailey asleep at the table!
Looks like a fun time in the Big Blue Pool! Love that thing
What a fun filled day.

Poor Hailey. I am glad she was fine once she got in that wheel chair. Too funny that she slept through dinner.

Your pizza looks yummy! I absolutely love the pizzas there. Not picky. I'll try any of them.

A guess a late afternoon swim can pick anyone up. Glad you made it back to Epcot and even caught some Illuminations. :thumbsup2
Aww so cute the pics of Hailey asleep at the table!
Looks like a fun time in the Big Blue Pool! Love that thing

thanks I think she's cute too,and ya know I just might keep her lol.
Omg yes I loved that pool so much,it';s just too bad they didn't put as much effort into the Ariel pool like they did with the other 2
What a fun filled day.

Poor Hailey. I am glad she was fine once she got in that wheel chair. Too funny that she slept through dinner.

Your pizza looks yummy! I absolutely love the pizzas there. Not picky. I'll try any of them.

A guess a late afternoon swim can pick anyone up. Glad you made it back to Epcot and even caught some Illuminations. :thumbsup2

Yeah I'm so thankful for that chair words can't describe it.She has a habit of sleeping through dinner at Disney but that one was only at 4:30 and she's never done it that early,usually I book all dinners before 5 in Disney because of that but this time it was because the seizure wore her out.
So when we last left off I had gone to bed because my feet were dead and broken and it was overdue........So the next morning we got up n dressed

we took a bus to MGM and stood in line

See all these blue shirts?

well they were not alone.....

see told ya! They were big groups but they were pleasant so it was okay by me ;)

EEk yucky looking sky

I don't know why i've never taken pics of those billboards,but I was on a mission to try n get some different pics when I could

Someday I will try out star wars weekends but not near memorial day I promise!!!

we had a mission to get to Hailey's fave ride and so thats where we went first plus it helped us avoid the toy story crowds

trying to see if photobucket will co-operate n keep my photos rotated next time I'm gonna fix them all in windows gallery first grrrr this is irritating anyways yes we were at star tours and secretly hoping to be the rebel spy but no luck this time

I think I look pretty spiffy in my minnie ears n startours shades yup perfect combo LOL

Hailey in her star wars dress that grandma made her

do you remember the gloom n doom clouds we saw? well it rained while we were in Star tours because I came out n took this pic of gertie n the ground was all wet

i just wish i knew how to get these people out because I love this pic

Then we went and got photo pass pics which I have no idea where they went as they are no longer in my computer :( and then we had a new mission to cross off another "snack" from my list which I will take a pic of tonight so I can post it here and you can all give me other ideas to add to it,asnyways heres where this mission took us

yep Tune in lounge was the destination for a pb n J milkshake to go ,holy cow was it ever good.Someone had posted a recipe on facebook but it was gross n tasted nothing like the real deal too jammy if thats not a word well it is now :P

So many updates...man, did I fall behind!!!

Love picture of Hailey snoozing at the table! :goodvibes That pizza looks SO GOOD...but I don't ever think I would be able to talk my family into that particular combination of toppings. :sad2: You and I will have to do that together some time. :thumbsup2

So jealous of your Dismeets...someday that will be ME you are meeting! :flower3:

I am so glad you and Hailey ditched the "extras" that were causing you so much grief earlier in the trip! This is much more pleasant to read about!

OH, and let's not let "babe" see the SW dress...he may want your mom to make him a shirt to match. :rolleyes1 :lmao:
So many updates...man, did I fall behind!!!

Love picture of Hailey snoozing at the table! :goodvibes That pizza looks SO GOOD...but I don't ever think I would be able to talk my family into that particular combination of toppings. :sad2: You and I will have to do that together some time. :thumbsup2

So jealous of your Dismeets...someday that will be ME you are meeting! :flower3:

I am so glad you and Hailey ditched the "extras" that were causing you so much grief earlier in the trip! This is much more pleasant to read about!

OH, and let's not let "babe" see the SW dress...he may want your mom to make him a shirt to match. :rolleyes1 :lmao:

I probaly never would've tried that pizza combo either had I not married an Italian ,but at several of his families weddings they served those items together n I was fascinated the first time,it is soooooo good!!!
I actually haven't had an "official dismeet" yet because I've only met friends from a different forum.....I wonder who my first actual "dismeet" will be
I'm glad we ditched the grumpies too!!
haha they can have a star wars wedding!!!
so after we got our milkshakes to go we decided to try something we hadnt't done yet..........I knew 4 parks in 1 day would be too much for Hailey so i thought we could try 3 but not go crazy commando style so we walked along through Hollywood....

taking random pics along the way of course

oh hey theres our ride

I know alot of people walk because they say its faster but I love the friendship boats

we always sit outside in the back of the boat,this made me cry a little you know when you cry one tear out of one eye only yeah it was like that because being on a boat makes me really miss my Dad so I had a little moment then without realising sat on the soaking wet bench,I mean who wouldn't wanna do that so that you could walk around Disney looking like you urinated yourself right? I'm sure there must be some interesting pic of this out there somewhere(maybe not though since I knew @Blackthidot was not around)

then I purt the poncho down for Hailey to sit on n we forgot it on the boat :thumbsup2 i know i'm brilliant it's okay you don't have to tell me lol

Someday I WILL stay at the beach club!!! Someday!!!!

Now looky here Jack ( haha love me some uncle Si) this where my friend Jess just got married days before @Partofyourworld

I miss her like crazy !!

we went into epcot via the International gateway and there was a little shop on the left that i'd never been in before so we went in there and made a pressed penny n the cm there gave us a map of all pressed penny locations in the park,that was so cool of her!!!
I got distracted while we were chatting though because I saw a piece that I didn't buy yet because I was a starvin marvin ,but I am going to buy this one day.......

do you know who that is? IT"S MY MUNKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need i say more? I think not it's awesomeness speaks for itself!

We were on a mission,remember how i said after our shake we decided to do 3 parks? well that was because we got hungry n it woulda taken too long to hit up MK,so since Epcot was closre n DHS food sucks for the most part,well as far as counter service anyways,we decided to try something thats been on my must try list since 2003!!!

we got our Fish from yorkshire county in the UK but not the real UK of course and sat out by the lagoon it was a bit windy but it was nice,although it kinda looked to me like it might rain,it didn't while we sat and ate.
Photobucket still hates me n is not keeping my edits so i'm giving up since the pics keep staying sideways anyways so I'm not gonna bother for the rest of the report but u get the idea here's H and her yummies!!

I think it's safe to say she was quite happy in that moment ,she refused to use the fork to eat n I didn't push the issue because we were in Disney,and theres alot less rules there,and also she was so happy that I figured it wasn't worth losing that smile,sometimes ya gotta pick your battles and she wasn't hurting anyone so oh well what the heck right.

Nemo was the one thing I wanted to ride while we were there so thats what we did

I didn't get any good pics in there at all so you'll have to settle for the pics I got afterwards

and of course the seahorse because theres nothing about these creatures that H doesn't know,she loves them.

H believed these were real and made me take a pic for Ry cause she loves turtles

and when we went to leave that area it started torrential rains so we ran into a building of innoventions to wait it out,it never did stop so we just walked out in it anyways because what was the difference even if we ran the rain was so heavy we'd still be soaked so rather than risk a fall we walked out n to the monorail for our next mission

oh hey castle!!

Oh man, you are my tummy's worst nightmare today! My lunch was so-so, and now I am sitting here eating some so-so chex mix for snack and reading all about milkshakes at 50's and then...and then...you just HAD to post that picture of the Fish and Chips!! YUMMMMMMM!!! Me want some NOW! :worship: That is STILL on my must try list...we just kept getting drawn back into the yumminess of Sunshine Seasons when we were there last year. But someday!!! :thumbsup2

Okay, so what is wrong with this scenario...eat fish then go see Nemo and Friends... FISH ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD!!! :lmao:

Now, THAT is the Magic Kingdom I am used to...RAINY and cloudy! :sad2:

Can't wait to see what's for dinner at the MK! popcorn:: (Bet it's better than the salmon patties we will be having for dinner tonight... :rolleyes1 )

Taadaa! People gone.
Oh man, you are my tummy's worst nightmare today! My lunch was so-so, and now I am sitting here eating some so-so chex mix for snack and reading all about milkshakes at 50's and then...and then...you just HAD to post that picture of the Fish and Chips!! YUMMMMMMM!!! Me want some NOW! :worship: That is STILL on my must try list...we just kept getting drawn back into the yumminess of Sunshine Seasons when we were there last year. But someday!!! :thumbsup2

Okay, so what is wrong with this scenario...eat fish then go see Nemo and Friends... FISH ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD!!! :lmao:

Now, THAT is the Magic Kingdom I am used to...RAINY and cloudy! :sad2:

Can't wait to see what's for dinner at the MK! popcorn:: (Bet it's better than the salmon patties we will be having for dinner tonight... :rolleyes1 )

Oh I didn't even realise that we ate fish just before Nemo haha!!! Seriously though don't think about it just do it it was way too good!!!
also my precious little Nashatarian I never said the Adr was IN the Mk ,hmmmmm I wonder if it is or not LOL guess u gotta wait n see huh???
Awe this made me miss my oopsi n since I couldn't get a pic with her H did it for me!

we made our way up Mainstreet Usa because we had yet to explore the New Fantasyland expansion thats not so new to most of you now but first H wanted to go on the tea cups so thats what we did

here's what the FLE looked like then........

a little peek through the wall

awe this view made me miss Ry because on our 2011 trip her n I watched the fireworks from Fantasyland n it looked as if they were over beasts castle

we kept on truckin on into this little shop

and passed this place which i think I may try the next time we'll see

then i saw this really annoying guy that was acting like he was in love with me Ugh he is positively prime evil!!!

oh my momma suddenly needs new dishes!!!

I loved this but if I bought it i wouldn't have a leg to stand on

maybe someday i hope!

haha I'm eating popcorn as I update n looky here

I loved the batb area but we didnt go into etwb I'm hoping to do that with Riley when we go,H had other plans.....

I don't even wanna tell you how long I waited to get that pic without people standing in front of it or climbing all over it

I can't wait for that coaster!!

man it was busy

yay we made it!!!

barely any of my pics turned out

"he's a human you're a mermaid.......But Daddy I love him!!!"

I really enjoyed that ride ,ew did get stuck twice but it was ok by me we were having a good time n we were both happy n it was so nice to have our time together,but I had to look for something ....see I had read a TR where someone found a dingle hopper li,ke for real! I knew from that moment that I had to have one! So I had asked my mom to get the girls one when she went to Disney a few weeks before me,I even did my research to find out where they were sold. She never found them but i'll return to that in a sec so where did my hunt lead me?

Sir Mickeys of course

okay ready for the kicker? The thing mom came home with instead of the dinglehopper was a mermaid styling playset which I also found RIGFHT NEXT TO THE DANG DINGLEHOPPER!!!!!!!! oh my lord okay after i stopped laughing I bought one for Riley .

then I took this pic to remind me that I need to get a pic of the kids doing this too at some point

I had my own agenda but H wanted to ride PPF yep I caved I mean it's her trip too right n my theory is as long as shes behaving then we do things we both want to do,I didn't take pics except for one which i always try for n never suceed but this time I got one that was good enough for me

then she wanted to do small world while I was hoping to get a parade spot so I gave her the options n she chose.....

I wasn't going to take pics here either because i have so many of the same pics from in there but something happened that has never happened while we've been there

and wouldn't you know it happened again as we were leaving,how odd

I really wanted to check out the Rapunzel Bathroom area but now H decided it was parade time um ok sure kiddo lol so i did a quick walk through

By now we had missed 15 plus minutes of the parade because we detoured to do a few rides but that was okay because we were going at our pace and enjoying ourselves,then I had a thought what if we not only got a spot to watch the parade but did something we had never done before? Could we combine them? hmmmm so upon further inspection I realised it was totally do-able,heres the 2 pics I took before my genius idea

YAY we were going to watch the parade ,well what was left of it from the top deck of the river boat,I have never done the riverboat it's almost always closed when I go

our view was obstructed but we didn't care we were just happy and in the moment

BEAST!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

The parade was soon over and our journey on the rivers of America was just beginning

I really wanted to ride HM but H doesn't do well with spooky so I didn't even mention it because she was in good spirits and I was hoping to avopid meltdowns.
Hopefully I will get to experience Tom Sawyer island with riley ,another thing I haven't done before

BTMRR ya know that rides really moving up on my priorities


continuing our journey

hi Bambi :goodvibes

I'd camp out here if I could

I've heard gators are actually in these waters and saw a youtube vid of one once that had 3 legs n apparently the cm's named it tripod ,look it up!!

I loved all the scenery along the way

Hailey took this time to rest lol

sadly all good things must come to an end



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