Character breakfast without kids


Bond...James Bond
Mar 10, 2005
Please answer honestly I can take the punishment. Would any of you go to a character breakfast if you were at WDW without kids? I asked a co-worker who recently bought at SSR and is going for the first time in sept. When I asked her she almost fell on the floor laughing saying that's only for kids. I told her I would go with my wife if my kids weren't with us(can't ever imagine a scenerio where kids weren't with me, but anyway). She couldn't belive that I would do that. I explained that I love the buffet at Chef Mickey's and thought it would still be fun if are kids weren't with us. She thought it was silly that it was only for kids. Am I alone here?
ME, personally? Naw!

I love taking DD3goingon23! I love the happiness and excitement in her eyes, but I can't imagine going without her -- especially to Chef Mickey's!

Sure--especially if there were characters I really wanted to meet. And if the food were good...
Bah humbug to people who say anything Disney is just for kids! ;)
Big kid at heart! Would definitely go w/o DD! Maybe even w/o DH! :rotfl2:
I'd look at a character breakfast (or lunch or dinner) just like I would any other meal at WDW with an "entertainment" component - like 50's Prime Time Cafe, Sci-Fi Dine In Theatre, Coral Reef (with the aquarium), or Biergarten - you get the idea. If I didn't want so much interaction with the characters (which I probaly wouldn't) I'd still be able to enjoy the meal and watching the kids have such fun. I might ask characters for an autograph if I had something handy for them to sign, but I wouldn't bother with pictures. But yes, I'd go solo even if I enjoyed the meal (and those potatoes at the Princess Breakfast in Norway are to die for!!!)
I don't know if I would go to CMs.. didn't really enjoy it, but I would def. go to a character meal without the kids.
My DH & I haven't gone for a few years but we did go to Artist Point ( they don't do it there anymore), the Garden Grill (the land) and Chef Mickey. It was fun taking pictures of the caractors with DH. We also had gone to the one in the CR before it was Chef Mickey with the kids. Now I can't wait to take my grandson.
We might - it'd a great place to take pics with the characters without standing in line outside! The food is usually pretty good as well. Just so you know - we've seen plenty of adult only groups at charcter meals!
I like goofy's beach blast at the Cape may cafe in the BC. I like the food and the entertainment. it is a buffett but a small one so they exchange the food more frequently.

If you can't find something that you like - come back - it will be changed.

- I have also been to Chef MIckey's without kids - mother wanted to go on her birthday when she return 80.

Chef Mickey's is definitely party central - there were several adult parties going on without kids. Also of course lots of kids.

the Garden Grill is another favorite.

if you want to go - do have fun!!! :cool1:
We have done it and will do it in teh future without the kids hell we are all just kids in grown up bodies once we get to WDW.
I not only would - I HAVE!!!!

Go - have fun - who cares!
We have always done the buffet at the Crystal Palace, which has the Pooh characters, even before we had kids. Of course that is partly because I've eaten there at every WDW trip since I was a little girl (before it was a character meal). I have really great memories of eating there with my g-ma and great G-ma so it's a must every time!

Even when we were on our honeymoon it was fun watching other people's kids and how excited they were. We still talk about the little boy who sat next to us (he was a little less than 2) and how cute he was about Tigger. Made us look forward to the day we cold bring our own kids.
My husband and I dont have children yet. Our next trip is in October and we are going to eat at 2 or 3 character meals. We would never hesitate to eat at a character meal or feel out place because we dont have kids.
In fact when the characters are out in the park, we stand in line to meet them and take pictures with them. The characters are part of the experience -- a great part.
You are not alone. Your co-worker just doesn't "get it" and really its her/his loss. Have a great time and when you get back be sure to tell your co-worker how fun you had because you will have had one! :) GO FOR IT!! YOU WILL HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME! :) :)
I would but likely not for the same reasons as most. I find many of the character meals simply enjoyable and would do them without the characters all else being the same, even price, especially O'hana.
We've done the 1900 Park Faire character meal at GF a few times. They have strawberry soup that's wonderful. We also like the Crystal Palace with Winnie the Pooh's gang. DH and I have fun!

Bobbi :flower:
You can bet your Kodakin' keister I would go! ;)

I am really curious to see what one of those character spreads would be like WITHOUT my kids -- maybe I would actually get to stay seated and EAT, LOL! Honestly, you can't beat a character meal for the interaction (and the food is usually quite good too), but often I feel like it's TOO "interactive"...

You get seated and suddenly, before you've even taken your seat, it's "Heeeyyy, look, gang, it's (insert name of character!) Get your autograph books out! Smile for the camera! Oh how cuuuuute!"

<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Snappy' border=0></a>

Character moves on, you manage to get your kids plates dished up and once again, you're ambushed, and it's "HEYYYYY! Look who's here! It's (insert character #2)! Look honey, look who's HERE! Everybody look at Mom... 1...2...3!"

So now you finally get YOUR food at the buffet, but ya have to hustle, cause you can see waiting in the wings is the next character...

<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Buffet' border=0></a>

So you manage to slam back two or three bites, and then it's ...

"Man your battle stations! Character #3 headed our way! Pen -- READY! Camera -- READY! Kids -- READY! C'mon, gang, gather in close around Character #3 and say, "Indigestion!"


And after a few rounds of this, lots of pictures, more than one gentle reminder to your flock to "eat up" inbetween some stolen bites of food from your own plate, the meal is then over...

<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Faint' border=0></a>

NOW THEN.... Don't you even buy one millisecond of the sarcasm / cynicism used to illustrate that scenario, though -- I actually happen to truly believe in the awe and wonder that can only be found on a child's face during good character meal interaction time! (Why ELSE would I pay over $20 a plate, haha? :goodvibes ) But SERIOUSLY -- I wouldn't trade any of our character meal experiences for the world (or for soft seating and an uninterrupted breakfast, either!) DH and I are totally in touch with not only our nostalgic parent side that loves to see the joy in all kids, but also, we're very in touch with our own "inner" kids, too!

So.... IF/WHEN I should EVER find myself in WDW sans the kiddos, I would definitely STILL go to character meals, because, hey, the food is good, but more importantly, I would enjoy watching the action and savoring it from the outside for a change (and while my food is still HOT , LOL!)
My best friend and I went to Goofy's breakfast at Cape May last February. (no kids - they were in college or working!) We got there when it first opened (I don't really like buffets). We had a few mimosas and took a few photos, too! We had a blast and never felt uncomfortable. I would definitely do it again.


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