Circle Journal COMPLETE

Mazda. I'd love to see pictures! In our album, do we do a page first? Are most one page or 2 page layouts? I'm working on a theme....
OK, here's some photos of my first CJ. I should have said on the OP (I'll go and amend it) that although you don't have to have done a CJ before, you DO need to have swapped before on these boards - as in signed up and sent off your elements (recieved safely by hostess). This is because we are sending books around, and we want everyone to be confident that their precious albums will make it home. This is NO reflection on any individual - some of us have been burnt in the past by people going MIA, and this is quite a commitment in time and funds (with the album and postage and all).

I hope everyone agrees this is reasonable.

Anyway, hoping this helps, here is my title page:

here are my "rules" pages - I went way over the top (it was my first time :blush:) and next time I'll skip these pages and put any guidelines on the sign-up pages or title page


here's the sign-up page with completed tags

example of completed tag (photo and names on reverse)

And an example of a spread - I got DS(9) to pick one at random so no favouritism;)

If you've not swapped before and need to pull out please PM me.

Love the pages! Thanks for posting them. I may have a million more questions before this is done! But I am very excited.......and will not stress over choosing a
Seems we have several recipe type journals going. I thought about my own theme and decided on one of my favorite things. In the past, all my topics have been Disney-related. This time, I'm stepping out on a theme is going to be CHOCOLATE.
Wonder if I can get chocolate-smelling pages???:scratchin
Of course, this book will be perfect for my diet...
Sure perfect for a diet- instead of eating you can look at your pages and inhale the chocolaty creations.

Ok I've been thinking and I've decided on Recipe Rehash as in what is the one recipe that your family never gets tired of. I figure this way I'll get some good everyday recipes that DH and I can enjoy. By the way he was really excited when I told him I was doing a recipe one.
That's a great theme! I need more folders for all the recipe swaps I've done:rolleyes1 I also made a recipe book each for my boys for when they leave home (talk about planning ahead:rotfl2: )with some family recipes and basic stuff like pastry, roast potatoes etc.
Now before anyone wonders why Im on the boards on Christmas morning, I have a tween and a teen and THEY are still sleeping! I was the last to go to bed and the first to wake up! Go figure!:confused3

So, Im really looking forward to this swap but, of course!, I have a couple of questions.
Is it ok to use the Mickey Mouse 8x8 album, the same type NM used for the MAW album? I should go ahead and add extra pages now, right?
I would like it to start at the farest point, which I think would be Mazda?
But I dont send her my book?
Could someone please explain more about tags, rules and regs?

If anyone is reading this today, I hope its simply because you are witing for the next activity to start or taking a "ME" moment!
:grouphug: :flower3:
I'm here for a while.

The hostess will set up the route for the books to follow. You will always send the book you have to same person. Kinda like A told B and B told C. You will get the "last" book first after your own. I have mine, you have yours, Mazda has hers. I send mine to you, you send yours to Mazda, Mazda sends hers to me. THEN I send Mazdas to you, you send mine to Mazda and Mazdan sends me yours. The last mailing in this case, we all get our own back. It'll be like this only with much more books inbetween.

Yes, you should add all the page protectors you will need at once in your book. We will not be adding page protectors to anyone else's books. It is up to each of us to make sure our books are ready to go. I would go ahead and add some cardboard spacers inbetween the sheets at the pegs too, while adding your extra pages & peg extenders.

The rules are what you want your book to be like.
I'm not home, so I can't give you my example. It's in my Word doc at home. Basically it states who you are, what your theme is about, what information you want put on your sign in tag/pages and what you do or don't want in your book.

The tags can be actual tags that are tucked into individual pockets, whole page pockets. They can be individual file folders. I've seen them be postcard shaped & themed. I've seen them round, square, rectangular.

The regs will be set at the beginning - such as you should mail by a certain date, you should insure & use Delivery Confirmation, you should use Priority (flat rate or regular rate box will depend upon the weight of the book), you should only make pages you would be proud to show off, you should inform the group as soon as possible if you don't think you can keep your commitment so the group leader can redirect the albums left to be finished. That kind of stuff.

I don't know the quality of the book that you mention. Only you can determine if it will hold up to constant opening & closing and mild mail abuse.

Any other questions I can confuse you with answers to?
Here I am anxiously awaiting for my DH to get back from his parents(they live across the street) so we can start the presents. I got my DS2 distracted for now. We are having a pig picking for Christmas dinner.

Anyway thanks for explaining some of those questions AWM. I had some of the same one's as AZ.
Hi Ann!
Thank you for explaining!
So basically there is someone there holding my hand and telling me what to do wich IMO is wonderful!
Still lost about the tags tho. Kat showed me one of her CJs and I know the album will be fine so not too worried about that. Where would I get this cardboard?
Do we make up 12 tags and everyone picks the one thay most like? Do we just include them and everyone makes one?
I would think/hope that everyone would make something that they would want, same quality as a swap. The people I see listed I cant imagine anything less.
When you do get home and have the time would you post pics? The ones that Mazda posted are a little hard to make out for me.
Did your kids have a good Christmas? Mine didnt wake up until 9! Freaky!
Thank you for the card. It was really nice of you!
Another question.
If I included a postcard for each person, do you think they would send one back to me?
Banana collects postcards and altho she is not doing this I think it might be a nice way to include the kiddos.
Last One first - why don't you have in your rules, instead of a premade tag for us to fill out, you want us to put in a postcard from our area? We can still fill out it our with our information and put a little picture on the writing side, but then Banana gets to keep them. Doesn't she just want a bunch of postcards from out of the way places with pictures of strange ladies on them?
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Cardboard/cardstock/chipboard, I'm afraid I used the terms inter changeably and they probably aren't. My refill pack to fit my album came with a few. I used them as a template and cut down the chipboard that was on the back of a pad of paper. It was almost the right size in one direction and the thickness worked. Nobody sees that because it is hidden, so use whatever you have. I wanted it so that my book would fan out too far on the end.

I wish I would have taken more pictures of the books I got with the work other people did. I'm really bad at remembering. Usually after it is boxed back up and I'm on my way to the post office I remember. But since it is for just me, I didn't take them back home. I let them go out on time.

I can honestly say that there wasn't one book I saw that had inferior quality work done in it. Even the simplest pages had the most amazing paper or ink work or embellishings. Some of them were works of art.

Kids did great. They were willing to wait until 8am to open up the presents. They are outside right now trying out the metal detector. Although they were pronouncing "meDal" detector. :rotfl2:
I'm so glad to see others asking questions! I am so excited about this and want to get it 'right' lol.

I'm taking a me moment- before Family gets here for presents at 3 and dinner at 5.

I had to text my kids at 11:45 to wake up.....all sound asleep but I will say that may be the fastest they have all been ready in a while!
I like that idea about the postcards as tags. She might actually like the idea of the pics because I drop a name ocassionally and so far she thinks your the "leader" and that Rebecca is nice and married to a pastor and Mazda lives in England and we may get to meet her in 2010!
Understand about interchangable words and I get it now. So we all actually need Jan just to get our books ready to go out!:goodvibes
I made what I think is a lovely book for MIL for Christmas, my first like that, and did I take pics, NO! But at least I will see it at her house and can still do that. Sometimes when you dont take pics you want to say hey would you mind? but that would seem weird!
@ boys and a meDal detector? I would check those pockets if I were you!:rotfl:


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